.. IIITI ••• iiiiii1iii ,\ lIubscrip(\on 10 CH I';"" Rl~\'II , ;\V makN' "" Idenl ""lc~ ftu' your own .(:n(:",,,1 "nd 10 mnkc ).:'Ift ~"Io"crl[>· Chrl~lm"8 JOi(1 fol' rlllal;" "5 ,"\d fde"d~ who n"l) now 110"" 10 ~·o'''' f";cnd~ . InIN'~~LCd in c h e~_ u,' who will Ih ,, ~ be g in'" Ill" 0]>- Why nOt JOl down now. 0" the C II ,.j~ 1 "',,~ (li(t 0",10 " 1>O,'I\I"ily 10 Ll·;,\B;-..' Chl)M b)' {ollowi"[t Ihe ['iell"'C [.'0 ... " ()n<:iO$Cd wllh Ihl~ I"~" (). Ihe n""' ~~ and *Id,'""""" (J",dc for i)(,JO''''''' ' '~ "OW ...",,,ill l:' In (,; Hl~SS H I ';\'I I'~\\" _ of )<0"" r,·i"" ... ~ " .. d h: ~ ,,~ "" .. d ,h,·,,, C I-I~;SS l{1,;VI I,,;\\' Thl ~ i~ wIlIClhllll<" )'U" k "ow YOur r"lcnd~ Will np- a ll y our CI",;sl"'''s .,r(:~(' '' I. Wc will I"ke ~""C or II 1"",.'.;I,,ll). EVI)!"}' moUlh Ih'T will 1.>0 r l)n.indll<[ of YOU. 'he d<ll"il~. We will ~ , ,,,., e'l("h ""h,",,"iJ>llon ",i,h I wilt Ih nnk you (or IlH rodnc;n" III"", 10 I h l) 1:"~'Hc"l (;"ri"l~h ri~o""" or theX ."Picture ..I)(O r o rQ uid.·en E !;SII) CIU':Vh "~ ,, II H';\\".crlCl!_ e n;"n(l":"":,;,,, ::,:,:,:,: ~'i,:; ill t ho world ",,01 Iori"o:lnl:' t hem a whOI() yo"r 0:'''''(' CHIU8T.\lAS CAHO to c",,11 you,' rrlcll" •. " of I'l e "~ '''' e lind cnjoym e nt. )'0'''' ,,"if( lin" inscrlbed Wllh YO U" '''1ll1( ~ . With each Chrlltmas Gift 5ublcrlpti on to CHESS RE ­ H,,"'cm",,", yon e"" ,·,,1,,1" 0" ,'C""l\" YOUH VIEW we win send "Ol>r lnts of the previous h 1S I ~ l h'!ents ""I'''''''I I)I IOn now "I Ihc 8 1><:<:;"1 Chrl"lnu." ,.,,',,", o f "LU's PI,,), Ch tni"- our Plel urt Guide to Ch tu­ 1ll"I!Cr when yo". 1"""""'" $nh""rll),ion (:xpi,'(-'" , ,:,~'; so th"l your fdend$ eM1 sUr! the course from lhe ronew,,! will ,,,,,om(lI II),,lIy I",,,,in "" 'h" old on,· beginn in g " nd learn how 10 play elltn. BtU t hC r ll<l u<-.;..1 r",,,,, "1'1.ly whclhcr or nol yo",' O U H 1{~;j)Uef';O (:II;~I' SU Il SCHII"'J'[O~ 1( ,\'!' I':8 .".., ""h",<rll' t lon i~ included with ).lifl ord",·". 'w"" In crr~ct. Du,",Il)( the h oll<lll)" ~cnso" (f,'o'" nOW 'rio"",, ralCs explro Jan"a'·,. 1~lh _ " " mail YOI'" '''""' "ntll J,, " " " "Y IGIll) YOU can 1.. 1< 0 I\(\ v""I" I:" of Ihese .\' 0 \\", These Chessmen Can Take It! ~~LIBERTY~~ CHESS SETS Made in the U. S. or genuine Olivewood, these chessmen arc designed for durability. They can SIZES FOR EVERY NEED take it! Drop them, bang them around all you want (within reason, of course; uon't use a ham· "Liberty" Chess Sets are made in four sizes mer) and you'll finu they stand up under the I)uni~h· as !lsted below. Price inclu(les complete eet ment. of reJtcd chessmen in wooden box with hinged Unl!ke many imported sets, including the most lid and clasp. as !Iluslrated. expell!;ive, Liberty Chessmen will not chit), crack or warp. Each piece, including the Knight, is carved No. l00-S1udenl Size- King Height 3", from one solid piece of seasoned w ood. There are base diameter 1%,". For boards no sc rews, no glue, nothing to COllle apart. Every with 174." squares ______ ____ __ $ 6.00 piece is unconditionally guaranteed for Ilre! No. 101~Small Club- King Height 'H' '', Liberty chessmen are used by leading clubs and base diameter 114". For boards with 2" squares __________ ____ $ 8.00 players throughout the country. Reshevsky and Kashdan used a Uberty Master Set In their cham· No. 102-Club Size-King Height 4", pionship match. A Uberty Club Set Is now being base diameter Ha", J<'or boards used to illustrate the "Let's Play Chess" series by with 2%," or 2%" squares ____$ 10.00 Cherney and Harkness. No. 104-Master Site-King Height 4%", These heavy, durable chessmen are made in four base diameter Hi". For boards sizes, as listed in the adjoining box. All pieces with 2~" or 2',\," squares __ __ $1 6.00 are felted and are made in conformity with govern· ment regulations, containing no lead. Tho Hot)pl, SUPPLY LIMITED - ORDER NOW I of these fine sets is limit ed. Order now from CHESS REVIEW, Equipment Dj)t)t., 250 West 57th' Street, New York 19, N . Y. DEC E MBER , 1943 369 "GALLANT KNIGHT" Molded Chess Sets of Beauty and Distinction These beauti ful chess sets are ideal for home usc. The pattern is distinctive and pleasing. More im _ port:l!l\, the men arc intensely practical and wil! sland hard usage. The pieces :HC made in two si1:es ~Standar(1 and Student. The Sta ndard set is designe<l [or lISC on boards with 2.;l/(b J'I",/I'e;. T he bases of the larger pieces measure I {,;;" in d iameter, giving just the right proportion and balancc when placed on 2.inch squares, The height of the King is 2+4". The Standard set comes in an attractive wooden chest wilh hingc(] lid, shown at' the !eft. The Student size is intended [or usc Oil bouds with 1!6" or I ¥." sguares. The diameter of the King base is 11311"; the height of the King is 2¥a". No. 75 or No. 76 Student sets are packed in cardboard boxes, as Standard Size in Wooden Chest pic. tured. The dark·colored Ulell of both sizes are /l\'ailable in Black 01' Red, The light·colored mell are normally h 'ory, lHit during t he war a Il UI"C iI'ory is not ver. milled; a lightly t inted color Is now being pro· duced. No. 75 (Dlack) o r No. 76 (Hed): Comlllet.e Set o f Sta llda l'd SiZ6 c heSllmen, felted, III wooden chest wit h hinged lid, as Hlug· trated ------------ -- -------------------- $ 6.50 No, 35 (Dlack) or No. 36 (Hed): Complete Set o f Student SIZ6 chessmen, felted, In cardboard box, as lllustrated ____ _____ _ $ 3.50 No. 35 or No, 36 Supply limited, Onter 1I0W from CHESS HI~VII!:W. Student Sile in Display Box Equipment DeJ)t" 250 \Y. 57th St., New York 19, N, Y, - azo • H I' SS R , V !: 'It' CHESS LETTERS Readers are Invited to Use these Columns for Their REVIEW Comments on Matters of Interest to Chess Players Vol. 1 I, No. 10 December, 1943 "C" FOR CNIGHT \Ve would jll'cre l" to use "N" in the pap:es or CHESS ItEvmW O FI·'ICIAL ORGAN 0(;' THE Sirs: U. S . CHESS F EDEHATION Having made the error or k:t awall a fu ll eXI)I'essiol) of writing "!.;:" for Kt. .. I agree oplllion from oar readel'S. So EDITOR far, the vote is IS to 2 in favol' I, A. Horowitz that the s ubstitution or the letter "N" would eliminate such of .oN" but returns have not yet MANAGING EDITOH e rrors. For tbis reason I now been received to our request K enneth Harkness almost Invariably write "N" for last month for a runher vote on DEPAIlTr.IENT EDITORS Kc. the Bubjecl - 1~11. Heuben Flne-----Gamo of the Month In this con nection .. 1 wrote p. L . Hothenberg- Problems to Hetman Steiner, Che~~ Edi­ PARTt Irving ChernCI'-Oddlties tor of the Los Angeles Times. Jack S. Dattell - Postal Chess reconlmendiug the use of the Sirs : A, S. Pinkus-Questions letter "N" and also s uggesting I suppose il has been a COlli · PHOTOGBAPHERS the letter "C" as perhaps a mon experience of us ambitious Ned Goldschmltlt still more suitable symbol for dulTers, eager to improve OUI' Raoul Echeverria the Knight. Extracts from my games, to have watehcd e xpcrts letter are as follows: vlaylng. WI) have been bafTIed Published monthly October to May, "To me it has always ,l\lpe ar­ by the IllOl'eS they make, ]luz, bi·monthly J une to September at ed confusing to designate the 1.led at the re:lsons for them, and 18 Montgomery Street, Middletown, Klligllt by two letters instead of finally, somewhat irritated at N. Y., by CHESS HEVIEW, 250 one, ,I S is tbe case with the what we are forced t o reel Is Wesl 57th Street, New York 19, other chessmen , , , The lise of 0:\1' OWII St\lllidity. We wish w e N. Y. Entered as second class the h!llel' N is good prac tice as might know what they are plan· matter at the Post Office at Middle­ it prevents mistakes in indicat­ IIll1g, what they anticip;lte from town, N, Y. uudor tile act or March ing e ither men or squares, , . t he opponent. and wbat Iltey in· 3ni, 1879. but is objeetionable from the tend to do about it. In other E xecutive and Edltol'lal Offices: standpoint thH It suggests a words, we wisb the master 250 West 57th Street, N e w York, corrupt spelling of the word would t hink out 10 uo.1 for our 19, N, Y. Telephone : CIrcle 6-8258. "Knight." However, F:n.elish­ benefit. Subscri ptions: Ooe yeal' $3,00: Two speaking chess\)layers s hould be \Yell, why not? Why not al"­ years $5,50; Three years $7,50 In able to agree on a sin,!:"le letter range 1'01' two recognized experts the UnIted States, U, S, Posses­ for designation of the Knl,!:"h t .
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