Byrne Cabinet Nominee Unknown Quantity SEK STONY. I'AOE II THEDAILY The Wealher FINAL Sunny and mild today and 7 tomorrow. EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 22 PAGES VOL 96 NO. 205 - RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 15,1974 TEN CENTS Israeli Air Force Pounds Syrians in a Fierce Battle Israeli and Syrian gunners Syria said 15 of its soldiers lage of Qiryat Shmonah is party 10 days to find a succes bor party who are demanding traded artillery and tank fire were killed and 10 were which 18 Israelis and the sor to Premier Golda Meir. He that new and younger people on the Golan Heights war wounded. ' three guerrillas died. said iflhoy didn't come up be brought into the top lead- front today after a weekend Israel said a Syrian com- Lebanon reported to the with one, he would call on the ership. But veteran political of the hardest fighting since mando unit made another at- Council that "two Lebanese leader of the right-wing Likud observers in Jerusalem said the October war. tempt to Capture an Israeli civilians were killed and oth- block, Menahcm Begin, to Rabin is opposed by Defense The Israeli military com- observation post at the north- ers wounded, 13 Lebanese ci- try. Minister Moshe Dayan, and mand said shelling resumed ern end of 9,000-foot Mt. Her- vilians were kidnaped and 31 The U.S. Embassy in Tel an attempt to make him pre- this morning along the north- mon, which has an unrest- houses destroyed" in the Is- Aviv reported to the State De- mier could split the party. ern sector of the 300-square- ricted view for 100 miles and raeli raid. partment that Yitzhak Rabin, Maj. Gen. Mordechat Gur, a mile bulge captured by Israel more into Syria. The council was expected to a 52-year-old hero of the 1967 former military attache in during the October fighting. • The Syrians have been adopt a resolution later in the war and a former ambassa- Washington and Israel's chief The announcement made no trying to capture the post week condemning Israel, and dor to the United States, was military negotiator at the mention of casualties. since April 6. Israel said the Israel was expected to ignore the odds-on favorite for the Geneva peace talks, was • The command also an- commandos were discovered it. premiership. named chief of staff of the Is- nounced the appoint of Brig. at dawn yesterday, and the In Israel, I'rewident Eh- Rabin is supported by raeli Defense Forces yes- Gen. Rafael Eytan, who led Israelis at the post counter- praim Katzir gave the Labor younger members of the La- terday. Israel's thrust into Syria in attacked. Syrian artillery October, to command Is- opened up to give the com- «tfllttr SIO4I PhX> rael's northern front with andos cover, and the Israelis FIRST IN FASHION - High fashion is anything but forward looking at both Syria and Lebanon. retaliated with artillery and yesterday's Easter Fashion Promenade In Asbury Park. Mrs. Florence Eytan, who was pho was fighter-bombers. Bowers, winner in the women's division, garnered her first place trophy promoted to major general, The Israelis said the com- with a red sequined costume reminiscent of the Gay Nineties, while Joseph takes over from Lt. Gen. mandos were "destroyed," Devlne scored top honors among the men in a white three piece suit and Mordcchai Gur, who was pro- and 12 Syrian bodies were panama hat. Presenting the two with their trophies is Mayor Ray Kramer. moted to chief of staff. found. But later in the day, Israeli fighter-bombers on tanks and artillery dueled the Sunday attacked Syrian lenght of the 40-mile front forces on Mt. Hermon and the across the Golan Heights, and Golan Heights while below Israeli planes "attacked the them the armies of the two Syrian positions for four Old-Timers Win countries battled fiercely with hours during the afternoon, tanks and artillery. the Israeli command said. The Israeli military com- Meanwhile, the U.N. Secu- mand said all its planes re- rity Council was to be called turned safely yesterday, into session this afternoon to In Easter Parade denying a Syrian claim that discuss the Israeli raid on six four were downed. Syria also Lebanese villages Friday By BOB RUBIN tire in commemoration of As- T. Dcvine of Wanamassa, a claimed 50 Israeli ground night. The raid was in retali- bury Park's centennial year. grandfather of seven. troops were killed or ation for an Arab guerrilla at- ASBURY PARK - "The The men sported such saro- Mrs. Bowers whose husband, wounded, but Israel said only lack from Lebanon last Gatsby look" may be the rial throwbacks to the past as Herbert E. Bowers, made it 17 were wounded. Thursday on the Israeli vil- rage, but the Roaring stickpins, spats, ivory-topped to the men's finals, dazzled Twenties played second fiddle walking sticks, and whangec the judges wilh a "shocking" to the Gay Nineties yesterday (bamboo) canes. Some came red sequined floor-length at the 39th annual Easter dressed in the antiquated for- dress, and matching red Fashion Promenade. mal getup of fancy waistcoat, gauntlets and plumed hat — 2 More Shot JERUSALEM RITES — Roman Catholic Msgr. G. G. Beltritti, center, dis- pinstripe pants, ascot tie and all rented from the Stage Undaunted by the fog, hun- tributes host during Easter Mass in Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre Church. silk topper that these days tUoor, a costume shop in Free- Church is traditional site of Christ's burial and was the center of both Latin dreds of gaily costumed con- arc taken out of mothballs hold. Describing her outfit to and Orthodox Easter rites yesterday for the first time in eight years. testants lined the boardwalk only for affairs of slate. reporters, she hiked up her in hopes of being selected by Appropriately enough, top dress to reveal black fishnet On the Coast the judges for the promenade honors went to a couple of stockings. in Convention Kali. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - bra shootings — were found old-timers: Mrs. Florence Mr. Devinc, who was a Two hitchhiking teen-agers at the scene. The shooting Their fancy plumed bonnets Bowers of West Belmar, who semifinalist last year, was no were critically wounded in took place in the Western Ad- Latin, Orthodox Rites peering out from under frilled also holds the title Ms. Senior less resplendent in an all what police say was the, latest dition, a radically mixed area parasols, many of the women Citizen of Monmouth County white polyester ensemble in a scries of senseless shoot- composed of small neighbor- semiflnalists wore floor- and Mrs. Senior Representa- consisting of a three piece ings. Eleven persons have hood businesses, residences length turn of the century at- tive of the U.S., and Joseph Sec Old-Timers, page 2 been killed in random attacks and redevelopment projects. Marked in Jerusalem since last November. Several other Zebra shootings Roman Catholics, Protes- Icstants believe was the bur- Homicide Inspector Frank have occurred there. for many Christians in areas tants and Orthodox Christians ial place. Falzon said Ihe shootings lasjl' The youths were rushed to of the United States severely all celebrated Easter in Je- All Christians celebrated night were "most definitely" surgery at Mission Emer- damaged by recent tor- rusalem yesterday. Easter on the same day be- Says Byrne Weighing linked to the so-called Oper- gency Hospital where nursing nadoes. cause of a leap year in the ation Zebra shootings. supervisor Marie Rusert said In Rome, Pope Paul VI "For the first time, people urged mankind to follow "the Orthodox calendar. The West- Zebra is Ihe police code for both were in critical but ware really going to be able law of duty, of service, of sor- ern rites held their services IS shootings which caused 11 stable condition. One was shot to understand what resurrec- row, of love, of sacrifice — first; then the Orthodox wor- deaths over Ihe five-month in the arm and upper abdo- tion means," said Ihe Rev. Action Against the PA men; the other was hit twice the wise and true inter- shipers took over. Raymond D. Pope of the period and set off the largest polation of human life." Security precaustions were manhunt in the city's history. in the chest, she said. Faith Community United TRENTON - Gov. Bren- The possibility of legal ac- increased in Jcusalerh be- In each case, a black assail- The United States and other Methodist Church in Xenia, dan T. Byrne is considering tion would be a prod to Wil- In earlier attacks which po- cause of the Arab guerrilla ant shot a white victim at Christian countries marked Ohio. • legal action against the Port son to seek New York legisla- lice identified as Zebra shoot- the day in cathedrals and raid in northern Israel last nearly pointblank range. Po- In Yellow Creek, Ga., mem- Authority of New York and tion repealing the restrictive ings, a .Salvation Army cadet country churches, al outdoor week. But there was no lice have been unable to de- bers of the Community Bap- New Jersey, according to the covenants. Wilson reportedly was killed and another was sunrise services and in festive trouble. The Ministry of Tour- termine a motive for the tist Church met for services New York Daily News. informed Byrne last week seriously wounded on April l. parades. ism said there were more that he can no longer go shoot ings. where their wrecked church Byrne reportedly will ask Four persons were killed Fierce fighting less than 100 than 45,(1(1(1 pilgrims — in- along with an agreement to The unidentified boys, ages used to stand.
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