INDEX TO VOLUME XXIX, 1953 Auithors aild suibiects of articles in the bodyl of the Journal are indexed together. There is a separate index to subjects of articles abstracted, and another to authors of articles abstracted. ALERGANT, C. D.: Residual non-gonococcal urethritis: PAM and Cardiovascular system, bejel in, 100 sulphathiazole in the treatment of gonorrhoea, 34 Certification of death from syphilis, 58 -: Therapy of lymphogranuloma inguinale with 7218, 218 Chloramphenicol, in Reiter's syndrome, 162 ANDERSON, C. K.: see MACFARLANE, L. R. S., ANDERSON, C. K., Cholesterol, complement-fixing properties, 81 and PINION, F. C. Choroiditis, cortisone in, 6 Aneurysm, deaths from, in Liverpool, 66 CORRESPONDENCE: Gonococcal infection of para-urethral glands in ANNOTATIONS: Endemic syphilis, 108 the female, 110 Recent Progress with the Treponemal Imnmobilization Test, 240 Cortisone in syphilis of the eye, 1, 3 Unknowns in Yaws, 106 CSONKA, G. W.: Clinical aspects of bejel, 95 Antibodies, antilipid, in syphilitic serum, 228 Arthritis and venereal urethritis, 123 Death from syphilis, registration of, 58 - venereal, course of, 127 Defaulters in V.D. clinics, 210 -. gonococcus and, 123 2 : 3 dimethyl quinoxaline-l 4-dioxide, see 7218 - -, treatment, 125 DJANIAN, Aida Y.: V.D.R.L. tube test: a comparison with the ASHWORTH, A. N.: Cortisone in the treatment of syphilitic eye Kahn and Kolmer tests for syphilis, 238 disease, 3 DOYLE, J. Oliver, and CAMPBELL, Douglas J. : Masked perforation Ataxia in tabes dorsalis, 201 of a gastric ulcer in a case of tabes dorsalis, 164 -, see CAMPBELL, Douglas J., and DOYLE, J. Oliver Balanitis, and Trichotootlas vaginalis infection, 216 BEERMAN, HERMAN Penicillin treatment of cardiovascular syphilis, 18 EDITORIALS: Bejel, age of onset, 96 Cortisone in syphilis of the eye, 1, 3 -. clinical aspects, 95 Fatal syphilis, 57 -, congenital, 101 " Non-specific" genital infections, 121 -. differential diagnosis, 101 Venereal diseases, the changing problem, 197 -. epidemiology, 102 EDWARD, D. G. ff.: see NICOL, C. S., and EDWARD, D. G. ff. - incubation period, 96 Eye, syphilis of, cortisone in, I -. late signs and symptoms, 98 -. latent period, 98 -. lesions, 96 False positive reactions in serology of syphilis, 90 luotest in, 95 Feet, deformities, following venereal arthritis, 129 -, "mutilating", 104 FORD, Denys K. : Arthritis and venereal urethritis, 123 -. sex ratio, 96 FOWLER, W. : Simple staining method for Trichomonas vaginolis, 166 treatment, 102 BHATrACHARJEE, Narayan Chandra: see MITRA, Amal Kumar, Gonococcus and venereal arthritis, 123 BISwAAS, Sunil Kumar, SEN, Sukumar, and BHATTACHARJEE, Gonorrhoea, PAM and sulphathiazole in, 34 Narayan Chandra -, rectal, penicillin in, 222 Bicillin, in yaws, 106 -,-, in women, 222 BISWAS, Sunil Kumar: see MITRA, Amal Kumar, BISWAS, Sunil -, terramycin in, 179 Kumar. SEN, Sukumar, and BHATTACHARJEE, Narayan Chandra Bones, lesions of, in bejel, 97 BOOK REVIEWS: HARKNESS, A. H.: Therapeutics of non-gonococcal urethritis, 134 Association of British Chemical Manufacturers Press Guide to Heart disease and syphilis, 61 British Chemicals and their Manufacturers, 1953, 110 HENLEY, Keith S.: Terramycin in early lymphogranuloma venereum. BOYD, R. H.: Controlled parenthood, 5th ed. 1952, 40 36 BREUTSCH, Walter L.: Syphilitic Optic Atrophy, 1953, 184 HORNE, Gordon 0.: Contemporary defaulter in a V.D. clinic- DODSON, Austen I., and GILBERT, Donald L.: Synopsis of genito- further observations, 210 urinary diseases, 1952, 39 FLOREY, M. E. : Clinical application of antibiotics penicillin, Iodides in treatment of syphilis, 168 1952, 40 Iridocyclitis, cortisone in, 6 GREENBLATT, R. B.: Management of Chancroid. Granuloma Inguinale and Lymphogranuloma Venereum in General Practice, 1953, 242 Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction in cardiovascular syphilis, 20 KRANTZ, W.: Dermatologische Bilder and Merksaetze, 1953, 110 JENSEN, Tage: Rectal gonorrhoea in women, 222 LEAVELL, Hugh Rodman, and CLARK, E. Gurney: Text-book of Joint affections in tabes dorsalis, 201 Preventive Medicine, 1953, 183 -, involvement in venereal arthritis, 127 MACKENNA, R. M. B.: MacKenna's diseases of the skin, 5th ed. -, syphilis of, 71 1951, 39 JONES, L. G. G.: " Mutilating" bejel, 104 Moss, Emma S., and MCQUOWN, A. L.: Atlas of Medical Myco- logy, 1953, 242 Kahn, reaction, specificity of, 84 SEMON, Henry C. G. and MORITZ, Arnold: Atlas of the Commoner - - and V.D.R.L. test for syphilis, 238 Skin Diseases, 1953, 1 10 KEEN, P. Potassium iodide in the treatment of syphilis, 168 WVILLCOX, R. R.: Progress in Venereology, 1953, 242 Keratitis, interstitial, cortisone in, 4 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Microbial growth and its Kolmer reaction and V.D.R.L. test for syphilis, 238 inhibition. (Monograph series No. 10), 1952, 40 LANCELEY, F. : Trichomontas v,aginalis infections in the male, 213 CAMPBELL, Douglas J., and DOYLE, J. Oliver: Fixed eruption due to Lecithin, complement-fixing properties, 80 sulphonamide hypersensitivity, 32 LEES, Robert Surgical aspects of tabes dorsalis, 198 --, see DOYLE, J. Oliver, and CAMPBELL, Douglas J. Liverpool, certification of death from syphilis, 64 Cardiolipin, anticomplementary action of, 12 Luotest in bejel, 95 -antigens, 78 LYALL, T.: Comprehensive treatment for gonococcal and non- --. complement-fixing properties, 78 gonococcal urethritis, 151 --. selection of, 175 Lymphogranuloma inguinale, 7218 in, 218 --. specificity of, 84 -venereum, complement-fixation test, 231 -. use of, 12 - -, terramycin in, 36 253 254 BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES MCELLIGOTT, G. M. L.: Fatal syphilis, 58 Syphilis, diagnosis, comparison of V.D.R.L. tube, Kahn and Kolmer MACFARLANE, L. R. S., ANDERSON, C. K., and PINION, F. C.: tests, 238 Stability of the antigen used in the Price precipitation reaction endemic, 108 under differing temperature conditions, 236 familial contacts, 203 MACFARLANE, W. V. : Familial investigation in syphilis, 203 fatal, 57, 58, 64, 67 MACRAE, A. D., and WILLCOX, R. R.: Complement-fixation test for -, certification of, 64 lymphogranuloma venereum in non-specific urethritis, 231 -, latent, treponemal immobilization test in, 241 Males, Trichomonas vaginalis infections in, 213 post-mortem evidence of, 59 MITRA, Amal Kumar, BISWAS, Sunil Kumar, SEN, Sukumar, and - findings in, 68 BHATTACHARJEE, Narayan Chandra Unitary v. plural conception potassium iodide in, 168 of antilipid antibody in syphilitic serum, 228 -, Price precipitation reaction, 236 March modification of Wassermann complement-fixation test, 84 -, sero-diagnosis, cardiolipin antigen in, 12 Mucous membranes, lesions in bejel, 96 serology, 84, 228, 236 -, false positive reactions, 90 -, sudden death and, 67 Nervous system, bejel in, 100 , treponemal immobilization test, 240 NEWCOMB, Wilfrid D. Fatal syphilis, 67 untreated, 59 NICOL, C. S., and EDWARD, D. G. ff.: Role of organisms of the - -, juxta-articular nodes in, 71 pleuro-pneumonia group in human genital infections, 141 Syphiloid reactions, 84 Nodes, syphilitic, juxta-articular, 71 Tabes dorsalis, ataxia in. 201 Pain, visceral, in tabes dorsalis, 164 --, gastric crises in, 200 PAM in non-gonococcal urethritis, 34 - j,oint affections in, 201 Papillitis, cortisone in, 6 - -, pathology, 198 Penicillin in cardiovascular syphilis, 18 --, perforated gastric ulcer in, 164 -, psychological factors, 202 -, clinical effects, 29 rectal gonorrhoea, 222 -, serology, 198 Pigmentation in bejel, 97 surgical aspects, 198 PINION, F. C.: see MACFARLANE, L. R. S., ANDERSON, C. K., and -- symptoms and signs, 199 PINION, F. C. -, urinary symptoms, 200 Pleuropneumonia-like organisms in genital infections, 141 , visceral pain and, 154 Potassium iodide treatment of syphilis, 168 TEIR, H.: see PUTKONEN, T., TEIR, H., and PYORALA, K. Pregnancy, serological test for syphilis in, 88 Terramycin in early lymphogranuloma venereum, 36 PRICE, I. N. Orpwood: Investigation into the use of cardiolipin - gonorrhoea, 179 - non-specific urethritis, 180 antigens; I. Anti-complementary action of cardiolipin, 12 and -: Investigation into the use of cardiolipin antigens II. Comple- penicillin, comparison of, in gonorrhoea, 179 ment-fixing iimmobilization test for syphilis, 240 properties of cardiolipin Wassermann antigen, 78 Trichomonas infection and 216 -: Investigation into the use of cardiolipin antigens III. Choice vaginalis balanitis, of a formula for cardiolipin Wassermann antigen for use in the -- infection and gonococcal urethritis, 216 Whitechapel Wassermann technique, 175 --infections in males, 213 Price precipitation reaction for syphilis, 236 -, staining method, 166 Price reaction 236 - - in tropics, 236 Tropics, precipitation in, PUTKONEN, T., TEIR, H., and PYORALA, K.: Syphilitic juxta-articular nodes, 71 Ulcer, gastric, in tabes dorsalis, 164 PYORALA, K.: see PUTKONEN, T., TEIR, H., and PYORALA, K. Urethritis, arthritis and, 123 streptomycin in, 152 gonococcal, sulphonamides in, 151 Rashes in bejel, 97 treatment, 151 Reiter's syndrome, 122, 134 Trichomonas vaginalis infection in, 216 - -, chloramphenicol in, 162 non-gonococcal, criteria of cure, 137 Retro-bulbar neuritis, cortisone in, 6 PAM and sulphathiazole in, 34 Ross, A. 0. F. Fatal syphilis ; a review of certification in Liverpool, symptomatology, 135 1938-1943, 64 -, treatment, 134 SCHMIDT, Henning: Cardiolipin antigen; III. An examination of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in, 214 specificity, 84 non-specific, 121 -,-, complement-fixation test for lymphogranuloma senereuni in, SEN, Sukumar: see MITRA, Amal Kumar, BISWAS, Sunil Kumar, complications,
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