The Franklin NEWS-RECORD X.t.,*d°...=o,d ~1**.=.,., o. J=ty5, t961 SOMERSET, NEWJERSEY 088731TUESDAY, NOVEMBER24, 1970 VOL. 15, NO. 47 .tm. po.t om~.i, so.,.,..t.N.,, J.,..~’. ’1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Student What’s Happening j iAroundi The Town i Play Is ~I~u~I~u~u~u~u~u~I~u~u~~~1~ Editor, Franklin News-Record: Three Local Dancers Weekshave elapsed since the Dec. 4-5 first major disruption at the~ "It Happened At Midnight" Franklin High School. will happen at 8 p.m. on Dec. Perform ’Nutcracker’ The harsh tones are muted. 4 and 5 in the Franklin High It is the kind of a social mora- School auditorium, EAST BRUNSWICK -- The torium, however that could The annual Junlor-senlor BrunswickBallet Theatre, now prove illusory if it is generally classproduction is now in re- in rehearsalfor its thirdan- accepted as a miracle cure for hearsalunder the directionof nualfull length productionof fundamental socio- econbmic RichardVallin. the NutcrackerBallet, to be iniquities in our township. The play, a mystery-farce performedon Dec. 12 and 13, by JamesReach, is set in an announcesthat three Somerset The issues that trouble both’ abandoned farm house in the dancershave been selectedto adults and students include in-’ Frank Turner, (Scott Dreicer) a goodguy, flattens Putzoff, (Don countryside,within 20 miles Kumzoff, (Tom Teszar) a big bad guy, expresses displeasure with participate. creasing difficulties in feeding, of New YorkCity. Kozerow), a bad guy. Robin J. Hood (Chris Mattaliano) while Sylvia (Pat DeMareo), Debra Heflin, 16 Gifford ~.ousing and caring for a faro- The homeis headquartersof fly. a spy ring,masterminded by a makesa feeble attempt to intervene. Road, has been promoted from smartwoman, made successful the corps to dance the role of Rising unemployment, the by a beautifulone, and pro- "Dewdrop" In the famous war, the pollution of the coun- tectedby a coupleof strong- "Waltzof the Flowers"scene tryside, and threats of poten- armedbruisers. of Act Two. tial destruction can hardly be Intotheir lives come a dam- from Somerset willappear blamed on youth. "This is Debbie’ssecond who selin distress,awrlter andhis yearwith the company,and she in the company’sChristmas Their impatience with our valet,a medium,a blind man has shownso much promisein productionare CarlaStarone society’sInability or unwilling- andhis wife (or so theythink), theroles assigned her thatwe and Debble James, both of ness to come to grips with a mother and daughter high- feelshe is thebest cholcepos= whom along with Miss Heflln theseproblems is causedby the society duo, and a federal law- slblefor the part of Dewdrop," also appearedin the recent same frustrationthat makes man. accordingto Mrs. Lois Urn= productionof SwanLake. adultsuse youth as scapegoats. What happens to this assort- holtz,the company’sdirector- Theywill be seenagain this of andbadguys, what ment good choreographer, year in the rolesthey danced The studentsmay not always girl ends up with what man, lastyear as Reed Flutes,and expressthemselves politely. and what charactersreveal "Withher strong stage pres- as Snowflakesin Act One. But adultswho don’t seem to themselvesto be more than ence and enthusiasmfor the givea damnif theworld comes meets the eye comprisesthe danceI believeshe is one of Ticketinformation may be to an end as long as it lasts plotof this30-year.old three- theballet stars of thenext gen- obtainedfrom the DanceArts theirlifetime are hardlycon- actthriller. eration,"said Mrs. Umholtz. Studio by calling254-9824. siderateor trustworthy. Cast membersinclude Chris Group ratesare availablein and Marc Mnttaliano,Tom Tea; The two otheryoung dancers limitedquantity. I can’t blame the kids for zar, Don Kozerow Patty De- being restive and disillusioned Marco,Echo Conner, Llz Szil- with adults who take such agyi. Margle Smith, Kathy Se- a callous, short-range view of bastian, GloriaNye, KimQuig- Sisterhood Sponsors life, MadameZonga, (Kathy Sebastian) head spy, plans strategy with ley,Chive and ScottDreicer. Winona(Margie Smith,) and Elise (Echo Conner,) while Heming- Ticketsare $1.25 for stu- Hatta Marl (Gloria Nye) threatens to kill Abner Purdy (Marc Let’s stop blaming the stu- dents,$1.50 for adults. Mattaliano) and his wife Kate (Kim Quigley.) A Play For Children dents and start dolngsomethlng way (Marc Mattaliano) and Robin J. Hood(Chris Mattaliano) lister~ aboutthe conditions that make. soMERSET-"The Emperor’s 2ne Kay Rockefeller Tra- lifedifficult for most kids and veling Playhouseis a profess- unbearablefor others. New Clothes,"by Hans Chris- tian Anderson,will be per- ional theatre troupe whichper- ¯ Let’s lay the blame on the formedby the Kay Rockefeller formed before 30,000 children peoplewho tolerateor even School Board Widens Its War TravelingPlayhouse in Frank- in New York City alone last exploitthese conditions. Blam- Judgein a slmilarcase upheld tions about appearancewere season. His ruling was made in of underground newspapers finnext month. ing FranklinTownship’s youth By BILL ADAMS the rightof a schooladmlnis- drawn up and votedon by the a case involving the Livingston would not be permitted in the This classicfolk talewill Ticketsare $1.50, and there dividesadults from students Franklinschool system. trattonto insiston conformity studentsinvolved, and since he are specialrates for group senselessly,without solving The Franklin Board of Edu- school board, but it could be apparentlyvoted for the regula- be performed on Dec. 30 at significant in Franklin, since and uniformityIn band mem- reservations. anyof the realproblems. cation’s battle against Randy He alsosaid that if thecom- bers,stating that a non-con- tionsmanual, he has nowviola- 1 p.m. at Franklin High several "underground" publi- missloner’soffice directs the Bramwell, the "underground" formingindividual wouldde- teda ruleof whichhe onceap- School sponsored by the Door prizesand gifts will If a very few students are newspapers, Dr. Carl Marbur- cations (I.e., unauthorized leaf- boardto allowsuch materials, proved. Sisterhoodof TempleBeth El, be distributedto many of the lets, usually critical of admin- ~actfrom the bandas a whole violent, if some are ill-man- ger, and the American Civil an appealwill be filedwith the andmilitate against its effec- Becauseof the above cir- A mwellRosd. childrenwho attend. Liberties Union shows no sign istration and board) have been N.J.Board of Education, nered, rude, noisy or unkempt, tlveness. cumstances,the board feels the Emperor’s the real questions that must be of de-escalation. distributed by students in re- The ACLU has offeredtode- Dr. Marburger’sdecision youth has no basis for a com- "The New Ticketinformation may be Mr. Bramwell, a 17-year old cent months. fend local students who are Clothes" has long been a fa- obtainedfrom membersof the asked are: The Franklin board passed a was almostthe opposite:he plaint against the rule, and it Sisterhoodor by callingthe Franklin High student, lost his. disciplined for actingwithin the ruledthat a bandis merelyan- will continue to uphold the band vorite story of children of all Who or what turned these job in the Golden Warrior resolution at its last public confines of Dr. Marburgerts heritages. Temple. meeting which condemned the otherextra-currlcular school director’s refusal to let Mr. kids into what they are? Marching Band in September decision. activity,and that no rulesnot Bramwell march with the action of the commissionerand Who taught them to behave when he refused to give up his In the Bramwellcase, the appliedto students-at-large Golden Warriors, shoulder-length hair. requested the state legislature in a manner that is offensive? to reduce the powers of his of- boardbelieves that it has a couldbe enforcedagainst band If Mr. Bramwell continues to Cyanamid ToEnd Odor He and his parents got to- ;0asls for maintainingits members. seek reinstatement, it seems Aren’tthese kids symptoms, fice (News=Record, Nov. 19). theban on longhair forboys. gether with Attorney Jack Wy- originalposture in ~ enforcing In addition,the board feels the N.J. Board of Education TRENTON--The American of Health. rather than causes, of the seeker and contested the ruling. One week later, the Middle- that since Mr. Bramwellwas will be forced to give its opin- Cyanamid Co. has agreed to The state agency said that thingsthat bother us? Last week, Dr. Marburger, sex County Chapter of the Am- correctodor problems the company was nook, complying erican Civil Liberties Union A decisionby an Arkansas a band member when regula- ion of the case. emlna- FreddieWilliams state commissioner of educa- If any student decides to con- tingfrom its organic chemicals with previous directives to end tion, ruled in the youth’s favor. issued a statement calling the ~-~~~i~~~~~p~ plantinBrldgewater, according particulate emissions from its Human Relations board’s resolution "disturbing test the board’s continued ban The Franklin school board, on distributing underground to the StateDepartment of En- power plant and sulphur dioxide Commission and ill-considered." Somerset. however, has refused to accept d I id publications, it seems that the vironmentalProtection. emissions. = the commissioner’s decision, The ACLU statement ex- i an ns .e.... --0 American Civil Liberties Union Terms of the agreement and The local complaints about and will appeal it to the state pressed the hope that the hoard = THE NATIONALPET SHOW,coming up tn New York City, and the - will actively oppose the board’s time limit for compliance were
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