US 20070206737A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0206737 A1 Hickman (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 6, 2007 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR (52) U.S. Cl. .......................................................... 379/93.02 ACCESSING AWIDE AREANETWORK (76) Inventor: Paul L. Hickman, Los Altos Hills, CA (57)57 ABSTRACT (US) A Voice web browser system includes a telephone, an access system coupled to a TCP/IP network, a telephone system ESOF6.s' NicLLECTUAL coupling the telephone to the access system, and a speech PROPERTY to-text system for “reading text that had been sent over the STRATEGIES GROUP PC dba TIPS GROUP TCP/IP network to the telephone user. Preferably, the access P. O. BOX 1639 system receives TCP/IP packets from web pages accessible iOS ALTOS, CA 94023-1639 (US) over the TCP/IP network and parses the HTML code of the 9 web pages into text and non-text portions. Such that the text (21) Appl. No.: 11/606,400 portion can be read to the telephone U.S. A computer implemented process for obtaining web page information (22) Filed: Nov. 27, 2006 over a TCP/IP network includes implementing a connection of a telephone user to an access system that is coupled to a Related U.S. Application Data TCP/IP network, detecting a selection of at least one navi gation command by the telephone user to access a web page (63) Continuation of application No. 09/633,497 filed on accessible over the TCP/IP network, and navigating over the Aug. 7, E.R. N C.E.", a TCP/IP network to the web page in response to the naviga continuation of application No. ,921, Tlled On tion command, resulting in a verbal communication of at Apr. 28, 1997, now Pat. No. 6,996,609. least some information derivable from the web page to the (60) Provisional application No. 60/016,680, filed on May telephone user. A method for retrieving e-mail that was sent 1, 1996. Provisional a lication No 60?o 6.873 filed over a TCP/IP network includes calling from a user tele on May 6, 1996 pp sy- - s phone to an access computer coupled to a TCP/IP network, s providing user identification to the access computer, retriev Publication Classification ing e-mail via the access computer that was sent over the TCP/IP network and addressed to the user, and reading the (51) Int. Cl. e-mail to the user of the user telephone utilizing a text-to H04M II/00 (2006.01) speech system. VERIFYUSER AND SPEAK RECEIVE EMAILOR E-MAIL 58 PLAYWOICE MA CREATE CRUISE THE WWPAGE NERE 66 CREATE EDIT ACCESS SERVICE WWPAGE WWPAGE PROVIDER WPAGE (ONE Patent Application Publication Sep. 6 2007 Sheet 1 Of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 2 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 69 99 07 Z? Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 3 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 VERIFYUSER AND SPEAK RECEIVE EMAILOR E-MAIL 58 PLAYWOICE MAIL CREATE CRUISE THE WPAGE INTERNET CREATE EDIT ENTER ACCESS SERVICE WWWPAGE IWWPAGE WPAGE PROVIDER WPAGE 68 64 (ONE FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 4 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 74 WELCOMETOSPIFFYTALK PLEASE SELECT FROM THE FOLLOWINGOPTIONS: 1. CREATEAWEBPAGE 2. MODIFY YOUR WEBPAGE 3. ACCESS YOURWEBPAGE 4. CRUISE THE WEB 5. SENDMA 6.RECEIVEMA FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 5 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 6 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 94 MOOCOWHOMEPAGE y ONTHE WORLDWIDE WEB WELCOME TO MOO-COWSHOMEPAGE. CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SELECTIONS: (ABOUT MOOCOW-198 oMoo-cow PRIVATE(REQUIREs PassworD1100 OMOO-COW COMMUNICATIONS-1102 (MOO-COW MISCELLANEOUS-1104 M00-COWKEYWORDS: COW, CATTLE, LONGHORN, BOVINE, MLK, BUTTER, ICE CREAM, YOGURT, MANURE 96 FIG. 6A Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 7 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 106 108 ACTIVATE NETSCAPE WI PLUG IN 110 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 8 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 114 72 RETRIEVE INTERNET ADDRESSAND MESSAGE CREATE VOICE CONVERT ATTACHMENT TOTEXT 126 CREATEMESSAGE WIADDRESS, TEXT, VOICEATTACHMENT 128 FIG. 8 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 9 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 <C CO }}}}}|BANOO CD - Z94974 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 10 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 162 164 144 GE HTML FILE 1 166 READ FROM HTML FILE 16 8 PARSEUSINGPCCTS 172 170 WRITE USER DISPLAYABLE YES DISPLAYABLE TEXT TO INTERMEDIATEFILE 174 176 YES WRITELINK TO INTERMEDIATEFILE 178 180 FIG. 8B Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 11 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 162 THIS IS THE ABOUT MOO-COWPAGEFORMOO-COW 164 INDUSTRIES. MOOCOWSPECIALZESN o COWREPAIR 1-166 of cowsERVICE-116 o?cow Towne-1-170 176 { FORMORE INFORMATIONABOUT WHATA COWS, CHECK THEBOVINE HOMEPAGE. FIG. 9 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 12 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 1 7 8 P ( Cowicowservice)COWSERVICE pe (6.http:/ cowcowtowing)COWTOWING ----------------------------------------- 176- CHECKTHE( INFORMATIONABOUT WHATACOWS, - 180 HOME PAGE. " 146 FIG. 9A Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 13 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 56 RECOGNIZEN YES CALLERD YES 278 DISPLAYISPEAK ENTER X-G OPTIONS PASSWORD YES 68 ENTER FIG. 10 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 14 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 282 284 280 RETRIEVE AND 1 ACCESSURL 286 PREDICTDOWNLOAD TIME OF PAGE 28 8 INITIATEDOWNLOAD 290 SELECTADVERTISEMENTS THATBESTFTSTIME AND BEGIN PLAYING 292 ADVERTISEMENTSin NO COMPLETE Y E S - DOWNLOAD PLAY COMPLETE FILLER YES 298 CEND) FIG. 11 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 15 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 415 408 510 2S 1 A FEEDER FEDER FEEDER SERVER SERVER L-302 SERVER L-302 310 B 312 SPIFFYAK MASTER CALLERD HOME(URL) PAGE SERVERSE subsURL 304 FIG. 12 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 16 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 314 313 N ANSWERPHONE 316 318 LAUNCH BROWSER WIPLUG IN AVAILABLE JUMPTOSPIFFY TALK 324 JUMPO SPIFFYTALK CAER-DPAGE HOMEPAGE 326 AUTO-ENTER CALLER DINFOINTO PAGE DONE WITH CALL-IN? S-GEND 328 332 NO 330 FIG. 13 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 17 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 PLEASE ENTERYOUR PASSWORD PRESSPOUND OR PRESS STARTOBROWSE 336 3047415 t 340 338 FIG. 14A PLEASE ENTERYOURTELEPHONE NUMBER AND PRESSPOUND OR STARO BROWSE 344 (sss-408-555-2919 y t 342 FIG, 14B Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 18 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 PLEASE ENTERYOUR PASSWORD AND PRESSPOUND OR STARTOBROWSE 354 360 358 408-336-2919 GO-1 352 FIG. 15 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 19 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 187 184 GET INTERMEDIATEFILE 1 READ FROM INTERMEDIATEFILE 188 PARSEUSINGPCCTS 190 USER CONVERTEXT TO DISPLAYABLE SPEECHSOUND TEXT WRITESOUND TO 194 QUICKTIME MOVIE FILE CONVERTTEXPORTION 198 TOSPEECHSOUND 200 WRITESOUND TO OFILE 202 WRITE URL TOQTFILE FIG. 16 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 20 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 S. & N N s \ Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 21 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 (SARD 220 y 222 COMMAND NETSCAPE TO GOTOHOME PAGE 224 ems us sp. no so a RECEIVE HTML FILE f FROM NETSCAPE 23 CONVERTHTMLTO W INTERMEDIATEFILE USING PARSER 228 CONVERTNTERMEDIATE FILE TOQUICKTIME MOVIE WITH CONVERTER : STARTPLAYINGAUDIO 230 RACK OF QT MOVIE A - - - - - - - - - PROCESS USER COMMANDS 232 234 F.G. 17 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 22 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 r () 238 4 GET COMMAND 240 FROMDTMFOR VOICE-RECO 242 2 REWIND TO 44 BEGINNING OF AUDIOTRACK 246 248 ADVANCE 10 57AR (rigsSECS, ON AUDIO 250 252 BACK1OS - ONAUDIOBACK OSECS. TRACK 254 256 command 15 260 NETSCAPE TOJUMPTOURL GEND) 262 YES (ER) FIG. 18 Patent Application Publication Sep. 6, 2007 Sheet 23 of 23 US 2007/0206737 A1 364 362 (SARD N 366 DETECT HITON SPIFFYTALKPAGE 368 RETRIEVE DATA ENTERED INTO PAGE 370 LOOK UP URL CORRESPONDING TODATA 372 378 NO CREATE STUBPAGE YES 374. 376 FIG. 19 US 2007/0206737 A1 Sep. 6, 2007 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ACCESSING A web browsing when coupled to either a television receiver or WIDE AREANETWORK to a computer monitor. More particularly, Japan Computer Corporation, USA (JCC) announced in a news release CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED entitled “JCC Announces Web Toaster and Web Copier APPLICATIONS Home/Office Universal Internet Access Devices' on Feb. 20, 1996 that the iBOX Communicator series would be dem 0001. This application is a continuation of U.S. Ser. No. onstrated at the Email World, Web World, and Internet Expo 09/633,497, filed Aug. 8, 2000, which is a continuation of shows at the San Jose Convention Center on Feb. 20-21, U.S. Ser. No. 08/847,921, filed Apr. 28, 1997, which claims 1996. However, both the Web Toaster and the Web Copier the benefits of U.S. Ser. No. 60/016,680, filed May 1, 1996 still cost many hundreds of dollars, and must be used with and U.S. Ser. No. 60/016,873, filed May 6, 1996, and is other expensive equipment such as a television receiver or related to U.S. Ser. No. 08/847,816, filed Apr. 28, 1997, all video monitor. Therefore, a user must still invest in hun of which are incorporated herein by reference. dreds, if not thousands, of dollars worth of hardware and software in order to access the World Wide Web and other TECHNICAL FIELD Internet services when using a Web Appliance. 0002 This invention relates generally to computer net 0008.
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