Feb. 2 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 NOTE: The President spoke at 3:45 p.m. in the Thomas M. Menino of Boston; and Joanne Collins auditorium. In his remarks, he referred to Gov. Russell, principal, and Gail Zimmerman, teacher, Argeo Paul Cellucci of Massachusetts; Mayor Jackson Mann Elementary School. Statement on the Death of Paul Mellon February 2, 1999 Hillary and I are saddened by the death of of Lafayette Park, across the street from the Paul Mellon, one of America’s most dedicated White House. He received the National Medal philanthropists. His generosity over a long life- of the Arts and the National Medal for the time invigorated and sustained our Nation’s cul- Humanities, but his true recognition comes from tural and educational institutions. Carrying on the millions of people whose love of art his his family’s work, he donated a remarkable col- gifts inspired. His legacy of commitment to pub- lection of priceless art to the National Gallery lic service is, itself, priceless. Our thoughts and of Art, so that it could be enjoyed by future prayers are with his wife, Bunny, his children, generations. He gave the Nation the Cape Hat- Catherine and Timothy, and his grandchildren. teras National Seashore and led the restoration Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization February 2, 1999 Dear lllll: Sincerely, I transmit herewith the report required under the heading ‘‘International Organizations and WILLIAM J. CLINTON Programs’’ in title IV of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appro- NOTE: Identical letters were sent to Ted Stevens, priations Act, 1996 (Public Law 104–107), relat- chairman, and Robert C. Byrd, ranking member, ing to the Korean Peninsula Energy Develop- Senate Committee on Appropriations; and C.W. ment Organization (KEDO). The attached re- Bill Young, chairman, and David R. Obey, ranking port covers the period through December 1998. member, House Committee on Appropriations. Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on the Emigration Policies and Trade Status of Albania February 2, 1999 To the Congress of the United States: tions, including exit visa requirements, on its I am submitting an updated report to the population since 1991. Congress concerning the emigration laws and On December 5, 1997, I determined and re- policies of Albania. The report indicates contin- ported to the Congress that Albania is not in ued Albanian compliance with U.S. and inter- violation of paragraphs (1), (2), or (3) of sub- national standards in the area of emigration. In section 402(a) of the Trade Act of 1974, or fact, Albania has imposed no emigration restric- paragraphs (1), (2), or (3) of subsection 409(a) 148 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 11:57 Mar 19, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00148 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\99PUBPAP\99PUBPAP.TXT txed01 PsN: txed01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1999 / Feb. 2 of that act. That action allowed for the continu- port is submitted as required by law pursuant ation of normal trade relations status for Albania to the determination of December 5, 1997. and certain other activities without the require- WILLIAM J. CLINTON ment of an annual waiver. This semiannual re- The White House, February 2, 1999. Remarks at a Democratic National Committee Dinner in New York City February 2, 1999 Thank you very much. If I may, with all re- I want to thank Congressman Klein and spect to Caroline, borrow a line from President Speaker Silver and all my pals from Indiana Kennedy, it looks to me like—that it is highly who are here tonight. [Laughter] Joe Andrew, likely that I will increasingly be known as the this is a good sign. You’re going to spoil us; person who comes with Hillary to New York. you know, when we go to Washington State, [Laughter] I’m going to be looking for the five people from I want to, first of all, say to all of you how Indiana. When we’re in south Texas, I’ll be look- grateful I am to Steve Grossman for the great ing for the five people from Indiana. [Laughter] work he has done as our chairman. Nobody We’re going to open every meeting with ‘‘Back wanted to be head of the Democratic Party Home in Indiana.’’ [Laughter] We’ll all sing it. when it was $18 million in debt—[laughter]— You know, I could tell when Hillary was talk- but Steve Grossman, he thought it was just a ing to you about the women with whom she minor irritant that we could do away with. And met today that it touched you. But you have I said today—you know, Hillary came to New to know that I think that politics only works York today, and I went to Boston—and I’ll tell if you have certain principles and values, you you more about that in a minute; I had a great have ideas about how to implement them, and day in Boston. She said, ‘‘Now, tell me again then you have some sense of what the human what you’re doing in Boston.’’ I said, ‘‘Well, impact of what you do is. I mean, if this doesn’t I’m going to go up to Boston, and we’re going make any difference to anybody’s life, why did to canonize Steve Grossman.’’ And she said, you come out here tonight? You could have ‘‘Bill, don’t say that. It’s the wrong religion.’’ eaten downstairs for less money—[laughter]— [Laughter] So I did it anyway. I introduced him which, with all respect to the owner at this to his hometown crowd today as the first person restaurant, is saying something. [Laughter] And of the Jewish faith ever to be called Saint Ste- you could have done that. ven. [Laughter] And they liked it in Boston. So I’m getting ready for my next life. I’m At least, the Irish and the Italians liked it, which going to be the comic that closes the show— is a big part of the crowd. [Laughter] [laughter]—my standup life. I just want to tell We had a great day. I want to thank Len you two stories, too, that really mean a lot to Barrack for the work he’s done, and Governor me. The other day—well, let me back up and Romer, all the staff folks. I want to thank Joe say I believe there are two things which distin- Andrew and Beth Dozoretz for being willing guish the two parties today on almost every issue to serve. I want to thank Judith Hope for doing of major significance. There may be 200, but a great job here in New York. And I cannot I think there are two, for sure. tell you how grateful I am to Jerry Nadler, Caro- First is, what is the role of Government in lyn Maloney, and Nita Lowey. They are treas- making the America of our dreams in the 21st ures. They do a magnificent job for New York, century? The first thing is, we ended the old but they stand up for what’s right for America, debate that nearly wrecked this country and and you should be so proud that our party is quadrupled the national debt and got us in a represented by people like them in the United terrible hole in the 1980’s, where, you know, States Congress. the argument was always: Is Government the 149 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 11:57 Mar 19, 2001 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00149 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 C:\99PUBPAP\99PUBPAP.TXT txed01 PsN: txed01.
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