•'* ■ J VOL. LIL, NO. 263. (tlaselfled AdwHstag on Paft 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST 7,1983. TWELVE PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS A "Gripping** Moment STATE MILK BOARD 1 flOMDREDS PA Y FRENCH FLIERS SMASH IS ASKED TO RESIGN i LAST TRIBUTE TO C E . HOUSE LONG DISTANCE MARK ludepeodeiit Dealers of NINE MEET DEATH Center Chnrch b Crowded Rossi and Codos, Still Up Greater Hartford Says OVER THE WEEK-END Lonf Before Service for Miners Ignore Truce;. After Trarefing 5,340 Control Body is Trying to Fnneral of Dean of Town’s Refuse to go to Work M3es—Are Now Heidigg Wipe Ont Small Dealers. Shipwreck on Sonnd— Han Business Men. Kills and S e l f - Brownsville, Pa„ Aug. 7.—(A P)^ ’The strikers, who say they waht for Rayak, Spria— Had BULLETD^: —Ignoring a truco effected by more time in which to study terms Hartford, Aug. 7.—(AP)— Tbe townspeople of Manchester Piresldent Roosevelt, thousands of of the agreement, had their picket With tho threat of a milk strike Other Cases Reported. turaell out hundreds late (his ndnert In the vast coal fields of army in the field, but most ^cket Maeii Tronble WiA Leak- mutterliig In the background, afternoon to pay final homage to SoutL.western Pennsylvania refused lines dwindled after nc resumption developments In Ihe state's milk to go back to work today. wa< attempted. one of its outstanding and most re­ m g O B P ^ sitaation eonttnned rapidly this (By Associated Press) Hera ant. there, a mine re-opened The last mine operating in Fay­ m orning. spected citizens at tbe funeral serv­ but for the most part, the diggings A former Yale swimmer emerged ette coimty—the Davidson mine of In r^ly to a question as to ices for Charles, B. House, hdd at were ehut down. tl; Purity Connellsv^- e Coal and whether the control board as the here of a Long Island Soxmd the Center Congregatlona] duireh. The H. C Frick Coke Company, Coke Company, employing 150 men BULLETIN! Paris, Aog. 7.—(AP)—Tha would adopt the plan of the shipw reck that tool> one life as nine le his 61 years as a local merchant. which operates dozens of mines in —closed this morning. groiq) of producers who say Air Orient Company reertved a persons met violent deaths this Mr. House won the friendship and Fayette coxmty—heart of the area Renewed outbreakis of disorder, they wlD request the board's re­ esteem of coimtless numbars of message this afternoon, sayliig vreek-end In Connecticut. which has been stxlke-boimd for which last week resulted in the Oie French airnsen, Bfanrlea' moval by the governor. If the people and his death a* the age of two weeks—postponed reopening of piyi Is not adopted by Thurs­ death of one man and the woimding Rossi and Codos, landed n* John (Chester Vaden, 24, member 79 marked the passing of the dean ten mines until tomorrow at the re­ day, and wlD strike If the gov­ of more than a score are feared. Damaaeas, Syria nt 4 p. a ., of the 1927 Yale swimming team of Maaeheater’e buslnesti men. quest of Governor Pinchot. A back to the mines movement ernor does not reuMve the board and three others were saved after g. m. t , 11 a. Ok, e. s. t!, thns Stores closed at 8:45 o’clock for The executive said be feared wTou- got under way in Allegheny coimty, completing their non-stop flight in twenty-four hours, Charles their sailing sloop capsixed off Mld- the reztiainder of the day out of re­ G. Morris, «diairmaa of the ble if resumption were attempted but pickets gathered at several from New York. dleground Light, but their- efforts to spect to Mr. House., At a meeting today. mines and forestalled resumption. The message esune from beard, said ttils morning, "S o save Edward Jay, 27, of New York of the Klwanls Club this noon, a complete plan has as yet been Betmt important Syrian sea­ City proved unavailing. moment of eUrace was observed as port. preorated to tte board by any tbe members stood with lieads outside group." Jay, who was an inexperienced swimmer, went down after strug­ bowed in sUrat prayer for the de­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS. gling out of the arms of Vaden and ceased. Mr. House was a charter POLITICAL LEADER OUT OF POLITICS Hartford, Aug. 7.—(AP)— A new member of the dub. Lieut Maurice Itossi and Paul group, the Independent Milk Dealers the latter’s 15 year old brother. Codos, in one of the most spectacu­ Alan. ’The Vadens struck out for Chnroh Crowded. Association *of Greater Hartford, land, and were taken into boats Long before the simple service at DIES OF INJURIES BINGHAM ASSERTS lar and skillful of recent aviation was pressing today for the resigna­ from the water several miles from the church began at 4 o’dock tbe achievements, carried the trl-cojor tions of the state milk cratrol shore aftet their other two con- auditorium was crowded to capadty of Prance to a new non-stop record and many were forced to stand. panlons had been rescued. flight today. beard members, already harassed by ’The service was brief and impres­ the demands of independent milk ‘Tt WM a terrible experience,” sive in its slmpUdty in accor^mce Director of Dlinob State Ex-Senator & ys He Is Not a Leaving New York Saturday, they producers. said Vaden after the four were re­ with the wishes of the bereaved were reported over Aleppo, Syria, The new attack, launched yester­ united . at Stratford. “We just famUy. this morning, about 200 miles to tha day, asserted the “milk control couldn’t hang onto him (Jay), any Rev. Watson Woodruff, pastor of Finances Sneenmbs to Candidate for Any Office good of the previous non-stop rec­ board has openly aligned ‘tself with longer, and he got away from us. He the church, where Mr. House served ord of 5,340 miles set in February thjB trust in an effort to wipe sank at once.” as treasurer and clerk for more by two British flying officers. out the independent milk dealer Double Tragedy than forty years, conducted the rit­ Self Inflicted Wonnds. at Present Time. A wireless message received at increase the price Cof milk) to A double tragedy at Southington ual service. Mrs. Jennie Aborn, Orly, Prance, from the Frenchmen the public.” took the 'lives of the mother and organist of tbe church, played sev­ said they planned to fly until dark Meeting Tonight father of six children. Mr. and Mrs. eral of Mr. House’s favorite hymns Peoria, m., Aug. 7.— (AP)—Gar­ Salem, Conn., Aug.„7.—(AP) — and lauid at R ayak, Syria, fifty miles Meanwhile, Independfnt milk pro­ Alexander Belomlzl, who were found It was a moment of genuine suspense for passengers aboard the before and after service, induding rett de Forrest Kinney, 64, former Former U. S. Senator Hiram Bing­ north of Damascus. ThMr message was received at 8:17 p. m. (10:17, ducers announced milk producers shot to death near their farmhouse. Alaskan steamer Northwestern when, a half dozen at a time, they were “Jesus Lover of My Soul,” “In the director of state finances who was ham has withdrawn to his home at will meet traight at (Soshen, to con­ Police said they believed the farm­ Cross of Christ 1 Glory,” "O Love Salem with the announcement be is eastern standard time.) lowered Into lifeboats u shoWn here after the vessel struck a rook near under indictment oi> charges of fail- tinue the circulation of a resolution er had shot his wife and committed Jimeau and was beached on Eagle river sandspit. One hundred passen­ That WIU Not Let Me Go,” “By Cool through with politics at least for Meanwhile, John Grierson, British ■airing for the pooling of the milk suicide after a quarrel. gers and members of the crew were lowered without mishap. i Silome’s Shady RiU” and "Peace, in" to turn over state fimds, died at the time being. flier, completed another lap of a surplus, and a petition demanding Otto J. Schwartzs alder, 32, of Perfect Peace.” 4:45 o’clock (c. s. t.) this morning “I have no poliUcal ambitions and leisurely cruise firom England 'to the resignations of the control board New York died at the Sharon hospi­ A quartet, consisting of Helge B. in Mitchell sanitarium from a self no political plana,” he says. New'York, landing at Reykjavik, members. tal from a guu shot wound. In a Pearson, Pbilmore Gustafson, Harry irfllcted bullet wound.' “I am not a candidate for any­ Iceland, this afternoon, from the The board’s action in increasing deathbed statement he told author! Pearson and G. Albert Pearson, Kinney sent a bullet plerdng thing, and I am really out of poIi-J'Faroe Islfuids. the retail price of milk to 14 cents ties he was woujdded Fkiday at sang “Lead Kindly Light” and “Wc through his brain June 28 in bis tics.” ^ while at the jame time, it met a de­ Dover Plains, N. Y., by a bullet WOMAN’S NAME FIGURES Sbi^ Sleep But Not Fdrever.” office in the Culter and Proctor But when he Is asked, as he is FIGHT GASOLINE LEAK mand of farmers that a minimum from the revolver of a motorist Bearers. often, whether or not he woi^d ac­ Parl% Aug. 7.—(AP)— Fighting price of 7% cents a quart of 8.7 Tbe honorary bearers were F. A. (Coottaned Qa Page Three) cept an offer to run for public office mOk be fbeed, the basis of the in­ whose car had been in collision a gasoline leak which threatened to a bus.
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