Chester, Salisbury, Norfolk, Worcester, Winchester, Hereford, And Gloucester House ADDRESS: London, SW9 6EJ Application Number: 19/04478/FUL Case Officer: Michael Cassidy Ward: Vassall Date Received: 02/12/2019 Proposal: Demolition of Salisbury House, Norfolk House, Worcester House, Winchester House, Hereford House and Gloucester House within Kennington Park Business Centre and the erection of three buildings, ranging from three to five storeys with part basement, to provide flexible business floorspace comprising light industrial and office floorspace (Class B1 a-c), light industrial floorspace (Class B1c and B8), a flexible commercial unit (Class A1/A2/A3/A4/B1), wheelchair accessible car parking, cycle parking and associated public realm and detailed landscape enhancements and the removal of two storey addition on the north facade of Chester House. Applicant: Workspace Management Limited Agent: Rolfe Judd Drawing Numbers and Supporting Documents: Refer to Appendix 4 Supporting Documents: Appendix 1 – List of conditions and informatives Appendix 2 - List of Consultees (Statutory and Other Consultees) Appendix 3 - List of relevant policies in London Plan, Lambeth Local Plan. Reference to SPGs, SPD and other relevant guidance Appendix 4 – List of drawing numbers and supporting documents RECOMMENDATION: 1. Resolve to grant conditional planning permission subject to the completion of an agreement under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) containing the planning obligations listed in this report and any direction as may be received following further referral to the Mayor of London. 2. Agree to delegate authority to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to: a. Finalise the recommended conditions as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes; and b. Negotiate, agree and finalise the planning obligations as set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). 3. In the event that the committee resolves to refuse planning permission and there is a subsequent appeal, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability, having regard to the heads of terms set out in this report, addendums and/or PAC minutes, to negotiate and complete a document containing obligations pursuant to Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) in order to meet the requirement of the Planning Inspector. 4. In the event that the Section 106 Agreement is not completed within 6 months of committee, delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning, Transport and Sustainability to refuse planning permission for failure to enter into a section 106 agreement for the mitigating contributions identified in this report, addendums and/or the PAC minutes. SITE DESIGNATIONS Designation: Description: Policy Kennington Business Park Key Industrial Business Area (KIBA) Listed Building No (the site is locally listed) Conservation Area (CA) No (the site adjoins St Marks Conservation Area to the north west and Vassal Road to the east) Protected views/vistas Yes - Primrose Hill to the Palace of Westminster (View 4A.2) Local Views Yes – Local Views 19 Brixton Panoramic and 22 Norwood Park and Millbank to Vauxhall Bridge Archaeological Priority Area Yes - part of the site, the frontage to Brixton Road, is within an archaeological priority area. Flood Risk Area Yes - The north-east of the site is in tidal Flood Zone 3 Creative Enterprise Zone No Air Quality Management Area Yes LAND USE DETAILS Site area (ha): 1.58 Hectares NON-RESIDENTIAL DETAILS Use Class Use Description Floorspace (m2) (Gross Internal Area) Existing Flexible B1 (a-c) Business 1,596sqm B1 c Light Industrial / Workspace 3,042sqm B8 Storage & Distribution 2,366sqm Flexible B1/D1 Offices / Education & Training 1,455sqm Total 8,459sqm Proposed Flexible B1 (a-c) Business 17,479sqm B1 c Light Industrial / Workspace 5,408sqm Flexible B1/D1 Offices / Education & Training 1,455sqm A1/A2/A3/A4/B1 Flexible Commercial Unit 330sqm Total 24,672sqm PARKING DETAILS Car Parking Spaces Car Parking Spaces % of Bike Motor- (General) (Disabled) EVCP Spaces cycle Spaces Commercial Visitor Commercial Visitor Existing 189 0 7 0 0 119 0 Proposed 0 0 6 0 0 414 0 LEGAL SERVICES CLEARANCE AUDIT TRAIL Consultation Name/Position Lambeth Date Sent Date Report Comments in department Received Cleared para: Peter Flockhart On behalf of Legal 08/05/21 08/05/21 10/05/21 Various Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed development would provide new high-quality business/workspace buildings, providing a significant uplift and enhancement in employment floorspace (an increase of 16,213sqm in floorspace and an uplift of 192% on the existing) on the site. The uplift is anticipated to provide an additional 344-1351 new jobs for the borough (calculated using the HCA Employment Density Guide). The proposal would provide up to 219 flexible business units (former Use Class B1a-c), complementing the existing flexible business use of the Kennington Park Business Centre, and would fully reprovide the existing industrial floorspace (former Use Class B1c and B8), to be located within Block C, which has been specifically designed to be used for a range of industrial uses, in accordance with the New London Plan. The employment use proposed would permit a range of office, research and development and light industrial uses falling under former Use Class B1a, B1b and B1c and provides flexible workspace suitable for occupation by a range of business sizes, which is welcomed. The design and layout of the proposal has been specifically tailored to be suitable for micro, small and medium sized creative enterprises engaged in light industrial manufacturing and design activities. The group of buildings proposed are of an appropriate scale and height and have been carefully considered in terms of their architectural language. Overall, the design and appearance of proposed blocks are considered to be acceptable and will contribute positively to the streetscene and local context. The proposal would cause no harm to strategic, local views or heritage assets and would preserve and enhance the appearance of the character of the St Marks and Vassall Conservation Areas. Given the distance and orientation to the nearest residential properties, and the inclusion of appropriate mitigation measures, the proposal would not result in any significant material impact in terms of overlooking, loss of privacy or sunlight/daylight or undue noise and disturbance to neighbouring residential properties. The development would have a sustainable construction, meeting all of the relevant sustainability standards. The scheme has been designed to significantly improve the environment and amenity across the site, in order to create a more welcoming, usable and biodiverse place of work. scheme provides significant landscaping and ecological enhancement is to improve the legibility, permeability and external amenity space across the site for the enjoyment of existing future employees of the KIBA. As such, the proposal is considered to be acceptable when judged against national, London wide and local plan policy and guidance and all relevant material considerations and is recommended for approval. OFFICER REPORT Reason for referral to PAC: The application is reported to the Planning Applications Committee in accordance with (1A) (a) (ii) of the Committee’s terms of reference as it relates to a major application for the provision of a building of more than 3,500 square metres. 1. THE APPLICATION SITE AND SURROUNDING AREA 1.1 Kennington Park Business Centre is 2.5 hectares in size and bounded by Camberwell New Road to the north, Brixton Road to the east, Cranmer Road to the south and Foxley Road to the east. It comprises 11 buildings, between two and four commercial storeys in height, with the tallest being Cranmer House, located on the corner of Brixton Road and Cranmer Road and Lincoln House, located towards to the north of the Business Park fronting Camberwell New Road. Canterbury Court, in the centre of the site, is three storeys in height. The building towards the east of the site, Gloucester House, is a single storey 1950’s warehouse style brick building with pitched roof. The buildings on the southern part of the site are two storeys in height. 1.2 The application site itself is 1.58 hectares and comprises 6 of the 11 buildings within the business centre: Worcester House, Norfolk House, Salisbury House, Winchester House, Hereford House, and Gloucester House. Also within the site is the northern façade of Chest House, the central courtyard, the external area to the front of Canterbury Court and the section of car parking between Canterbury Court and Camberwell New Road as shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1 – Site and Surroundings 1.3 The business centre is an Edwardian commercial development in Queen Anne style comprising several attractive stock brick buildings with red brick and stone dressings. The complex also includes a 1950’s single storey brick building (Gloucester House) along Camberwell New Road and Foxley Road. The site was originally used for residential purposes but the buildings, which were constructed in 1905, were built by the General Motor Cab Company to provide garaging, servicing and administrative back-up for motor taxis serving London. There have been several additions and changes to the estate over the years; however, the main form of the 3 key redbrick buildings of Canterbury Court, Lincoln House and Chester House/Chichester House/Cranmer House remaining the same. An aerial view of the site is shown in Figure 2 below. 1.4 There are no statutory listed buildings on the site. The existing buildings are, however, locally listed and therefore considered a non-designated heritage asset. The site is also sandwiched between two conservation areas; St Marks (CA11) that lies north of the site and Vassal Road (CA7) directly east of the site along Foxley Road.
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