For CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Call WAverly 3-2465 Deadline: Wednesday Afternoon ST.ABLISHED 19: HILLSIDE, N. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1946 Herlich Pledges Leonard President $20,000 More From Of Sun Tube Corp. Consideration Of S ± ? S p ,|WiU Receive Estimates On State For Schools Playground Plea Guide On Salaries- ■■■Careful consideration’’ will be Members of the Bbard of Edu­ given- to & petition for rlpyetopment cation Will confer tonight in the Cost Of Two Playing Fields Funds Received Under Of IS? Central. avenue playground senior high school wltH. represents- Pascoe Act W ill Help bN.9 "Presented. last j a-y- “fives of theTiliry^com m ittee of Step Preliminary To Union Council To night to the Township Committee, toe Hillside Teachers Association Meet Increased Costs Mayor George W. Herlich told the Apartment Plan Appears Action On Petition petitioners. on requested revisions of the salary Changes in state laws affeoting Hold Scout Honor schedule, For Playground Here ■JachW—appropriattons im derw hat Mayor Herlica sald-the Townahtp- No information has been released Township Engineer Henry Kich Oommittee must balance calls of I is known as . the Paseoe Act appar- concerning possible costs involved in Killed By Zoning Action Jr. was directed. last night by toe 7 ently Will be favorable. to Hillside various groups Interested. In cer­ the teachers’ proposed schedule, ef- Township Committee - to furnish - Court Here Friday tain toprov^ente^againstitheuel- -feoti-ve with- .toe next sehool.budget Decision of the..Township..-Com* zoning’ jboaid- -for its reoommenda- financially, a survey this week by mittee not to rezorie a poftioh of lion on a definite change - of zone estimates of the cost of preparing Times Indicated. T fect on-the tax rate and Bigires and meaning higher salaries as of loot ball and baseb-all fidcls mid a o f--th8 --taxoayers- as a whole: Libertw-avenu&--fOf garden apart- for7 toe NoYmam: street~-lot~ instead' — ^he-net-digereRGe -probablv w ill ^ful-y 1, 1947. Dr. Wayne T. Bran- ments, until it has received1 a recom- small playgi^u^d in Central . ave— Budget preparation, Involving a jmL-Supervisingjprincipal1pfsehools, being_an--exceptlon-to---toe-e)ti4rting be about $20,000. It will result from Advancement Committee of.-.the mendatibiTTrom the • Zoning Board zone. This action, 'was taken be­ "“the Tact that local appropriations Union Council Xno.. Boy' Scouts of great number of matters, will give was directed toy the board last the officials an opportunity to study month, following a conference, tlo of Adjustment apparently caused cause Arslauckas, who had walked The estlmates will be used for outside of the school budget but for America, will- sponsor a'C ourt of abandonment of a $300,000 project back into the meeting, suggested consideration. of budget appropria­ school purposes will drop consid­ Honor for,tfee .higher ranks of the request. in relation to other compile figures invdlyed in adjust­ Seeds, he’sald. ment of'all salai'ies. Ai toe same, last Wednesday night. ’ pot any industry, but only Public tions for 1047 whldh must be erably more than a* decrease in th< Scouting—Star. Life and Eagle, and: When the Township committee Service seeking a sub-power sta­ planned during -the next few weeks. amount received1 by the schools ■la conducting a Scout Roundup of Committeeman Raymond R. King time Mrs. Annamae S. Rudolph, chairman of the teachers’ salary, passed a motion referring the ques­ tion. -Aould- told_for tlie property Until: a definite, idea of general . from the state. | all new Scouts recruited this fall^-; recalled that the committee on his tion tertfte-jsontng board for Tecoin- ; present < budget considerations Is known toe recommendation, had’ set aside thei committee, ~~was~Tn prepare further Douglas L, Hans is tile, clerk of information on toe long range plap. mendation, Peter Arlauckas. builder . slid , Public - Se could committee indicated no action will the Court of Honor. Band selec­ area last summer and feat--he hau- who planned th e project walted out -wltijout—opposition be...taken- on--a -petition received’ .. the Pascoe : Act working to the declared. -.plans-- for a playground RAYMOND R. LEONARD The board will not be in formal tions will he played by the Hillside session* topight. The, regular meet­ of toe~ ffiggtihg sTat tng ".this matter sailed a.."low price last week from several local organi­ ^etrim ehf of-the „ locals sehool to g High School Band under the lead­ area ’of the county park commissiflti will W . cdme - before to e - zoning |4io zations_for. carrying out an im-. tricL^nd taxpayers .alike when an would not moat ’Hillside's-needs ar.d . Raymond .ft. .Leonard has Jbeen ing, when official actlpn may take ership of Leonard Strassman with. -etectecHPrerident of Sun TuheXlcriF place i f : definite agreement can be board. ” ■ Arlauckas a member ofj ha^ nprovements. CommUti provemerit pTan of the Recreation order was received from the State Miss Cass- conducting. Next Will be therefore- the "township should act 1 the zoning board, [e withdrew a hie agre Board. Department of Education directing to have the .fiekt-in shape for some oration here, manufacturers of col­ reached tonight,, is scheduled for the presentation of colors by Senior lapsible tubes, according to. an ahr next Thursday. However,, since all petition with about nameswhiohl Service find a location for; County Failed to Act the Township Committee to make Scout Ship #290 with Skipper A. O. icrealton purposes for next year. his attorneyr Alfre J. Sauer, said1 the -ation, but took notice jof the In discussing the recreation prob­ a ' “deficiency” appropriation of ’Seek Immediate Action nouncement this week, He succeeds phases of school budget costs are Blum In charge.. The pledge of; Willis M. Rose, who has retireti. involved, it is possible no formal represented 95 jjj limi’talioir.of the vland, lem, the committee indicated an­ $25,661 in the 1947 budget to be allegiance to the flag will be given The petition asked for “serious Mr. Leonard has been for the action will be taken next week. property owners affected within the I Adjacent- property owners? had ob- noyance that W. Richmond Tracy, paid directly^ to the Board of Edil- by Cub Scout Pack # 1 9 8 .The in­ consideration” to the plan of the past year PianL^Manag^-ot-to^ legal...200- feet, —all favoi'ing -the-l-Jeoted-befoiH^-toe^-zofting^board- last secretary of the-Unlou County Park nfltinn. No explanation was given-, vocation wlH- be given by Rev. L. Reoreatlon.-Board^-snbmitted last Hillside -plant of BrlstolrMyers project: -again ; Indus ip the Sti’ect. Commission, - had taken the word except that it was in accordance Luerich, pastor .of the Epworth and that “Immediate action” Company, of which Sun Tube ©orp- Ordinam Nol Read ] Goqunltteei sn Hal arid Raymond of an Individual that there was no with provisions of Chapter 68 of the Methodist Church, Elizabeth. Greet­ be taken to convert the site Into oration is P TphnVy-rixunt^ nnhaLd^- Scouts Collect Ovkjgrj Two-weeks eai er 3auer had”prg:H - f - ’Kte8-eH rtrlal pi’opeiiy need—to - get a football ~flgld~'tor~ Law&-o£-194fi^- Reference-to the aet ings will- be exter.dBtf-Sy Kenneth' reereattcnal ai’ea and- war mem-" iary. A' native of Boston, he is a nted the regtu t of Arlauckas.foy_ *s rilore Vft.l shape for the season—Just, dose(| did7 not prove enlightening to of­ Bauer,__Chairman of—the - -Union- lad ..aS-prQ.vlded.lit-ttia Recreation ■ graduate of Bowdoin College, later 22 Tons Of Paper te change in i ie, now Residence along the Elizabeth River in the ficials. who turned the matter tever Councll Court'’ of Honor. » The Board’s plan. The petition declared taking his law degree At S t .John!s. toe Township Committee de­ rear of Recreation Board property to the finance committee and to __Bundayis--Boy^-Scdut waste paper Tenderfoot Roundup (new bews re­ present recreation faculties ’ ar? University. Brooklyn. 'collection’- netted 44.350 pounds, itl cided to seek the recommenda­ from the Kade Corporation, build­ on Liberty1 avenue. A iefier was Township Attorney Einil Herrigel cruited W i n ^ g w i l l be held by ■woefully- inadequate,” that youth His. earlier business experience was announced tills week by Walter tion of the zoning board since Sauer ers, of Newark, asking that prop­ ordered sent to Tracy informing ' ' ToF study. m ■ Wenzel Dousa, Scoutmaster of rf this; community must visit a Was with Dun & Bradstreet, and Borneman, Chairman of toe Boy said neighboring property' .^owners erty in Voorhees street- be ’rezoned him that no one had authority to Replaces School Tax Troop., #7, Elizabeth,' tdghboring municipality.to find with toe Central Hanover Bank Scout Salvage Oommltteer favorable; ~Xh ordinance pre­ frdm TesidentTal permit over-ride toe ’ request of the Town­ -—-Actuffllyr^the $25,661 'township ■ Tne awarding of merit badges to ecreatlon' facilities .and that me] and1 Trust Company, New- York, It was the final collection for this I pared meanwhile by. Township ^At­ garden apartments. ""The. .zoning ship Committee. At th ep resen t school "deficiency” appropriation Central avenue' area appears■ to be where he was engaged1 in financial year arid , Bornema-n expressed torney Emil Herrigel was brought board in September rejected an ap­ time the township is ready to deed Scouts of the Northern District to the1 county park commission the will replace the past year’s $51,000 (Hillside, Union, and Springfield) (the only available location for the legal and personnel Work. thanks • on behalf of the Scouts for out for'first reading last week and plication for an exception to the state school tax paid by Hillside.
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