Swedish Dental Journal Scientific Journal of The Swedish Dental Association No. 2/12 Vol.36 Pages 61-108 contents Comparison of oral status in an adult population 35-75 year of age in the county of Dalarna in 1983 and 2008 Edman, Öhrn, Holmlund, Nordström, Hedin, Hellberg 61 A dental phobia treatment within the Swedish National Health Insurance Hägglin, Wide Boman 71 Dentists´ views on fearful patients. Problems and promises Brahm, Lundgren, Carlsson, Nilsson, Corbeil, Hägglin 79 Rinsing with alcohol-free or alcohol- based chlorhexidine solutions after periodontal surgery. A double-blind, Dentists’ views on fearful patients. Problems and promises randomized, cross-over, pilot study page 79 Olsson, Asklöw, Johansson, Slotte 91 Homocystinuria and oral health. A report of 14 cases Björksved, Anrup 101 swedish dental journal vol. 25 issue 1 2001 3 Omslag_2-12.indd 3 2012-06-05 13.22 Swedish Dental Journal Scientific journal of the Swedish Dental Association and the Swedish Dental Society Instructions to authors issn: 0347-9994 Introduction References Swedish Dental Journal, the scientific In the reference list the references should Editor-in-chief journal of The Swedish Dental Association be arranged in alphabetical order and Professor Göran Koch, Jönköping and the Swedish Dental Society, is publis- numbered consecutively by Arabic Associate Editors hed 4 times a year to promote practice, numerals. Indicate references in the Professor Gunnar Dahlén, Göteborg education and research within odonto- running text by using the Arabic numeral Professor Björn Klinge, Stockholm logy. Manuscripts containing original within brackets. 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Omslag_2-12.indd 4 2012-06-05 13.22 swed dent j 2012; 36: 61-70 edman et al Comparison of oral status in an adult population 35 – 75 year of age in the county of Dalarna, Sweden in 1983 and 2008 Kristina Edman1,2, Kerstin Öhrn3, Anders Holmlund4, Birgitta Nordström5, Måns Hedin6, Dan Hellberg7,8 Abstract The aim was to study the prevalence and distribution of number of teeth, number of intact and decayed teeth and prevalence and distribution of removable dentures and periodontal disease over 25 years 1983-2008. Two cross-sectional studies (EpiWux) were performed in the County of Dalarna, Sweden in 1983 and 2008. In the 1983 study a random sample of 1012 individuals were invited to participate in this epidemiological and clinical study and 1440 individuals in 2008. A total number of 1695 individuals, stratified into geographical areas (rural and urban areas), in the age groups 35, 50, 65 and 75 answered a questionnaire and were also clinically and radiographically examined. The number of edentulous individuals decreased from 15 % in 1983 to 3 % in 2008. Number of teeth increased from 22.7 in 1983 to 24.2 in 2008 and decayed surfaces per tooth showed a three-time reduction over this period of time. As a consequence of better oral status the prevalence of complete removable dentures in both jaws decreased from 15 % in 1983 to 2 % in 2008. Individuals with moderate periodontitis decreased from 45 % in 1983 to 16 % in 2008. Conclusion: Covering a period of 25 years the present study can report dramatic im- provements in all aspects of dental status that were investigated. This is encouraging for dental care professionals, but will not necessarily lead to less demand for dental care in the future as the population is aging with a substantial increase in number of teeth. Key words Periodontal disease, dental caries, epidemiology, edentulousness, removable dentures 1Centre for Oral Rehabilitation, Falun, 2Department of Surgical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Uppsala University, Uppsala, 3Dalarna University, Falun, 4National Dental Service Gävleborg, Gävle, 5Administrative Centre for Public Dental Service, Falun, 6Department of Oral Radiologi, Falun Hospital, Falun, 7Center for Clinical Research, Falun, 8Department of Women´s and Children´s Health, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden swedish dental journal vol. 36 issue 2 2012 61 SWE D_inlag 2_12.indd 61 2012-06-05 13.20 swed dent j 2012; 36: 61-70 edman et al Vuxnas mun- och tandhälsa – en tvärsnittsstudie i landstinget Dalarna, 1983 och 2008 Kristina Edman, Kerstin Öhrn, Anders Holmlund, Birgitta Nordström, Måns Hedin, Dan Hellberg Sammanfattning Syftet med studien var att studera förekomst och utbredning av antal tänder, antal intakta och karierade tänder, förekomst av avtagbar protetik samt parodontal sjukdom över en 25-årsperiod 1983-2008. Två tvärsnittsstudier (EpiWux) genomfördes i Landstinget Dalarna 1983 och 2008. I 1983 års studie drogs ett slumpmässigt urval av 1012 individer som erbjöds att medverka i denna epidemiologiska och kliniska undersökning, och 1440 individer 2008. Totalt 1695 individer, stratifierade i geografiska områden (tätort och glesbygd) i åldersgrupperna 35-, 50-, 65- och 75 år besvarade en enkät samt undersöktes kliniskt och röntgenologiskt. Antalet tandlösa individer minskade från 15 % 1983 till 3 % 2008. Antal tänder ökade från 22.7 1983 till 24.2 2008 och karierade ytor per tand minskade trefalt under denna 25-års period. Som en effekt av bättre tandstatus minskade förekomsten av avtagbara helproteser i båda käkar från 15 % 1983 till 2 % 2008. Individer med moderat parodontit minskade från 45 % 1983 till 16 % 2008. Under denna 25-års period har en dramatisk förbättring av alla undersöknings- variabler skett. Detta är uppmuntrande för tandvårdsprofessionen, men leder nöd- vändigtvis inte till mindre arbetsbörda för tandvården i framtiden då populationen förväntas leva längre och även behålla sina egna tänder livet ut. 62 swedish dental journal vol. 36 issue 2 2012 SWE D_inlag 2_12.indd 62 2012-06-05 13.20 oral status in an adult population 35-75 year of age Introduction 1440 individuals December 1st in 2007. The sample A common and widely accepted measurement of was stratified into geographical areas (rural and ur- dental health is number of teeth. There has been ban areas) and gender.
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