HAVE F011\ D NEWS VOLUME 32—NUMBER 4 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1940 2 627 $2.00 A YEAR Facilities Provided Motleys To Speak Prominent Guests To Attend Morley Induction; For Registration At Football Rally Addresses by President and Christopher Morley, free ap- Wesleyan Game, Informal Dance To Follow Here Tomorrow ples, girl cheerleaders and a huge bonfire are to be the highlights of the football rally Kay Hunt's Vocals, Over 1000 Guests StudentCouncilRoom planned for Friday night be- hind the grandstand. The ac- Main Liners' Rhythms To Be Inducted Expected To Hear To Be Open From 9.6 tivities will start with a par- To Feature Dance Rowland S. Morris For Filing Cards ade from Founders to the bon- fire, where the cheering and Having "Red" Rowland and his Over a thousand gueete, among speaking will follow. "Music in Colors," with Kay Hunt Haverfordians between the ages whom are represented many po- Haverferd songs, will be ren- of 21 and 25, required by law to as vocalist, as its main attractions, litical and educational celebrities, register for possible military train- dered at the game Saturday by the Varsity Club will sponsor an ing, will be able to fill out their the forty-piece Veterans of informal dance in the gymnasium are expected to attend the inaug- government cards in the Council Foreign Wars band from the from 8:24 until 12:00 following the uration of Felix Morley as Presi- room in the Union from 9:00 until Bryn Mawr Pest. The organ- game Saturday. dent or Haverford College. Plans ization, composed of men and 6:00 tomorrow, Dean Archibald A. Te Climax Alumni Day for the. induction, held in CCInitIne- Macintosh announced Sunday. women, hoe the reputation of The dance, given by the Haver- tins with the annual Alumni Home- As provided in the Burke-Wads- being the best band on the ford Main Liners in co-operation coming Day festivities, appear to worth compulsory service bill, all Main Line. The group was with the Varsity Club, has been be virtually completed. men between the ages mentioned procured largely through the planned as the climax for Alumni Morris to Speak must register tomorrow, October efforts of William Barthel and Homecoming Day. Starting in the 16. Persons reaching the age of Linn Seiler. The guest speaker of the occa- morningsthe daY's program in- 21 on that date will not be exempt- sion is to be Roland S. Morris, cludes the induction of President ed from registration. The Col- President of the American Philo- Felix Morley, the Wesleyan foot- lege, in establishing a registration sophic Society and former Ambas- ball game and a reception in center on the campus, is following `Stack' To Feature the sador to Japan. Among the per- after the game. the practice that will be used in gymnasium sonal friends of Dr. Morley who many other educational institu- Rowland, leader of the Main have accepted invitations to his tions. Unpublished Poem Liners and head of the committee inauguration are the Secretary of Labor, Mies Frances Perkins; Dean Macintosh In Charge planning the dance, announced that the the evening will be strictly infor- Chinese Ambassador, Dr. Hu Shih, Dean Macintosh, empowered by By Chris Morley mal. There will be no program and others prominent in govern- county officials to take charge of numbers, and cutting will be in mental and diplomatic circles in the the registration on the campus, order. This arrangement was de- Capital. stated that conscientious objectors Issue To Appear cided upon in order to give fresh- Close to seventy will be required to register, al- -five universities men a better opportunity to meet though they may not ever be call- Friday With Many and colleges will be represented at girls than would be provided at a ed for active service. Conscription the induction, Wesleyan Univer- Student Contributions card dance. Another gesture to the boards in local communities will FELIX MORLEY sity will be represented by Presi- class of tie has been made by the consider the case of each objector Featuring a heretofore unpub- Who will be officially inaugur- dent McConaghy, the University Customs Committee, which will of Pennsylvania by President individually. Heavy penalties are lished sonnet by Christopher Mor- ated no President of Haverforel provided by law for all conscien- not enforce Rhinie regulations dur- College at ceremonies here Thomas S. Gates and Provost ley, the third issue of "The Stack" ing the evening, tious objectors who fail to register. Saturday. George W. McClelland, Bryn Mawr will be placed on sale Friday eve- College by President Marion E. Conscientious Objectors Kay Hunt to Sing Park, Drexel Institute of Technol- ning immediately after supper, Kay Hunt, new brunette song- While there will be"no opportun- ogy by Dean R. C. Disque, Swarth- it was announced this morning by stress of the 'Liners, will be mak- ity in filling out the first registra- more College by President Sohn tion card to state reasons for con- Clyde K. Nichols, senior member ing her debut with the band. Miss Pre-medical Chem Mason, Ursine College by Presi- Hunt, a senior at Ridley Park scientiously objecting to service, of the Cooperation. dent Norman E. McClure, and Vil- space will be provided in the com- High School, has been practising Christopher Morley, a brother of with the band for several weeks, Major Offered lanova College by President Ed- prehensive questionnaires later ward VsStanford. mailed to registrants to state their the College President, graduated and recently sang over Station Reception in Gym moral objections. Those who are from the College with the Class of WFIL. Patrons and patronesses, select- Meldrum Outlines After luncheon, to be served an net willing to engage in training '10, and has since made a name for the army, navy or air corps ed by the committee, are: President the campus, weather permitting, for himself in the literary circles New Requirements will, at the discretion of the local and Mrs. Felix Morley, Dean II. and in the college gym in the event boards, be permitted to do other of America. His recent novel, Tatnall Brown, Dean and Mrs. Because the epecifications of the of rain, there will be the annual work of national importance. "Kitty Foyle," was a best-seller Archibald Macintosh, Professor American Chemical Society for football game with Wesleyan Uni- As emphasized by Dean Macin- during much of the last year, and and Mrs. Roy Randall, and Mr. Chemistry majors are too strict vesity, The Wesleyan Alumni As- tosh, the registration tomorrow is his work has appeared in many of William Docherty. for the average pre-medical Ede- sociation reports that a strong del- not an enlistment for active duty. the leading magazines. dent, a new course of study, Pre- egation of rooters from that in- It is merely a preliminary, survey Undergraduates Contribute medical Chemistry, will be offered, etitution will be on hand for the of the nation's man pewee, which Address By Dickinson game. In addition to this work, there announced Professor William B. will later he used in selecting men Following the game, there will will be six undergraduate prose ef- In Collection Directed Meldrum last week. to increase the number in the be a reception and tea in the gym- forts, two poems, an article by The requirements for the new armed forces. ' nasium. President Morley has Thomas C. Gibb, and a play in At Future Lawyers major program will be Chemistry 1 personally expressed the desire to verse by Warren Anderson. The Addressing Collection Tuesday or its equivalent, Chemistry 2, 8, meet as many friends and alumni price of the publication will remain morning, John Dickinson gave ad- 4, 5 and either 8A or 10A. In Engineering Classes of the College as possible. as before, at ten cents, and the vice prospective lawyers among addition Biology 1 and 3, and Phy- to As a concluding feature of the Visit Link Belt Co., contents will be mimeographed. To she Student Body. Mr. Dickinson sics 2 are specified. The final com- Alumni Homecoming Day, the Var- quote the Cooperation: It is our is General Solicitor for the Penn- prehensive examination in Pre- sity Club announces that it will Stokes And Smith belief that the value of literature sylvania Railroad. medical Chemistry will cover only sponsor an informal dance in the lies in the quality of the literature Undergraduates heard that col- the chemistry courses, with em- Twelve sophomores In Engineer- Gymnasium, commencing at 8:30. itself, and not in the physical ap- lege men interested in following a phasis on Chemistry 2, 3, 4 and 6. ing 2A made an inspection Wed- The new plan of study, Profes- nesday of the Stokes and Smith pearance of the work?' legal career should not limit their scope of study to law, but should sor Meldrum stated, is intended for Co. Under the guidance of Sam- Haverfordian to Continue A. C. S. Invites Students branch out and acquaint themselves "those who wish to major in chem- uel Brinton, '39, the group was Nichols also stated th st the new with affairs outside their prospec- istry or are planning to attend To Year's First Meeting shown the operation of this plant "liaverfordian" Board and "The tive profession. Chemistry, indus- medical school, but who should not which fabricates automatic pack- Stack" Cooperation held a joint try, agriculture, and international take as much chemistry as the Extending an invitation to Maw- ing and box making equipment. meeting in the Union Wednesday events were some of the fields Mr. major requires." For students who erford students of Chemistry and Later in the day the engineers in- evening, and, under a plan pro- Dickinson advised exploring.
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