John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 10-1-1992 The aC rroll News-Vol. 83, No. 5 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News-Vol. 83, No. 5" (1992). The Carroll News. 1045. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/1045 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •Student defends r"ServingJohn Carroll the -~~~~ ~~ ~ issue of family University @ ~ values Community" 'f88b • _. FORUM page 3 I • Professor explores •Project Gold travels life of a little-known to South Dakota - scientist- FEATURES page 10 CAMPUS LIFE page 7 •Volleyball team The CN sweeps home quad is fully match - recyclable SPORTS page 14 SAFE votes down Heidelberg meets the immoveable object administration's recycling request John It Thorne they should keep 1L," srud Evans. Ass,stonl News Ed. or Evans believes the only reason The admimstration initiaLed a Wank contacted SAFE is because meeung wllh Student AdvocaLes he is having problems w1th the For lhe Env1ronment (SAFE) to finances of the program. discuss plans that would mclude "He [Wank] said the money as the possibility of having SAFE gone," said Evans. help wilh the recycling program. Evans does not see helpmg the Tom Wank, superviSOr or admmastrauon as an answer to lhe housekeepang, met walh Julie problem. Evans, president of SAFE, last "It's a shon fix for them not week. being able to manage th1s pro­ The administration had taken gram lhat they spent supposedly full responsability for the program years researchmg and plannmg out at the beginning of the fall se­ so they wouldn't make any miS­ mester. takes," said Evans. Accordmg 10 Evans, she was Y1ce Presadem for Serv1ces, contacted by Wank, who asked John Reali, sa1d the overall cost for help from SAFE to allevaatc for the recycling program has not problems that are occurnng with yet been determined. Real1 ongi­ lhc movement of recycling bags nally estimated the program to from the dorms to vanous have a start-up cost of S8-l 0.000. dumpsters on cam· us. wh1ch mcludcd · • , ~· • ' I a.....~~""Evans, llmvever, showed no bins, and other vanous matenal Interest in helping the admlmstra­ COSL\. uon any further w1th this project. "Ill is] probably goang to he ''They have been most uncoop­ more than that, but I don't h,tve Speaker search continues for seniors erauve for three years," satd Evans. any figures yet," Re<.~li said. "I sec no need to reciprocate and This est1rnate did not 1ncludc cooperate with them.'' increased labor costs. The rcc}­ Susan Sehoul arc that he/she 1s mtonnauvc, cur­ tauon so we need a connecuon. a Wank declined to comment cling bins were originally 10 be NewsWrter rent, and a !!Ood speaker lor John pipeline to the speaker," -;a1d concerning the meeting between se~ 1ccd by lhe housckccpang ~taff. T1me 1s runnmg out for the Carroll Bookwalter. Evans and himself. The housekeepmg department. choice of a commencement Hogan also said that last year Hogan said lhatappro>.lmately SAFE had a meeting on Mon­ Evans speculated, d~s not have speaker for graduation in June. thl.' Semor Cla.,s put a lot of un 650 studcnh ..,. ill be graduating day, Sept 28, wh1ch mcluded a enough people to gctlhc recycling The sclccuon process began at successful effort mto gewng one next June. The speaker ~clccuon group vote concerning reinvolve­ bags emptied and the cleaning the end of last year when the junior particular speaker. He stressed process has no.... been narrowed mem wilh the recycling effon. done also. class off1cers met w1th W D. that thas wall not be the case agrun. do..,. n to t\\0, poss1bl} three can­ SAFE voted unan1mously agamst Reali is trymg to work lhas as­ Bookwalter, ass1stant to the "This year, they've put safeguards didates, whose names Book walter Lhe request made by Wank, which pect of lhe recycling program out presadent Bookwalter prov1dcd 1n lhe process so that the} won' 1 chose not to reveal at th1s t1me. pleased Evans. with lhe staff. "We are trymg to for them a h1story lesson explam­ chase one speaker,'' explained But Hogan remamshopefullhat ''They've always made it dif­ get the cleaning company [house­ ing how commencement speakers Hogan. the selection process 1s going well. ficult for us. Now lhey have as­ keepmg] to do it for lhe same have been chosen over the past 15 Bookwalter also srud that 1tas and w1ll come out for the best for sumed lhe responsibility [for lhe dollars they are doing 1l for now," years. He added that, unlike other more difficult to get speakers be­ lhc senior class. "Bolh Falher recycling program] and I think said Reali. universllies, students at John cause Carroll is a smaller univer­ Lavelle and Mr. Bookwalter have Carroll have always had some m­ SitY. and,therefore, IllS 1mportant been mce and open," he said. "I put in the choice. to utilize people's connections. feel very confident we will getlhe JCU joins forces for "The school welcomes sug­ "We do not have a national repu- right speaker." gesuons from the students. The conflict resolution program administration reserves the right Todd Guth sity todifferentopinionsand adeas to veto people because, after all, Wife of presidential NewsWnter of various cultures and will pro­ Father Lavelle's the one doing the Thanks to a $70,407 gram from mote lhe celebration of multi­ mviting," said Bookwalter. the Cleveland Foundation, John cultural diversity," sa ad Oleksaak. The class officers conducted a hopeful visits Cleveland Carroll University. Notre Dame The goal of the program will be student survey to pick thcirchoacc College of Ohio, and Ursuline to transform the three campuses from a hst of Len or add their own Stephanie Slon_in_o___ _ Clinton srud. College arc jointly conducting a into commumties where students, suggestions. According to Hogan, World V1ew Ed1tor Her appearance was sponsored palot program in conflict resolu­ faculty and staff unite to foster an Bookwalter offered rcal1sm to the "The people wantlhear country by 9to 5, an assoc1at1on of work.­ tion, prejudicereduction,and peer appreciation for cultural, social, hst while Father Lavelle consid­ back," sa1d Hillary Chnton amidst mg women. mediation. The three-part, year­ elhnic and oilier differences. A ered who is appropriate. supporters wearing "Chnton/Gorc Accordmg toChnton,the most long program, darected by Gary major objecUvc will be tO train Already, lhe CEO of Hemz, v1ctory m '92" buuons. Clinton important 1ssuc for the country IS Zimmerman of Manchester Uni­ leaders to conduct workshops. By the CEO of Goodyear, and the appeared at Tower City on Friday the economy. "People today arc versity, began in July. theendoflhegrantpenodin 1993, pnmc mmasterofCanada have all September 25 to speak on issues working harder for less money The program will present a lhe processes for peaceful resolu­ declined to speak. than they were makmg 10 years number of workshops sponsored tion of disputes and promouon cf "We mvitcd lhrcc people who News Feature ago," said Clinton. "We want to by the Office of Mulu-Cultural cooperation ""'ll have become an turned us down." sa1d Book\\ alter create new JObs and lhen keep Affairs, wh1ch is headed by Ronald mtegral part of each campus com­ "Then we had to do some rcorga· rangmg from the economy to fam­ those jobs m Oh1o and the other Oleksiak. munity if all goes according to ruzing ., Ily values. "People arc sa yang that States." "At John Carroll, I hope the plan. According to Hogan, the com­ they want to be responsible for For every one dollar decrease program will expose the univer- See CONFLICT, page 4 mencement speaker rcqu1rements bnnging our country around," See HILLARY, page-' Page2 EDITORIAL The Carroll News, October 1, 1992 commentary Voter discretion is advised Being that so perpower." He continues by saying that the much space on olher side (the Democrats) are looking "in­ this page during ward" while the Republicans are looking recent weeks has "forward." All these inspirational words been devoted to are accompanied by stirring, patriotic im­ voting, I figure ages. If we were to believe everything in it'stimeformeto this ad we would not be considering Bush 'Double Mc:\j•rs=P/ea~e · do my parL for president, but something more akin to be prt part d fo Choo$t The voters God. This is only one example - the ycu,. o{{;lt~r rriegrte. have been pre­ Democrats are no less guilty. The respec­ sented with the tive parties' positive ads would have you Thank 'Y.t . option of George believe that their canclidate is infallible, Bush or Bill while their negative ads would have you Clinton (we won't count Ross Perot since believe that the opposing candidate is the he seems to be in a perpetual limbo). Hon­ next coming of Spiro Agnew. estly, it seems thatmostpeoplchavealrcady Each voter has a duty to do his or her decided for whorn they want to vote. Since own homework before going to vote. We it won't surprise anyone who knows me, I can't rely on advertising, and we can't rely guess I can tell you all that I am pro~ably on others who tell us for whom to vote. In editorial going to vote for Bush. This is not because both these cases, the source of political lam especially enthralled with the job Bush wisdom is extremely biased.
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