, I , ~ Don Ott, Judy Serr to Lead R~/- L- W Religion-In-Life-Week, Feb­ There are many committees ruary 20-25, is under the direc­ involved in the preparation for tion of Don Ott and Judy Serr, Religion-In-Life-Week. Under co· chairmen. The faculty ad· the events committee are the visors are Mrs. Dorothy Stein· art, drama, and international metz and Dr. David Hiatt. heads, Olaf Odegaard working arro o with Mr. Guthrie, Janeen Boy­ ·Ec The committee chose Dr. Elmer Hjortland from the er working with Mrs. Stein­ Carroll College, Waukesha, Wisconsin United Lutheran Church, Oak metz, and Karl Peters working Park, Illinois, as the speaker. with Dr. Hiatt, respectively. The meetings committee in' I Vol. VI No.7 THE CARROLL ECHO Friday, January 20, 1961 He had done much work in cludes forums, chapels, fire­ cooperation with other church­ sides, and personal conferenc­ es in the missions field and is es headed by Dick Peck, Don , nationally prominent in the Fadner, Carolyn Pagel, and , Lutheran church. Jane Hamman respectively. Changes will be made this On the committee for printed year which the Committee materials are Bonnie Beemink feels will add to the effective­ and Gretle Hansen, general ness of the week. The pro­ program and chapel services, grams will confront us with and Paul Hoffman, posters . • the situation man finds him­ Under public affairs are the self in today. The speaker will following committee heads: confront us with ideas and will radio, Kim Martiny; church force us to consider these in cooperation, John Bowe; news­ relation to the other experi­ papers, Carol Meyer; materi­ ences of the week and of our als display, Jeanne Tesmer; life. The forums seek to re­ and flowers, Betty Jo Jaggard. late ideas presented by the Under social appointments speaker and to arrive at an· which includes host to the swers, although undoubtedly speaker, dinner meetings, and more questions about our re­ coffee hours are Don Dahlin lationships of life will arise. and Carol Nauta. .' Squad Debates at III. State Six members of Carroll's mer, Westberg, and Stecher varsity debate squad partici· earned one of excellent. Peters pated in an invitational foren­ was judged superior in ora­ sic tournament at Illinois State tory. Normal university, Normal, Harvard university, Cam­ Ill., on January 6 and 7. bridge, Mass., plays host to Debating cross - examination Carroll on February 2-4. Bowe. Sigma Epsilon Sigma, freshmen women's honorary recently received Dew members. Front row style in the championship di­ Peters, Dahlin, and Stecher (l-r): Lenore Otte, Priscilla Gentz, Jane Hamman, Helen Lewis, Cora Sue Pepin, Carol Ba1­ vision, Carl Stecher and Don will compete for the John strode. Dahlin compiled a record of Quincy Adams Debate Trophy Row 2: Ann Handley, Miss Viola Wendt, Marian Nelson, Heidi Stibbe, Alice Umble. three wins and three losses. and the Edward Everett Ora­ Back Row: Judy Karman, Lori Brinker, Kay Thompson, Jody McMicbeaJ, Barbara Laatsch. They defeated the University tory Trophy. of Illinois, Central Michigan university, and Eureka col­ lege, but dropped rounds to Sk"• CI Ub Bergstrom Hall Dedicated Illinois State Normal universi· The new women's dormitory work of Carroll college in the Colonial Dames of Wis· ty, Southern Illinois university, Plans Tr."p , and Wheaton college. " has been officially named particular. Her generous gifts consin. In the varsity division Karl Bergstrom Hall after Evange· assisted with the operating Evangeline was interested Peters and John Bowe also I:ad Saturday, Jan. 7, 25 of the line Hoystradt Bergstrom. On budget through many years, in art. She connected paper a 3-3 record defeating North­ Carroll Christies, the newly or­ and helped with the construc· weights and among her exten­ west Missiouri State college, ganized ski club, went to Lit­ Tuesday, Jan. 3, the new dor· tion expense of the dormitory. mitory for women at Carroll sive holdings were very rare Eureka college, and Hope col­ tle Switzerland in Slinger for Evangeline Bergstrom was and beautiful exhibits. She lege, and losing rounds to a day of skiing. Those who had was dedicated to Mrs. John born May 23, 1872, in Ithaca, Bergstrom of Neenah, Wis. wrote about these in her book Northwestern university, IIli­ cars on campus provided the A combination Cornerstone N.Y. She died Feb. 13, 1958 in entitled, "Old Glass Paper­ nois Wesleyan university, and transportation. Neenah, Wis., at the ripe age weights." She donated her Laying and Dedication serv­ of 86. She married John Nel­ Loyola college. The team of The club is now making ice was presented at the Con· home to the city of Neenah Anne Westberg and Jeanne plans to go to Ironwood, Mich­ son Bergstrom on June 12, with an appropriate endow­ vocation of students and facul­ 1901. Mrs. Bergstrom was ac­ Tesmer won over Monmouth igan for four days of skiing ty at 10:45 a.m. ment as a museum for this college and Wisconsin State over semester break. Plans tive in community affairs in rare collection and other works The Board of Trustees se· Neenah. She was an active colege - Oshkosh, but lost to are to leave the Thursday aft­ of art which she in turn do· the University of Minnesota, er exams and to return the lected the name Bergstrom member of the First Presby­ nated to the city. Hall as an expression of grati· terian church, the Women's Ohio State university Wheaton following Monday. All those tude for her friendly and Missionary Society, and other Evangeline Hoystradt Berg­ college, and Carthage college. who are interested in skiing, thoughtful support through the church groups. She was a strom was a woman who could Each debater also entered experienced or unexperienced, years. She had faith in young member of the Mayflower So· have used her wealth for her an individual event. In extern· are invited to join by contact· people and believed in the ciety of Massachusetts and of own personal enjoyment, but poraneous speaking Dahlin reo ing Jim Hocking, Judy Blom who used this wealth in the ceived a superior rating. Tes­ or Graham. ==== Kappa 5ig-Three Keys spirit of giving. Kappa Sigma Delta has been his wife to have four more conducting meetings concern· years of education than he Trl" Beta V"IS"ltS ed with the "Three Keys to does. Success." At meetings through At the next Kappa Sig meet­ A I IH "t I out the semester they have ing, Dr. Miller, a sociologist been discussing these three from the Planned Parenthood nlma OSPI a keys: foundation, man's per­ Association of Milwaukee, wiil Beta Beta Beta (Tri·Beta), sonal beliefs and the full de­ be here to discuss birth con· the honorary biology fraterni· velopment of his personality; trol. Dr. Miller has been to ty, took a general tour of the knowledge, its importance and Carroll before. All interested Waukesha animal hospital on how it can be acquired; and students are cordially invited Tuesday, Jan. 10. the application of these prin­ to atten dthis meeting. ciples. The purpose was to acquaint the 25·30 interested students On January 4, Dr. Harold with the kind of work done in Eastman, Dr. Donald Ziegler, Psych Club this field and to demonstrate Mr. David Hiatt, and Mr. R0b­ the veterinary facilities of ert Barndt lead a panel db· Makes Plans Waukesha county in the three cussion on mixed marriages. The psychology club's first year old hospital. The IImixed" marriages they meeting of the new year was The animal hospital, to the discussd are those that are ~ . ,'. held Tuesday, Jan. 17. Plans suprise of some of the stu­ ..." mixed racially, economically, were discussed for future dents, is laid out like any reg­ educationally, or socially, ns meetings. ular Hhuman" hospital with well as religiously. Each mcm· President Karen Andersen, such regulations as full steril· ber of the panel presented his Sr., states that two programs ization. Included in the hospi­ own beliefs and the factual in· will replace the monthly busi· tal laboratories are examining Queen Rita Is Crowned formation he had gathered. ness meeting for Feb. For one rooms, an operating room and Rita Duchon, Chi Omega's arrangement turned out to be After questioning one anot"'· program the group will host wards which accommodate is­ representative for Winter for­ sllccessful. The crown present­ er, they answered questions Dr. Landis from the County olation and non-infectious cas­ mal was crowned queen of the ed to Queen Rita was newly from the audience. They con­ Mental Hospital in Milwaukee. es. Grooming and boarding dance on Sat. night, Jan. 14. purchased by the Student Sen· cluded that all marriages are The group is planning to tour are also done at the hospital. The motif for the dance was ate and will be passed on to mixed in some way. Marriage the hospital sometime in done in an abstract, modern the succeeding queens of forth· stands a better chance for suc­ March. In addition to observing the effect. The idea of the decora­ coming dances, cess if problems are recogmz­ Plans for a speaker on ju· laboratories, x·rays of differ­ tions was to produce a mysti­ The Winter formal commit­ ed and solved before mar· venile delinquency are being ent animal bones, types of cal effect which was accom· tee wishes to thank all those riage. Those present at the made for the second Feb. medicines, surgery and infec­ plished through the lighting. tions were examined. who helped to make the for· meeting , were surprised to meeting although the date and This year's traditional for­ mal a success and especially learn that statistics show the the speaker are as yet indef· The annual autoclave dinner mal was a reversal in that it Tom Josephson for puttina up average American man wants inite.
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