
July 22, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4695 an attack that is believed to have Wednesday, July 23, the Senate proceed Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask killed almost 40 Syrian personnel. to executive session to consider Cal- unanimous consent the mandatory A Florida native, Abusalha was eulo- endar Nos. 802, 786, and 599; that there quorum under rule XXII be waived. gized by a recruitment video featuring be 2 minutes for debate equally divided The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without images of the September 11 attack on between the two leaders or their des- objection, it is so ordered. the World Trade Center and a burning ignees prior to each vote; that upon the f American flag. use or yielding back of that time, the The White House recently announced Senate proceed to vote with no inter- LEGISLATIVE SESSION plans to increase support for the Syr- vening action or debate on the nomina- Mr. REID. I move to proceed to legis- ian opposition, including a $500 million tions in the order listed; that any roll- lative session. plan to train and equip vetted elements call votes following the first in the se- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The of the Syrian opposition. Despite the ries be 10 minutes in length; that if any question is on agreeing to the motion announcement, few details are avail- nomination is confirmed, the motion to to proceed. able on how this training would actu- reconsider be considered made and laid The motion was agreed to. ally take place, and it may be quite upon the table, with no intervening ac- f some time before this program begins. tion or debate; that no further motions It is also unclear how this new program be in order to the nominations; that MORNING BUSINESS to train Syrian opposition fighters will any statements related to the nomina- Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask actually help counter the growing ter- tions be printed in the RECORD; that unanimous consent the Senate proceed rorist threat in Syria as opposed to the President be immediately notified to a period of morning business with simply countering the Assad regime. It of the Senate’s action, and the Senate Senators permitted to speak therein is clear the administration has not pre- then resume legislative session; fur- for up to 10 minutes each. pared any plan that will fit into a cohe- ther, that if cloture is invoked on the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sive and compelling foreign policy in motion to proceed to S. 2569, all time objection, it is so ordered. the region. consumed while in executive session The Middle East over the last 3 years under the terms of this agreement f has been besieged by a resurgence of in- count postcloture. RECOGNIZING THE HONORABLE stability, violence, and terrorism. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without BRENT T. ADAMS administration, unfortunately, has objection, it is so ordered. done little to stop it. Instead of focus- Mr. REID. Madam President, for the Mr. REID. Madam President, I rise ing on countering rising groups in Iraq information of all Senators, we expect today to recognize the career of the and Syria, the administration has been the nominations to be considered in Honorable Brent T. Adams, who is re- focused on ending the wars in Iraq and this agreement to be confirmed by tiring from the Second Judicial Dis- Afghanistan, which appears to have voice vote. trict Court of the State of Nevada. For more than 25 years, Judge Adams had the unfortunate consequence of f letting America’s enemies grow strong- has been the presiding judge in Depart- EXECUTIVE SESSION er. ment Six of the district court. Since Al Qaeda, its affiliates, and other ter- being appointed to the distinctive posi- tion by Governor Bob Miller on July 4, rorist groups are determined to attack NOMINATION OF PAMELA HARRIS 1989, his consistent leadership and re- the United States. We constantly face TO BE UNITED STATES CIRCUIT sponsiveness to the public and the new plots and operatives looking for JUDGE FOR THE FOURTH CIR- court have not gone unnoticed, as he ways to murder Americans, such as the CUIT successfully won four elections to foiled May 2012 AQAP plot to put an- Mr. REID. Madam President, I move other IED on a U.S.-bound commercial maintain his seat. Judge Adams’ dedi- to proceed to executive session to con- cation to his profession was reflected aircraft. Thankfully, this plot and oth- sider Calendar No. 929. ers have not materialized, but we are in the Washoe County Bar Associa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion’s biennial surveys, where he con- not going to always be so fortunate. question is on agreeing to the motion Just this month TSA was forced to in- sistently received exceptional judicial to proceed. performance evaluations and high re- stitute new security measures to miti- The motion was agreed to. gate the terrorist threat to commercial tention ratings. CLOTURE MOTION Beyond his remarkable career at the aviation. The administration must Mr. REID. I send a cloture motion to come to grips with the terrorist district court, Judge Adams has had a the desk. tremendous impact on the entire legal threats we face and put policies in The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant community. He has served as a faculty place that will effectively counter to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the member of the National Judicial Col- them. I would encourage the adminis- Senate the pending cloture motion, lege for 20 years, where he conducts na- tration to act immediately before an- which the clerk will state. other act of terrorism against our The legislative clerk read as follows: tional and international legal and judi- cial training on a wide array of topics. country occurs. CLOTURE MOTION Judge Adams initiated the Washoe I yield the floor and suggest the ab- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- sence of a quorum. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the County drug court, the court services The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Standing Rules of the Senate, hereby move program, and the Washoe County clerk will call the roll. to bring to a close debate on the nomination Criminal Justice Advisory Committee, The legislative clerk proceeded to of Pamela Harris, of Maryland, to be United which he chaired from 1993 to 2002. He call the roll. States Circuit Judge for the Fourth Circuit. is also an active member of the Nevada Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask Harry Reid, Patrick J. Leahy, Barbara A. Board of Continuing Legal Education unanimous consent that the order for Mikulski, Benjamin L. Cardin, Thomas and has served on the Nevada Commis- R. Carper, Sheldon Whitehouse, Chris- sion on Judicial Discipline, the Judi- the quorum call be rescinded. topher A. Coons, Bernard Sanders, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Dianne Feinstein, Mazie K. Hirono, cial Assessment Commission, the Ne- objection, it is so ordered. Richard Blumenthal, Amy Klobuchar, vada Supreme Court Alternative Dis- f Edward J. Markey, Tom Harkin, pute Resolution Committee, and the Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Christopher Mur- Washoe County Law Library Board. UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- phy, Cory A. Booker. In addition to his impressive work in MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR The PRESIDING OFFICER. The the legal community, he has worked to Mr. REID. Madam President, I ask clerk will report the nomination. serve the greater Reno community by unanimous consent, notwithstanding The legislative clerk reported the serving on the University of Nevada, rule XXII, that following the vote on nomination of Pamela Harris, of Mary- Reno College of Liberal Arts Advisory the motion to invoke cloture on the land, to be United States Circuit Judge Council, and the Reno Diocese Review motion to proceed to S. 2569 on for the Fourth Circuit. Board of the Roman Catholic Church. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:40 Jul 23, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G22JY6.075 S22JYPT1 tjames on DSK5VPTVN1PROD with SENATE S4696 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 22, 2014 Through his years of professional and him of being too puritanical, too quick to tions Committee Chairman J. William Ful- voluntary service, Judge Adams has be- fault U.S. policy. But like no senator before bright (D-Ark.) had just left the Senate at come a fixture in the Reno community. him, Clark used the panel to raise the visi- the end of 1974 and this allowed sub- I congratulate him on his many suc- bility of human rights issues in the southern committee chairs like Clark to act more on regions of the continent. their own. cesses and decades of dedicated public The roster of prior Africa subcommittee ‘‘Fulbright’s attitude was the subcommit- service, and I wish him the best in all chairs reads like a Who’s Who of national tees couldn’t do anything. Everything ought his future endeavors. Democrats: John Kennedy in the late 1950s; to be done by the full committee,’’ Clark Tennessee Sen. Albert Gore, father of the fu- said. ‘‘I was next to last on seniority. When f ture vice president; future Senate Majority it got down to me, the only thing left was Af- TRIBUTE TO DICK CLARK Leader Mike Mansfield; and former Vice rica about which I knew very little. Some President Hubert Humphrey after his return would say none. So I just figured: Here’s a Mr. LEAHY. Madam President, I to the Senate. But all stayed for just one chance to learn something and I spent a lot served with Dick Clark and traveled Congress before moving on. Clark stuck, of time doing hearings and learning about with him to different parts of the coun- challenging Cold War policies that he be- Africa.’’ try, including a very cold day in the lieved hurt the larger struggle against apart- He also traveled venturing into southern, winter in Vermont.
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