Page 85 TITLE 16—CONSERVATION § 110c main fork of Ohanapecosh River to the quarter and one-half acres, as generally depicted on the section line of section 9, township 14 north, map entitled ‘‘Mount Rainier National Park range 10 east, Willamette meridian; thence west- Proposed 1987 Boundary Adjustments’’, num- erly along the quarter section line of sections 9, bered 105–80,010B and dated January 1987, which 8, and 7 to the west boundary of said township; shall be on file and available for public inspec- thence due west to the right or west bank of tion in the Washington office of the National Muddy Fork of the Cowlitz River; thence north- Park Service, United States Department of the erly along the right bank of said Muddy Fork to Interior and at Mount Rainier National Park. a point exactly due east of post numbered 34 on (b) Forest boundary adjustment the south boundary of Mount Rainier National The boundaries of the Snoqualmie National Park as surveyed in 1908; thence due west to said Forest and of the Gifford Pinchot National For- post numbered 34; thence along the boundary of est, are hereby revised to include in the Sno- said park as surveyed in 1908 to post numbered qualmie National Forest approximately thirty- 35; thence easterly along the south boundary of one and one-half acres, to exclude from the Sno- said national park as surveyed in 1908 to the qualmie National Forest approximately thirty southeast corner thereof; thence northerly along acres, and to exclude from the Gifford Pinchot the east boundary of said national park as sur- National Forest approximately two hundred and veyed in 1908 to post numbered 59; thence along ten acres, as generally depicted on a map enti- the east boundary of said park as revised by sec- tled ‘‘Mount Rainier National Park Proposed tion 107 of this title, northerly to the point of 1987 Boundary Adjustments’’, numbered beginning. 105–80,010B, and dated January 1987, which shall (Jan. 31, 1931, ch. 71, § 1, 46 Stat. 1047.) be on file and available for public inspection in the Washington, District of Columbia office of § 110. Laws and regulations applicable to added the Forest Service, United States Department of lands; free use of roads maintained by State Agriculture and at the Snoqualmie and Gifford All laws applicable to and in force within the Pinchot National Forests. Mount Rainier National Park as of January 31, (c) Administration of park land 1931, and all regulations issued pursuant thereto, (1) Federal lands, and interests therein for- are made applicable to and extended over the merly within the boundary of the Snoqualmie land added to the said park by section 109 of this National Forest and the Gifford Pinchot Na- title: Provided, That no fee or charge shall be tional Forest, which are included within the made by the United States for the use of any boundary of the Mount Rainier National Park roads in said park built or maintained exclu- pursuant to this Act are, subject to valid exist- sively by the State of Washington. ing rights, hereby transferred to the administra- (Jan. 31, 1931, ch. 71, § 2, 46 Stat. 1048.) tive jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior for administration as part of the Park, and shall § 110a. Headquarters site; acquisition of lands be subject to all the laws and regulations of the Park. In order to apply the present headquarters site (2) The Secretary of the Interior is authorized in Mount Rainier National Park to public use to accept either concurrent or exclusive juris- for which it is more suitable and to provide a diction over lands and waters included within headquarters for the park, the Secretary of the Mount Rainier National Park by this Act. The Interior is authorized to provide a park head- Secretary shall notify in writing the Governor quarters in the general vicinity of Ashford, of the State of Washington of the acceptance of Washington, and for such purpose to acquire in any such jurisdiction ceded to the United States this vicinity, by such means as he may deem to by the State. The existing exclusive Federal ju- be in the public interest, not more than three risdiction, where it exists in the Park, shall re- hundred acres of land, or interest therein. main in effect until such time as the Secretary (Pub. L. 86–521, § 1, June 27, 1960, 74 Stat. 219.) and the Governor shall agree upon the terms and conditions of concurrent legislative jurisdiction § 110b. Administration of headquarters site for said Park pursuant to section 251l of this The headquarters site provided pursuant to title. section 110a of this title shall constitute a part (3) AUTHORIZATION OF LAND ACQUISITION.—The of Mount Rainier National Park and be adminis- Secretary of the Interior is authorized to ac- tered in accordance with the laws applicable quire from willing sellers by donation, purchase thereto. with donated or appropriated funds, exchange, bequest, or otherwise all non-Federal lands, wa- (Pub. L. 86–521, § 2, June 27, 1960, 74 Stat. 219.) ters, and interests therein included within the boundary of the Mount Rainier National Park § 110c. Boundary adjustments pursuant to this Act. (a) Park boundary adjustments (d) Administration of forest land The boundaries of the Mount Rainier National (1) Federal lands, and interests therein for- Park as established in the Act of March 2, 1899 merly within the boundary of the Mount Rainier (30 Stat. 993), as amended; (16 U.S.C. 91–110b),1 National Park, which are excluded therefrom are further revised to add to the Park approxi- and are included within the boundaries of the mately two hundred and forty acres, and to ex- Snoqualmie National Forest pursuant to this clude from the park approximately thirty-one Act are, subject to valid existing rights, hereby transferred to the administrative jurisdiction of 1 See References in Text note below. the Secretary of Agriculture for administration § 110d TITLE 16—CONSERVATION Page 86 as part of the Forest, and shall be subject to all (c) Administration of acquired lands the laws and regulations applicable to the Na- Lands acquired under this section shall be ad- tional Forest System. ministered by the Secretary of the Interior as (2) For the purposes of sections 100506(c) and part of Mount Rainier National Park in accord- 200306 of title 54, the boundaries of the Sno- ance with applicable laws and regulations. qualmie National Forest and the Gifford Pin- chot National Forest, as modified pursuant to (Pub. L. 108–312, § 3, Oct. 5, 2004, 118 Stat. 1194.) this Act, shall be treated as if they were the SHORT TITLE boundaries of those national forests on January 1, 1965. For short title of Pub. L. 108–312, which enacted this (3) Effective upon acceptance thereof by the section, as the Mount Rainier National Park Boundary Adjustment Act of 2004, see section 1 of Pub. L. 108–312, State of Washington, the jurisdiction which the set out as a note under section 91 of this title. United States acquired over those lands ex- cluded from the boundaries of the Mount FINDINGS Rainier National Park by this Act is hereby Pub. L. 108–312, § 2, Oct. 5, 2004, 118 Stat. 1194, provided retroceded to the State. that: ‘‘The Congress finds the following: ‘‘(1) The Carbon River watershed within Pierce (Pub. L. 100–668, title III, § 302, Nov. 16, 1988, 102 County in the State of Washington has unique quali- Stat. 3965.) ties of ecological, economic, and educational impor- tance, including clean water, productive salmon REFERENCES IN TEXT streams, important wildlife habitat, active geologic Act of March 2, 1899 (30 Stat. 993), as amended, re- processes, outdoor recreational opportunities, scenic ferred to in subsec. (a), is act Mar. 2, 1899, ch. 377, 30 beauty, educational opportunities, and diverse eco- Stat. 993, which enacted sections 91, 92, and 93 of this nomic opportunities. title. For complete classification of this Act to the ‘‘(2) Mount Rainier National Park is one of the pre- Code, see Tables. mier attractions in the State of Washington, provid- This Act, referred to in subsecs. (c) and (d), is Pub. L. ing recreational, educational, and economic opportu- 100–668, Nov. 16, 1988, 102 Stat. 3961, which enacted sec- nities that will be enhanced by the construction of tion 110c of this title, amended sections 90b, 90c–1, new campgrounds and visitor contact facilities in the 90d–4, 251n, 256b, 256c, and 1274 of this title, and enacted Carbon River valley outside old-growth forest habi- provisions listed in a table of Wilderness Areas set out tats and above the flood plain. under section 1132 of this title and provisions set out as ‘‘(3) Coordination of management across national notes under sections 90, 90b, and 251n of this title. For forest and national park lands in this corridor will complete classification of this Act to the Code, see enhance the conservation of the forest ecosystem and Short Title of 1988 Amendment note set out under sec- public enjoyment of these public lands. tion 90 of this title and Tables. ‘‘(4) Protection and development of historic and recreational facilities in the Carbon River valley, CODIFICATION such as trails and visitor centers, can be facilitated In subsec. (d)(2), ‘‘sections 100506(c) and 200306 of title by the National Park Service.’’ 54’’ substituted for ‘‘section 7 of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (78 Stat. 903, as amended; SUBCHAPTER XII—MESA VERDE NATIONAL 16 U.S.C. 460l–9)’’ on authority of Pub. L. 113–287, § 6(e), PARK Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat.
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