A Complete Bibliography of Applied Statistics: 1952–1959

A Complete Bibliography of Applied Statistics: 1952–1959

A Complete Bibliography of Applied Statistics: 1952{1959 Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 14 March 2019 Version 4.03 Title word cross-reference [136]. Adjusting [356]. Administration [81]. Advanced [326, 75]. Age [351]. Agricultural [359, 65, 77]. Aid [104]. Aitchison [269]. Alan [326]. Allen χ2 [199]. [253, 98]. Allocation [211]. Analysed [214]. Analysis -Test [199]. [82, 229, 54, 48, 94, 140, 18, 327, 8, 247, 260, 306, 181, 328, 302, 296, 340, 262, 122, 145, 10th [49]. 11th [254]. 1951 [4]. 231, 160, 57, 285, 341, 152, 93, 324, 359, 92]. Answer [200, 142]. Answers 2 [187]. 2nd [312]. [89, 184, 10, 34, 45]. any [197]. Application [348, 49, 254, 276, 138]. Applications A. [76, 49, 254, 112, 363, 78]. Absence [12, 24, 36, 47, 61, 73, 90, 110, 125, 143, 155, [120, 105]. Absence-Proneness [120]. 173, 185, 201, 26, 312, 246, 132]. Applied Abuses [8]. Acceptance [303]. [347, 140]. Appraisal [166]. Approach Accounting [195]. Accounts [295, 350, 42, 7, 253]. Aptitude [112]. [113, 241, 364]. Accumulation [150]. Arbous [112]. Arithmetic [345]. Arthur Accuracy [31, 118, 9]. Achieve [261]. [266]. Aspects [310, 315]. Assessments Ackoff [159]. Action [120, 130]. Active 1 2 [353]. Associated [95]. Attributes [304]. [278, 320, 180]. Charts [66, 258]. Chemical Auction [277]. Auditing [350, 69]. [270, 18, 42, 160]. Chemistry [160]. Australia [354]. Authorities [113]. Chemists [27]. Chessboard [187]. Child Automatic [214]. Average [261]. [363]. Choice [319, 187]. Cigarette [334]. Circle [63]. Class [248, 5]. Classification B [176, 204]. Back [352, 332, 241]. Claus [344]. Clotting [274]. [99, 115, 133, 192, 207, 221, 365]. Bailey Coal [31]. Coding [241]. Coke [355]. [325]. Bartlett [189]. Basic [304]. Basis Collaborative [18]. Comment [215]. [235]. Batteries [66]. be [84]. Beginners Comments [11, 23, 35, 46, 60, 72, 88, 109, [238]. Bell [127]. Belts [9]. Bennett [160]. 124, 154, 172, 183, 216, 233, 251, 264, 280, Berkeley [284]. Between 297, 308, 321, 357]. Commerce [49, 254]. [259, 149, 40, 211]. Bias [317]. Binomial Communication [205]. Companies [351]. [97]. Biological [332, 176, 77]. Comparison [139, 43]. Compilation [190]. Biomathematics [176]. Biometric [75]. Complex [140, 181]. Composite [33]. Biometrika [146]. Bishop [359]. Block Computation [335]. Computers [306]. Blocks [198]. Blood [274]. [214, 246, 337]. Concise [163]. Conditions Blood-Clotting [274]. Boddington [49]. [171, 261]. Confidence [263]. Congress [4]. Book Connection [195]. Construction [76, 288, 218, 310, 163, 203, 97, 220, 206, 237, [215, 107, 122, 86]. Consumer [318, 30]. 256, 238, 270, 286, 326, 348, 324, 362, 282, 283, Consumption [41]. Continuous [262]. 361, 49, 330, 254, 269, 347, 345, 243, 26, 75, Contr^ole [128]. Contributions [204]. 48, 94, 130, 146, 50, 112, 323, 327, 363, 312, Control [66, 230, 101, 179, 278, 258, 305, 176, 127, 328, 302, 27, 79, 95, 96, 157, 189, 315, 180, 161, 64, 311]. Controlled [171]. 188, 267, 340, 114, 346, 359, 113, 159, 98, 241, Conversion [319]. Conveyor [9]. 299, 268, 325, 187, 145, 364, 271, 242, 342, 343, Copybook [238]. Cornell [242]. 236, 266, 190, 235, 287, 300, 360, 132, 128, 77, Correlated [220]. Correlation [54, 324]. 158, 162, 161, 240, 253, 78, 204, 51, 92, 160, Correlations [197]. Cost [168, 278, 81, 294]. 284, 311, 285, 14, 129, 205, 239, 341, 344, 93]. Costs [354, 302]. Cotton [315, 70]. Course Borstal [218]. Both [250]. Branch [342, 341]. Cowden [311]. Cox [362]. Crisi [21, 170]. Britain [212, 55]. British [121]. [307]. Critique [162]. Current [165, 162]. Broadcast [213]. Brown [269]. Curso [237]. Cybernetics [361]. Buckingham [287]. Buckland [268]. Budget [336]. Budgets [364]. Bush [203]. D [359, 98]. D. [163, 362, 127, 235]. Business [364]. Dahlberg [266]. Daily [105]. Data [276, 181, 317]. Davies [270, 346, 145]. C [288, 220, 269, 26, 302, 157, 364, 51]. C. Decision [282]. Decontamination [198]. [75, 359, 92, 239]. Calculating [232]. Defectives [58, 119]. Deferred [333]. Calculation [150]. Calculations [79]. Degrees [33]. Demand [328, 102]. Calibration [20]. Calvin [158]. Cardpack Derivation [319]. Descriptiva [237]. [187]. Cards [335]. Care [117]. Carl [160]. Design Carlo [210]. Cauter [205]. Cave [128]. [209, 171, 6, 48, 94, 306, 249, 159, 145, 235, 93]. Cedric [176]. Census [39, 271]. Censuses Designing [336]. Detect [231]. Detergent [212]. Certain [261]. Chacon [237]. [68]. Determination [119, 170]. Chance [187]. Change [44, 71]. Chart Development [57, 93]. Deviates [220]. 3 Dictionary [268]. Difference [151]. Factory [302]. Facts [14]. Family [226, 32]. Differences [259, 40]. Different [226]. Fascination [286]. Feller [312]. Field [182]. Digit [43]. Discontinued [319]. Fieller [220]. Figures [137, 14]. Finite Discriminant [248]. Dishwashing [68]. [356]. Finney [235]. Firm [81]. First Distribution [326, 39, 269, 305, 228]. [271, 342]. Fisher [188, 267, 77]. Flowers Domestic [68]. Donald [93]. Doris [256]. [18]. Flowmeter [20]. Fluctuations [41]. Dornbusch [239]. Downham [205]. Foodstuffs [166, 181]. Forecasting DuBois [324]. Dudley [311]. Dynamic [167, 55]. Foreword [223]. Formulas [240]. [256, 78]. Forward [1]. Foundations [307]. Four [198]. Francis [242]. Frank [77]. E. [220, 206, 146, 236]. Econometrics Franklin [160]. Frederick [327]. Freedom [225, 103, 284]. Economic [33]. Front [345, 248, 359, 275, 55]. Economics [15, 52, 100, 116, 134, 193, 208, 222]. Fryer [58, 269, 204]. Economist [292]. [157]. Functions [248, 121]. Fundamental Economists [347]. Economy [121]. Edey [166]. Fundamentals [330]. Funds [178]. [364]. Edge [335]. Edge-Punched [335]. Future [17]. Edition [312, 302, 270, 49, 254]. Editor [123, 108, 153, 338, 59, 87, 141]. Editorial G [97, 206, 326, 130, 50, 112, 114, 113, 98, [2, 16, 291]. Educational [242]. Edward 268, 242, 343, 341]. G. [361]. Games [243]. [98]. Effect [226]. Effects [213]. Eight Gas [20]. George [204]. Gets [83]. Glass [198]. Elasticities [102]. Electrical [127]. [29]. Good [84]. Goulden [92]. Grant Electronic [246]. Elementary [256]. [206]. Graphic [158]. Graphical [151, 122]. Elements [157, 337]. Elimination [317]. Graphing [137]. Great [212, 55]. Ely [98]. Empirical [107]. Engineering Grenander [285]. Ground [18]. Group [76, 206, 249, 127]. Enrick [161]. Enrique [247, 260]. Guide [256, 197, 236, 303]. [237]. Environmental [171]. Epidemics Guiding [120]. Guilbaud [361]. [325]. Epidemiology [360]. Error [232]. Errors [106, 231]. Essentials [242]. H Establishments [170]. Estadistica [237]. [324, 330, 347, 26, 94, 302, 95, 340, 190, 51, 92]. Estimates [120]. Estimating [17, 40, 32, 5]. H. [146, 157, 360, 129]. Hald [76, 78]. Evaluation [167, 68]. Evolutionary [245]. Handbook [206, 158]. Harold [364]. Harry Examination [317]. Examining [181]. [97, 323, 253]. Hartley [146]. Henry [323]. Examples [194, 76]. Executive [120, 137]. Hermann [218]. Hilde [363]. Himmelweit Exercises [114]. Expenditure [182, 32]. [363]. History [163]. Hogben [307, 187]. Experience [30]. Experienced [259]. Hospital [209]. Household [182]. Hugh Experiences [54]. Experiment [190]. [198, 196, 122, 65, 70, 94]. Experimental [283, 140, 316, 235]. Experiments Ideas [205]. II [260, 122]. Ilersic [49, 254]. [229, 214, 104, 93, 362, 48, 145]. Exports Income [182, 165, 266]. Increasing [245]. [67]. Extension [199]. Index [19, 215, 319, 136, 67, 86]. Individual [32]. Industrial [12, 24, 36, 47, 61, 73, 90, F [327, 158, 239]. F. [203]. Fabrications 110, 125, 143, 155, 173, 185, 201, 352, 206, [128]. Factor [319, 8, 181, 296, 57]. 282, 245, 210, 139, 121, 212, 145, 240, 284]. Factorial [229, 198, 122]. Factors [240]. Industry [270, 3, 160]. Infection [148]. 4 Inference [288, 267, 129]. Information Material [316]. Materials [231, 138, 211]. [38, 53, 80, 135, 147, 177, 224, 244, 273, 290, Mathematical [325, 284]. Mathematics 314, 331, 366, 226]. Informats [226]. Initial [163, 130, 176]. Matter [279]. Inquiry [226]. Inspection [304]. [15, 52, 99, 115, 133, 100, 116, 134, 192, 207, Integrating [20]. Intermediate [231]. 221, 193, 208, 222, 365]. Maurice International [98, 4]. Interview [250]. [326, 268, 341]. Maverick [162]. Max [346]. Interviewer [194]. Interviewers [259]. McCarthy [327, 300]. Mean [33]. Means Introduction [139]. Measured [149]. Measurement [288, 3, 312, 79, 189, 359, 300]. Inventories [102, 105, 21, 231]. Measurements [262, 95]. [328]. Investigation [18, 106, 344]. Measuring [169]. Medical [63, 28, 117, 77]. Investment [178]. Ireson [206]. Medicine [352, 83]. Meetings [217, 234, 252, 265, 281, 298, 309, 322, 339, 358]. J [163, 286, 327, 27, 325, 235, 300, 311, 14]. Melman [240]. Method [245, 137]. J. [310, 283, 269, 79, 113, 98, 241, 360, 284, Methods [218, 270, 75, 140, 3, 18, 127, 210, 129, 205]. James [204]. Jerome [288]. John 27, 188, 267, 204, 51, 92, 311, 344, 287, 161]. [96, 204]. Johnson [256]. Jurors [71]. Jury Michel [346]. Mill [70]. Minimisation [6]. [295]. Minimum [168]. Missing [306, 214]. Modelo [237]. Models [203]. Modified Karmel [347]. Katona [204]. Kempthorne [179]. Monte [210]. Monthly [355]. Moore [48]. Kendall [326, 50, 114, 268, 341]. [343]. Morbidity [226]. Morgan [204]. Kingdom [50]. Klein [204]. Moroney [14]. Morris [256, 282]. Morse [328]. Mortality [293]. Moser [344]. L [206, 270, 159, 145, 160]. L. [26, 51]. Mosteller [203]. Motivation [323]. Lancelot [187]. Landblom [238, 238]. Mounsey [79]. Multi [231]. Multi-Stage Lansing [204]. Lawrence [204]. Learning [231]. Multiple [260, 149, 340, 170]. [203]. Length [334]. Leonard [302]. Leslie Multivariate [324, 341, 152]. [218]. Lester [49]. Letter [108, 153, 338, 59, 87, 141]. Letters N [256, 363, 204]. N. [325]. National [123, 279]. Lev [129]. Level [168]. Lewis [165, 266]. Nature [50]. Neale [236]. [220, 162]. Li [288]. Limitations [225]. Neglected [86]. Nellie [238]. Net [67]. Limits [179, 263]. Line [22]. Linear Newspapers [169]. Neyman [284]. [243, 227, 138]. Lives [29]. Lloyd [161]. Nomogram [85]. Nomograms [107, 122]. Local [113]. Lognormal [269, 305]. Looks Non [151]. Non-Parametric [151]. [4]. Lot [356]. Loveday [342]. Lyle [302]. Norbert [161].

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