HAYES JONES TO RUSSIA FOR U.S (See SPORTS) 10 A Herald Publication 10 THIRD YEAR—NUMBER 37 PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1958 OYER EMPLOYMENT: FLINT NEGROES BOYCOTT Leaves School Bias Local Negro Downtown Picket Line Up To Appeals Court S'9ns For Brings Results In WASHINGTON—(Special)—The U. S. Supreme Court | refused this week to review the order which has suspended State Post school integration in Little Rock until January of 1961. PONTIAC—Filing on the Dem- Hiring Of Negroes ocratic ticket for State Repre- The court recessed for the sum- sentative was Linwood L. Flack the case on an emergency basis. mer without taking definite heed Jr., of 392 Ditmar. He is being From Our Flint Bureau opposed by Robert R. Scott, Ar- of the NAACP plea to review HINT STRONG thur J. Law, Harold A. Grant, Saturday morning, June 21 at 9:30 a.m., a picket line However, in their referral, the L. D. McLughlin and Mitchell L. began its rythmic march in front of Flint's largest depart- high court said "We have no Bacow. ment store, Smith Bridgman's. Picketers carried signs read- doubt that the Court of Appeals Dr. Robinson will recognize the vital import- Flack, a resident of Pontiac for ing, "Unfair to Negro labor." ' For over 90 years you don't ance of the time element in this 12 years, is married and the need Negroes." "The line was led by Herman Hamilton. litigation and that it will act father of four sons. Long active n The action stemmed from an | upon the application for a stay in Democratic circles, he is a PICKETS MARCH before Smith Bridgman's in Flint to protest high school graduate and has increasing resentment on the Dnntinr Named Schoolor the appeal in ample time alleged anti-Negro hiring policy. to permit arrangements to be taken college work at New York part of many Negroes that Smith rOnllUl ... made for the next school year." Bridgman's hires virtually no Ne- . ... nn|rr grocs, at the same time pocket- Np yu \ IN Klclrk Board Prexy WIN FOR NAACP ing the lion share of Negro1B .The Court's use of "vital im- Michigan Bell To Build "downtown" dollars. Apparently COLUTHIOUS TILLERY, 24, of DETROIT, Michigan (Special)— portance" has been taken by the recent statement by Mr. Mul- 173 Bagley, was arrested and Dr. Remus Robinson was many observers as a strong hint holland, president of the com- charged with larceny from a to the Appeals Court. Many feel pany, th^t "Negroes will shop named president of the De- Garage On Lake Street building. Noble and Williams that this statement was a win here anyway" did not help mat- troit Board of Education to made the arrest on Bagley and for the NAACP lawyers even Ground has been broken for a new $450,000 building to house ters any. Wessen Sts. become the first Negro to though they ha^ by-passed the a Michigan Bell Telephone Company Plant service and operating ever hold this post. 8th Circuit Court. ccnter. The pickets caused a variety If the 8th Circuit Court grants Ground clearing and other preparatory work has been under- of reactions. Your Brome Re- Dr. Robinson, of 664 Chicago, ISABELLE GLENN of 428 that stay the need for speed will way at the site on the Northwest Corner of Lake Street and the porter saw one indignant white Howard McNeil, filed a complaint was the first Negro to win a be gone from the NAACP's stand. Grand Trunk Western Railroad tracks in the Southwest central woman rush up to a picketer and warrant with the Pontiac po- seat on the Board. He was Federal Judge Harry J. Lemley's section of the city. saying, "after all Mr. Mott has lice department charging her hus- elected to a six-year term in suspension of integration came The contractor for the project planned for completion in done for you peoplel" band, John, with non support be- 1955. after the Little Rock school board November is the Industrial Construction Company of Detroit. Once Several Negroes were heard to tween the dates of May 1 and it is completed, Michigan Bell will lease the building for a term The son of a Tuskegee Insti- petitioned his court to do away say as they passed by, "I was June 26. of years. tute professor, he was gradu- with integration at Central be- going in there, but I'm not now.' R. H. Storm, District Manager hero, said the building will pro- ated from the University of cause it was not beneficial to the Another said smilingly, "I'm just JOYCE L. QUINN, of 22 Lull vide facilities for station installers, maintenance men, line and cable Michigan. He is chief suregon education of the children. going to pay my Consumers bill, swore out a warrant against her crews, supplies and storage, engineering and plant administration at Parkside Hospital. It is likely that the 8th Circuit They won't make nothin' off aji,usband, S. L. Quinn. 25, for fail- offices. that." ing to support her and her minor A 53-year-old surgeon, he will Court will hold a special session "We arc centralizing these activities in one place to meet ex- The picketing had interesting children between the dates of serve a one-year Term succeed- to hear the case and rule upon panding service requirements in the Pontiac Area," Storm said repercussions. One man on the j ne 2 and June 28. ing Leonard Kasle, 4-0, vice pre- it before the September opening LINWOOD FLACK U line was full of resentment to sident of the Kasle Steel Corp. date. University and Detroit. sec his doctor's wife brush by An auto was repossessed in THE ELECTION took place He served three years in the him as she entered the store. front of 268 Rockwell, accord- Tuesday at the annual meeting U. S. Coast Guard and lias been Virginia Parents "That's the last dollar I'll spend ing to Tony Grimaldi of the of the board, which also voted a precinct delegate for 10 years. with that doctor he remarked." Economy Used Car Lot on June to spend $161,145 to repair NAACP Confab A white union member was 28. school buildings during the Black is the first Negro in shocked to see some Negroes summer. Oakland County to file for any enter the store. "Don't they re- CLARENCE REED, 17. and a Outgoing President Kasle To Draw 1,000 State position. Vote Integration spect a picket line" he asked juvenile was arrested for break- lauded School Supt. Samuel H. increduously. "I don't cross any ing and entering George's Mkt. Brownell, who has been under CLEVELAND—Advance regis- His campaign is being chaired CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va.—Faced with the hard decision picket line, and 1 don't like to on So. Saginaw, June 28th. Reed, attack from teacher organiza- tration indicate that some 1,000 by Jinimie Taylor and co-chaired of going along with integration or closing down the school, see anybody cross a picket line. of 217 Orchard Lake, and his tions. delegates from 40 states will at- by LcLona Simmons. The pri- a majority of the parents of children attending the "white" Next week, WE might be out on young partner were caught by tend the 49th annual convention mary is August 5th. "We believe that he is fair Venable School are prepared to bow to the Supreme Court strike." police inside the building along and tolerant, capable and of the National Association for July 7th is the last day for ruling. The local press, radio an tele- with burglar tools and $17.65 in knowledgeable, and that he faces the Advancement of Colored Peo- registration to be able to vote vision, though on the scene, have cash in a paper bag. Entry was a formidable task in which ple which opens here on July In a poll completed last week, Thirteen Negro children have in the primary election. been remarkably silent on the gained by chiseling through a bar all temperate people must 8 the parents voted 177 against 128 made applications for admission story. and breaking the glass from a join," Kasle said. In addition to formal addresses to accept the Negro youngsters at Venable. On Monday afternoon, the pick- rear window. and panel discussions, the six- "when school opens in September. The school boards of Char- Kasle said next year will find eting ceased as abruptly as it had day convention will include such lottesville, Arlington and Norfolk Detroit schools with more begun. An informed source states Caught in gambling place was activities as the annual freedom Vandals Damage This is the first time any were ordered by Federal courts pupils and less money. that Herman Hamilton has been Ismacl Rosaria, Herbert Hicks, fund dinner at* which reports group of white parents has pub- to admit Negroes. That order "Unless the mounting finan- given assurances that Smith Robert Ellis Backer, Charles Cor- on funds raised by the branches licly taken a stand favoring any would nullify Virginia's "inessive cial problem is solved in next Bridgman's hiring policy will be land Lancaster, Brice Henry Al- will be made, a life membership type of integration. resistance" law which provides April's election, our children $50,000 Home more democratic in the future. len of 188 Earlmoor, and David luncheon at which plaques will be 13 Apply for the automatic closing of any and teachers will suffer," he Navarre. Judge M.
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