May 10, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E851 As the premier hospital serving the Northern made them real members of the Texas Army. the Alamo and Goliad. But General Sam, not- Virginia community, Inova Fairfax Hospital in- I even got my picture taken with Captain Juan ing that Texas was now a free and inde- cludes the Inova Heart and Vascular Institute Seguin, who led the Tejanos, Mexicans loyal pendent nation, held Santa Anna as a prisoner and the Inova Fairfax Hospital for Children, for independence. So as not to confuse these of war until negotiations between the two both of which are internationally recognized fa- Tejanos with Santa Anna’s army, General countries could be made. cilities, and the Inova Fairfax Hospital for Sam had Seguin put a playing card in the While Texas had declared her independ- Women. head band of each Tejano so they could eas- ence from Mexico a month earlier on March 2, Since its opening, Inova Fairfax Hospital ily be recognized. it was at this moment that she actually be- has served as a teaching institution for future Seguin and his men were roaming around came a Republic all unto herself and remained health professionals. Currently it partners with the battlefield. Cannons, battle cries and the so for nine glorious years. the medical schools of Georgetown, George sound of hooves surrounded me. I was like a Washington, the University of Virginia and little boy again. Texas claimed land as far north as the Ca- Howard University as well as the Uniformed Thousands of people came from far and nadian border and as far west as Colorado. Services University of the Health Sciences. It wide to celebrate 175 years of Texas inde- These historic battlegrounds remain an impor- also serves as the Northern Virginia campus pendence at the San Jacinto Day Festival and tant part of Texas history, and in 1936, the for the medical school of Virginia Common- Battle Reenactment. Children and senior citi- state of Texas honored the Texas War of wealth University. In addition it is affiliated with zens alike all gathered to travel back in time Independence and General Sam’s victory by numerous nursing, pharmacy and other allied and see the reenactment of one of the most erecting a monument modeled after the Wash- health profession programs and with numer- decisive battles in all history—and certainly ington Monument, but naturally bigger. ous institutions of higher learning, including the most decisive battle in Texas history. I am proud to be a Texan-American. And George Mason University. Inova Fairfax Hos- Folks lined the battlefield with lawn chairs, that weekend, as I saw thousands of people pital continues to expand with construction un- umbrellas and water bottles to watch the reen- celebrating the 175th anniversary of Texas derway for a new 11-story tower to provide actment of events that led to the Texas victory Independence, I was reminded of how proudly better access and flexibility to meet patient over the larger Mexican Army on April 21, we Texans hail. Because of men like Sam needs. 1836. I was reminded of how good it feels to Houston, Texas is the great state that it is Among its many accolades, Inova Fairfax be an American—particularly a Texan-Amer- today. We must always remember that Texas Hospital has been designated as the Level 1 ican. As the wind blew, history unfolded right was once a nation. Texas forever! Trauma Center for Northern Virginia by the in front of our eyes. I felt like I stepped back And that’s just the way it is. Commonwealth of Virginia, awarded Magnet in time to 1836. Recognition in Nursing Excellence, and con- It was 175 years ago that Texas became an sistently named among the 50 Best Hospitals independent nation. Like many folks, some- f in the United States by both U.S. News & times I wish that we still were. General Sam HONORING THE CHINA OCEAN World Report and HealthGrades. Inova Fairfax and his boys took on Santa Anna and an army SHIPPING COMPANY ON ITS 50TH and Inova Health System are ranked among of about 1,600 along the marshy banks of the ANNIVERSARY the nation’s top 100 Military Friendly Employ- San Jacinto River in the battle that resulted in ers, Top 100 Companies for Working Mothers, one of the largest land transfers in world his- Best Employers for Workers Over 50, and are tory and gave way to a new independent na- commonly named among the nation’s 100 tion—the Republic of Texas. HON. STEVEN R. ROTHMAN Most Wired hospitals and health systems. After Mexican dictator Santa Anna stormed OF NEW JERSEY While serving the health needs of an exten- the walls of the Alamo, and ordered the mas- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sive community, Inova Fairfax also is actively sacre at Goliad, he felt the Texans had all but involved in the community, partnering with been defeated, and he set his sights on fin- Tuesday, May 10, 2011 community based programs and Fairfax Coun- ishing the war with the Texans heading south- ty Public Schools. Inova also provides more east in the ‘‘Runaway Scrape.’’ Mr. ROTHMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to than $200 million in charity care within a sin- During this time, panic spread across Texas congratulate the China Ocean Shipping Com- gle year. I was proud to represent Inova Fair- and doubt loomed that General Sam Houston pany (COSCO) on its 50th anniversary. fax Hospital during my 14 years as the chair- could stop the Mexican Army. But, General Throughout the past fifty years, China man of the Fairfax County Board of Super- Sam was not the quitting type and he would Ocean Shipping Company has evolved from a visors, and I am pleased to continue that part- not give up his fight for freedom so easily. small coastal carrier to a global maritime lead- nership today. The battle for Texas took place on the er and a diversified multinational ‘‘Fortune Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me marshes of the San Jacinto River. On the Global 500’’ company that is the 2nd largest in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of afternoon of April 21, General Sam’s battle shipping company worldwide. My congratula- Inova Fairfax Hospital, which the community plan called for a charge the next day at dawn, tions go to all the employees of COSCO. This will mark in a May 11 celebration. For 50 but after discussions with his troops he de- company, with its American headquarters lo- years, Inova Fairfax Hospital has carried out cided not to wait any longer. cated in Secaucus, New Jersey, continues to its mission as engraved on its dedication Scout Deaf Smith was ordered to burn the be a leader in maritime commerce between plaque that it is ‘‘dedicated to the relief of only bridge and trapped both armies between the U.S. and China; providing jobs and eco- human suffering and to the protection and the river and the marshes. In broad daylight, nomic growth here at home, and supporting preservation of the health of all who enter its General Sam and the boys, 700 Texas free- safety, environmental and security efforts. doors.’’ I extend my congratulations to the en- dom fighters, marched double-time in a single tire Inova Fairfax Hospital family and to Inova line to independence—taking on a profes- International maritime trade is vital to New Health System and thank them for their contin- sional army more than twice their size. Jersey and has helped support U.S. con- ued commitment to our community. The Texans charged yelling, ‘‘Remember sumers, companies and products. COSCO f the Alamo! Remember Goliad!’’ They carried a Americas Inc. was recognized for promoting office social responsibility and received the THE REPUBLIC OF TEXAS flag of partially nude Miss Liberty, and the fife played a bawdy house song called ‘‘Come to 2010 New Jersey Department of Transpor- the Bower.’’ Santa Anna’s army, caught nap- tation New Jersey Smart Workplaces (NJSW) HON. TED POE ping, was routed. gold award. This award recognizes the efforts OF TEXAS Tradition says Santa Anna was having a of COSCO to help reduce traffic congestion IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rendezvous in his tent with a lady that turned and improve air quality by providing commuter Tuesday, May 10, 2011 out to be a spy for Texas, Emily Morgan, who benefits to their employees in New Jersey. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, as I walked is sometimes referred to as the ‘‘Yellow Rose These important contributions to our state de- onto the battlefield in the hot Texas sun, I of Texas.’’ Most of the enemy was killed or serve the highest recognition. journeyed through a sea of buckskin uniforms, wounded; the rest were captured or dis- Mr. Speaker, today I would like to congratu- Bowie knives and long muskets. I felt like I appeared. The victory was stunning. The rest, late COSCO on its 50th anniversary and had died and gone to Heaven. as they say, is Texas history. honor its employees for their role in COSCO’s The men who portrayed Sam’s Boys had a General Santa Anna’s life was spared to the continued global business success and con- certain swagger, a certain something that dismay of many that had lost loved ones at scientious work in the State of New Jersey. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:40 May 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10MY8.020 E10MYPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with REMARKS E852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 10, 2011 INTRODUCING THE LENA HORNE equality.
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