' Distribution Weather Today Mwtty lair May and toaljki, MDEANK 17,175 Ugh In the Mi. Low tonight, 71. Partly cloudy tomorrow, efaiuica d ihowers tomorrow night High, 1 Independent Daily f M. Set weather page 2. (^ UONtAYTHMVGU niDAY-tgr.im I Dial SH I-0010 Iisued dally, Uoodfty tnxoufti Friday. Second Clua.Postage RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1961 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO. 55 Pail >t Red Bank >n( U Additional Mailing OKIcu, Gulf Storms \ Death Toll 15 Big Katanga GALVESTON, Tex. (AP) — Texas and western Louisiana areas, in watery ruin, turned today to a stag- gering task of rebuilding left by Hurricane Carla, one of the mightiest ever to roar out of the Gulf of Mexico. Battle Rages With a possibility more bodies yet may be found, the death toll stood at 15 along 250 miles of coast line laid waste by hurricane 77 Die gales up to 175 miles per hour, raging seas and a Back to Zone Board Reported rash of tornadoes. Damage In French which may take months te com- pq-—j r-jijj — , RED BANK — Max Morris, dicated he will seek a variance pute ran into hundreds of mil- Capt., Charles Miller, left, of;Rumso n |ast njj,|,t came fu|| ^r. for a three-story apartment lions. Jet Crash trawler Terra Nova, above,!cle back towards the Zoning building. In Hiding Added to the mammoth recov- Board of who testified at AEC hearing! Adjustment. ; council to Decide ery chore were problems of pol- RABAT, Morocco (AP) — A LEOPOLDVILLE, The luted water supplies and comFrenc- h jet airliner feeling its Bridle yesterday, points The Planning_ Board recom-: should the *oning board recom- mended to the Borough Counc.i!mend tj,e variance, the possibility Congo (AP) —Premier panion health threats in scores way through a heavy fog crashed out on chart ippt where he that Mr. Morris' once-i ejected exists that the Borough Council!- .,, . , of towns and cities, a few still and burned ini a rockky ravini e request for a variance to erect n i rn thumbs down lw"1'6 AdoulAdoulaa aannounced hat seen barrels he believes wi aga n (U UTider as much as eiglit feel of last night. Air France officials apartments on a vacant lot on the proposal. [today that heavy fighting water. said all 77 persons aboard per- contained radioactive waite Leroy PI. be considered agaiinn! the governing oody first [between United Nations Flood threats nosed byrfiSavy when ished. — taken from ocean 'bottom. ty the zoning board. L May 10 vari- Kataneese trooDS has rains in Carla's waKe vJ°re aiF ejected the and Three U.S. citizens ,an Ara- This is how it came about: I ance recommendation, Council- |f, Katan8ese trooPs has other facto- bian prince, the Australian am- On May 10, the zoning board man John Warren, Jr., pointed broken out jn Elisabeth- Also ahead was the return bassador to Cairo, a Moroccan _.J_J^..._^I ^ _ f _ W M '. : . • »•* * • • * I 1 recommended a variance for Mr Out that no hardship had been home for most of an estimated diplomat and two Russians were A-Waste Concerns AEC Morris to construct a 20-unit, two-]] shown which would prompt the He said the central govern- half million people who moveJ among Ihe victims, an Air story garded n .apartmentt on inland as Carls approacned, a a [council to approve the variance ment his sent an administrator France spokesman said. 100x150-foot lot adjoining the mass migration averting much No Hazard Seen, But Barrels in Unauthorized Area There have been no indications to take over the secessionist The sleek twin-jet Caravelle jroy Apartments at 18 Leroy PI., heavier loss nf life. I that any additional hardships province. airliner, In service only V/, NEW-YORK—The Atomic En-sona' concern about comainersi fishermen answered detailed also owned by Mr. Morris. The Ten of the deaths occurred as exist. Reports reaching the United months, was bound from Paris to of waste pulled up from the At-questions. property is in an "A" residence ergy Commission yesterday em- Nations in Leopoldville said tiie the dying winds of Carla hurled Casablanca, with a brief stop Mr. Gallop had claimed that llantic Ocean. Mr. Dietz is the expert sent zone: UN's Katanga chief, Connor back tornadoes after th: hurri- scheduled at Rabat, phasized that "safety is our first > because the vacant lot lies nearly cane's center vis many miles At a closed-door healing con- into the area by Robert W, Kirk The Borough Council then re-opposite the Acme Store parking Cruise O'Brien had declared: consideration and always has;duc(ed ,t Brjcl]e by Jphn E Inland. Finally shorn of Its The plane contacted the Rabat man, 232 Cambridge Ave., Fair jected the variance recommenda- lot, it is undesirable as a site "The Katanga secession is over. been" as fishermen in Monmouth; Dietz of the AECs Division on control tower, then began its let- Haven, N. J., compliance chief lion. Instead, the governing body for' construction of a one-family Katanga is now a Congolese Vicious gales, remnants of the 1 down and glide toward Rabat's 1 ««J At.— i C/ '- KTflllt \Tr**\r T\i-.»Itf*«A«> _'_ ? J *-t- _ ^1— ——I — '— Yl__ 1 .L...Ui .. J * giant tropical storm movsd north- County, N. J., expressed per- Inspection in Washington, the of the AEC's New York Division said, fhe Planning Board should! dwelling unit. province." Sale Airport. But In the thick fog, eastward out of Texas toward to gather data about the discov- consider possible rezoning of thej Mr Warren maintained that President Moise Tshombe, the the plane veered off into a ra- Missouri. ery of a considerable number ofiparcel to permit garden apart this was insufficient hardship to independent minded leader of the vine and struck a jutting rock. Just 'Temporary' In a telephone conference last heavh y concrete and steell barrelbls ments. grant a variance. rich, southeast province, fled into Witnesses said they heard two night, President Kennedy told in the littoral, or shallow, wa-j Too Small hiding denouncing the UN for distinct explosions and then the Texas Gov. Price Daniel that ters of the sea. The Planning Board decided:_ taking action against his troops, plane turned into a torch, burn- (See CARLA, Page 2) laid Elisabethville Radio. ing for several hours. Council OKs Illegal Fishermen Tell ol Finds initially that the property would [ •«{") After the discussion with the ^ t0° 9ma11 t0 Pe™11' §arae? Adoula told newsmen tha Ka- The victims v/ertJl passengers Washington authority, several of | apartments even if the land were tangese army will be placed un- and 6 crew members. rezoned der the central government's little Silver Among the passengers listed by the fishermen talked with news- - Middletown Traffic Regulation men about their experiences, tell- However, Mr. Morns son-in authority. He said the Katangese Air France were these three law, Daniel G. Gallop, a Shrews- forces would be integrated with Americans: Neville Fowler, a Na- ing of their encounters with the Revises Soil MATAWAN — Borough Council east, and South St. (one block .suspected "nuclear barrels," all burV attorney, persisted. He re- the troops of the central govern- vy officer from Pittsburgh; John Plan ast night enacted an illegal traf- over), from Broad to Main St.,. f j his year gained Bernard Kellenyi, Plan- ment's commander in chief, Gen. Brown, a Navy officer from Bay- ourt< t fic regulation — but the mayorjone-way going west. i _ ' 'ning Board chairman, as his MIDDLETOWN-The Township Joseph Mobutu. side, Va., and W. Paige, an engi- ai lc r ! n Control Code said after the meeting that it? It was done by resolution -\J_L.^ J,..,. ^. r. " ...?"__'^architec a 1 ; tL to design some mulli Adoula told he had neer whose home address was New York Division Dublic rela "- "" '- '" »"'«" ••"'""= '""»'• Planning Board has scheduled a' Adoula told newsmen LITTLE SILVER - Borough neer whose would only be "temporary," and and without state approval. v 1 asked the tions staff, repeated t o The '',story apartments which might be series of eight regional confer-! UN to take over all introduced a unavailable. that "we'll probably get away Can't Do It , j ister his earlier statement lh.V suitable. ! ences to acquaint residents with! essential services in Katanga and with it until a cop hands out a Under The lanners aeci led revised edition of its proposed Other victims were: John state law, any rery hard to conmat-, „-,.. P., J....J.< J last nightu,. change..s in th. e master plan. hij government has declared a Quinn, Australia s ambassador to that if Mr Morris comoines the stat •oil removal ordinance. summons and we're asked 'where traffic change must be made by; neer to the public' ' | Opposed last year by residents, « of. emergency in the prov- the United Arab Republic; Mo- is the ordinance'?" ordinance, with a public hearing, i"'Ye ™ a two mce The new ordinance will have rom e 0(! Panels of land he owns and,tt,e pian has been redrafted by', - hammed Boufini, a member of What council did was to make and the municipality must obtain! ,*" The Soutn • public bearing at 8:15 p.m. amic w if| proposes to build the new apart-;the board and Herbert H. Smith! ( African Radio said Jvforocco's Foreign Miniitry.-The there wer Sept: 24 • from Main St. to|approval from the state Division| ,, ment building as ann annex toto;Associates; Associates,.
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