Vol. 2, No. 11 Memphis, Tenneuee November, 1981 500 March In Take Back The Night Rally by Regina Russell· sibility to learn about and understand the painful and complex history of the LITTLE ROCK-A crowd estimated at 500 relationship between rape and racism gathered in front of the steps of the in this country and particularly in Arkansas State Capitol September 27 this state .•••Women who defend them­ to hear speakers Bella Abzug , Carol selves against battery and rape are Gaddy, Lo ttie Shackleford and others . ,Jjldged more harshly than their oppres- ·� - denounce the epidemic of rape in er­ ;-·�ots." ica , the Family Protection Ac t, and Bella Abzug , when asked by a GAZE other issues at a Take Back the Night reporter to make a statement about Gay rally and march sponsored by the Amer­ and Lesbian rights , delayed starting ican Civil Liberties Union of Arkansas , the march in order to make the state­ WomenUSA and the Arkansas chapter of ment . She said•that Lesbian and .Gay the Nat ional Organization for Women. people mu st continue to push for equal The crowd included a large contin­ rights and that civil liberties must gent of openly Gay and Lesbian individ­ not be denied people on the basis ol uals and groups. When asked why she sexual orientation or sexual preference in this country . _. Following the rally at the Capitol, part ic�?,Hnts,led by Abzug , marched to Memphis makes a strong showing In Little Rock's Take sack· McArthb�Park . A large contingent protesting violence against women. marched under.the banner of the Memphis Gay Coalition , marking the first time ments. The constant threat of rape is stant danger of assault. The wh ite male in history that Lesbians and Gay men an abuse in itself. The society in jud icial system prosecutes incidents have marched openly in the streets of which we live , through ind ifference, of rape of wh ite women by non-whites _ Little Rock. Members of MGC were jo-in­ sanctions violence against women . and ignores the rape of nonwhite women . ed by members of Arkansas Gay Rights, "Programs to offer women equal rights Historically , rape has been used to Inc. , and other Lesbian and Gay in­ are _instituted , but these don' t include promote rac ism. It is therefore cru­ dividuals from Tennessee and Arkansas. the right to live and work without con- cial that whi te women take the respon- astor Says Resignation Temporary Bella Abzug speaks about "an oppressive political climate" that promotes violence In stream of Christianity." Though its America. by Bill Johnson • Adding that she plans to return to MCC , she said , "I just need to do some leaders are quick to point out that MCC thought so many Lesbians and Gay men things before Irgo on·." ill an "open" church tha,t welcomes all were concerned wi-th the issue of rape, MEMPH IS-Local Metropolitan Community Metropolitan·Community Church of Mem:.. people , its congregations throughout an unidentified rally marshall said , Church Pastor Charlene Taylor has re­ phis is a miss:j.on of the Universal Fel­ the world are predominantly Lesbians "I think most people who are oppressed signed her position as pastor in order lowship of Metropolitan Copmunity and Gay men . are concerned with all forms of oppres­ to take a sabbatical leave . According Churches founded by the Rev, Troy Perry Rev . Taylor believes that MCC has a on October 6,1968 . The Memphis church "real potential for good in the com­ sion," Rally marshalls wore - lavendar to Rev. Taylor , her resignation indi­ armbands. cates only that she needs "time for a was founded December 14 ,· 1975. Rev. mu nity." Particularly with Jerry Speakers noted the atmosphere of rest." Taylor has been with MCC in Memphis Falwell and the Moral Maj orfty, Taylor violence in American society that has "I wanted to go on a year 's sabbati­ since 1975 and was licensed to prea�h says , "more and more people are be­ resulted in the problem of rape. More cal and the only way to do that was to by the church in 1977. coming ali�nated from the Church al­ rapes occurred in Arkansas last year resign," Rey. Taylor said . "I needed "MCC ," Rev. Taylor said , "is a place" together. He is giving Christianity than in the entire nation of Canada. some time to regather myself ." for people who have felt estranged and a bad name . But he is going to be There were 189 rapes reported in Little Rev. Taylor said that she has no alienated from the Church. The Church really shocked one day.,.it 's no won­ Rock in 1980. There were 218 reported plans to leave Memphis. "I love the haa · been our greatest oppressor. MCC der that people do not want to have and attempted rapes and 22 other sex­ people here. I think they are just offers a church home for us ." anything to do wi,th church. He 's pre­ ual assault and abuse cases . Eight of great. I will be staying here . Memphis MCC is a general Christian church senting a God of hate and judgment. the victims were male . grows on you." wh ich , Taylor says , "moves in the main- He is deciding who can come to God and · A central theme of the rally was the who can't. • problem of victims having to "justify" "But I don ' tlbelieve any group now , why they were raped . It was noted by not even Jerry Falwell , can come out several speakers that rape victims are Court Date Set For against us [iesbians and Gay men] and not have it do us a favor. We are news . generally treated as criminals and are ' forced to prove that they were not We 're being talked about as never be­ "asking for it" by manner of dress , Kathleen Park Case fore . Ev�ry mainstream denomination being on the street ,and other inciden­ is debating about us ••••These people tals. by Ric Sullivan "I'm just trying not to think about really believe that being homosexual Rape in Arkansas and throughout the· it because if I do it will drive me is a sin." country is not treated with the same MEMPHIS-Lesbian. mother Kathleen Park nuts ," she said . Speaking of MCC in Memphis , Taylor seriousness as other violent crimes , will go to court November 13 to attempt Ms. Park said that her attorney re­ said , "There is still a lot of work to speakers noted . While rape has in­ to restore a previous court-set sched­ cently received a letter from Mr.Park's be done here. We need more visibility creased 226. 3%--the highest increase ule of visitation rights for her 10- attorney requesting that Ms . Park pay in the community. It is still 'under of any crime against a person--it also year-old son , Mike. more child support than she currently the table' here. We are still somewha t has the highest'rate of acquittal or Ms. Park's former husband , Michael pays. She pays child support, as de­ isolated •.••It takes some _time. Our dismissal' . Rape is still frequently Park, who has custody of the child , termined by the court when she was basic problems here are with people 's looked upon as a sexual act rather than has prevented Ms . Park from seeing divorced in 1978 , for Mike and her self esteem and self worth. They have an act of violence. him at agreed-upon times by changing other two children. had to deal with a tremendous amount "Every human being, regardless of the visitation rules without court ap­ Ms. Park says that the request is of negativism. We have to convince sex , race , sexual preference, age or proval. (See September GAZE .) "unfair." Mr.Park, a former ·air traf­ people that they can do things , that color or economic status ," according Although Ms. Park hopes to have the fic controller who walked off the job they are worthy human beings , and that to Women Aga inst Violence Against col!rt force Mr . Park to comply with the during the PATCO strike , is currently we really can be a community and a Women, "has the right to physical safe­ original visitation requirements , s'he unemployed , and Ms. Park believes his family." ty and psychological health . Rape is is not confident that she will win. Ms. situation is the reason for the re­ MCC will cont�nue to meet at 672 violence, Rape reinforces discrimina­ Park's attorney , Linda Clements , is quest for increased child support pay­ S. McLean until a new location can be tion against women . A woman 's right "doubtful" that the court will decide ments. The request would triple the found . The church is looking for a to move freely and to go where she in their favor. amount of support payments for each of facility and asks anyone who might chooses is stunted by the incessant "If we lose," said Ms . Park , "we 'll the three children . know of one to call MCC at 278-1091. fear and ever-present possibility of appeal it." She-added that the judge "I'm not -superst·itious ," Ms . Park J.R. Finney will serve as interim being attacked . Even to stay at home who will decide thi;! case is a part-time told GAZE , "but November 13 is a Fri­ worship coordinator until a pastor is· alone is to. be haunted .. by the stories fundamentalist preacher and she fears day." selected to replace Rev. Taylor , which, about men breaking into women 's apart- this may affect her case negatively .
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