HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 7-2-71 -.tOURGlJ.\SS 2-2-71 3.5 at 1200 2.5 at 0618 .1 at 1812 VOL. 12, Ne. 2968 . KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL ISLANDS _ RussiaJls Pay H.age to Dead COSIIIOJlGutS MOSCOW (UPT) -- Hundreds of thousand~ of Russ1ans led by a shaken, weepl.ng Leon2d I. Brezhnev today filed past the open coffins of the three Soyuz 11 cos- monauts who died at the cllmactlc moment of their lives Brezhnev, the general secretary of th~ Soviet Communlst Party, stood with other leaders as honor guards before th~ trlple catafalque bearing the bodles of Georgi Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov'dnd Vlktor Patsayev. Brezhnev wept opeely. Tears gleamed ~n hlS cheeks, and he brushed them away wlth a hand, then wlth a handkerchlef. From among the mourners fl1ing past came gasplng sobs that echoed In the cavernous SOvlet Army Central House, with red and black crepe and pungent wibh the smell of flowers. flls.er, Sa,s Da.a,in, The cosmonauts lay side by g>de, the~r faces peaceful Dobrovolsky was Do".ents Given Con,ress m h,S au force lieutenant colonel's uniform and the eng~neers. Patsayev CAMBRIDGE, Mass (UPI) -- l)r: Danlel and Volkov, l.n cl.vl.lian SUl.ts. Each Ellsberg sal.d today he gave to the Sen­ wore a row of medals l.ncluding the ate Fore1gn Relations Committee -- not star of a Hero of the Soviet Unl.on. to the press -- top secret documents g1ven posthumously. deall.ng Wl.th negotiations to end the Funeral services will be held to­ Vlet Nam War morrow afternoon in Red Square, where EIlsberg sal.d he was the sole source the cosmonauts wlil be honored as for leakl.ng to the press other docu­ Heroes of the SOVlet Union. Thel.r ments ~n the Pentagon war study, but ashes \V1ll be placed l.n a niche In I ~other l.ndl.v~duals helped out." He the Kremlin wall. alongsl.de those of 1 decl~ned to ~dentl.fy them Yurl. Gagarl.n, the first cosmonaut The papers he gave the Senate com­ who dl.ed 1n a plane crash, and Vlad~­ mlttee, Ellsberg sal.d, were "too sen­ mir Komarov, who dl.ed in the crash sltl.Ve" for the press. Also, he sal.d, of SOYUZ 1 he dl.d not want to torpedo the peace The wl.dows, chl.ldren and parents of negotlatlons t~e dead cosmonauts sat near their cof­ Elisberg, 40, senl.or research asso­ fl.ns and wept. Brezhnev, Preml.er Alexel. PREMATURE ALARM SYSTEM--A nev, all' mattress that clate at the Center for International N. Kosygl.n and Presl.dent Nikolai V. Pod­ .:;ounds an alarm when a premature mfant stops breath­ Studies at Massachusetts Instl.tute of gorny offered personal condolences. mg has been mstalled at West Suburban Hospltal m Oak Park, Chlcago When breathmg stops, dIsplacement of Technology, sal.d the Nixon adminl.stra­ Brezhnev kissed 12 year-old Maria all' from one compartment to another stops and a sen<;or tlon's attempt to suppress publl.cation Dobrovolskaya. Valentina Tereshkova , sounds an alarm and flashes a hght of the papers l.6 "almost an acting out the only woman cosmonaut, hugged and of the att~tudes of four prevl.OUS ad­ kl.ssed Mar1a. Tllousands 'd'ed ;n mlUl.stratl.OUS revealed in the documents Emotion overwhelmed Brezhnev and he themselves" covered hlS face with a hand. The Nation-wide Strib "I dl.d not want. to contribute to even three of them, 6rezhnev, Tereshkova (UP!) -- Strikes aCross the country the possl.bl.ll.ty that I would get l.n and Mar~a, wept together for nearly the t,'ay of negotl.atl.ons. Therefore, 30 seconds. today ldled thousands of workers l.n ml.n­ I d1d gl.ve those materl.als to the Sen­ lng, construct10n, transportation and ate Foreign Relations Conunl.ttee winch C.i(l,o Police ROlt Cl.ty service. Longshoremen shut down all I felt had an overrldl.ng need to know West Coast ports for the fIrst t~me In and not to any newspapers." Indians at Nite Site 23 years. CHICAGO (UPI) -- Rl.ot equl.pped ChI- In one of the largest strikes, 26 cop- CIA Director fnds cage poll.cemen and Chl.cago Park Dl.strict per un~ons called a strl.ke of the1r 36,000 employees routed a group of Indl.ans from workers when contract talks 1n Salt Lake Israeli Discussions an abandoned N1ke Missl.le site along the Cl.ty, Utah, broke off. TEL AVIV (UP I) -- Rlchard X Helms, shores of Lake Ml.chl.gan today Vl.rtually all ShIPS l.n the West Coast's dl.rector of the U.S Central Intelle­ Before the 90 minute battle ended 24 major ports were t1ed up. The only gence Agency, left Israel today follow­ three pollcemen and one park employ~e cargo expected to move was milItary. l.ng confl.dential talks with top Israell. were InJured. Twelve Ind~ans, 1ncludl.ng Both ;he longshoremen's and the copper poll tical and mll~tary offl.Clals on the one Woman, were arrested and 100 others workers negotl.ators said they and the Sovl.et Unl.on's grow~ng power l.n the left employers were "wide aplirt." M~ddle East The Indlans had taken Over the aban- In Detrolt, 1~400 rebelll.ous sanl.tation There was no off~c1al statement on doned site June 14, vowIng to die workers ignored an agr~ement between clty Helm's dlSCUSSl.on but Israell news­ rather than glve up the land. and unl.on off1cials to extend thel.r old papers said they included the !:i'Jreat The indIdent began when park dIstrict old contract and began a strike. It posed by the Sov1ets to the southern personnel, accompanied by poll.ce, trl.ed brought a halt to all publIC garbage coI­ flank of the North Atlantlc Treaty to remove fencl.ng from around the base. lectl.on l.n the natl.on's fifth largest OrganlzatJ.on. As they reached for the barbed wire fenc~Cl.ty. Helms, dl.rector of the CLA 1n Wash­ Indlans drove them off Wl.th clubs and Mayor Roman S Gr1bbs opposed the strl.ke l.ngton, left with his aides as secret­ baseball bats. Addl.tional police were "It is unwarranted and l.llegal and wl.Il ly as he arrIved earlier in the week called. not accomplish anythl.ng the~r leadership aboard a U S Al.r Force jetliner His The Indl.ans moved onto the Sl.te after wants or anything the CIty of Detrol.t plane took off from Lod airport during flre destroyed an abandoned three story wants. I' a strl.ke by cl.vl.I aviation employees apartment building which they seized Fifty-two San Franclsco bus dr~vers for which halted commercial serVlces for last March. Airporter, Inc., which carries 5,000 four hours passengers a day between the Cl.ty and its Reports from Washington said Helms suburban al.rport, walked off the job ) was flYlng to Iran and Turkey to con­ t1nue a fact-fl.ndlng miss10n for Pres­ ldent Nixon. Page 2 HOURGLASS ., July 1, 1271 Community News MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP will be closed the entire day of July 5th AN ALOHA PARTY for Tom and Irene due to the legal hollday. Hardlson 15 planned for Saturday, 10 July at the Yokwe Yuk Club. ORTHODONTIST, Dr. Robert Sullo, will T1ckets are $5.00 each, and 10- arrlve 2 July 1971. Dr. Sample is un­ elude hosted cocktails beginn1ng avoidably detained 1n Honolulu and at 7:30, followed by dinner and w1ll not accompany Dr. Sullo on this dancing at 8 30. Call 83337 to re­ ViS1t. serve your t1ckets. ARRIVAL OF FOOT SPECIALIST, Dr. Weid­ CONTEST PICTURES may be picked up ner, a spec1alist 1n diagnos1s and by the follow1ng children from the treatment of d1sorders of the feet Elementary School Offlce will be on 1s1and beg1nnlng July 5, Lor1 Yamashita Steve Deming Monday, and wl.ll remain through July Julie Otto Saralyn Schaaf 16, Frlday Anyone deslring an ap­ Shawn Henry L1nda Searle pOlntment with Dr. Weidner, please Danda Smlth Stephen Searle call the hospital at 8-2160 or 8-3476. Martha Wardlaw Jackie Hall Kelly Taylor Mark Schaaf MALOCOLOGICAL SOCIETY - The slate of Brad Taylor Gaye Schwartz off1cers selected for the Malaco!og1- Susan Rauchwerk Patricia Chaffe cal Society to be voted upon are Clalre Browne T Mliler President, Al Starcher; Vice-President, Joanne Kn1ght Laura DeLong Gene Sims; Secretary, Mered1tn DeLong; James Mark Schaaf Nancy Gr1ffin Treasurer, Nate Bartlett. There will James McArdle Lucille Behrschmldt be a meeting at 7'30 pm, July 11 at the Communl.ty Center. BARGAIN BAZAAR w~ll be closed Mon­ day due to the hol1day. Plck-ups w1ll be made on Tuesday afternoon. TONIGHT ON AFRS RADIO rh~s year several complete aer~al d~splays If you have thlngs to donate, are planned No ground d~splays are planned, please call Dianne Liebe at 82516. 5 30 }lnanclal Report Sloce they are d~fflcult to Vlew by all spec­ 5 35 Feature 25 tdtors and lmpose an appreclable addltlonal SATURDAY BUFFET 6'00 News and Sports safety hazard to the f~rlng de tall July 3, 1971 6.15 John Doremus Th~ 1971 K~aJaleln flreworks dlsplay 1S plan­ New York Steak 7'05 Tom Campbell--Stateslde ned to be conducted from one barge ~n the Sk1 8.05 HOTlzons West ared Flrlng 1S tentatlvely planned to start at or Baked Ham S'30 Vic Ferg1e tll1 11.00 2000 hours on the 4th.
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