■'-; '■ ■-» :. -:^ -i v'" - ■ ' ’ ’ . w^*>. ! •: 'li' '. ''V '* , . • ; .; * - v - ^ j v . , : -;‘ 'r NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAULT CIRCULATION FoMCMt hr U. 9. w ith er Bareaa, for the month of November, 1928 New tiareo Biain tonight; Tuesday clearing Slember of5 the , 2 Avdlt 3 7 Bnteaa of Clrcnlatlona and colder. VOL. XLIIL, NO. 42. (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1928. (P. O. So. lHanch<^ter, Cenn.) PRIC^ THREE CENT'S CONGRESS OPENS AS THE CRISIS NEARED ; s ^ .V .. FOR SHORT TERM - ' J General Opinion is That FARM REUEF • A Nothing of Importance CHILE ROCKED Will Be Done Outside of AGAIN LOOMS REPORTS OF tflS DEATH Usual Routine Matters. > IN mGRESS BY EARTHQUAKE; DENIED BY PHYSICIANS Washington, Dec. 3 — Congress O V E R J i DEAD came back to work today. Authors of B31 Say They The victor and the vanquished in Despite Cheerful Tone of Early Bulletins Today, Alarm last month’s general election re­ Will Accept No Substi­ 500 Injured Says Early Re­ turned together to Capitol Hill to Deepens in and Out of Official Circles Over Mon- f eke out the three months of life tute; Another Big Wran­ ports; Property Damage that remain to this Seventieth Con­ arch’s Condition— Queen Mary Gives Up Her Daily gress and to the Coolidge adminis­ gle Is Certain to Result. of 12 Millions in One City tration. TENSELY SILENT, HOPEFUL (CROWDS lined the grilled fence enclosing Buckingham Palace during Ride in Park— Stock Exchange Depressed— Prince They picked up their labors the illness of England’s king. This photo, taken early in a rainy morulng, shows some of.the anxious cit­ where they dropped them so hur­ izens at one of the gates to the palace as they waited for the issuance of a bulletin'on the ruler’s condition. Alone; Relief is Rushed. riedly last May to rush off into the Washington, Dec. 3.— The ghost H a v in g Home, Will Make Part of Trip by Rail; campaign— but in a vastly different of the McNary-Haugen farm relief atmosphere. A new President and bill cast its shadow oyer Congress a new Congress are just around the Santiago, Chile, Dec. 3.— An ap­ i at the opening today when Repre­ Crowds Gather Before Palace Gates Awaiting Bulle­ corner, and it was indicative of the palling toll In life and property was sentative Gilbert N. Haugen (R) tenor of this dying session that taken by the earthquake shocks most thoughts were centering on of Iowa, chairman of the House tins. which devastated a wldp area in what the new regime may accomp­ agriculture committee, indicated lish rather than upon what this southern Chile,’ estimates made to-­ that an attempt may be made to twelve weeks’ session may do. day revealed. London, Dec. 3.— England today lieve with me that the ' King not’ * Will Not Do Much jam the bill through again In the only has a chance to recover hut k It is feared that when communi­ passed through the most anxi’ous The majority opinion is that this, short session. It has been twice cations with the stricken area have that he has a good chance to ulti­ the final session of the “ Coolidge passed by Congress and twice veto­ been completely re-established, a period since King George fell ill mately come back, to good health.” Congress,” will not accomplish a ed by President Coolidge. deaih-roll of from 150 to 200 per­ nearly a fortnight ago. Lord Dawson was cheerful and great deal outside of the routine sons will be shown. Dispite the more cheerful tone of almost jubilant despite the unusual and well-marked-out things that all Returning to Washington in a hour of the Interview, He revealed Between 300 and 500 perschs the 10:30 bulletin of the attending Congresses must do, such as ap­ belligerent mood, Haugen threw suffered injuries from falling deb­ that despite reports to ther contrary. propriating the billions of dollars cold water on,compromise propos­ ris. Property damage in one city physicians, developments filed up Sir Stanley Hewitt had remained at needed to run the government for als by declaring tartly that any bill alone is put at about $12,000,000. as the day advanced indicating a the Palace after he left at 3:39 another year. For one thing, the . Relief Operations o’clock this morning. which goes through this session deepening of alarm both in and out time is too short. For another, this Relief operations are being di­ As Lord Dawson put it. Sir Congress has already been ^oted of official circles over the condition "must be the McNary-Haugen bill NO TRUMPETS BLARED on the palace groimds in England. No shouted commands came from ofiS- rected by President Ibanez and of the monarch. Hewitt had remained to "guard out of ofiSce, and a new one comes or something equally as good.” cers of the guard. For within the palace lay King George, seriously ill with pneumonia. Here you see General Blanche, minister of war. Following? a consultation of four against any untoward development, in on March 4. Want No Sabstitutc the silent guard mount. With colors cased, the men went to their posts without the usual escort of a band. Troops and voluntary patrols are doctors early in the day, the court which by the -way, we have no If this Congress, in the next 12 guarding the devastated sections. Although stating that he would physician, Lord. Dawson of Penn, reason to anticipate.” weeks, acts on Boulder Dam, re- Talca, a city of 40,000, suffered "At 3 o’clock this morning,” the apportionment, the naval cruiser withhold definite commitment on paid four visits to Buckingham the heaviest losses. Upwards of 100 Palace up to 3:30 p. m. physician went on, “ His Majesty’s bill, and ratifies the Kellogg out­ farm relief until he had conferred persons number more than 300 and with farm organization heads and Market OverTDiscounted, . Gives Up Ride condition was unchanged but he lawry of war treaty, in addition to HOOVER RESTS it is feared some of these may die. was getting the benefit o f ' some appropriating some four billions of members of his committee, Haugen For the first, time since the It was in this city that the damage King’s condition became serious much needed sleep.” dollars for the various departments, was emphatic in declaring that the was put at $12,000,000. it is the opinion of the leaders that farmers would not accept a “ non- Queen Mary this afternoon aban­ At 7:30 o’clock this morning, the Says Gen. Motors Head , Loss of Life doned her usual ride through Hyde palace officials stated that Sir a good job will have been accomp­ workable’' substitute bill, AS HE AWAITS Heavy loss of life was also suf­ Park. Hewitt had departed, indications lished. Haugen’s attitude is in line with - -------------------------- & ----------------------------------------------- ---------- "lU I n - fered at Constltucion, the seaport A report originated in Canada that no alarming change in the As To Farm Relief some other militant members of of Talca. It is^ believed the death This does not take into account the Congressional "Farm Bloc” that the* King was dead was official­ Kings condition had occurred. m s N j n STOP toll may reach fifty there. ly denied at the palace. farm relief or tariff revision, who have already announced that Alfred P, Sloan Says Earning WOMAN MINISTCR Other communities which suffer­ Queen Mary, it was learned, Is in around which most of the specula­ they will oppose the attempt of The London Stock Exchange was almost constant ccmmunication ed, heavily were Chilian, Pelequen, depressed. tion centered today as the gavels Senator McNary (R ) of Oregon, Santa Cruz, Nancagua, Curio, Nl- with the Prince of Wales, whi Is fell. chairman of the Senate agriculture Power is Mortgaged for Lloyd’s insurance rate against now speeding northward along th«; YIWS HER PUPIL President-Elect Spends a teniente Mine, San Vicente. the possibility of the King dying be­ Farm relief, as usual, occupied A committee, to pass tb.e JardiDe bill Two Americana who flew over East African coast aboard the cruis­ in modified form. fore Jan. 1. rose sharply. er Enterprise. Some Time to tom e by Talca in an airplane declared that ■Official announcement was made (Continued on Page 3.) "I am not against passage of Few Hours Preparing the city was almost totally devas­ The Duke of Gloucester is now farm relief legislation in the short that the Prince of Wales, heir to 'heading towards Capetown from tated. They said they saw many the throne who is speeding home session, hut the farm relief offered High Prevailing Prices. She Is 51 and He Is 21; Par­ bodies piled up in the streets under the Belgian Congo. His special must be the McNary-Haugen bill Speech He is to Deliver blankets. They reported that hard­ from Africa, will make part of the train is expected to reach Cape‘ own or something equally as good,” said ly a building was left standing In­ journey by rail to shorten the tr’ p. in time to permit him to board the Premier Baldwin called at the. liner Bolmoral Castle for England, GARNISHEES RENTS Haugen. “ i am for anything that New York, Dec. 3.— Alfred P. ents Say She Cast Spell tact in the city. On Wednesday. Warships have reached the port palace in the afternoon. Friday. Should the Duke's arrival will make the tariff effective. Sloan, Jr., president of General Mo­ A large crowd* stood outside tho Same Position of Constltucion to aid in the relief be delayed, it Is expected, the liner tors Corporation, is of the opinion Over Their Son.
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