Accused Persons Arrested in Ernakulam Rural District from 12.04.2020To18.04.2020

Accused Persons Arrested in Ernakulam Rural District from 12.04.2020To18.04.2020

Accused Persons arrested in Ernakulam Rural district from 12.04.2020to18.04.2020 Name of Name of Name of the Place at Date & Arresting the Court Sl. Name of the Age & Address of Cr. No & Police father of which Time of Officer, at which No. Accused Sex Accused Sec of Law Station Accused Arrested Arrest Rank & accused Designation produced 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Cr.327/20 u/s 279,269,188IP Kooliyattil(H) C,5r/w 4(2)(e) Sudheer AK, Saidh 1 Biju 45/20 Millupady,Panayikul Edayar 12.04.20 of kerala Binanipuram SI of Police, Station bail Muhammed am, epidemic Binanipuram deseases ordinance Cr.328 /20 U/s ,269,188IPC,5r Thekkekaraparamb Sudheer AK, Muhammed /w 4(2)(e) of 2 Subair 26/20 (H) Methanam 12.04.20 Binanipuram SI of Police, Station bail Salman kerala Kariyad,Nedumbass Binanipuram epidemic ery deseases ordinance Cr. 329/20 U/s 279,269,188IP Sudheeeshkum Karakkaparambil(H) Muhammed C,5r/w 4(2)(e) ar S ISHO 3 Shajahan. 25/20 ,Methanam Methanam 12.04.20 Binanipuram Station bail Sha of kerala ,Binanipuram Bridge,Panayikulam epidemic PS deseases ordinance Cr. 330/20 U/s 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeeshkum Vezhapilly(H), w 4(2)(e) of ar S ISHO 4 Shefeeq Muhammed 30/20 Chirayam, Methanam 12.04.20 kerala Binanipuram Station bail ,Binanipuram panayikulam epidemic PS deseases ordinance Cr. 331/20 U/s 279,269,188IP Sudheeeshkum Chelattu(H),Neerico Panchayath C,5r/w 4(2)(e) ar S ISHO 5 Jaison George 30/20 12.04.20 Binanipuram Station bail de,Alangad Jn of kerala ,Binanipuram epidemic PS deseases ordinance Cr. 332/20 U/s 279,269,188IP Sudheeeshkum Valiyaparambil(H),K Panchayath C,5r/w 4(2)(e) ar S ISHO 6 Bernie Georeg 21/20 aringamthuruth,Ala 12.04.20 Binanipuram Station bail Jn of kerala ,Binanipuram ngad epidemic PS deseases ordinance Cr.333/20 u/s 269,188IPC,5r/ w 4(2)(e) of Sudheer AK, Kadukkapadam(H), West 7 Akhil Anilkumar 25/20 13.04.20 kerala Binanipuram SI of Police, Station bail E ast Kadungalloor Kadunagloor epidemic Binanipuram deseases ordinance Cr.334/20 u/s 269,188IPC,5r/ w 4(2)(e) of Karthaparambil(H), West Sudheer A K SI 8 Samith Karuppan 22/20 13.04.20 kerala Binanipuram Station bail E Kadungalloor Kadunagloor of Police epidemic deseases ordinance Cr.335/20 u/s 269,188IPC,5r/ Valavanmali(H),Pun w 4(2)(e) of Athul naseryputtu West Sudheer A K SI JFCM II 9 Krishnan 20/20 13.04.20 kerala Binanipuram Krishnan temple Kadunagloor of Police Aluva epidemic E.Kadungalloor deseases ordinance 336/20 u/s 279,26 of9,188 IPC Veluthedath Abdul Muppathad 5r/w 4(2)(e) of Sudheer A K SI 10 Nishad 29/20 (H),Edayar, 14.04.20 Binanipuram Station bail Samad am kerala of Police Kadungalloor epidemic deseases ordinance 337/20 u/s 279,26 of9,188 IPC Sudheeshkuma Olil (H),Nr farmers Panayikual 5r/w 4(2)(e) of 11 Aboobacker Yoosef 25/20 14.04.20 Binanipuram r S Station bail bank Panayikulam m kerala ISHO epidemic deseases ordinance 338/20 u/s 279,26 of9,188 IPC Kadukutty Sudheeshkuma Panayikual 5r/w 4(2)(e) of 12 Sujith Sasi 29/20 (H),Ezhuvachira,Thi 14.04.20 Binanipuram r S Station bail m kerala ruvaloor ISHO epidemic deseases ordinance 339/20 u/s 279,26 of9,188 IPC Thaikkattussery(H), Sudheeshkuma Panayikual 5r/w 4(2)(e) of 13 Girish Sivan 31/20 Karippuzha,Panayik 14.04.20 Binanipuram r S Station bail m kerala ulam ISHO epidemic deseases ordinance 269,188IPC,5r/ Kaduvilapparambu w 4(2)(e) of H, Near Methanam kerala Sudheer A K SI 14 Jilshad Jamal 31/20 Mosque, Methanam 14.04.20 Binanipuram Station bail epidemic of Police Methanam, deseases Panaikkulam ordinance 269,188IPC,5r/ Pallimuttath H, w 4(2)(e) of Muhammed Meetheen Near Methanam kerala Sudheer A K SI 15 29/20 Methanam 14.04.20 Binanipuram Station bail Razik Kunju Mosque, epidemic of Police Panaikkulam, deseases ordinance 269,188IPC,5r/ Palakkudy H, Near w 4(2)(e) of Sakeer Methanam kerala Sudheer A K SI 16 Shereef 28/20 Methanam 14.04.20 binanipuram Station bail Hussain Mosque, epidemic of Police Panaikkulam deseases ordinance 343/20 u/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuma Azhivelikkakath(H), Kongorppill w 4(2)(e) of 17 Nisar Makkar 61/20 15.04.20 Binanipuram r S Station bail Edavanakkad, y kerala IPSHO epidemic deseases ordinance 344/20 u/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuma Kurisuveedu,Eloor w 4(2)(e) of 18 Anish Augustin 39/20 Idukki Jn 15.04.20 Binanipuram r S Station bail ferry Eloor kerala IPSHO epidemic deseases ordinance 345/20 u/s 269,188IPC,5r/ w 4(2)(e) of Padamattummel(H) Panchayath A K Sudheer 19 Johnson Thomas 59/20 15.04.20 kerala Binanipuram Station bail Muppathadam Jn SI of Police epidemic deseases ordinance 346/20 u/s 269,188IPC,5r/ w 4(2)(e) of Kallumadaparamb( Panchayath A K Sudheer 20 Shaji Kunjikuttan 52/20 15.04.20 kerala Binanipuram Station bail H),Muppathadam Jn SI of Police epidemic deseases ordinance 347/20 u/s 269,188IPC,5r/ w 4(2)(e) of Mangalathu(H),Mu Panchayath A K Sudheer 21 Binny Thomas 47/20 15.04.20 kerala Binanipuram Station bail ppathadam, Jn SI of Police epidemic deseases ordinance 348/20 u/s 279,269,188IP Muthirithiparambil C,5r/w 4(2)(e) Sudheeshkuma 22 Kiran Prakash 26/20 (H),Pettapalam,Chir Chirayam 15.04.20 of kerala Binanipuram r S Station bail ayam,Panayikulam epidemic IPSHO deseases ordinance 349/20 U/s 279, Padmavilasam 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuma (H),Arattukadavu w 4(2)(e) of 23 Vivek S Nair Rajeev 23/20 Chirayam 15.04.20 Binanipuram r S Station bail road,Thevarkadu,V kerala IPSHO arapuzha epidemic deseases ordinance 350/20 u/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Kuzhiyatt(H),Nanm Muppathada w 4(2)(e) of A K Sudheer 24 Binanipuram Station bail anda ,Kozhikode m kerala SI of Police epidemic deseases Shahid Yousef 25/20 16.04.20 ordinance 350/20 u/s Shahabas 279, Rasheed,age- 269,188IPC,5r/ 27/20, S/o Abdul w 4(2)(e) of A K Sudheer 25 Rasheed, Binanipuram Station bail kerala SI of Police Vazhakamadam epidemic (H),Kadoopadam,U deseases CC College ordinance 350/20 u/s Shebin,age-26/20, 279, S/o 269,188IPC,5r/ Thomas,Mukkungal w 4(2)(e) of A K Sudheer 26 (H),Nr. LFHS Binanipuram Station bail kerala SI of Police School, epidemic Chelamutam,Erattu deseases petta Village ordinance 351/20 u/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Vazhakamadam (H) Sudheeshkuma Muppathada w 4(2)(e) of 27 , Kadoopadam, UC Binanipuram r S Station bail m kerala College IPSHO epidemic Shahbas Abdul deseases Rasheed Rasheed 27/20 16.04.20 ordinance 352/20 u/s 279, Mookungal (H), Nr. 269,188IPC,5r/ LFHS Sudheeshkuma Panchayath w 4(2)(e) of 28 School,Chemmalam Binanipuram r S Station bail Jn kerala uttam, IPSHO epidemic Erattupaettah deseases Sebin Thomas0 26/20 16.04.20 ordinance 353/20 U/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ ragam (H),west Sudheeshkuma Muppathada w 4(2)(e) of 29 Kadungaloor, Binanipuram r S Station bail m kerala Alangad IPSHO epidemic deseases Sidharth Santhish 21/20 16.04.20 ordinance 354/20 U/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Sreevelas Sudheeshkuma Muppathada w 4(2)(e) of 30 (H),Peedikapady, Binanipuram r S Station bail m kerala West kadunaglloor IPSHO epidemic deseases Arjun Rajendran 22/20 16.04.20 ordinance 355/20 u/s 279, Mathirappilly 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuma (H),Edappally, Muppathada w 4(2)(e) of 31 Binanipuram r S Station bail Vidakuzha,Thaikatt m kerala IPSHO ukara epidemic deseases Titus Antony 53/20 16.04.20 ordinance 356/20 U/s 269,188IPC,5r/ mankuzhi (H), w 4(2)(e) of Sudheeshkuma Muppathada 32 Valluvally, kerala Binanipuram r S Station bail m Koonammavu epidemic IPSHO deseases Vinu Joy 28/20 16.04.20 ordinance 357/20 U/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Karothukunnu,Mup A K Sudheer 33 w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram Station bail pathadam SI of Police kerala epidemic Radhakrishna Panchayath deseases Rahul n 25/20 jn 17.04.20 ordinance 358/20 U/s 279, Nazir,age- 269,188IPC,5r/ 40/20,s/o- A K Sudheer 34 w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram Station bail Khalid,pukkat(H)Mu SI of Police kerala ppathdam epidemic Panchayath deseases Nazir Khalid 40/20 jn 17.04.20 ordinance 359/20 U/s 279, Padathala(H),Erama 269,188IPC,5r/ A K Sudheer 35 m,Lakshamveedu, w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram Station bail SI of Police Muppathadam kerala epidemic deseases Rijo Joshy 21/20 Millupady 17.04.20 ordinance 360/20 U/s 279, Kuzhiyileth(H),Vani 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuar 36 yakkad,Paravoor,Ko w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram S Station bail ttuvally kerala IPSHO epidemic deseases Faizal Muhammed 28/20 Panayikualm 17.04.20 ordinance 361/20 U/s 279, Koduveliparamb(H), 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuar 37 Panayikulam,Chiray w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram S Station bail am kerala IPSHO epidemic Lodge stop deseases Klins Johny 23/20 Panayikualm 17.04.20 ordinance 362/20 U/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuar Palakkal(H),Edayar, 38 w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram S Station bail Kadungalloor kerala IPSHO epidemic deseases Sonu Thankappan 28/20 Panayikualm 17.04.20 ordinance 363/20 U/s279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Sudheeshkuar Edakkattil(H),Edaya 39 w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram S Station bail r,Binaniputram kerala IPSHO epidemic deseases Vinith Vijayan 31/20 Panayikualm 17.04.20 ordinance 364/20 U/s 279, 269,188IPC,5r/ Puthuveliparamb(H A K Sudheer 40 w 4(2)(e) of Binanipuram Station bail ),Muppathadam SI of Police kerala epidemic deseases Subash Chathan 36/20 Panayikualm 17.04.20 ordinance 365/20 U/s , Pradeep,age- 269,188IPC,5r/ 34/20,s/o w 4(2)(e) of A K Sudheer 41 Unni,Nadakkapara Binanipuram Station bail kerala SI of Police mbil(H),Edayar,Bina epidemic nipuram deseases Pradeep Unni 34/20 Millupady 17.04.20 ordinance 366/20 U/s , 269,188IPC,5r/ Kavuttakadu, w 4(2)(e) of A K Sudheer 42 Eramam, Binanipuram Station bail kerala SI of Police Muppathadam epidemic deseases Ratheesh Kumaran 25/20 Panyikulam 17.04.20 ordinance 367/20 U/s , 269,188IPC,5r/ Kolothumparambil w 4(2)(e) of A K Sudheer 43 (H),Eramam,Muppa Binanipuram Station bail kerala SI of Police thadam epidemic deseases Manoj Mani 35/20 Panayikualm 17.04.21 ordinance 368/20 U/s , 269,188IPC,5r/ Madamthumpadi w 4(2)(e) of A K Sudheer 44 Binanipuram Station bail (H),Panayikualma kerala SI of Police epidemic Muhammed Muhammed deseases Harris Nazir 18/20 Panayikualm 17.04.22 ordinance 369/20 U/s Kochery (H),Nr.

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