Complete Radio Programs and Highlights for Today Central dayMMliest saving tire ING 500-w-S-H-FersHoursnd Kees. WJJD-Breakfast Frolic. WBBM.The Country hour. WIND-Mornini Watch. S:45-EAQ-Prayer Berl, Bird. 6100-14-G-M -Old Tine Wilt. IRAQ-Ed Ai len, news. WIJD-Breakfset Frolic. 11.8-Farm Bulletin Board. , vcrL.R.veitte with Roberts. WBBR-Paul Gibson. VIN)-News; Morning Watch. 6:1S-EFL-Dr. J. C.. O'Heir. WRAQ-Town and Farm. I.S-Morning Devotions. WO-Morning Slute. 6-W-G-N-Farm Service. ISS-Let. Go Visiting. 1CFLMews; Reveille. WIND-News; Wake Up Wale. 6:45-W-G-N-MornIng news. WilAQ-Alez Dreier, news. WIND-Yawn patrol. 1L9-Brvin 6:55 4BBIS-Psul Gibson. 7:00-W-G-N-Record Reveille. EFL-Martin Agronsky IMAQ-Norman Ross show. 118-Prairie Ramblers. WJJD-News; Oscar Brown. 1131311-News of World. W.IND-News; Record Shop. 7:15-144-N-Hemsbulletins. 1Een-Hews reports. Wt.-Halloween Martin. WJJD-Wake Up Chicago. SIG-Sage Riders. 7:20-W-G-9i-Record Reveille. 1:30-r3BM4.isten to Cliff. WLS-Happy Hank. WIN)-Musical News Review. VJJD-News reports. 7:45-VCFL-Bill Hamilton, news. IILS-News reports. WJJD-Sports Section; Hsrs. 7:554tRAQ-Clif ton Utley, caws. WMAQ-We, the Living. 8:004W-G-H-Robert F. Hurleigh. VBBM-First ?lighter (C). IICF1,01.S-Besakfast Club (A). WENR-Front Page. IRAQ-Your Neighbor. WCFL-Marty Hogan. VIM-Ernie Simon to 10 a.s. 9;45-WIND-Claude Thornehili. WBBM-John Harrington. WCFL-Concert Miniature. 1110-Hews; Top Tunes. i0:0°41-CrN-Passing Parade. 13:15-W-G-H-TwoTonRaker IA(B-Evennng Musical. IBBM-Gold Cost Rhythm. WBBM-News reports. WcF1.-3it1 Hamilton, new.. 8:,341-G-N-Breakfast (MiZ. WENR-Paul Harvey, news. WBBM-Paul Gibson program. WIND-News; ABC Club. ULM)-Mualc That Sings. IMAQ-Supper Club. WIhD-Record Shop. 10:15-M-G-N -Calling Detectives. 8:45-W-G-Ii-The Wishing Well. WCFL-Music Lovers program. BM-Shopping with the ilium. TIMM-Jack Smith (C). WW2-Norman Barry, news. WMAQ-Morton Downey. 9:00-W-04-Paul Neilson, news. WENR-Herbie Mintz. VMAQ-Fred Waring00. WIND-News; ABC Club. vi.s.My True Story. 10:30-W-G-N-Tomorrow's Tribune. WIND-News; Coffee Caravan: WMAQ-Symphonette. VB8M-News reports. VBBM.Billy Leach show. WCFL-Great Day for Music. WENR-Musical Memos. 'CDC-Voice of Poland. 10:40-W-G-N-Sono Souvenir. 9:-W-G-N-To You, Milady. 10:45-WG-N-Fulton Lewis Jr. IB8M-Music for You. WBBM-News reports. VIBI-VOLM-Family Circle. WENR-Linn Burton. 0:25-WLS-Betty Crocker (A). 1 reports. 900-W-G-N-HOrreanR083. TIBBM-Maywood Race. WMAQ-Road of Life (N). WMAQ-Jim Hurlbut. WBBM-Hilltop House. WCFL-Community Concert. WIND-Bing Sings. WIND-News* Dancing Party. 9h45-W-G-N-Spots of Music. li:10-W-G-N4sical Notes. WWII-David Harum (C). 11:15-W-G-*-Sherman Hayes etch. WMAQ-Joyce Jordan, M. D. (N). WBBM-A Ring for Cupid. VW-Dorothy Rilgallen. IMAQ-Don Elder, sports. 10:00-W-G-N-June Baker program. 11:30-*C141-Griff WMAQ-Nora Drake (N). orchestra. ISBN-Arthur Godfrey (C). WMAQ-Netional Open Golf WIND-News; Music. Tournament. VW-Breakfast in Hollywood. WENR-Jazz at Philharaonid. WJJD-Songs You Remember. W9I-Marty Gould. WAAF-News; Jack Cooper show. ICFL-Slaek Time. WCFL-Hugh Douglas. IPAQ-Ihen a Girl Marries. 11:45-W-G-14-lienry King. 10:75-W-G-H- Dr. George W. Crane. TL-liusic Lovers shoe. WMAQ-Musicana. WMAQ-Katie's Daughter. 1B B14-Paul Gibson. 13811-Gloria Van. II:FL-Perry Como. UJD-Ernie Simon. VIND-Music Till Midnight. WIhD-WBEZ-Board of Education. WIND-News; Spike Jones. 1$R-Jerry Glidden. YIJD-Dirk Courtenay. nS-Martha and Helen. 12:00-W-G-N-News and weather. 1O;0-W'-G-$-Heart s Desire 40. 5--k-G-N-Marahal 1 Kent. WBEM-Matinee at Midnight. WMAQ-Jack Berch show (N). IAIAQ-Portia Faces Life, WMAQ-1150 Club. ISBN-Grand Slam. WIND-News; Night Watch. WLS-Organ Music. VENR-Dirk Courtenay. VW-Galen Drake (A). WM-Jimmy VCFL-Talking with Toni. ll:--W-G-11-8alter aSpotlight. 1.2:02-W-G-9-Dtwid Le Winter. WJJD.InEy-Board of Education. 12:15-W-G-N-8i11y Bishop. _ SIAQ-Just Plain Sill. i2:90-W-GrN-G6y Claridge. WIND.News; Joe Reichman. !CFI...Tommy Dorsey. 10:45-wVAQ-Lora Lawton (N). 1139111-Editor's Daughter. 1:08-W-G-N-News reports. IBBWRosemary (C). u?-News; Tommy Dorsey. WCFL-RLiing with Roberts. WLS-Bennet Orfield, news. CMICA00 FREQUENCIES WLS-News reports. 4:45 rent Page Farrell. WON 720 RM8I-1110 FM Vin).Mmaicel nrowram. WEN2-Beulah Varney. WIND- 560.1JJ0-1160 WG48- 45.9 WIND-Silver Rhythms. sso WJOB-1230 and- 98.7 IIHS.,Andrews Sisters.th Welts. IBBM-Linda's First Love. WMAQ- 570 WEDC.1240 WEFM- 45.1 1.1.:00-ii-ir-O-KateWM-Parade of Melody. ' 5; 00-W-G-H-Adven tura Parade 40. WBBM. 780 WCRW1240 and. 98.5 ISSii.lendy Warren, nesa IBFR-Dick Tracy. WAIT- 820 WARD-1280 WBEZ- 44.5 VIM-Hess; Rua ice WMAQ-George Stone, news. WENR- 890 170L-1340 WDLM- 95.5 Program. WLS 890 VGES-1390 WBBM- 97.1 1114AQ-The Food Vagician. IBBM-News reports. ILS-le lc one Travels rs . WINI-Nees; Charlie Spivak. !AM*. 950 WHFC.1450 TRAF -100.3 RUD-1160 Ballroom. WCFL-1000 WNMP-1590 ',PAW- 96.7 111JJD-Nee5; interlude. SCRIF-Odds and Ends. (1) means MBE (N) NBC, WENR- 94.7 VC:FL-Nees; Serenade. CBS and (A) ABC. SOAK- 98.3 leflOariety hour. 5: 15-ii-G-N-Superman (M) . (C) 111 ictor H. Liahr. WMAQ-Dave Cern:may show. swag-echoes from the Tropics. IBBM-John Harrington, news. aBoat.aunt Jenny' stories. IBM-Terry and Pirates. RID-Interlude on Ivory. WJJD-Rosemary Wayne. 1CVL-Don Ar tie te WIND-Melody Matinee. 1044*-John limper, news, 5: P-W-G-N-Cap t .Mi ch ight (pi). !LS-Lullaby Tine. .Robert Trendier Presents. IVAQ-Tha Roens. TENR-GPV King. VSBW-Helen Trent. 111113M-Lum and Abner (C). ICFL-Barts Dance at tOoo. WIND-Band of the Week. IJID-Musicfrom Hollywood. ICFL-Riding the Platter. VIN3-News; Sonas. IUD -Magic Court. ands a. 5:40-W-G-N-Tore Mix DO. weini.our Si,o Sunday (C). WBBM-Loweil Thomas (C). VSFL.Riding with Roberts. IIKAQ-John Holtman. WHAQ-Tunea and Tips. 1/III)-Man Who Came to Supper. Rs-Notes for Today. ICFL-Malcolm Claire. %Hi -iths by....!Lar VIJID.Race Results. EVENING 12:00-W-G-II-rei7Ha;e Fun. 6:00-W-G-N-Dr. Preston Bradley. WEIBM=Big Sister (C). IS-Fulton Lewis Jr. IFLID-Al Benson. VMAQ-Jimmy Blade. ICFL-Baukhage Talking (A). WCFL-Top Taste Quiz. WINQ-WIBI-Newe reports. WBBM-Beulah(C). ILS-Farm World Today. WJJD-Bob Edson. VINtf-News; Benny Goodman. WLS-Hews reports. l2:15-IBBM-Ma Perkins (C). SEEM-The Master's Album. IRAQ-Betty Harris show. WIND-News;Sweet and Solid. ICFL-Riding with Roberta. 6:15-WG-N-Telephone Quiz. IIJD,A1 Benson. -MIGNB-Dlnner Concert. 12:3D-W-G-N-Farmer's Market WAQ-News of the World. Reporter. WBBM-Everett Holies, news. VMAQ-Concert Miniatures. WIND-Easy Aces. YCFL-Don Artiste. WJJD-Dinner Winner. IBBM-Julian Bentley. news. WLS-Air Edition. WIND-news; =min. 6:90-41-G-11-News reports. ILS-Dinner Bell Ti... WBBM-Animal World Court. t2:45,w-CrN -Paul Holism. nein VLS-Child's World. IMAQ-Belleve It or Not. WMAQ-House Party. 138M-Gulding Light (C). WCFL-Serenade to You. VCFL-Voice of the Army. VJJD-Marty Hogan. IIND-Don Artiste. WIND-Bert Wilson. IUD-Music and News. WEAV-Dinner Concert. LOP-W-G-N-Queen for a Day. 6:45-W-G-N -Inside of Sports. IRBB -Second Mrs. Burton. WMAQ-Richard Harkness. IMIQ-Today's Children. WCFL-Music for Men. ICFL-Riding with Roberts. VJJD-United Nations. IUD-Ernie Simon. SIND-Serenade at Dinner. VIM-News; Music. 7:00-W-G-N -Lucky Partners. Its-Noontime News. WINO-Music of Enchantment. 1541313M-Perry Vasco (C). VEHN-FBI Program. - WSW-Woman in White (N). WIND-News;MusicalComedy. ICF.-Ethel and Albert. ICFL-Man With aBand. W.S-Doc Burlingham. WMAQ-Aldrich Family (N). IM-Dugout InterView. WAIT-Rosemary Wayne. 1:25-"I10-Cube vs. Giants. VJJO-Troubadour. 1:27.41NO-HollfSloane(N)* VLS-Peter Donald show. 100.4i-G-If-TUfner and Cato. 7:15-WCFL-Kavier Cugat. MBM-This Is Nora Drake. VLS-Our Way of Living. WCPL-That Gal Gleason. "LID-News. Interlude. VLS.Bride and Groom (A). 1;10-WINErlissicalprogram;ben. I:40-WiRQ-Bettp Crocker (N). 7:X-W-G-N-Talent Jackpot. 1016.-W-G-N-Osdric Foster. WMAQ-Burns and Allen. VdAQ-Light of the World. WB8M-Mr. Keen, Tracer. MN-Evelyn 'inters. VLS-Henry Morgan. IJID,Scr vs. New York. WCFL-Vam and Needle club. 2:00-W-G-N-Ho1 land EMI& WJJD-Music Unlimited. laMAQ-Life Can Be Beautiful. 7:45-WIND-Time to Remember. WBBM-Double or Nothing. 7:55-W-G-N-Silly Rose show (M). WCFL-Hugh Douglas. WBBM-Bill Henry and news. "LS-Ladies Be Seated. 0:0041-G-N-Gabriel Heatter. 205-1**Q-Ma Perkins (N). kCNB-Piano Recital. 2:3041-G-N-Jay We)ker. WMAQ-Al Jolson show (N). WNAQ-Pepper Young.
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