VAID’S ICS LUCKNOW UPPCS (Pre)-2019 SPECIAL MOCK TEST ON CURRENT AFFAIRS Page 1 1- According to Economic survey-2019, 1- vkfFkZd losZ{k.k&2019 ds vuqlkj] fuEufyf[kr esa which of the following statement is ls dkSu lk dFku lgh gS\ correct? (a) ldy jk"Vªh; çtuu nj 2021 rd (a) National Total Fertility Rate expected çfrLFkkiu nj ls uhps jgus dh mEehn gSA to be below replacement rate by 2021. (b) dkedkth tula[;k 2021&31 ds nkSjku (b) Working age population to grow by yxHkx 9.7 mn çfr o"kZ vkSj 2031& 41 ds nkSjku roughly 9.7 mn per year during 2021-31 4.2 mn and 4.2 mn per year during 2031-41. yxHkx çfr o"kZ c<+us dk vuqeku gSA (c) States need to consolidate / merge (c) jkT;ksa dks u, fo|ky;ksa ds fuekZ.k djus ds schools to make them viable rather than LFkku ij mUgsa O;ogk;Z cukus gsrq lesfdr@foy; build new ones. djus dh vko';drk gSA (d) All the above (d) mijksä lHkh 2- The GARV-II is associated with- 2- GARV-II fdlls lEcfU/kr gS \ (a) People’s participation in rural a(a) xzkeh.k fo|qrhdj.k esa lkoZtfud Hkkxhnkjh electrification (b) ckfydk f’k{kk esa efgykvksa dh Hkkxhnkjh (b) Women participation in girl education (c) ,d varfj{k mixzg (c) A space satellite (d) ,d lSU; vH;kl (d) A military exercise 3- Which of the following statements are 3- vkfFkZd losZ{k.k&2019 ds laca/k esa fuEufy f[kr esa correct with respect to Economic survey- ls dkSu&ls dFku lgh gSa\ 2019? 1- foŸkh; o”kZ esa lkekU; jktdks"kh; ?kkVk 5-8 gSA 1. The general fiscal deficit in FY 2019 is 2- losZ{k.k esa foŸkh; o”kZ 2020 ds fy, ldy 5.8. ?kjsyw mRikn dh o`f) nj 7% vkadh x;hA 2. The Economic Survey pegged GDP 3- 93-1% ?kjksa esa 'kkSpky; gSA growth rate at 7 per cent for FY-20. 3. 93.1% of the households have access to 4- 2019 esa ldy ?kjsyw mRikn o ldy fLFkj toilets. iwath fuekZ.k ds vuqikr esa fiNys o"kZ dh vis{kk 4. The ratio of gross fixed capital o`f) gqbZ gSA formation to GDP has been increased in (a) 1, 2 & 3 (b) 1 & 3 2019 from the previous year. (c) 2, 3 & 4 (d) mijksä lHkh (a) 1, 2 & 3 (b) 1 & 3 (c) 2, 3 & 4 (d) All the above 4- This is the only country in the world that 4- fo'o dk ,dek= ns’k gS tgk¡ dkWcZu udkjkRed is carbon negative, which means it gS] bldk vFkZ gS fd ;g [kir ls vf/kd produces more oxygen than it consumes- vkWDlhtu mRikfnr djrk gS& (a) Marshal Island (b) Fiji a(a) ek’kZy }hi (b) fQth (c) Bhutan (d) Singapore (c) HkwVku (d) Jh yadk 5- Which airport has become the first carbon 5- ,f’k;k&iz’kkar {ks= esa dkSu lk gokbZvÏk izFke neutral airport in Asia-Pacific following a dkWcZu U;wVªy gokbZvÏk cu x;k gS tgk¡ 7-84 series of measures taken by it to reduce esxkokV ds lkSj ÅtkZ la;a= dh LFkkiuk ds lkFk carbon footprint, including setting up of a Page 2 7.84 MW solar power plant? dkWcZu QqVfizaV dks de djus ds dbZ mik; (a) Tokyo airport viuk;s x;s gSa \ (b) Bankok airport (a) Vksfd;ks gokbZvÏk (c) Singapore air port (b) cSadkWd gokbZvÏk (d) Delhi International air port (c) flaxkiqj gokbZvÏk (d) fnYyh varjkZ”Vªh; gokbZvÏk 6- According to Survey, the simplest way to 6- losZ{k.k ds vuqlkj] dbZ lkekftd eqíksa dks gy solve many social issues is- djus dk lcls ljy rjhdk gS& (a) Gradually change in behaviour (a) O;ogkj esa Øfed ifjorZu (b) Data should be created for public (b) yksd dY;k.k gsrq ds fy, MsVk fuekZ.k good. (c) vPNk jktuhfrd fu.kZ; (c) Good political decision (d) yksxksa dk rdZlaxr lksp (d) Rational thinking of people 7- Which of the following statements are 7- vkbZlhlh fØdsV fo'o di&2019 ds laca/k esa correct with respect to the ICC Cricket fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu ls dFku lgh gS\ World Cup-2019? 1- osLV baMht vad rkfydk esa lcls detksj Vhe 1. West Indies was the lowest team in the FkhA point table. 2- fepsy LVkdZ ¼v‚LVªsfy;k½ VwukZesaV esa lokZf/kd 2. Mitchell Starc (Australia) was the fodsV ysus okys xsanckt FksA highest wicket taker of the tournament. 3. The 13 th edition of ICC Cricket World 3- vkbZlhlh fØdsV fo'o di dk 13oka laLdj.k Cup will be held in India from February 9 9 Qjojh ls 26 ekpZ] 2023 rd Hkkjr esa to March 26, 2023. vk;ksftr fd;k tk,xkA (a) 2 & 3 (b) 1 & 2 (a) 2 & 3 (b) 1 & 2 (c) 1 & 3 (d) All the Above (c) 1 & 3 (d) mijksä lHkh 8- ‘Maastricht Treaty’ is related to- 8- *eSfLVªp laf/k* fdlls lEcfU/kr gS \ (a) Environmental Protection (a) i;kZoj.k laj{k.k (b) Europe Unification (b) ;wjksi dk ,dhdj.k (c) Unification of Atomic Power (c) ijek.kq ÅtkZ dk ,dhdj.k (d) Unification of East & West Germany (d) iwoZ vkSj if’peh teZuh dk ,dhdj.k 9- Arvind Subramaniam Committee gave 9- vjfoan lqcze.;e lfefr us ---- dh vuqla’kk nh gS\ recommendations on: (a) th,lVh ds rgr laHko dj nj (a) Possible Tax rates under GST (b) cSadksa esa bZ&Hkqxrku (b) e-payments in banks (c) djk/kku (c) Taxation (d) cSafdax lq/kkj (d) Banking Reforms 10- The term ‘virtuous cycle’ was used for the 10- Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ds fy, vkfFkZd losZ{k.k&2019 Indian Economy in Economic Survey- esa *ojpqvl lkbfdy* ‘kCn dk iz;ksx fd;k x;k 2019, It means gS] bldk D;k vFkZ gS\ (a) Higher wages stimulate consumption, (a) mPp etnwjh miHkksx dks çksRlkfgr djrh gS] Page 3 leading to higher prices and larger ftlls dhersa Å¡ph vkSj cM+s d‚iksZjsV ykHkkfUor corporate profits. gksrs gSaA (b) Money supply will accelerate the (b) eqæk vkiwfrZ lao`f) esa rsth yk,xhA growth (c) fodkl ds fy, eq[; :i ls cká dkjd (c) The external factors are mainly mŸkjnk;h gSaA responsible for growth (d) mijksä esa ls dksbZ ugha (d) None of the above 11- To achieve the objective of becoming a $5 11- tSlk fd ç/kku ea=h us dgk Fkk] 2024&25 rd 5 trillion economy by 2024-25, as laid down fVªfy;u vFkZO;oLFkk cukus ds mís'; dks çkIr by the Prime Minister, India needs to djus gsrq Hkkjr dks ---- okLrfod thMhih fodkl sustain a real GDP growth rate of- nj dks cuk, j[kus dh vko';drk gS& (a) 8 % (b) 9 % (a) 8 % (b) 9 % (c) 8.5 % (d) 7.5 % (c) 8.5 % (d) 7.5 % 12- Environmental Performance Index (EPI) 12- i;kZoj.k izn’kZu lwpdkad lwph tkjh dh tkrh gS& List is released by- (a) ;kstuk vk;ksx }kjk (a) Planning Commission of India (b) i;kZoj.k ,oa ou ea=ky; (b) Environment & Forest Ministry (c) Hkkjr dk i;kZoj.k iSuy (c) Environmental Panel of India (d) ekuo lalk/ku ea=ky; (d) Human Resource Ministry 13- The operation “Sunrise 2” is a coordinated 13- v‚ijs'ku **lujkbt 2** Hkkjr vkSj fdl ns'k dk operation between India and which other ,d lefUor v‚ijs'ku gS\ country? (a) :l (b) usiky (a) Russia (b) Nepal (c) E;kaekj (d) Jhyadk (c) Myanmar (d) Sri Lanka 14- Who has been conferred with “Innovative 14- ,f'k;u yhMjf'ki lfeV 2019 esa **buksosfVo fjlpZ Research Excellence Award 2019” At ,Dlhysal vokMZ 2019** ls fdls lEekfur fd;k Asian Leadership Summit 2019? x;k gS\ (a) Rishabh Srivastava (b) Gaurav Nigam (a) _"kHk JhokLro (b) xkSjo fuxe (c) Brijesh Mishra (d) Dalbir Negi (c) fczts'k feJk (d) nychj usxh 15- Which state to run “Save Water” 15- fdl jkT; esa *ty cpkvks* vfHk;ku vkSj jkT; dh campaign and a state’s “Water cell”? *ty çdks"B* ‘kq: gksuk gS\ (a) Bihar (b) Tamil Nadu (a) fcgkj (b) rfeyukMq (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Maharashtra (c) e/; çns'k (d) egkjk"Vª 16- ‘Quality Unknown: The Invisible Water 16- fdl laLFkk us fjiksVZ & *DokfyVh vuuksu% n Crisis’. This report is made by which bufoft+fcy okVj Økbfll* rS;kj fd;k gS\ organization? (a) ,f’k;u MsoyiesaV cSad (a) Asian Development Bank (b) MCY;wVhvks (b) WTO (c) vkbZ,e,Q (c) IMF (d) fo’o cSad (d) World bank Page 4 17- Which of the following schemes have 17- gky gh esa vuqeksfnr vk;q"eku Hkkjr & jk"Vªh; been subsumed in the recently approved LokLF; laj{k.k fe'ku (AB-NHPM) esa Ayushman Bharat – National Health fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu lh ;kstuk,a lfEefyr dh Protection Mission (AB-NHPM)? xbZ gSa\ (a) Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (a) jk"Vªh; LokLF; chek ;kstuk ¼vkj,lchokbZ½ (RSBY) (b) ofj"B ukxfjd LokLF; chek ;kstuk (b) Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme (SCHIS) ¼,llh,pvkbZ,l½ (c) National Life Insurance Scheme (c) jk"Vªh; thou chek ;kstuk (d) both (a) & (b) (d) (a) & (b) nksuksa 18- What is the biggest item of government 18- ctV 2019&20 esa ljdkjh O;; dk lcls cM+k expenditure in budget 2019-20? en D;k gS\ (a) Loan repayment (a) _.k Hkqxrku (b) Defense expenditure (b) j{kk O;; (c) Expenditure on Central Plans (c) dsUæh; ;kstukvksa ij O;; (d) Share of the states in taxes and fees (d) djksa vkSj 'kqYdksa esa jkT;ksa dh Hkkxhnkjh 19- Which country has emerged as the top 19- dkSu lk ns'k o"kZ 2018 esa 52 ifj;kstukvksa ds most country to attract Indian FDI with 52 lkFk Hkkjrh; ,QMhvkbZ vkdf"kZr djus okyk 'kh"kZ projects in the year 2018? ns'k cu x;k gS \ (a) USA (b) China (a) ;w-,l-,- (b) phu (c) UK (d) Israel (c) fczVsu (d) btjkby 20- Which country’s Airborne Early Warning 20- Hkkjrh; ukSlsuk esa fdl ns'k ds ,;jcksuZ vyhZ and Control Helicopter named ‘Kamov okfuaZx ,aM daVªksy gsyhd‚IVj *dkekso dk&31* dks Ka-31’ has been included in Indian Navy? ‘kkfey fd;k x;k gS\ (a) USA (b) China (a) ;w-,l-,- (b) phu (c) Russia (d) Israel (c) :l (d) btjkby 21- Name the two new award categories 21- gky gh esa csLV QhQk QqVc‚y iqjLdkj&2019 esa inducted to Best FIFA Football Awards- 'kkfey fd;s x;s nks u;s iqjLdkj Jsf.k;ksa dk uke 2019 recently- D;k gS\ (a) Women’s goalkeeper of the year & (a) o"kZ dh efgyk xksydhij vkSj o"kZ dk iq#"k men’s player of the year f[kykM+h (b) Women’s goalkeeper of the year & (b) o"kZ dh efgyk xksydhij vkSj o"kZ dh efgyk Women’s team of the year (c) Women’s goalkeeper of the year & Vhe men’s goal keeper of the year (c) o"kZ dh efgyk xksydhij vkSj o"kZ dk iq#"k (d) Women’s team of the year & men’s xksy dhij player of the year (d) o"kZ dh efgyk Vhe vkSj o"kZ dk iq#"k f[kykM+h 22-
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