C.OLUMBIA WALLACE· NOVEM~.J:;:.~, 1968 •• VOL. 4, NO. 20' RUBIN ': ~ CUBA THE MOVEMENT PRESS 1- B"LI' n~Tr: ! I v '" n.-\ '- t 55 COLTON STREET 'u. s. PC!S-;·;'.G:~ ; SAN FRANCISCO, CA. ! p ,e.. ID I 94103 /1. ".0" ;:-,allcl~~o. ~:dIY. : --_._---------PcrrnJt ~to. gt;O~ ! TODAY IS NOVEMBER 5TH GIRIOTERS CHARGED WITH SAIGON, (LNS)--Six black soldiers, ac­ cused of starting a riot August 30 in MURDER WASN'T THERE SOMETHING an Army stockade 15 miles noth of Sai­ gon, have been charged with the mur- der of a white prisoner, according to a report in the NEW YORK TIMES. The charge grew out of an incident I WAS SUPPOSED TO DO? in the Long Bhin Jail (fondly known as LBJ) ill which 65 persons, including ,PANTHER CUBS five guards, were injured. Military po­ Well, we wuz all settin around the MOVEMENT office, lice used tear gas to break up the dis­ By Pink Panther turbance. jawin and just carryin on, popping pills so we could put An Army spokesman said the mur­ out this issue..•when in runs Two- Finger Luke who does JACKSON, MO. (Special to LNS)--The dered man had been beaten with a shovel. Panther Cubs saw their first action in The names of the victim and the accused our typesettin and says, "Isn't' next month November Mississippi today. A work gang of black are being withheld pending the filing slaves from some county or state prison of formal charges of court martial. 5 and shouldn't we say something about those elections-? was being driven down the Hinds County Sure of course we says, cuz we're a political news­ , road where Panther Cubs "Huey" and "Malcolm" live. The slave brothers, under paper and those elections out there is an important part the watchful eye of a white guard, were of the political process--how can we ignore em? being used to cut down weeds from the roar' side. It was 95 degrees in the shade, DaleyOut. I know how we can ignore them, sez the editor (whose and the prisoners were in the blazing sun. name we forget). That wasn't exactly the question but It made "Huey" and "Malcolm" mad. Of His. somehow we go onto the subject while sitting on the lay­ TtJey cooked up an idea: "Huey" would yell a message of hope to the slave­ In response to Mayor Richard Daley's out table and somebody came up with some suggestions. brothers and escape before the guard TV film: "What Trees Do They Plant?" We wuz wondering whether we had any readers...who knew what happened. He planned to yell: members of one Chicago radical com­ "Brothers! Be strong! stay men! Free­ munity group attempted to plan t a" peace might be so bored that they'd actually be drivin to votin (or something desperate) just dom fighters will open the prison soon." and freedom" tree last Saturday in a for a few cheap thrills. On the way to where the slaves were small city' park in their neighborhood. working, • Huey" met • Malcolm". To­ Surrounded by about 30 frienl1s and a gether they walked right up to the pri­ dozen children, the first shovelful of soners and shouted their message. The dust was hardly turned when eight cops guard yelled and came after them. They and a paddy wagon arrived. In' the en­ threw rocks. He pulled out his pistol. suing debate, Marty Noone, independent \,\,a~\~\ candidatE:' for the Illinois State Legisla­ The Panther Cubs escaped unhurt. "Huey" tre~. is nine years old; "Malcolm" is eight. ture, was arrested, as'was the The The Panther Cubs hope older Missi­ shovel was also arrested. The action ssippians will also form small guerri­ oc::urred in Joyce Kilmer Triangle, dedi­ lla bands, but they are not g'oing to cated to til(-> author of the poem "Trees," wait around for the grown-ups to start When I1H·mbers of his group, the citi­ first. They say their number will quickly zens for Independent Political Action grow now that school has started, and (CIPA) went to bail Noone out, they hope to "give Huey (Newton) a thou- found that he was charged with "plant­ ing a tree without a pprmit" . sand Panther Cubs for a Christmas pre­ sent." LNS/GUARDIAN Brothers and Sisters, This 24 page issue of the MOVEMENT increased our production costs considerably. We would like to continue increasing our coverage. To do this we need YOUR help. Please send us information, contributions, help us dis­ Things To Do On Election Day tribute and get new subscriptions. All of this aid should First, you can sleep late. And go to bed early. Eat a big meal in between. be sent to our NEW address: The MOVEMENT PRESS, Have an outdoor party on the block near your local polling place. Give away frpe beer. Hold it in a garage and put out an American flag. Lots of folks when thpy find 55 Colton Street, San Francisco, California 94103. out it ain't the real pollin place will be real grateful. A!terwards, post the returns on the garage door, football scores, or maybl' how many THE MOVENIENT folks showed up at yer place instead a wastin their short life strugglin with a Ipver. IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE MOVEMENT PRESS Git up, go to work, come home, have a beer and watch the returns on TV. Who knows, somebody mav win. Doubtful thought. , 55 COLTON STREET, SAN FRANC!SCO, CALIFORN!A 94103 Better yit, find a color TV, turn the color knobs all the way up, turn on and dig the (415) 626 4577 . establishment light show. Do whatever you do on an ordinary day. Due to laek of interl'st the whole thing may llE' SUBSCRIPTIONS $200 PER YEAR postponed anyway, an it.s no use gettin all in a lather over sompthing that might not pan out. EDITORIAL GROUP Feets In Their Mouths JOSEPH A. BLUM, RENEE BLUM, KAREN .10 !,<'OONAN, Now this don't mean we aint be'pn watchin things. We pvpn managpd a laugh now and TERENCE ~ANNON, LINCOLN BERGMAN, ARLENE EISEN then. And we know, in our hearts, that it all got some meanin. Like when a card sharp reshuffles the cards or the dealer stacks the pack. Only this time the dealers got to BERGMAN, PERI GILBERT, JERRY DENSCH, KAREN ROSS. show some of his cards anyway, not to say he still dont have a lot of hanky-panky MARK HARDESTY, JACK GERSON. goin on under the table. This time they got thrpe big play"rs- -and any way its a losin hand. We watched whats-his-narne put his foot in his racist mouth a fpw times. Then WI" CHiCAGO GRCUP watched George pick that Air Force general. So the general gets up and sez I'd rather die with an atom bomb than be killed by a rusty knife in the jungles of Vietnam. Then KATHY ARCHIBALD, .JIM CARTER, LES COLEMAN, HILDA there's this debate: they been debatin whether to debate if the\ will dehate .....\nd IGNAT(N, MIKE JAMES, ED JENNINGS, LENNY.JOYCE, they been so concerned with L1\v n order that eveq'\\'here the\" '-:0, disurder follows em PETER KUTTNER, FRAN ROMINSKY. like the night breeze follows the L\ smog. And we even been speculatin, Like how many people know that if the election goes CO 505,1608 W. MADISON ST. CHICAGO, ILL. 60612 to the House of Representatives and the House cant decide on a candidate then it goes (312) 666 3874 to the Senate and the Senate's got to choose between the three VICE- Prpsidential candidates.. , LOS ANGELES Course, they been talking about that war. They got to. Humpty spozed to have moved BOB NIEMANN. BILL VANDERCOOK· closer to something and somebody moved farther from somethin and somebody ain't moved--But NOBODY is moving OUT. 1657 FEDERAL AVENUE. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 Another Way To Vote (213) 478 9509 We got, right in this issue, a petition about Eldridge Cleaver, who they're tryin BROTHER IN EXILE JEFF SEGAL to railroad back into jail. Now there's a real candidate. So we figure one t.hing to do is to get all your folks to sign that petition and get it in before election day and make CHE GUEVARA MEMORIAL ISSUE that like millions of votes. PAGE 2 THE MOVEMENT NOVEMBER,1968 U~! SEVEN,/ after he is paroled. The informal pen­ able to arrest the Seven before the dem­ The Oakland Seven go to trial Novembel/18. A year has alt1es, such as loss of job, education onstration, so that part of the strategy and respect would also be compelling failed. If the conspiracy charges are passed since the "crime", last October's Stop The Draft reasons for second thoughts on the part thrown out that would of course be an Week in Oakland. STDW, during which 10,000 brothers of potential unlawful demonstrators." enormous victory for mlIitant demonstra­ Punative? Political? Heavy? Alameda tors. This is almost impossible; the and sisters tried to halt the induction process at the County DA Coakely was so impressed by Seven's appeal to higher courts to throw Oakland Iilduction Center, helped to issue in a new era this political tract that he hired her. out the indictment on constitutional She's now an assistant DA. His first grounds has been denied. The case of the of militant street demonstrations. It started the white application of this strategy was against B')ston Five has a much stronger chance the Seven.
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