It will be interesting to see if the ADL, the NAACP, and the Equal EmploymentOppor­ tunity Commission will take the "Fortune icans, Harvard's appellation for Negroes. 500" to court for attempting to reduce the Mortal Rejection Slip The descendants of the Adams family might possibility of genetic damage by discrimi­ John Kennedy Toole was a writer of be pleased to know that a three-page exor­ nating against "susceptibles" by race and enormous talent who sent his finest piece of dium on the Yankees was contributed by sex. Will the Supreme Court eventually rule writing, a novel entitled The Confederacy of Oscar Handlin, Harvard's noted jewish pro­ that members of a race likely to suffer from Dunces to Simon and Schuster. where it fessor of non-Jewish history. exposure to certain chemicals must not be came to the attention of editor Robert Got­ prevented from being exposed to such tlieb. For two years Gottlieb played cat and chemicals? mouse with Toole, building him up, tearing Since science can't seem to stop embar­ him down and finally cutting him off with a Gene Screen rassing equalitarians, the wisest thing for letter containing this uncopacetic critique: Cytogenetics is an etymologically vague them to do might be to abolish science alto­ Your book "isn't about anything. Period. It word that is winning common currency as a gether. could be improved, but it wouldn't sel!." process of identifying persons whose hered­ Soon after receiving this, the thoroughly ity has made them especially vulnerable to frustrated 24-year-old Toole shut the garage the chromosome-damaging effects of vari­ The New Minority door, got in his car and started the engine. ous industrial carcinogens. The minority of the 1980s is likely to be Like that other budding Majority genius, Blacks, Mediterraneans, Chinese, Fili­ the mentally handicapped. Who else is left, novelisl Ross Lockridge, who also dealt with pinos and East Indians carry within their except the lower primates, dogs and cats? a Jewish editor, he was soon dead of carbon gene pools such biological shortcomings as First, it must be arranged that the dim-witted monoxide poisoning. thalessemia, sickle-cell anemia and a defi­ have the right to vote. This has already been No one would probably ever have heard ciency of the enzyme glucose-b-phosphate accomplished in Oregon by the passage of a of Toole if it had not been for his mother, dehydrogenase. Someone carrying the gene referendum which removes that part of the who kept trying to get someone interested in for any of these disorders would run a spe­ state constitution denying voting rights to an her dead son's manuscript. She finally man­ cial risk if exposed to benzene, nitrosa­ "idiot or mentally diseased person." So now aged to bring it to the attention of Majority mines, nitrites and lead -- chemicals in fre­ the 75,000 to 100,000 Oregonians esti­ novelist Walker Percy, who persuaded the quent use in industry. The latter defecl is mated to be in one or the other category will Louisiana State University Press to publish present in almost 0.1% of white American cast ballots that count just as much as yours it. It came out last year and has been both a males, 12% among black Americans. North and mine. ,\lot one prominent Oregonian, critical and financial success. and Central Europeans have a singularly by the way, objected to this idiotic referen­ Toole's mother, Thelma, 78, says of Rob­ high frequency of deficiency in serum al­ dum. ert Gottlieb, who is now editor-in-chief of phal antitrypsin, which increases vulnera­ In addition to the vote, the right of the Knopf: "He's J creature ... a Jewish crea­ bility to industrial agents linked to chronic mentally retarded to bear children is being ture. Not a man. Not a human being." bronch itis and emphysema. promoted. In fact, a Teenage Parent Pro­ The tragedy of Toole, thanks to the loyal Genetic screen i ng programs were fi rst de­ gram (TAPP) in Georgia is dedicated to mak­ persistence of his mother, has become veloped by Herbert Stokinger and John ing it easier for young girls with mental han­ known. There have been probably hun­ Mountain in a 1963 blood test. No one dicaps and learning disabilities to pass their dreds, if not thou'land'l, oi similar cases in knows just how much genetic screening is defects on to future generations. Some of America in the last half century. going on today, and no one can document a these mothers don't even know how they It is very hard for native talent, even gen­ case of an applicant being denied employ­ got pregnant. Others can't dial a phone, ius, to gain recognition in an occupied ment because of his genes. The New York read a prescription or remember instruc­ country. Times ran a three-month study which tions from their Medicare medicos. Fifteen claimed that women and blacks have been years ago they would have been sterilized. barred from jobs because of high genetic Now they are qualified to vote and encour­ susceptibility. The Equal Employment Op­ aged to have babies. Proportional portunity Commission claims it has had Physically and mentally handicapped is Representation about forty cases -- almost all women. Gen­ Miss Celestine Tate, a black mother with eral Motors has gone on record that it will two children and no arms. justice Edward The Harvard Encyclopedia of American not allow fertile women of child-bearing Rosenberg of Philadelphia ruled a few years Ethnic Groups (Harvard University Press, age to be exposed to lead. ago that Miss Tate was quite capable of Cam bridge, Mass., 1, 175 pages) wiII set you "1984 is already here," asserts Anthony taking care of her first baby. As a result, she back $60, but it does contain a mountain of Mazzochi, director of health and safety for received some worldwide publicity and interestingly tendentious material on Ameri­ the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers In­ even tried to write a book. A few months ago can minorities and on the Majority, which it ternational. "The emphasis will not be so she surprised Judge Rosenberg by trying to describes as a collection of minorities. much on what you work with, it wi II have to commit suicide. Her physical defects were Americans of English, Scotch-Irish, Scotch do with who your mother and father were." not passed on to her children, though no and Welsh extraction are lined up cheek-to­ "As of right now, examining hypersus­ one is willing to say the same about her cheek with Gypsies, Koreans, Kalmyks, ceptibles is in its infancy," Dr. Paul Kotin, mental disabilities. Kurds, Maltese, Syrians and Aleuts. Seven­ medical director of the johns-Manville Since the fertility of the new minority is teen pages are given to the English who Corp., declared, "but everybody knows that not declining, the U.S. may expectto have a founded the U.S. and gave it its laws, gov­ we are going to continue to live in a world of much larger proportion of nuts in the future. ernment, language and whatever shreds of expanding chemical use. It's all just aborn­ One reason is that mentally capable women high culture it still possesses. Twenty-seven ing. Cytogenics is an idea whose time has are cutting down on their number of off­ pages are devoted to Jews; 18 to Afro-Amer- come." spring, while the mentally uncapable don't PAGE 20 INSTAURATION FEBRUARY 1981 have enough brains to use contraceptives. Cogent words, these. Words that not only ad jectives that she soon ran out of them and Two surveys of female psychiatric patients have to do with the abortion of the unborn, had to resort to "paranoid" four times in her have shown that only about 40% of them do but the abortion of America the beautiful. attack on the distinguished American histor­ not want to have children, whether legiti­ ian Harry Elmer Barnes. mate or illegitimate. Right now female schi­ Commentary, which prides itself on being zophrenics, manic depressives and the a "scholarly" journal, is presently on a slow-witted have an average of two to three "conservative" kick, having traveled the live births. Somebody Else's well-rutted road from Marxism to liberalism to anti-Communism in little more than a Diary decade or two. A few more nutty explosions from Da­ Another part of the foundation of the Why Blacks Want widowicz and even the most fanatical Com­ house of lies crumbled in recent months. mentary subscribers will have to ponder The West German Criminal Investigation Kids -- and More Kids about a magazine which can now be hon­ Bureau found that the Diary of Anne Frank One illuminating reason for the disparate estly described as America's most frothing­ was altered or added to after 1951, at least birthrates in this country was provided by a at-the-mouth hate sheet. ~ix years after Anne had died of typhus in a hlack mother who spoke her piece in Jimmy Dawidowicz rationalizes her refusal to Germa n concentration camp. It took no Breslin's column (Ne\v York Daily News, debate Faurisson by asking who would ar­ great display of genius to arrive at this con­ Sept. 21, 1980). The Negress, with her three gue about the existence of black slavery. clusion, which could just as easily have girls, 10, 9 and 7, had recently arrived in She's quite right. It would be silly to argue been reached before the late Otto Frank New York from r\orth Carolina.
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