5/10/2015 Welcome to First Christian Reformed Church Pastor Craig Van Hill [email protected] Home: 920.324.2249 Cell: 920.539. 3848 We welcome our visitors and hope that you enjoy worshipping with us. If you are presently seeking a church home, we welcome you to join our fellowship. You will find a visitor card in your pew, please fill one out and place it in the offering bag. If you would like further information about our church, check out our website at www.waupuncrc.com or contact Pastor Craig (324-2249) or the church office (324-2898). Large-print bulletins and children's bulletins are available from an usher or the back sanctuary rack. You can tune in to AM 1170 every Sunday morning at 8:30 to hear last week’s sermon. You are also able to listen to sermons from our website as well as view the bulletin. Website address is www.waupuncrc.com Church Office Hours Tuesday from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM Thursday from 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM All announcements due in the office by 9:00 AM Thursday Phone: 920-324-2898 email: [email protected] 9:30 AM Worship Service (*Please stand if you are able) We Gather In Worship Accompanist Prelude with piano solo’s by Reegan & Cara Aylesworth Marissa, vocal quartet by Reegan, Marissa, Amanda & Mikayla Children & Worship Leader: Becca Smits *Call to Worship Helpers: Dylan Vander Berg *Opening: led by Praise Team Cassie Holden *God’ Greeting and We Greet One Fellowship Coffee Another Phil & Mary Nell Hofman Greeters We Are Renewed in God’s Grace Dan & Jan Scheuers Communion Nursery Congregational Prayer Eric & Stacy Schaver Kaytlin Smits Offertory and Our Offerings with a flute quartet by Mikayla, Kaytlin, Reegan & Sound System Amanda, piano solo Josh: Benevolent Pete Vander Werff Fund Transportation Children are dismissed for Walk Out Percy De Vries (324-4678) Worship Glen Greenfield (346-5152) Ushers God Speaks through His Word Ray Hofman *Scripture: Malachi 3:16-18 Al Holden Don Pausma Sermon: The God-fearers Dave Rens We Respond to God’s Word Video Projection Song of Response: Amazing Grace – Mike Vander Berg R343 vs 1-4 Missionary Letters Phyllis H. to Daryl Pfantz We Leave to Serve God Ray H. to Neen+ *God’s Parting Blessing Al H. to Chaplain Peter + *Doxology: Amazing Grace – R343 vs 5 Please pray especially for this missionary family this week *Postlude 7:00 PM Evening Worship Service (*Please stand if you are able) Prelude Accompanist Call to Worship Cara Aylesworth *God’s Greeting Sound System Opening Songs led by Ben Homan Pete Vander Werff Prayers of the People led by Ken Homan Transportation We Study God’s Word: Ecclesiastes 7:16-18 – Don’t Percy De Vries be too Good or too Bad (324-4678) Glen Greenfield *Song of Response: Have Thine Own Way Lord – (346-5152) R591 vs 1-4 Video Projection *Affirmation of our Faith: Mike Vander Berg I believe the Word was in the form of God and did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. He emptied himself, took the form of a servant, and was born in our own likeness. I believe he humbled himself and became obedient unto death. I believe God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name. I believe that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth. I believe that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Amen. *Closing Song: Glory Be to the Father – R813 *Postlude Evening Offering is for Cary Christian Center Worship Notes This morning we celebrate Communion. In it we remember, commune with God and each other, renew our covenant vows, are fed by Jesus, and experience a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come. Next Sunday -- The Israelites were confused about what was right and wrong, much like the world today. Even as Christians, we often mix them up. But God wanted them to know that there would come a great and dreadful day, a day when fire would consume all that is evil and when the righteous would "leap like calves released from the stall". We approach this day knowing that there are two drastically different outcomes. May this spur us on to sharing the truth with the world. This Thursday we join together in worshiping God at Alto CRC for Ascension Day. Come at 7:00 as we celebrate the benefits of Christ's ascension into heaven. Verse of the Week: “They will be mine,” says the Lord Almighty, “in the day when I make up my treasured possession. I will spare them, just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him.” Malachi 3:17 This week be in prayer for: - The Supreme Court as they continue hearings about marriage - Nepal as they continue recovering from the earthquake - Living Hope Give thanks to God for: - Beautiful weather - College students who are completing their studies - Safety Last Week’s Offerings Local Budget $3,210.00 Faith Promise $1,581.25 Our Family We rejoice with the following who will celebrate an anniversary & a birthday this week: Birthdays: May May Joyce Haan 10 Cassidy Ritzema 11 Lori Kitchner 12 Merle Schouten 15 Sylvia Vander Galien 15 Janice De Vries 16 Anniversaries May Andy & Beth Schlieve 11 Howard & Pat Loomans 14 Jon & Jenna Mulder 14 We rejoice that Laura Ten Pass was able to come home on Wednesday and that her pain has been minimal. Continue to pray for her healing. As Janet Ver Hage starts to the see the end of her radiation treatments pray that the side effects will not get worse and that she will have patience for the journey. Most of all pray that this will have prevented any cancer. Carlie Jansen continues to gain strength and movement in her arm. She is doing well but is still in need of your earnest prayers. Even with all the miracles to this point she is not out of the woods yet. Kathy Bille recovers at home from her surgery. Pray that her strength will return and that the numbness in her face will subside. We are glad to welcome back Gene Hofman. May God bless his return home. Trevor Zonnefeld had surgery this past Thursday to repair a torn meniscus. Pray for healing so he can return to normal activities. Sue Buwalda is undergoing surgery to repair a torn meniscus this coming Thursday. Pray that this will go well and she will soon be back to normal activities. Church News The Sunday School and Catechism classes finished last week. A huge thank-you to the teachers, music directors, and piano player for all the work and dedication you have invested in the students this past year. The Sunday School and Catechism classes surpassed their goal and collected enough money to purchase 16 chickens through World Renew!! Do you wonder what Mr. O'Donovan will do this year? We have a special event planned for him following next Sunday mornings worship service. Please plan to join us and thanks for your support!! SWaT KIDs don’t miss the “Ripon Good” party we are having to celebrate the end of this school year. Current 5th graders please join us and meet the SWaT kids and leaders. This epic meeting will be May 13th at 6pm at Bethel CRC with a “Ripon Good” speaker Dave Sponholz. Then follow that up with a cookie and drink social that includes – you guessed it - Ripon Good cookies. We will be done at 7:30pm – please note earlier pickup time! Invite your friends! The funeral lunch committee is looking for volunteers to help work (wash dishes, serve, etc.) at funerals. You would be called only if extra help was needed. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Please sign the paper in the foyer if you are able to help. Thanks, The funeral lunch committee. Recovery for Laura Ten Pas will be about three months so we are in need of volunteers to provide meals beginning the week of May 17. Please call Jan (324-4678) or Gardie (319-0275) if you are able to help. There will also be a sign up sheet in the foyer. If you prefer to make a meal with someone, contact Gardie or Jan. Support of the whole congregation would be appreciated. Thanks. Parents of children attending Camp Calvin should contact Keren before May 15 regarding payment of balance due. The council is meeting this Wednesday at 6:30 PM. If you have anything to bring to them, including nominations please contact an Elder or Deacon. Join the fun and excitement of the annual CWC Golf Outing, to be hosted at Rock River Country Club in Waupun on Saturday, May 16th. The four- golfer scramble format is a shot-gun start event, with delicious food and fellowship filling out the day, including a special appearance by Packer Brian Bulaga. To sign up your team or to secure one of our many levels of sponsorship available for the event, check out the CWC website or contact Mark Homan. Put together that foursome and come and enjoy a great day! Save the date!!!! Saturday, June 20th 12 - 4 pm our church will be helping paint and build stairs for the Habitat for Humanity house in Fond du Lac. We will need 10 volunteers to help. We are also scheduled to feed the 30 volunteers lunch that day. Sign-up sheets will be coming out in May.
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