H9828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 17, 2004 Federal support and the passage of main. One such tract of land, the Highlands 1446) to support the efforts of the Cali- this Act this afternoon presents a Region, will be saved through today’s legisla- fornia Missions Foundation to restore unique substantive and symbolic op- tion. and repair the Spanish colonial and portunity for our government once The Highlands is an incredible 2 million acre mission-era missions in the State of again to express its commitment to swath across four states—New Jersey, New California and to preserve the artworks preserving our natural resources. York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. This and artifacts of these missions, and for Mr. Speaker, the Highlands, as was tract is home to nearly one and a half million other purposes. said earlier, is one of last open space people and is still a quick drive away from The Clerk read as follows: treasures in the most densely popu- New York City and other major metropolitan Senate amendment: Strike out all after lated area of the United States. In New areas. the enacting clause and insert: Jersey alone, my home State, it in- Even more importantly, the Highlands pro- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. cludes more than a million acres of for- vides and protects the drinking water supplies This Act may be cited as the ‘‘California Mis- est, farms, streams, wetlands, lakes, for over 15 million people who live in the sions Preservation Act’’. reservoirs and historic sites. Philadelphia-New York-Hartford metropolitan SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. Mr. Speaker, the Highlands Con- area, which cuts right through my central New In this Act: (1) CALIFORNIA MISSION.—The term ‘‘Cali- servation Act is a national priority, as Jersey district. Protecting these valuable water fornia mission’’ means each of the 21 historic has been mentioned, and a major im- sources now will save the Federal government Spanish missions and 1 asistencia that— perative. Passage of this Act will give untold millions in future costs associated with (A) are located in the State; the people of New Jersey, New York, building more treatment plants for the nation’s (B) were built between 1769 and 1798; and Connecticut and Pennsylvania more of most densely populated metropolitan area. (C) are designated as California Registered the tools they need to preserve and The Highlands Conservation Act authorizes Historic Landmarks. protect these remarkable resources and the use of federal Land and Water Conserva- (2) FOUNDATION.—The term ‘‘Foundation’’ means the California Missions Foundation, a assets. tion Fund money to preserve and protect this nonsectarian charitable corporation that— I thank the gentleman from Cali- area. This legislation fosters community in- (A) was established in the State in 1998 to fornia (Mr. POMBO), the chairman, and volvement in the future of this region by allow- fund the restoration and repair of the California the gentleman from Nevada (Mr. GIB- ing the governors of the four Highlands states missions; and BONS) for their support and the work of to identify which lands are best eligible for (B) is operated exclusively for charitable pur- their committee and staff and urge conservation efforts. This act also increases poses under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal adoption of the bill. local and state investment in this project by re- Revenue Code of 1986. (3) SECRETARY.—The term ‘‘Secretary’’ means Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I quiring that federal funds be matched dollar the Secretary of the Interior. yield such time as he may consume to for dollar by local, state, and private funding (4) STATE.—The term ‘‘State’’ means the State the gentleman from New York (Mr. sources. I am confident that the governor and of California. ENGEL). the residents of New Jersey are eager to SEC. 3. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in begin identifying and planning for the future of (a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may enter strong support of H.R. 1964. I thank the this green space in New Jersey. into a cooperative agreement with the Founda- chairs and ranking members of the In addition to monetary assistance to pre- tion to provide technical and financial assist- Committee on Resources who ushered serve the Highlands, this bill will provide tech- ance to the Foundation to restore and repair— this bill through the process, and I (1) the California missions; and nical assistance to communities and organiza- (2) the artwork and artifacts associated with want to thank the author of this bill, tions involved in conservation efforts in the re- the California missions. the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. gion. So many people have already done so (b) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.— FRELINGHUYSEN) for his stalwart sup- much to help preserve this area, and they will (1) IN GENERAL.—The cooperative agreement port. now get the added benefit of assistance and may authorize the Secretary to make grants to The Highlands is a vast area of land expertise from the federal government. the Foundation to carry out the purposes de- which stretches from Connecticut to I would like to take this opportunity to recog- scribed in subsection (a). Pennsylvania, and my district is smack (2) ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible to receive a nize Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN for his leadership on grant or other form of financial assistance in the middle of it in New York. The this issue and his hard work in getting this leg- under this Act, a California mission must be list- Highlands run through Rockland Coun- islation to the floor. His tireless effort will en- ed on the National Register of Historic Places. ty, which is home to some of New sure that future generations will have the op- (3) APPLICATION.—To receive a grant or other York’s great history, scenic areas and portunity to enjoy the beauty of region. form of financial assistance under this Act, the wildlife, too. In fact, 1.4 million people I am pleased that the House of Representa- Foundation shall submit to the Secretary an ap- live within the Highlands area. The tives is considering this legislation today. This plication that— Highlands adjoin a metropolitan area (A) includes a status report on the condition bill means a lot to New Jersey, and I urge my of the infrastructure and associated artifacts of with a population of more than 20 mil- colleagues to support it. each of the California missions for which the lion people, and more than 11 million Mrs. CHRISTENSEN. Mr. Speaker, I Foundation is seeking financial assistance; and people rely on the Highlands drinking have no further speakers, and I yield (B) describes a comprehensive program for the water resources, which serves at least back the balance of my time. restoration, repair, and preservation of the in- half of New York City’s water supply. Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I have frastructure and artifacts referred to in sub- More than 14 million people visit the no further requests for time, and I paragraph (A), including— Highlands each year for recreational yield back the balance of our time. (i) a description of the prioritized preservation opportunities as well. Over 240 species activities to be conducted over a 5-year period; The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and of birds, mammals, amphibians, and question is on the motion offered by (ii) an estimate of the costs of the preservation reptiles depend on Highlands habitat. the gentleman from Nevada (Mr. GIB- activities. More than 160 historical and cultural BONS) that the House suspend the rules (4) APPLICABLE LAW.—Consistent with section sites have been identified in the region. and concur in the Senate amendment 101(e)(4) of the National Historic Preservation Thus, I thank my colleagues for their to the bill, H.R. 1964. Act (16 U.S.C. 470a(e)(4)), the Secretary shall support in preserving this important The question was taken; and (two- ensure that the purpose of any grant or other fi- resource for our constituents and visi- thirds having voted in favor thereof) nancial assistance provided by the Secretary to the Foundation under this Act— tors as well. the rules were suspended and the Sen- (A) is secular; Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in sup- ate amendment was concurred in. (B) does not promote religion; and port of the Highlands Conservation Act. A motion to reconsider was laid on (C) seeks to protect qualities that are histori- My constituents, like most people around the table. cally significant. (c) REVIEW AND DETERMINATION.— the state of New Jersey, have seen the ills of f sprawl and the consequences of poor planning (1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall submit a proposed agreement to the Attorney General for and meager preservation efforts. Most of us CALIFORNIA MISSIONS PRESERVATION ACT review. are surrounded by rampant commercial and (2) DETERMINATION.—A cooperative agreement industrial development in New Jersey. Mr. GIBBONS. Mr. Speaker, I move entered into under subsection (a) shall not take Despite the overdevelopment of our state, to suspend the rules and concur in the effect until the Attorney General issues a find- unique areas of beauty and open space re- Senate amendment to the bill (H.R. ing that the proposed agreement submitted VerDate Aug 04 2004 04:45 Nov 18, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00082 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 6333 E:\CR\FM\K17NO7.052 H17PT1 November 17, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9829 under paragraph (1) does not violate the estab- As part of the cooperative agreement of these facts when awarding the lishment clause of the first amendment of the process, the Secretary must submit a grants authorized under this legisla- Constitution. proposed agreement to the Attorney tion.
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