University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-30-1903 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 05-30-1903 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 05-30-1903." (1903). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/464 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 11 ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1903. NUMBER 90 ho to Elk mountain, to Harvey's a place beyond Hie river where has INSANE ASYLUM SCANDAL the also located thirty claims. Tho doctor Is ranch. (in I to confident that ho lion a good Mrs. W. F. Doagnor from Raton Is I thing In Iron and everybody hopes he In tho city visiting hor daughter. Miss Notes from Correspondents TpiCS Is right. Brand Jurylnmtlga!iitg, Regardless Rutcher, and attending tho graduating Thero aro rumors of a rccont free exercises at tho normal school. for all row Magdalcnn. One of the Hjjrirt of An exciting runaway occurred on TUCUMCARI. some flno spcclmons or Iron oro from at ef Btard. FROM THE PHILIPPINES. youths, speaks of tho strong men who participants knocked another down, tho west side, which nearly ended seri- Pedro Provoncla, an old miner who died noble deaths In front ot tho ene- placed his pistol against tho prostrate ously. Tho horse belonging lo Paper's From tho Times. has been working at the Bcnnott-Sto-phenso- n An Albuquerque Boy Writes Interest mies steel, ot tho menacing shadow ot man's stomach pulled tho trigger. DA MAKES grocery imcatne excited near tho court Work will begin within a few days mlno for several years, Is re- nnd DR. CISTA CHARGES. ingly About th People. creditors, ot the glory of tho hero and Just at tho proper Instant, however, a house, and turned over the wagon and on a thirty-to- n Ico plant anil a 2,000 ported very 111 at his homo In Mcsllla. United Btaton Steamship Alhay, tho Infamy and slavery of tho coward bystander his hand under the ran down Urldgo stroct with tho wa- Jol, light electric plant, tho machlnory an 1 Samuel O. Rcan, accompanied his thrust Jolo Island, April 2, 1903. and of tho other tnexhaus'lng Uvea ot hammer of the pistol and saved a Tho charges made against tho man gon shafts. Near the Cooley stable tho materiel lir.vlng been bought. son nnd daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Messrs. Hughes & McCrelght, publish pleasure, where brilliant ryes look up- life. agement of. Hospital frightened animal ran onto the side- One day last week sixty wagons Castanedn, who left for Santa Rosalia, the Territorial ers Albuquorquo Dally Citizen: on Infinite treasures and Imagination for tho Insane-- , at Ijis Vegas, walk, narrowly missing tho pedes- wcro loaded at this placo with hay, Moxtco, last week, as far as El Paso. have Dear Sirs: I take the pleasure to craxca them. They convulsively grasp RATON. lcen declared to be without founda- trians. Two llttlo girls wcro saved grain and provisions for tho grading L. C. Collier, an experienced drug-gis- t send you a description of tho Moroa their sharp knlveg and Imagine them- tion by tho board of trustees. The fol- from certain Injury by tho presenco of rnmna nn nhnntltw.Amnrllln nr. from Ohio, Is now employed at religious belief of tho Jura-mcntnd- o selves feeling tho cold sweat ot dentb tn From tho Gazette. lowing by mind ot C. L. Olbson, who picked them and their tension. Dr. drug store. Mr. statement has been Issued on damp va-po- rB Lane's Freeman, Amy and their ways, and I for ono their foreheads from tho ' cat- - Miss Wilkinson will spend the the board: from tho walk and placed them In his In- . Kvory day ttuveral train loads of former druggist, having retired. can vouch for the Jurnmcntado when of the night, sing, their vole summer at ho- - homo In St. Paul, Minn "Tho board of tho New Mexico In store. The horso was Anally stopped tio pass through this placo cn routo he la ott the warpath, as I have been a stalling valor Into tholr hearts. The 1 Fritz Druggcman, who has been near to City cat-tl- o From the Republican. at sane Asylum carefully Investigated all tho normal school. outpost. tho Kansas market Tho , cases, following day they dlo at an tending Military Rob-well- witness to threo different whoro co mo from Tomb, Arliona and Now Henry Foy and wife were down from tho lnstltuto at tho charges of mismanagement and Jurnmcntado wo havo hlB DEMINQ. ho has tried to kill all he could beforo Tho first condi- Organ this week. sprained anklo whllo engaged Inhuman treat man t:jof patients the Mexico, and aro In fairly pod at ho Is killed. In ono caso two Juramcn-tado- s knowledge of through history or tradi- Col. Hegan wife wero In a game of ball. Tho Bpraln Is of a asylum, and find them without foun- tion, which Indicates that tho winter John and down From Headlight. killed seven and wounded threo; tion gnvo themselves to martyrdom Hold Cnmp. serious nature, and it Is reported that dation. They also tho throughout this section was light. from the recommended that In another Instance the Juramcntndo through exultation or belief exulted la 13. It will bo soveral months beforo Fritz tho superintendent, Millionaire John Urockman, ot tho The Legal Tender base hall team of J. Pcnnel, of Sliver City, arrived medlcul Dr. W. R. was through body their practlco of prayer, fasting nnd can walk. Mr. Ilriiggcman left foi Tipton, Arizo- shot nine times tho Tucumcarl crossed bats with tho Sun- hero and has accepted a position at be Instructed to discharge the Commonwealth mine of Pcarcc, ground mnklng abstractions ot all terrestrial Roswcll, whither ho goes to bring hit In Doming. and after he had fallen to the beams at Santa Rosa on their grounda drug store. assistant physician, Dr. Da Costa, na, was a visitor going to gain tho Para-dis-ci son home. ho raised up and with his boto cut a pleasure and Wednesday afternoon. Doth teams Mrs. E. W. Stevens arrived here signed. Jefferson Raynolds, Pres.; Mrs. Merrill Is quito sick nnd has not believers ot Moham- Mrs. Ned Fugnto went down to Lac cavalry horse's neck so bnd that thoy offered to all had their best players, and for a time from Mollnc, 111., to make her homo M. Drunswlck,,scc'y ; O. L. Gregory, been out for a wok or ten days. prepare Vegas week on a had to shoot tho horse. Tho desire to med. Thoy themselves for the It looked as If the gamo would bo very with her son, Will E. Stevens, and his tho first of the visit Thomas Ross." MIsb Maud Clossln, deputy postmis- upon Fugnto nnd family. kill Is bo Impressed on their mind that sacrifice, Imposing thorcaelvca close, Tho Legal Tenders soon got in wife. to Conductor Dr. A. R. Da Costa, who was assist- - tress, Is obliged to remain at homo for putting strong Mrs. Van Dunkirk, daughter Mlse they fight until tho last. Their belief material mortification, some good work by a few heavy hits Claudo Thompson was up from the ant superintendent, and from whom a whllo with a caso ot mumps, and vo expect Is that It a pig Is burled with tho dead blndlngs upon their purposes nnd which put them In tho lead. At tho lower valley with cnttlo that went to Ethel and ton Frank to leave tho charges seem to hnvo cmlnated, Mrs. R. O. Clarko Is filling tho position day. Thoy Missouri, they will reside. their soul will go to hell, nnd the other to dlo on the terminal close of tho ninth Inning tho score make up the shipment sold to Jhon II. for whero has renewed Ihem notwithstanding In a flno manner, and Rodney Is all eyebrows care- Mrs. Gussie Dyer and little son will day they burled threo Juramentados shavo their heads and stood 7 to 17 In favor of tbr Tucumcarl Rlloy. tho finding of tho board and tho grand smiles. In white w-- fully, clotho themselves clean leave for Missouri next where Wat-kin- s, with pigs, and wo aro now looking team. R. Y. Anderson, superintendent of jury of San Miguel county entered In John Watklns, brother of Al by people ot they will spend summer months. for nn outbreak. clothing (color worn tho Tucumcarl will soon have to have a tho Sunol Mining company In the tho to an Investigation of them on Satur- canio In Friday morning and Is accompanied by Mrs. Dyer will a good normal Uaso ball and other sports Is rather tho Islnnd) and their freight house. There aro so many Block mountain, Cold Camp, returned attend day. now visiting at his brother's home arriving tho spot ot whllo away on tho wano at present, ns all sports relatives, after at goods being shipped to this point that from a trip to Boston nnd other east- Tho Vegas Optic on Saturday south of town. Mr. Watklns Is from they leavo ot Jerome Troy who has largo sheep are held outsldo ot tho wall, nnd tho bloody purification, tnko tho present freight house Is not large ern points.
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