Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1981-82 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 12-10-1981 The thI acan, 1981-12-10 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1981-82 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1981-12-10" (1981). The Ithacan, 1981-82. 12. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1981-82/12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1981-82 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. ~'- -~ A Wee/cly Newspaper. Published Independe!"tly by the Students of Ithaca College Vol 51/No. 12 ..~ N ~w Pre registration HU~lSTll.\H Causes F<eceli_ng§ ~ixed "',:' ', By Mike Sheehan student not only lists courses Last week marked the of- in order of preference, but can ficial debut of the new pre- also list alternative choices. registration process here at The faculty, according to Ithaca College, arid IikP an Stanton, also enjoy benefits of o·pening of a_controversial the new process. Potential Broadway play, the rev.iews class lists, with student infor­ were mixed. mation, are given to the Elizabeth Tollard(Soc.85), professors to review at their who had one class out of five own leisure. This eliminates scheduled by the new com the pressure of having to sign puter, voiced her reservations the cards of students waitmg saying that ''even I could have in line. done better." Dave Apparently, students are Mullan(Finance84), on ti)e not taking full advantage of other hand, said that "It was listing ai'ternatives. Many of much simpler than all those the sheets turned in listed only cards." the minimal number of cour- "The main ·problem at this ses, so the full potential of the Students line up for preregiwation time" stated registrar John system could not be realized ....r.---------------..:._-~___::;'..._ _______________ _ Stanton, "is that a new system according to Stanton. I $ 11 always creates prob'l'T"' _;,,,, fab.:aticin and time a,e the 100 000 to C uhh! beca11~e it is new." The new- s;f''11H· 1 and Stanton said he is G - ' ' .H. ~ i • , ·-' ·., ui\.:h dimim1.h'~ " , very optimistic: "I think we ,e uns need of acquiring signatures 011 - have come up with a process _ · By John Neeson request. Once submitted to separate cards, emp1oys one _that will best satisfy both Remember those ARTJC(At- the committee, there is a single sheet" on -wllich the faculty and students. tack Read Tape at Ithaca budget hearing whe:-e the club College) posters that were or - organization will ask scattered all over campus in questions, and present what . August and Septembe.r? Ever they have done in the past On stop to think how much that year. promotion costs, or where the The committee then judges money came from? the group on a number of It cost $120 for that entire criteria according to Spraque. Campus promotion, and it came out of How the club will benefit the the executive board budget of Ithaca College community, the" Ithaca College Student their financial objectives set By Joe Halpern for the current year, what the A small arsenal of weapons Government. The budget committee, minimum amount is neede~ hangs peacefully in a locked comprised of members of the for operation, what funds they close't down at Security student body, is allocated a get from outside the commit­ waiting to be signed oul legally given .amount of money each tee(alumni, parents, etc.), by Ithaca College students. year by the school. Steve purpose of club, membership With the opening of the deer Sprague, vice president of requirement, the club's atten-!n­ season on November 16, about Business and Finance in the dence to budget hearings and1d a dozen students packed their student government, and the workshops and their ti"le rifles, and bows and arrows, rest of his budget committee, limit." over Thanksgiving break and TA - then "evaluate each clubs c~mtinui·d on r. 15 had them registered on cam­ pus. They are entitled to sign out 1981-82 Budget £CIA their firearms anytim't:, so long as a sworn officer is there to Committee AllocatiolID .... I~ WEEK give the o.k. Executive Board-$7 ,104 Senior Physical Therapy- 10.00 "Registering rifles, or what Loan Account-$2,000(used by $1,850 1 !\,, ~·. t· ..... not, on college campuses star­ campus clubs and Business and Accounting club­ ORDER•, .. ted around' the late Sixties organizations for fundraises) $150 NOW 14-_- -- early Seventies," Lou Senior Class-$4, 189 Student Activities Bosrd- " Withiam director of Safety ISC(Independant Student $30,550 and Security, _said Wednesday Coa/ition)-$3,000 Art History-$100 / morning. Womens Crew-$968 Bureau of Conderts-$21,000 Withiam pointed to a num­ Campus Coalition for the Cheerlcaders-$432 ber of college incidents during Liberation of oppressed Ithaca College Global Action ·· that time which provoked people-$335 Project-$110 . widespread concern for Afrolatin Society-$6,710 , Stratgeic Fantasy Games tougher gun laws. .Investment Club-$195 Club-$100 At this tinie, possession of a Marketing Club-$400 American Society for Person­ weapon can be a forth degree Women's ice Hockey- nal Administration-$161 offense:- According--to section $1,100 ,- Medical Records-$160 265.01 of the New York State Fellowship for Hu_m!ln Ithaca College Political -- Penal Code_: "A person is Awareness-$385 Awareness Group-$150 guilty of a -crjminal offense Physical Therapy Association­ Amani Singers-$266 when ..·. He has in his $600 Arest-$1,200 cpr manikon continued on p. 6 . -- Speech and Hearing-S200 Save the Animals-$280 ... -... --' - ,-· Kuumhu-$1.000 .Hudson Height,; Shutlle-$234 .. ...... ' .... '. .... .. ....... ... ...... .... - . THE ITHA~AN December 10,19s1_ ~ ITHACAN I INQUIRER~ ;~1:-;\,: ;7KY;,' ftYS::Pfr1,/tX:UNW$:lh#.'!\,11\~-·- fky/tf~t_.;,, %,.. »:, '*\ ' Do you believe in Santa Clam,? .,, ;-1t .._ ... •• J.... ... M.Breggi . Cinema 84. St. Smudge Smith. Bus.84." Yeh Nicholas and I are close frien- for sure. ds. .. (·' · ,.. ~ . , a . I Carla Tedeschi Art 83. Of · David Smyth. Ari "Say Good-bye Gracie." Course I do. Professor. Yes, of course·. Without sa,nta ! clause there would bf. no t.\'~)''.\i'W;.<'<-('t't%.&.}/,/::;;<~;::.:.<'*' W.tW,;:».J.·!,,T,~·~-~-1.-'J<·.;;, .' -:.', ~,:.',. · .:.'.. .:,=··: .i, =·<·· ,; .... , ·X:i.e": ,,:., :' ·, .. < ' ·::; .. world. r• I CfHE ~~LA~ l i:sn.u.,.d('.;,4.d;... +·\/·.V-<· ., ,;;;,.,;,.,,.;,,,:.;-:. (:., •.. ',· ::,·'<:,' · ·,, ....,;:,:...,;;,.,.-:, ½,; :" ·· < .. <.,, .-;·~,> Lx,'(_.:··: ,.~' ,·,_;..,, .. <..:!-' Edilor-in-Chiet· Managing Editor Dianne Williams Business Manager Judy Green Barry Silverman I Offil-e Manager Prodm:lmn M:in:1ger Financial Manager Amy Kir~on ,, Dave I"aac" Rhona Ginsberg Harold Bean. Cinema 82. Lynn Roberst. ~nthro 83. No. Only on odd thursdays in Dec. Cop)· Editor · Billing Manager Secrelar)' Heidi Kopen Sco11 H-ahn Pa11i Bennett ' SOUTH HILi. SPORTS NEWS Editor Debbie Gr.een Editor Howard Altman Editor Joe Halnern A,sis1an1 Katie O'Reilly _ A~sistant Do.ug Clau,on Staff: Scott Purdy~ · Sandy Broverman ' Staff: l\:tike Ayala I i7 Costopolous Allison Wahl Dave Fi,chcr Pecka Bunnell. AD\'ERTISIN(; Mike Semler Diane Vacaro Manager : Kip Haggc11 Beth H<ll'fn1an Brian Wal~h Staff: Leslie May Robin Wine Hc1<.li Koren SAi.ES Leroy Johnson Mercdit h Hall Managl'I : Rich Orl'lll John Nee~on .loan Park Staff: .lt·an Trolta Keith S1rycula Juliet Bailey Maude l\1c11!!er Cokcn Donnellv Douglas Shailer .lai11t: (ioodman Chris,Rutken· PHOTOGRAP.HY ['1.litor Frie Plkkert - , Hugh Haffner. Cinema 82. Ilgeinan. Photo 82. Whats it! A~,i,1an1 Jm:k"Bradlcy •The llh:u:an is located in the baSl'·· A\.Yording to Cheech Marin to you bozo? i Staff: Mike Ruhin menf ot· l.andon Hall. s:11ua Clause is that group in 1 · All letters : lo•lhe-edilo~. announ­ Jamie .'\lcxamlc1 l\lolll\\'11. I personally think ~- cem~nls, and personals should -be :'I. tari"a Papagc<1r)!e 1 recievcd al thi.• Ithacan Office h~ 5 u,rinilely ,h.,. CicolfDonman r·, I P.M. on Mondays. / . (l ctUlf [t ~ ~ Dec.!mber 10,1981 Page3 Voge~ To the Editor: Committee docs not set the in central New York that parents ignore the fee. Mr. every registered parent or The article which appeared date for Parents Weekend. I weekend are scarce. The Stryeula 's ,tssertion that, guest. in the November 5th issue of select that date and there are a elimination of these early fall "almost no one's parents Expenses for printing The Ithacan, written by Keith number of variables I consider dates, leaves three weekends in come to I.C. totake part in brochures, programs and Styrcula, dema.nds a rebuttal. each year in doing so. Let me October and one in November these activities that encourage tickets for the weekend. I find it inconceivable that t explain. for consideration. The past ,tiem to he away from their rostage and bulk mail charge!'> member of The Ithacan news Mr. Styrcula is correct in his two years our fall break has children .. " that i~ ridiculous. run about $3,000. staff could author a story with assertion tha the varsity foot- dictated that the middle two During the entire weekend, Physical plant charge~ (,ct­ so many untruths and ball game is a major attraction weekend~ of October arc un­ encompassing approximately up and breakJown of chair~ misrepresentations. As the and we do take that into ac- suitable. If we set Parents thirty-five different events.,the and stages; cleaning and person directly responsible for count when selecting a date for Weekend for the Break Parents Luncheon i~ the only vacuuming of facilitie, 8Qd all aspects of Parents Parents Weekend.
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