THE BRITISH COLD BIA DECEMBER , 1970 Runner PUBLISHED BY THE DEPA RTMENT OF HIGHWAYS VOLUME 7, UMBER 4 RECOVERY OF THE ENTERPRISE When Barkerville mining activity ended, the miners moved north and the paddle wheeler En terprise was dispatched north, in 1870, from its ru n on the Fraser River, to serve the Omineca gold fields. The stern wheeler was beac hed on Trembleur Lake in August, 1871, for the winter, but in the spring of 1872 it caught fire and burned to the water line. This year, almost 100 years later, the office of the Provincial Secretary requested the De­ partment of Highways to recover the re­ mains for historical purposes. All that remained were the boilers and the crank­ shaft which were loaded on a barge and transported to Fort 51. James. Picture on the bottom, right, shows the remains of the Enterprise on the beautiful sandy beach of Trembleur Lake. Bottom left, Road Foreman Wilf Patten inspects the remains before sending in a barge for retrieval, and, left , Pilot Jerry Johnson looks at the ancient boiler. 2 THE ROAD RUNNER Volume 7 December, 1970 Number 4 Published**Qu arterly by the British Columbia Department of Highways Victoria, British Columbia Th ere isn't any new way of say ing it so I won't try, Ray Baines, Executive Editor hut again I would like to Arthur 1. Schindel, Editor ex tend to each employee of th e Department m y personal wish for a M erry Christmas ** and a Happ y N ew Y ear. For Associate Field Editors many on winter maintenan ce A. R. Limacher _ _ Victoria and ferry operations, the Bill Ingram _ __ Victoria holidays are working days. To these I would lik e to add a special word of thanks on Al Walisser _ __..__ _ _ Bridge District behal] of th e British Columbia G ov ernment, which em­ Jim Winton .. ._.. North Vancouver ploy s them, and the travelling public, whi ch m ak es heavy S. J. Tognela . Burn side dem ands on them in this period . J. W. Morris.,.. Nanaimo M. Butler . Courtenay W . D . BLACK, Minister. David Price . British Columbia Ferries Division George Cooper . ..Patrol, North Vancouver Ellis Meads .. Dock Distri ct Lloyd Burgess . New Westminster Don Osborne Chilliwack Jim Ferrier . .._. Kamloops Edie Smith . Williams Lake Murray Ram say .. .. ._.._._.Salmon Arm M. J. Newlands .. ..__.. .. ..Revelstoke Al Desimone .. .__... .. ..Vernon Fred Evans .. .. .. .. .. .... Kelowna J. W. Zaporozan __ .._ .. .. ...Penticton Jim Chenoweth __.._.... _.. .. Merritt Dave Roberts ..----------- .. .._..__.Lillooet Dorothy Wilkin s -------..---- .. .. Grand Forks R. E. McKeown .. .. ...._..__ Rossland S. J. Dixey ----....----..----..-- .... ..__. Nelson Fred Angrignon . _.. New Denver Fred Ryckman .. ..__...__.... __ ..__ Creston N. K. Molander .. ..__. Cr anbrook Sam Caravella __ .. .. .. .. Fernie J. W. Hickmott .. .. ....Golden Steve Sviatko .. .. ... .. .Smithers J. C. Bartsch __ .. .__ ...__. ..Pouce Coupe Homer Good .. ...__.Fort St. John Don Hutton ..__. .. .. ..__.. Terrace Shirley Hrechka .. Prince George Jack. Doddridge .. ... .. __ Prince George C. R. Stephenson .. ...__.__....__ Quesnel George Harper .. .... .. Vanderhoof H. R. Walker .. .. .. .... ...Burns Lake W. R. Ball ....__.. .... .. .... .. Prince Rupert Cover Photo-Unusual project for the Department in July and Nine-foot multi-plate culvert about to be put in place on the Augu st, 1970, was the paving of the runw ay for the new Revel­ Trans-Canada Highway near Duncan. This large culvert, in­ stoke Airport. Work was done under a British Columbia Hydro stalled in A ugust, provides school children with a safe crossing contract with specifications prepared by the Department of High­ to a school on the busy highway. Arnold Glover, Bridge For e­ ways Paving Branch and supervision of the job by a crew under man 3, and A. Casagrande, Road Maintenance Foreman, Duncan, Project Supervi sor J. R. Ca llaghan. The old runw ay was flooded supervised the installation. Oth ers on the job were Allen Stewart, by the storage reservoir behind the Dunc an Dam .-Photo courtesy Don Vincent, and Alfred Olson. of Hans Giesen, Revelstoke. 3 LlTHOCRAPHED IN CANA DA BY 1<. M . MA CDON AL D . Q UEEN'S PR I NT ER , V IC TO R I A. BRIT I SH C O L U M BI A PROMOTIONS 10-7 CLUB NEIL C. TAITRIE ROGER PRATT Fort St. John Dis­ was recently promoted has been promoted to trict employees re­ to the position of the position of Re­ \ ~ O . '11 cently held a retire­ Chief Property Negoti­ gional Materials Engi­ 1>-\ ment party for JACK ator, following the re­ neer in Kamloops. He McDONALD, who tirement of Les Moore was previously with has been with the De­ earlier this year. Neil Materials Testing .~ par tmen t since 1956. commenced working Branch in Victoria. He has worked in for the Department on a temporary basis Roger was born and educated in England, many jobs-truck driver, loader, and low­ in 1936 and, after war service, rejoined where he graduated with a B.Sc. from bed operator. Jack will now devote his the Department in 1946. He is married Leeds University. He came to Canada considerable energies to his farm, after and has three children. His hobbies are in September, 1964, obtained a Masters a well-deserved winter holiday in Mexico. lodge work and gardening. Degree in soil mechanics at Queen's University. He started with the Construc­ tion Branch in July, 1967, at Nakusp, transferred to Materials Testing Branch at Nelson in March, 1968, and then trans­ V. "BUD" GREEN STAN PALOPOSKI retired August 31, recently won through ferred to Victoria in October, 1968. Roger is single. His outside interests are 1970, from the Mer­ competition the posi­ ritt Highway District tion of Regional Land­ sports, particularly track and field, middle long-distance running, tennis, and bad­ maintenance crew, scape Supervisor in after 15 years with the Region 2. He started minton. Other interests are reading and Chinese cooking. Department. Bud was with the Construction given a surprise party Branch in May, 1957, 0{:{ 0{:{ 0{:{ at his home, and he and Mrs . Green then transferred to the Paving Branch in T . W. TAYLOR were presented with gifts from fellow February, 1959. Stan is married and won through competi­ employees. has three children. tion the position of Road Foreman 4, North Vancouver Dis­ trict. He was formerly GORDON SPIERS DENNIS ANDER­ with Bridge District, at retired recently after SON, new Road Fore­ Pattullo Bridge, and working in the Quesnel man, Stewart, in the worked for a time at Celista, Salmon Arm District for the last Prince Rupert District, District. Tom has, in addition to his 11 years as a Cat is finding that his new occupational duties, the responsibility for and Grader Operator. job keeps him almost the needs of a family of nine children. Gordon started origi­ nally with the Depart­ too busy to enjoy the 0{:{ 0{:{ 0{:{ excellent fishing and ment in 1927, at Creston, until he joined hunting in the area. STEVE CUIT has won, through com­ the army in 1940. After the war, he petition, the position of Mechanic Fore­ worked for Emil Anderson Construction man 3 at Courtenay. A gathering of the for a time . Gordon was presented with New Denver Highway District employees gifts and best wishes by fellow workers. was held on September 11, 1970, to wish W. C. PURDY, As­ him the best on his transfer. Steve has sistant Mechanic Fore­ been a Mechanic Foreman 2 at New man I, has been pro­ Denver since 1966. Retiring after 10 moted and transferred 0{:{ 0{:{ 0{:{ to New Denver as years with the Quesnel JIM HAWES, of the Dock Design Mechanic Foreman 2. District, ALEX KLAS­ Branch, has been reclassified from Engi­ Bill started with the OFF leaves for the neering Aide to Engineering Assistant. Department at Clover­ Okanagan to take over dale in December, 1964. The recent an orchard. Alex was move is to familiar surroundings, as Bill presented with gifts worked in New Denver from May, 1966, NEW FACES and his fellow employ­ to July, 1968, as a Heavy Duty Mechanic. ees wished him every success in his new A farewell gift was presented to Bill by IN NEW PLACES venture. G. K. Austin, District Superintendent, on J. A. ARNUSCH is the new Engineer­ behalf of fellow employees. ing Aide 2 at Grand Forks. Jim has worked for the Construction Branch for A social and dance three and one-half years in Prince Rupert, were held on October Terrace, and on the Stewart-Cassiar 30, in the Sacred Heart LLOYD ROSELL, Highway. His hobbies are hunting and Hall, to mark the re­ promoted to Road fishing. tirement of HARRY Foreman 2, Prince 0{:{ 0{:{ 0{:{ BALL, Golden Dis­ Rupert District, re­ The position of Dis trict Technician at trict Bridge Foreman. cently moved from New Denver has recently been filled by Harry was presented Prince George, where W. D. COOPER. Bill had spent the last with a cash gift from fellow employees. he was employed as four years of his service at 100 Mile He started work with the bridge crew in a Construction and House. With his wife and two children, 1957 as a labourer, working his way lip Road Foreman. he has taken up residence at Silverton . to Foreman in 1963. 4 WEDDINGS Charlie Eva Retires After 39 Years of Service A large group from Headquarters staff gathered recently to mark the retirement of Ch arlie Eva , after 39 year s' service with the Department. He started with the Department of Publ ic Works in Jul y, 193 I, work ed fo r a time in the District Engineer's office and then as secretary to the Chief Engineer and Assistant Chief Leslie Marrion and R ob Rippengalc were married at First United Church, ill Victoria.
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