March 1993 Quaker ·Thought FRIENDS and Life OURNAL Today A Summer to Savour Elderhostel: New Beginnings and Challenges Liberating Friends for Volunteer Setvice Among Friends Edltor-M•n•ger Vinton Deming Aasocl•te Editor Melissa Kay Elliott On the Line Art Director Barbara Benton Advertising M•n•ger Catherine Frost H ello. Yes, he's speaking. Right, this is the editor of Clrcul•tlon •nd Promotion FRIENDS JOURNAL. How may I help you? Nagendran Gulendran Well, we publish a monthly magazine and mail it out ~pesettlng#Computer Services Susan J ordhamo to about 9,500 subscribers. Secret.rl•l Services Students? You bet, lots of young people read it. Edward Sargent Some send us articles, too. The issue we're working on Bookkeeper right now, for instance, has an article by a student from James Neveil Edltorl•l Aaslst•nt#Computer Services Earlham who ... Timothy Drake What's Earlham? Oh, sorry, Earlham College. It's a Volunteers Quaker school in Indiana. I assumed you knew about it. Just learning about Quak­ Jane Burgess, Emily Conlon ers? Great! Anyway, as I was saying, an Earlham student has written a really good Bo•rd of M•n•gers 1990-1993: Marguerite C lark , Lee Nerr, Mary article for our March issue about the Middle East. There are some other good Ellen Singsen things, too: a piece on summer opportunities for youth, information on Quaker 1991-1994: Frank Bjornsgaard, Emily Conlon. Barbara Dinhofer, Sam Legg (Clerk), Parry camps, some international things ... Last month, for instance, we had a piece about Jones, Richard Moses (Treasurer), Harry Scott, a Quaker visit to Cuba, and next. Larry Spears, Robert Sutton , Carolyn Terrell 1992-1995: Phoebe Cottingham, Richard What? Yes, Cuba. Yes. Uh huh. Well, I know, some people don 't believe in Eldridge (Assistant Clerk), Deborah Fisch, Kitt y traveling there, but most Quakers don't see it as unpatriotic. Who told you that? Harrison, Bernard Haviland, Paul Jolly, Eric Larson , Margery Rubin, David Samuel, Carolyn Really? Well, maybe your dad will have a chance to go there some time and Sprogell, Wilmer Tjossem, A lice Wiser he' ll see it differently. (Secretory) Well, that's true. I'm sure he's just as busy as the rest of us and it's kind of hard Honor•rr M•n•gers Eleanor Stabler Clarke, Mildred Binns Young to get away from work. FRIENDS JOURNAL (ISSN 0016-1322) was Say, why don't I send you a three-month trial subscription? Then if you like the established in 1955 as the successor to The magazine, you might like to take out a regular subscription. OK? Where shall we Friend (1827-1955) and Friends lntelligencer (1844-1955) . It is associated with the Religious send it? Society or Friends, and is a member or the I'm sorry, what's the first name? Will you spell it please? What 's the first letter? Associated C hurch Press. Oh, sorry, C. I thought you said Z! Yes, C. OK, I got it. Say, that's a nice name, ° FRIENDS JOURNAL is published monthly by Friends Publishing Corporation, 1501 Cherry St., very unusual. And the last name? Philadelphia, PA 19102-1497. Telephone (215) What's that? The first name's enough? Well, that's a little unusual, but it's fine 241-7277. Accepted as second-class postage at Philadelphia, Pa. and additiona l mailing offices. with me. We' ll just use the first name. And the address? • Subscriptions: one year $21, two years $40. Send it where? Care of your school? Which one? Add $6 per year for postage to countries outside I'm sorry, how do you spell that? the U.S., Canada, and Mexico . Individual copies $2 each. Oh, Sidwell! Sure, I've heard of it. Wasn't it in the news or something the other • Information on and assistance with day .. a new headmaster, or an exchange program, or... advertising is available on request. Appearance What's that? Oh, sure. I have the school's address. If we send the magazine with of any advertisement does not imply endorsement by FRI ENDS JOURNAL. just your first name, though, are you sure you'll get it OK? Sidwell's a pretty big • Postmaster: send address changes to school, isn't it? FRtENDS Jou RNAL, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102-1497 I see what you mean, there is something special about a Friends school, where • Copyright © 1993 by Friends Publishing they know everyone's first name. If you don't get the magazine in a week or so, Corporation. Reprints or articles available at though, let us know, OK? Well, listen, thanks for the call. Hope the rest of your nominal cost. Permission should be received before reprinting excerpts longer than 200 school year goes well and ... words. Available in microfilm from Universit y What's that? Sure, I'll be glad to send them a copy. Say, maybe the one with the Microfilms International. Cuba article would be a good one. Why don't you give me your folks' address and PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER I'll mail them a copy. Where shall I send it? Uh, huh. Uh, huh. Uh huh. Right. Got it. Did you say Pennsylvania Avenue? Right. Oh, that's all right, I have trouble remembering my own zip code sometimes. Moving? Don't worry about it, I can look it up in the book. By the way, I don't think we've Let us update had a subscriber in that section of the city since a family named Hoover moved out-and that's been quite a while. your subscription Oh, you're entirely welcome. Thanks for the call. And say, if you ever feel like and address. sending us an article or something, Chelsea, I hope you will. See ya. Write or call: FRIENDS 1OUR NAL, 1501 Cherry St., Philadelphia, PA 19102-1497 (215) 241-7277; Fax (215) 568-1377 2 March 1993 FRIENDS JouRNA L March 1993 FRIENDS Volume 39, No. 3 JOURNAL Features Departments 7 From Israel, with Love 2 Among Friends Heather Morscheck In letters to herfamily, an Earlham student shares her 4 Forum discoveries from a revealing study tour. 25 News of Friends 11 Outreach, a Visible Option 30 Life in the Meeting Harvey Gillman A British Friend offers suggestions for ways to let our Quaker 32 Bulletin Board lights shine. 32 Calendar 13 A Friendly Camping Experience 35 Books Susan Neiger Gould 37 Resources Kids at Camp Onas learn about themselves as they enjoy summer fun. 38 Milestones 40 Classified 14 A Summer to Savour Timothy Drake 43 19921ndex This sampling ofsummer programs for young people gives a taste ofwhat's available. 16 Liberating Friends for Volunteer Service Val Liveoak Friends in Austin, Texas, help way to open for volunteers .by raising money and offering a support structure. 18 Elderhostel: New Beginnings and Challenges Barbara & Bent Thygesen Enthusiasm, curiosity, and an appreciation for diversity characterize these programs for seniors. 20 Hospitality, Quaker Style Ruth Dahlke Quaker Youth Theatre perfonns The 'The open door goes with the open heart. ' Global Follies (see page 14) 22 Reflections on Healing Gender Hurts Harriet Heath, John Scardina, and Susan Hubbard How shall we balance our work with our need to nurture our children and each other? Cover art: The Dreamer and the Dream, by Peter Fingesten fRIENDS JOURNAL March 1993 3 Forum Long shelf-life The book is well put together, entertain­ was fully prosecuted and was to go to ing, and illustrated with lively photos and court, but was dismissed when the baby We have available a set of issues of drawings. I believe JouRNAL readers will died at four months. FRIENDS JOURNAL dating from )961-present, enjoy it. Though all possible steps were taken by almost complete. We'd be happy to give Elizabeth Koopman the parents to assure the child's well-being them (for the cost of postage) to the first 94 Green St. short of the transplant, the state prosecuted person who requests them. You may write, Augusta, Maine anyway. An attack on First Amendment or call if you wish: (413) 548-9263. rights is what seems really at issue. Our Support for COs concern is that there are other children in John and Georgana Foster I have received an encouraging letter this community who may be defined as in 21 E. Leverett Rd. from Senator Harkin on my request to him some way at medical risk, whose parents Amherst, MA 01 002 to include one line on the draft registration may be charged with neglect because of the form for conscientious objectors to check. I exercise of religious principles. We have Assistance requested told him that because of the omission of reasonable cause to believe they have been this line (option), some young people were singled out for persecution. To help me in my research, will JouRNAL refusing to register, that Earlham College We support the passage of the Religious readers aid me in two different but and Goshen College (Mennonite) had Freedom Act and are grateful for the connected ways? First of all, I would like special financial aid allotments for students JouRNAL's bringing it to our attention. information on the names of Friends who refused to register. Further, we prayerfully request any involved and the name of the organization Perhaps JouRNAL readers face the same assistance other readers might be able to which: problem I do of a Quaker son nearing age offer as we anticipate further state chal­ 1) was begun by an individual Friend or 18. Perhaps Senator Harkin could be sent lenges to the Amish and others.
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