~t said, with they'll ~th to ;tance Qoortb- 1 bur­ ~ are e out stern could OFFICIAL ORGAN SOUTHEASTERN STATE COLLEGB ~t in DURANT, OKLA., THURSDAY, MAY 19, l966 NO. 28 "The good some IVenta 254 Seek Degrees " Personnel Changes Announced ~sse t take Personnel changes will give the earlier degrees. Oklahoma B a p t i s t University, !5ourthle&l31tel'1l State College faculty At Southeutel'll,- Platter wUl Cherry did graduate work at the look this fall. With more 8881st with admbalstraUon of University of Kansas, University CoDvocation Scheduled · Me­ IIDd teadl ~ l-yard members still to be an­ federal pi'Op'BID8 of Colorado, and Universtdad In­ President A. E. Shearer basic admtlll•tratloD counee. teramericana, Saltillo, Mexico. He I fav­ a number of changes IDs 8881gumeat next year will now has Ph.D. study in progress ktppy al8o include audlo-vtsuallnstruc- at Louisiana State University. n the will be in effect this fall. For Spring Graduates Dr. Allen Platter, Greeley, Colo., tlon. In addition to Spamlsb, FrenCh, joining the education depart- The social science department's and Oennan, Cherry baa aJao Rev. Walter L . Underwood, pas- convocation speaker Thursday, make ths summer. Platter's doc­ 1 Vern two new members are Dr. Edward stodled Greek Md ftnse M tor of the Waples Memorial Metho- May 26, at Southeastern State degree in educational admin­ L. Byrd, Florence, S.C., and Jack Dye is resigning from the dist Church in Denison, will be College. arren c.u-...L•nn is from the University of Rich- Charles W. Goss, Tulsa, business department to join the The service will be at 10 a.m. where he also earned Byrd's Ph.D. is from Texas faculty of Grayson Junior College. in Montgomery Auditorium when Tech and his earlier degrees from A13 announced earlier, John Bale 2M diplomas are scheduled to be RD Baylor. His major study is history is joining the business department presented to degree candidates. War- .., with minor study in religion. at Fort Hays State College in rwo hundred twenty-nine seek Goss, who has served as gradu- Kansas. bachelor degrees and 25 master of 1yons, Students teaching degrees. been ate assistant during advanced Lois Frey, who has taught Eng­ Com­ study at Oklahoma State earned. lish at Southeastem this year, will As religious emphasis speaker, li'ield, his bachelor's degree at East leave following her husband's Mr. Underwood has visited the Central. transfer from Perrin Air Force Southeastern campus where stu­ Honored Base. dents found his talks most stimul­ Two new members of tile Enc­ Linda Rainier, physical educa­ ating. He has visited many other llab depu1melat, David ADen campuses for slmilar programs. and """"'he N. Fel'll, will come tion instructor, is leaving for a to Soatbealltena from Commerce, new position in Bristow, where For six years he served as mem­ Texu, wllen both did pwluate her husband, James, will coach. ber of the script-writing team, and maderplldaate work at Eaat Dr. Hobert Voweer, ........ "Pastor cans." His radio program. Texu State. profeaeor, baa ft!elped to accept '"Religion in the Newa," was broad· a poeltloa wltb Qubmlplae Col­ cast for two years. s A ~eastern graduate, Janie lege, L. Jonei, is joining the business Hamden, Oolm. Mr. Underwood's articles have department. Mrs. Jones' master's Dr. Lee Ball, English professor, been publlahed in r e 11 gl o u a bas a teacher-replacement assign­ periodicals and he wa8 a delegate degree is from OSU and she has ment at the University of North scor- done other adVanced work at Colo­ three times to the Nation&l Urban 1. rado State University. Dakota. Mary Ellen Sullivan, also Life Convoca.tlona. of the. English faculty, will be on i ng She has taught at Cameron Jun­ Foreign travel last year took leave for study at the University him to Czechoslovakia, East Germ­ d on Ior College and Amarillo College of Georgia. field and served as teacbtng assistant at any, Poland, Russia, and other Charles Andrews will be on European countries. ~ the osu. study leave at the Uliiverstty of '8ges An addition to the foreign Oklahoma and Doyle Bo8tic, ma­ bard language"department will be Ralph thematics professor, has a fellow· C&ndida.tes for the baChelor of arta Jling degree in educaUon are Doll Cherry, Wilburton, who has taught ship for study at Florida State. Brigham, Juanita C&gle. SUZ8.DDe con­ Don Collier, physical science pro­ mter 1 ) Spanish, French, 8Rd German dur­ caldwell, .Tames Hunt. John Carrell. ing the past five years at Eastem fessor, will continue his advanced James -Coe, .T~s Cox. Donald and A&M. study at North Texas State COl­ Pope, Jeanne Burger DeVlll1erll. With a bachelor's degree from lege. Rev. \v. L. Uaderwood Claude Whitcomb, Peggy Dowd, Ma.rcla Estrella, Mary Kathryn Hodge, Graham Holland and Joyce ' H olmes. 'Bell, Book and Candle', Also, Fay Hubbell. Charles .Tones, Erma J ea.n McFarland, Martha Pat­ terson, Joyce Young, Ra: Morrell. mer. Richard Walters, Ralpba.nn Motfltt, han. Criswell, McAlester, Ann Rutherford, C. W. Mangrum. taker of three awards, two as ·Production Picked for Summer Tour Carl Stekelenburg, Betty Stoddard. outstanding senior business Donald Swink, Maxine Um.sted, ~,.. ca.u\Ju senior and the C&rdinal By ADD Atdaley Anyone who is enrolled in sum- 1 still cast spells and perform sup­ Margie Spann, Charles Teel, Jacque­ award. "Bell, Book, and Candle" has mer school is invited to participate. ernatural feats. line Rutherford, Robert .T. Smith, Lee Phi Beta Lambda award been announced by Billye Sue 'lbe play, to be ~ by Ml88 Gillian Holroyd is one of these Janet Jenkins, Patricia Kelley, Ann Sprinkle, Sba.rl Westbrooke, to Charles Hoffman, Dent- Harmon, drama instructor, as the llanDoD, wm be a tbeater-ID- people. She casts a spell over an Emily Green, Lonnie Weeka aDd Rol­ Art Club, Elaine Chappel, Southeastem production which will the-I'OUild productloD whlela wW unattached publisher, partly to lin Kekabbah. : Sigma Tau Delta, James tour state lodges this summer, all be liven at eaell of tbe etate keep him away !"rom a rival and .Al!o. Billy Joe Nettles, Kenneth Bokchito; Phi Alpha Theta, expenses paid. loclpe. partly because she is attracted to Ra.y, Karen Frost. BUJ.y Orr, BUlle Morrell, Ardmore, and Wom- Tryouts are acbeduled for 6:30 John van Druten's comedy leads him. R obinson, Sherry GUlham, Brenda Recreational Association, p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, June an audience into a world of today He faDs head over beels In love Lane, Susan Hall Martin, Betty Rob- (See QNE, Page 5) ¥&.'lllh,A Martin, Red Oak. 7-8, in the fine arts Little Theater. where a few modem people can with ber at once, and waat. to IUD- ---------------------------:----------... - marry her. But Wttdlee, 'liD· fortunately, can not faD Ill love, aDd this minute Imperfection leads into a monber of dlfflcui­ Aviation Plan Ues. The first performance of the II'en . tour will be July 17. at Lake Mur­ Takes Faculty l'ra­ ray. The Southeastern group will ree. then travel to Texoma the 18th, Arrowhead the 19th, Fountain­ head the 20th, and Western Hills To Fort Worth the 21st. Campus performances are yet to be scheduled. Southeastern faculty members Students in the procludloa. wUl made a flying trip, nterally, to be exeu&ed from 8UIDIDer eluiM Fort Worth Friday for a meeting for tbe toUr... with public relations personnel of Transportation, p r o d u c t I o n American Flyers, Inc. costs, lodging, and meals will be Dr. Alvin Whi~ director of the paid for by the Oklahoma lndustri- professional aviation p r o g ram al development and park depart- which Southeastern and American ment. Flyers are co-spon.soring, and Oklahoma University toured the Mary M. Frye, college publicity five lodges last summer under a director, flew to Fort Worth for pUot program with productions of the planning conference. "Mary, MarY,", and "PuriiUit of Co-ordination of publicity by the Happiness". two sponsoring agencies was the This summer the program has • principal topic of diacuBalon. been expanded. Other colleges par- Ruby Hickman, public relations ticipating, in addition to South- director for the aviation company, eastem, are Oklahoma University plans to attend a national meeting and Oklahoma State University. of avl&tion writers in JNew York . City next week. She expecta the BLUE KEY · CHOOSES convention to offer an important op- MABSIIAL AND USIIEBS portunity to give the new program national coverage. Blue Key members to serve as Critical shortage· of commercial marshal and UShers for convoca­ airline personnel, oombtned With tion have been choeen. young peoples' ambitions to com­ They are Ma.rk Wllaon, Ka.riet­ bine aviation careers with college IJDIB lldllp. aae 1Mt .,..._ t.y aemapo~~Mforllai7Wortlt7Frulr, ........ M!IIIor. ta, marshal and James Gibaon, study, led to the new, unique be aae of tile II& cJepee CNMJicllte. to file tlaroalh ~ mapoiiM before COimMlMioll ast Conehatta, Miss., and Robert Car- Southeastern-American F 1 y e r a ·ft:.,.IIIQ' ......._. rell, Wirt, ushers. program. THE SOUTHEASTERN, Durant, Oklahoma THURSDAY, MAY 19, It's Double Celebration for Brighcims • By Marsha Moore aCtivities of the Soutbeaatem band and the Oborale. The Ewell Brigham household Practicing for concerts and in Denison will be excited and hap­ tours was nothing new for the Is the Draft Test Unfair? PY May 26 because mother and son Denison senior. He has been a will receive their bachelor degrees member of the band and Chorale by Ray Gaskin a t Southeastern in morning since a freshman.
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