136 NOTES, SHORT COMMENTS, AND ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. Notes, Short Comments, and Answers Medical Diary for the ensuing Week. to Correspondents. OPERATIONS. METROPOLITAN HOSPITALS. THE COURTESY CALL. MONDAY (14th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.x.), St. St. St. THE Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), George’s (2 P.M.), Mary’s (2.30 P.x.), To the Editors of LANCET. Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Westminster (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.x.). SIRS,-The remarks of "A. S. S." in his letter to you on Dec. 22nd, Samaritan (Gynaecological, by Physicians, 2 P.M.), Soho-square 1906, contain advice to young practitioners respecting the importance of (2 P.M.), City Orthopaedic (4 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.). West London London Throat A.M.), Royal Free the courtesy call on their professional Can I, in (2.30 P.M.), (9.30 paying neighbours. (2 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Children, Gt. Ormond-street (3 P.M.), this writer’s own words, ask for " your powerful influence to be exerted St. Mark’s (2.30 P.M.). to impress this upon" those called upon-viz., that they should make TUESDAY (15th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. a point of seeing that this courtesy call is duly returned. Personally, Thomas’s (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), West. when I settled in a well-known Lancashire seaport town I called on the minster (2 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), University College St. in the immediate neighbourhood of my predecessor’s (2 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (1 P.M.), Mark’e practitioners Cancer London Throat house and my own, and at least one-third of these calls remain (2.30 P.M.), (2 P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), (9.30 A.M.), Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, Golden- unreturned to this and what makes it all the more serious is the day, square (9.30 A.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Central fact that the chief delinquents were the senior men from whom one London Throat and Ear (2 P.M.). Children. Gt. Ormond-street naturally would expect at least a knowledge of the commonest of (2 P.M.. Ophthalmic, 2.15 P.M.), Tottenham (2.30 P.M.). courtesies. That this want of courtesy should accompany other WEDNESDAY (16th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), University College Free breaches of medical etiquette is but natural, and it all goes to prove, as (2 P.M.), Royal (2 P.M.), Middlesex (1.30 P.M.), Cross St. Thomas’s has been but defended the modern of the (3 P.M.), (2 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’sCharing College feebly recently, degeneracy (2 P.M.), St. George’s (Ophthalmic, 1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (2 P.M.). present-day medical man. I feel certain if you opened your columns National Orthopaedic (10 A.M.), St. Peter’s (2 P.M.), Samaritan to a full correspondence regarding this subject the revelations which (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West. it could be possible to print would astonish even the most sceptical. minster (2 P.M.), Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.), Cancer I am, Sirs, yours (2 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), faithfully, Royal Ear (2 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedie (3 P.m.). Children. Gt. Dec. 23rd, 1906. THECLA W. ALBUM. Ormond-street (9.30 A.M., Dental, 2 P.M.), Tottenham (Ophthalmic, 2.30 P.M.). THE SIGNING OF MEDICAL BULLETINS. THURSDAY (17th).-St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’. (3.30 P.M.), University College (2 P.M.), Charing Cross (3 P.M.), St. To the Editors of THE LANCET. George’s (1 P.M.), London (2 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.). Middlesex St. North-West SIRS,-A few at a of a branch of the British (1.30 P.M.), Mary’s (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square (2 P.M.), years ago, meeting London (2 P.M.), Gt. Northern Central (Gynaecological, 2.30 P.M.), Medical Association, and, I believe, also in your columns, there was a Metropolitan (2.30 P.M.), London Throat (9.30 A.M.), Samaritan discussion about the appearance in the daily papers of the names of (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’e medical men in attendance upon people of any note. For a time (1.30 P.M.), Royal Orthopaedic (9 A.M.). Royal Bar (2 P.M.), Children, matters improved, but lately the fault has reappeared very strongly. i Gt. Ormond-street (2.30 P.M.), Tottenham (Gynaecological, 2.30P.M.), I could you instances the last six months, but only FRIDAY (18th).-London (2 P.M.), St. Bartholomew’s (1.30 P.M.), tit. give many during Thomas’s Middlesex in I see that Mr. Balfour and the Baroness Burdett- (3.30 P.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), (1.30 P.M.), Charing to-day’s paper Cross (3 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), King’s College (2 P.M.), St. Mary’s Coutts are ill and the names are carefully given of the medical men in (2 P.M.), Ophthalmic (10 A.M.), Cancer (2 P.M.), Chelsea (2 P.M.), Gt. attendance, as well as of the physicians in consultation. This is rather Northern Central (2.30 P.M.), West London (2.30 P.M.), London a marked contrast to the absence of names in the case of the recent Throat (9.30 A.M.), Samaritan (9.30 A.M. and 2.30 P.M.), Throat, illness of the Princess Royal. With ordinary care it can be avoided ; Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), City Orthopaedic (2.30 P.M.), Soho-square Central London Throat and Ear Gt. but perhaps that is not wanted. The public scarcely care to know who (2 P.M.), (2 P.M.). Children, Ormond-street (9 A.M., Aural, 2 P.M.), Tottenham (2 30 P.M.). is in attendance upon these and other sick people. SATURDAY (19th).-Royal Free (9 A.M.), London (2 P.M.), Middlesex I am, Sirs, yours faithfully, (1.30 P.M.), St. Thomas’s (2 P.M.), University College (9.15 A.M.), Dec. 31st, 1906. ANTI-ADVERTISER. Charing Cross (2 P.M.), St. George’s (1 P.M.), St. Mary’s (10 P.M.), Throat, Golden-square (9.30 A.M.), Guy’s (1.30 P.M.), Children, Gt. Ormond-street (9.30 A.M.). LIGHTING A COUNTRY HOUSE. At the Royal Eye Hospital (2 P.M.), the Royal London Ophthalmic the Westminster and the To the Editors of THE LANCET. (10 A.M.), Royal Ophthalmic (1.30 P.M.), Central London Ophthalmic Hospitals operations are performed daily. SIRS,-Before deciding on the nature of illuminant to be fitted to a house in the country I should be glad to learn through the medium SOCIETIES. of your columns whether the medical profession hold any definite MONDAY (14th).-MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (11, Chandos-street, opinion on the two following points. 1. Is electric light in the Cavendish-square, W.).-8.30 P.M. : Paper :-Dr. S. Phillips: Some Affections of the Pancreas. composition of its rays more injurious or fatiguing to the eyes TUESDAY (l5th).-PATHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON (20, Hanover- than incandescent coal gas, or incandescent acetylene, petrol square, P.M.: Communications:-Dr. F. W. Andrewes: if which of these four is the least W.).-8.30 vapour, and, so, lights Observations on MacConkey’s Bile Salt Neutral Red Medium.-Dr. injurious to the sight? It would be interesting to have com- T. J. Horder : (1) Note on a Case of Typhoid Fever Diagnosed by parisons of these with each other and with oil lamps and wax Blood Culture in the Absence of Agglutination Reaction ; (2) A candles, and to know whether the fatigue that many people complain Third Case of Influenzal Endocarditis Diagnosed by Blood Culture; A Case of Gonococcal Endocarditis.-Mr. F. W. Twort: The of as a result of electric light is merely due to improper shading. (3) Incidence of Spontaneous Cancer in Mice. 2. Are any poisonous fumes given off as a result of the combustion of MEDICO-LEGAL SOCIETY (22, Albemarle-street, W.).-8.30 P.M.: Exhibi- coal or if which of the three acetylene gas, gas, petrol vapour, and, so, tion of Medico-Legal Specimens. Discussion on Suicide and Sanity is the least objectionable on this score ? (opened by Dr. C. Shaw). I am, Sirs, yours faithfully, WEDNESDAY (l6th).-ROYAL MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY (20, Hanover- P.M.: Exhibition of Mounted Mr. Jan. 1907. LUMEN. square, W.).-8 Specimens by 3rd, Rousselet. Annual Address :-The President: The Flowering Plants of the Mesozoic Age in the of Recent Discoveries. COMMUNICATIONS not noticed in our present issue will receive attention Light FRIDAY (18th).-SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF DISEASE IN CHILDREN in our next. (11, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W.).-5 P.M. Cases will be shown by Dr. F. J. Poynton, Mr. H. S. Clogg, Dr. E. Cautley, Mr. P. L. Mummery, Dr. C. 0. Hawthorne, Dr. T. R. Whipham, Dr. G.
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