The Osteopathic Physician July 1903 Vol. 4, No. 2 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) and Michigan Auxiliary to the Macomb County Osteopathic Association May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine SM (formerly Still National Osteopathic Museum) © Still National Osteopathic Museum GreetingJ. Cleo()eland! THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN THE OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN OSTEOPATHIC ASSOCIATION. [ntered January 20th, 1903, Chicago, III., As Second Class Matter, Under the Act of Congress March 3rd, 1879 Volume 4. CHICAGO. JULY, 1903. Number 2 the eour 'es in dissection is always on hand in PEN SKETCH OF abundance, reserve bodies being now always ALL ABOARD FOR maintained at a number between thirty and PARENT SCHOOL. tifty. Classes in dissection are busy throughout CLEVELAND! the year, but during the summer months the Editor of the A. S. O. Journal Writes largest numbers are enrolled in these classes, whose members are "unincumbered," as it were, Whole Hearts and Half Rates Now of Kirkville's Summer Doings. with other work. The benefits derived from the Guaranteed. conrse cannot be adequately told in words; ex­ perience alone can tell their worth. SCHOOL REALIZING FOUNDER'S DREAM The classes in dissection represent but one divi­ sion of summer activity at Kirksville. In the ehem­ MARK HANNA SMILES WELCOME AT US Sum~er ish'v laboratories is another cohort of earnest 'Vork in Classes ShO'V8 the School to .Be \YOl:kers, carrying on experimental and practical a nee Hive of Industry, Even. in Vacation­ work in physiological chemistry and urinanaly­ COlne One, Conie All and 'rake Part in Cur­ New Sanita,riuJD a.t St. Louis Described. sis and mastering the eommon poisons and their rent IIistory-All the Old Yeteralls 'Vill He antidotes. The latter, in passing, suggests the '.rhere-A1Ho l.\lany Neu' Ones-Colne. mesEage reeei"ed by a Chicago druggist from one The writer was given n large assignment when of his women patrons, who had sent the follow- lIe was told to get up a story for THE OSTE­ The Big Convention is about to happen! OPATHLU PHYSICIAN on "the school." "The Many things will be done there! Folks will be there! school" meant "The American School of Osteop­ History is to be written! athy." One might grinJ out copy sufficient to Come! fill even- colmnn of "TIIl~ O. P." on that theme, Don't say "No." lYe won't and Jet' t he ~tor . wl,nld not be half told. 1 \\'ill swer, You mustn't offer it. It is not in mutual intcrc~ts. nor even for the fakc at random a thcugnt h. l~ atl I~ .",,1 IHlti(;nt~. l'hl:l {llfurp of nul' t-ocj("n h'ust that some will prove interesting. , ion" vill not stalld for" your ah,. va~ation There are to-day, during these days, It really won't! seyeral hundred students surging through the You are needed; and you are as needy of 1t ~ halls, to and fL'O, busied-in what ::lurely as it is of you; you also 11eed the balance of uS in something. The casual visitor would at once just as much as we need you. Come and be fra­ conclude that school was in session and that the ternal. Corne and be sisterly. Come and learn. hody of earnest young men and women seen Come and give up some of j'our own wisdom. wending its ,,-ay to the building every morlllng Come and help earry into effect the things you represented the regular class enrollment.. And believe ought most to be done. Come to work he would judge that it was a very credItable and think and pray, but don't forget- showing for the institution. But what surpnse IVe all mean to have a roaring lot of fun! is Ius when he learns that the dally workers now Do you think -President Teall would have in the harness represent only about a third of given up that trip to "flo" Europe with a G. P. the student body of the l'egular session and that in order to sit in a solemn, nodding crowd the "'ork now under way is but special "assign­ merely? ments" for these enterprising and determined at much! stu,lents. whORe life ambition is a mastery of IIe means to have some good recreation and Osteop"thy's great lll'incipies share a good banquet and do other thing" with There are now engaged, in dissecting classes at Mrs. Tea'l's permission, the parent school of the new science, one hun­ Neither would Clarence Kerr have quit the dred students. The thoroughness of the course haln)'on dells of interiar Greenland, where he which is being pursued by this body of men and was investigating the causes of lichens on the wonwn eannot be appreciated except hy thuse backs of the populace, had he not expected to fmniliar with it. Dr. F. P. Young, recoglllzed learn more from our lips when he meets us face we believe to-day as one of the greatest anato­ to face-not much! mists in the Osteopathic profession, has charge And do you think Broiher Evans would bring of the classe, Daily lectures, in which the work A MAjV WHO 'BELIEVES his boy 700 miles if he didn't know the young in dissection is outlined for each day, are given IjV LESIOjVS fellow would find much to remember-neYel'! at 8 o'clock each morning, after which the Neither would John D. Rockefeller have laid eIasRes repair to their respective rooms for the ing note by a little daughter: "~Iy little baby off a whole day from his arduous work of strik­ day's deh-ing into the intricacies, beautIes and has eat his father's parish plaster. Send an anec­ ing oil in order to make the address of wekome, womle1's of the human form. Such reference to dote quick by inclosed girl." Even the serious or Mark I-Ianna quit settling strikes, if he hadn't the work of dissection would perhaps strike the ihings of life have their "anecdotes." known you would be there, brimming' full of ap­ layman, who looks upon it in anything but an Other lists of summer students-and it is get­ preciation. appreciative mood, as grewsome, peculiarly, but ting to be an established truth with Kirksville I tell you "come!" And make no mistake the readers of TIll<l OSTEOPATHIC PllYSI­ people that in the summertime 0111' fancies turn about it. Remember the dates-July 15, 16 and CL\N will appreciate the beauties and wonders to students just as in every other season of the 17. Remember the place-Cleveland. Remember referret! to and the practical value to the stu­ (Continued on Page Four.) the opportunity for reduced rates, and don't for­ dent of a course as systematically presented and get to do your part to take advantage of them. plll'"ued as that in the Kirksville school. l<lach Father Teall gives this ad,-iee to the faith­ class is in charge of an experienced prosector, in­ SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING ful: suring careful and thorough work and a master­ All who take advantage of the l~pworth ful consideration of every tissue, League rates will hav0 to go to Detroit and l'rohablv in no institution in the country is American deposit their tickets with the Commissioner m;terial for dissection better prepared th,m o3.t there; from there a rate of one fare for the the American School of Osteopathy. Dr. Young Osteopathic Association round trip to Cleveland can be had. gives his personal attention to the preparatio:, July 15, 16 and 17, 1903 Tickets will be stlld to reach Detroit on the and eare of all bodies, attends personally to theIr mornillg of the 14th. All intending purchas­ injection and presen-ation, and painstakingly Headquarters, Hollenden Hotel ers shonld call on their nearest ticket watches the care of the bodies after they are CLEVELAND, OHIO agents 'mf] get the dates of sale, whieh vary III the hands of the several classes. Maierial for in different parts of the United Rtates. A-Ltend the CQfiO()-ention © Still National Osteopathic Museum .JoIn the AJJoclatlon THE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Those from the east, or other points, who do 4. The People's Line (between Clevelall€l shorter route to Cleyeland. l!'or instance, not care to go via Detroit, are urged to and Detroit), on alternate days. t"os~ who buy via Toledo can le,we train ASK. FOn. A CERTIFICATE from the 5. Cleveland & Toledo (to Put-in-Bay). there and reach Cleyeland by boat or trolley ticket agent when buying their transporta­ 6. Great Northern Steamship company, two cal', at 6 p. m., July 1.',. It will be necessary tion, which in case thcre should be 100 such, boats weekly each way between Buffalo, to returll via Detroit in order to have return will entitle the bearers to the return trip at Chicago and Duluth. portion of iicket validated. one-third fare. This applies only to those TO GET FROM DETROIT TO CLEYELAXD. The following from the Official bulletin who do not wish to go via Detroit. This is 1. Trains on the L. S. & 1\1. S. R. R. will help to make matters clear: important. There can be no difficulty in get­ leave Detroit at 7:30 a. m .., 2:55 and 5 p. Retul'll Limit.-Tickets will be good witb­ ting the rcquired number, if all who come m., reaching Clel'eland in 4'h to 5 hours.
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