7 4; p-,721;" prQ C-4 2‘"2 r72.:TiT :14 4. lc tiro; • J. a 9.&-airrertirto, 1:$ jpg Iikt_.*41aN4CAP <1.1.,311 I z ii 1 I 4' i v" A GOOD HEALTH — ADVERTISING SECTION How to Quit the Coffee Habit Take a coffee pot Put in two heaping tea- spoonfuls of Noko for every cup of beverage required. Boil for twenty minutes Serve with cream or milk btlixture of Grains Drink this with each meal ME ONLY ( Continue its use for 30 OFFEE SUBSTITUTE BATTLE CREEK days SANITARIUM And if at the end of the thirty days you desire to go back to coffee--- We'll refund every cent you spent on Noko Noko has the appearance, taste and aroma of real coffee without its harmful effects It aids digestion and quiets the nerves Coffee causes headaches, poisons the nerves, causes indigestion and sleeplessness Why not decide to-day to start on the road to permanent, abiding health Order a canister (air-tight) from your grocer. It costs 25 cents. The REAL Substitute for Coffee is the ONLY substitute for coffee used at the Battle Creek Sanitarium. It is the result of thirty years of experi- ment by Battle Creek Sanitarium Diet Specialists. Imitators have copied the EARLY formulas of these special- ists and sent them out as "Battle Creek" products. These early experiments were discarded years ago. Noko is the 1907 product. If you'll give us an opportunity to convince you, we'll send FREE the "Thirty-Day Book for Tea and Coffee Drinkers." Mention your grocer's name. BATTLE CREEK, THE BATTLE CREEK CEREAL COFFEE CO., MICHIGAN Tell them you saw it in the Battle creek Edition GOOD HEALTH — ADVERTISING SECTION IT is an interesting thing to sit in the large parlor of the Sanitarium and an- large parlor of the Battle Creek Sani- nounced in no uncertain terms, his de- tarium and watch the people flock in to termination to become a living exponent attend a lecture. They come singly, by of the Battle Creek Idea. twos and by fours and by whole corn- It was the same week that Michael Williams, a member of the staff of Mc- Clure's magazine, gave a detailed ac- count of his researches in Fletcherism, the experiments of Professors Fisher and Chittenden at Yale, and of the Bat- tle Creek Idea in general. The large audience listened attentively, and for an hour or more after the speaker had fin- ished he was occupied answering the questions propounded by the circle of eager listeners who had quickly crowded around him. A world-wide traveler, who has spent eighteen years in visiting all parts of the globe, and who for over eight years First Home of the Battle Creek Sanitarium has been a frequent visitor at the Sani- panies. But the singular thing about it tarium, the writer of a number of books is that they are not at all like the class and a keen observer, was taking a sun- of people which the uninitiated expects bath in the outdoor gymnasium. To to see. He looks for a troop of gaunt, a neighbor he related that he had visi- emaciated, sallow, petulant invalids, with ted all of the famous health resorts of here and there an obese, dropsical one, the world, some of them not only once • perhaps, to lend variety. He expects to smell iodoform and to hear rasping coughs echoing Aln through the corridors. But he is happily disappointed. The observer finds instead an energetic company of wide- awake Americans, vying with one another in the interest man- 4 ifested. No lecturer ever stood before a more attentive audi- ence. Few teachers have ever gathered together a more ear- 4 nest and intelligent group of students. For that is really what they all are — students Sleeping Out-of-Doors of the great system of health- ful living for which the Sanitarium but several times. "There are just stands. eleven leading health resorts," he said, One night a short time back, Ex- and he named them over. "What, then, Governor Van Sant of Minnesota stood would you say with regard to Battle before a roomful of guests in the Creek ? " questioned the neighbor. "Bat- Please say, "I saw the ad. in Good Health." GOOD HEALTH — ADVERTISING SECTION tle Creek is worth the other ten," was in constant dread of chilling or catch- his prompt reply. ing cold. For he knows that here, with- At the time this announcement is be- in the walls of this mammoth, yet home- ing written the "summer rush," so-called, like, institution, there are seven acres is almost over. The leaves are takng of space in which a climate is manufac- 1 on a yellower tinge, and the earliest tured daily and each hour of the day signs of autumn are beginning to dis- that produces all the advantages of Flor- play themselves. The air has a crispness ida, here in the heart of Michigan, one and freshness that makes the nerves tin- of the most northerly of the states. By gle with energy. The sunlight falls with means of a wonderful automatic mech- a mellower hue. But autumn is long anism, one hundred and sixty-eight mil- here in Michigan, and with the pleasant lion cubic feet of fresh air is introduced prospect of frequent stretches of "Indian into this building every day—more than • in the Palm Garden Summer" days, winter still seems a long three times as much as is required by way off. standard sanitary authorities. This is The Sanitarium family, which still almost like living outdoors, yet there is numbers several hundred, is settling never a cold draft or a chill, for a uni- down to a somewhat quieter home life form temperature is maintained from and the relaxation which attends the top to bottom, 70 degrees during the passing of the busier though entrancing- day and 60 degrees at night. The air is ly pleasant delightful summer months is pure, fresh, sweet, germless, continually. not unwelcome to the sick folks who re- There are no stale fumes of tobacco or main to enjoy the tonic autumn weather. liquor, no hotel smells, no kitchen odors The coming of winter holds little ter- —the kitchen as well as the dining room ror for the members of the Sanitarium is located at the very top of the build- family—even to the invalid, who stands ing. Please say, "I saw the ad. in Good Health." GOOD HEALTH — ADVERTISING SECTION Just adjoining the spacious lobby of book of nature. Skating, tobogganing the Sanitarium, is the great palm gar- and skeeing are all encouraged in the den. The pictures give a glimpse of winter season, while the less fortunate this wonderland where tropical scenes patients who are unable to engage in and conditions can be enjoyed to the such violent exercise are bundled warm- full in the dead of winter. One could ly in wheel chairs for a pleasant outing spend days and weeks, with every mo- on the long porches or over the pleasant ment of his time profitably taken up, walks and drives around the building. without leaving the doors of this great The evenings are not long, even when health university. autumn days give way to winter, for But the pure outdoor air has price- with gymnasium drill, the lectures, mu- A View of the Dining Room less value to the invalid. So the Sani- sicals, stereopticons, song services, and tarium visitor is given every encourage- countless other features of entertain- ment to enjoy outdoor life. There are ment, the time is always pleasantly and 4 daily outings in the tallyho in summer profitably occupied. and fall, and in sleighs in the winter, Perhaps the most important point of with plenty of warm robes, foot warm- all is the combination of features which ers and cheerful company, and under is sometimes termed the "School of the direction of interesting guides. Health," in which the patients are taught There are outdoor walking parties, the principles of diet, their own general frequently accompanied by a physical dietetic needs and the scientific modes director or naturalist who expounds to of preparing food so that it will be both the uninitiated the teachings of the great appetizing and wholesome. The use of Please say. "T saw the ad. in Good Health." GOOD HEALTH — ADVERTISING SECTION simple home remedies is also taught. they are kept open at all hours of the Four times a day in the vast gymnasium day and are always at a temperature there are classes for exercise, with spe- equal to that of sea-water in mid sum- cial classes of smaller groups at other mer. hours doing individual work on appa- In spite of all of the advantages af- ratus and walking or running on the forded at the Sanitarium, the rates are indoor track, all under the direction of very liberal. Full information regard- competent, well trained physical direc- ing them, together with a handsome tors. The large indoor swimming pools book of views may be obtained by ad- connected with the two extensive bath dressing departments—one for men and one for women—are the source of infinite pleas- THE SANITARIUM, ure during all the fall and winter, as BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Please say, "I saw the ad. in Good Health." GOOD HEALTH ADVERTISING SECTION Special Magazine Opportunities NOTE.-In announcing in the last number that we should eliminate all clubbing offers in the future, we somewhat overshot the mark. It is quite possible, we find, to make such offers as are given herewith and still conserve the best interests of Good Health.
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