THE LIBBRAL CATHOLIC CHURCH PROYINCE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION CANONS PREFATORY NOTE ON NUMERATION The system of numeration adopted for the Corporation Canons is based upon the numeration of the portions of the Corporation Constitution of which such Canbns are extensions;e.g.,CANON I-5- 1 refers to ARTICLE I SECTION 5, and is the first Canon pertaining to such Article and Section; CANON V-8-6 refers to ARTICLE V, SECTION 8, and is the sixth Canon pertainingto suchArticle and Section.CanonFhereafter adopted which do not dependdirectly upon this Constitution, but upon the General Constitution or Code of Canons,may be given numeration under such headingsas SECTION XII - GENERAL CONSTITUTION, SECTION XIII - CODE OF CANONS of the CHURCH. et cetera. CANON l-s-f. Definitions. For the purposeof the CorporationConstitution and Canons,unless specifically otherwise stated in each case, the following terms wherever used shall be taken and understoodas defined hereunder. Bishop shall denoteonly a Bishop on the Active List, in good standing,and canonically assignedto the Provinceby authority of the GeneralEpiscopal Synod. Episcopaleshall denote such Bishops collectively. Clergy shall denoteonly Priestsand Deaconson the Active List, in good standingand currentlylicensed by the Ordinary. Layman or Lay Person shall denote any member of the Church in this Province not otherwisedefined above,including thosein Ordersbelow that of Deacon. Elector shall denoteany member,whether Bishop, Clergy or Lay, on the Active List and eligible to vote in any regularly organizedParish or Mission of the Province. Ordinary shall denote a Bishop canonically appointedas the Bishop of a Diocese. The RegionaryBishop is the ordinary for the Provincial Diocese. Diocese shall denotea major ecclesiasticalsubdivision of the Province,established as such by direction of the GeneralEpiscopal Synod, and having a Bishop wonically appointedas the spiritual and ecclesiasticalhead thereof. Provincial Dioceseshall denoteall territory of the Provincenot incorporatedin a specific Diocesetherein. 21 [gapsin numerationare a result of deletionsin prior editions] CANON III-3-1. EcclesiasticalAdministration Defined. By Spiritual Affairs shall be denoted all those activities of the Church pertaining to the ministry of the Sacraments,Liturgical Servicesand Public Worship, and Spiritual Instruction and Guidance. By Ecclesiastical Affairs shall be denotedthose matters involving educationof the clergy and laity, church vestmentsand altar appurtenances,church music, the approval of the design of church buildings and places of worship, and the supervisionof gffices and organizations affiliated with the Province,in all essentialsother than the fiscal and businesstransactions connectedtherewith. By Public Relations shall be denotedthat aspectof EcclesiasticalAffairs having to do with the matter and contentof publications,news releases,broadcasts, telecasts, sermons and public lectures, and advertising; the relationship of the church or of any of its subsidiary organizationswith other Churchesor with other Institutions,including the use of Church propertyby other organizations,in all aspectsother than the fiscal and businesstransactions connectedtherewith. CANON III-4-1. Fiscal and Business Administration Defined. By Fiscal and BusinessAffairs shall be denotedall those activities of the Corporationor of its subsidiarybodies involving the raising, borrowing, receipt and disbursalof moneys;the purchase,tenure, rental and disposition of real estateand buildings; the care and use of property other than vestmentsand altar appurtenances;trust relationships,insurance, paymentsfor goods and services,financial liabilities, and the receipt and disposition of gifts and legacies,whether in moneysor in propertyof any kind. CANON III-7- 1. Appeals Regarding Clergy. An appeal regardingthe actions of a clergymanof a Parishor Mission may be originated by two other membersof the Clergy thereof; or by the Vestry or Board of Trusteesthereof; or by petition of five percent (but not less than five) of the members thereof, whether such membersare otherwiseeligible to vote or not providedthey be of lawful age. CANON lll,-7 -2. Appeals Regarding Bishops. An appeal regardingthe actions of a Diocesanor Auxiliary Bishop may be originated by the Diocesanor Provincial Chapter;or by the vestriesor adminisrators of any three Parishes or Missions subordinateto or ministeredto by, suchBishop. CANON Y-4-t. Corporation Board of Trustees Nomination and Blection. (a) Prior to the convening of a Triennial Sessionof the Corporation Assembly the RegionaryBishop shall appoint a Nominating Committeeof not less than five members.of which he shall be one, which Committeeshall nominateat leastone eligible candidatefor each expiring Trusteeship.Further nominationsmay be made from the floor of the Assembly provided there be a secondthereto. Before any candidatemay be voted on he shall havl consentedin writing, or in personif there present,to serveif elected. (b) The several vacanciesshall be filled one by one by majority vote of the Assembly, vacanciesoccuning by expiration of term being filled before vacanciesoccurring by reason of interim appointment.Should there be no clear majority in the ballot to fill any vacancy there shall be a run-off ballot between the two candidatesreceiving the highest number of votes.The Chairnan possessesthe right to breaka tie vote. CANON V-4-3. Removal of Trustee. A majority of the elective Trustees,rvith the concurrenceof the Regionary Bishop, may remove from office an elective Trustee who shall have persistentlynegGcted to perform hii duties of office or to reply to official communications,or who fails to ionform to applicable Canon l-aw, ufrgt admonitionby the RegionaryBishop; or whose official or personaiionduct such Trusteesshall considerto have been such as to bring discredit upon the Church or to have been prejudicial to good order therein. Such Trustee so removed fiom office shall have -the right of appeal to the Judiciary Committee of the General Episcopal Synod, whose decisionshall be final. Notice of appealshall be filed with the Regionary^Bishopwithin ren days of notification of removal,and such notice shall operateto stay such iemoval-pendingthe outcome of such appeal;however, such Trusteeshall stand suspendedfrom all office p"n-6ing such outcome.Should therebe no notice of appeal,or should t[e Judiciary Committeesustain such removal action, the Board shall proceed to fill the vacancy so created by interim appointment. CANON V-8-1. Corporation Board of Trustees Triennial Meeting. The Corporation Board of Trusteesshall hold a regular meeting every third year preceding or concurrently with the Provincial Assembly. It shall hold a furiher .""ting following such Assemblyfor the purposeof electing Officers, at which meeting the newli electedTrustees shall take office and outgoing offiCersshall turn over seals,alcounts and recordsto their successors. CANON v-8-2. Corporation Board of Trustees Special Meetings. A SpecialMeeting of the Board of Trusteesmay be convenedat any time when a quorum can attend-The RegionaryBishop may call such a SpecialMeeting, and he shall cail such meeting at the requestof three of the elective Trustees.At leastlg4o weeks notice shall be given of such SpecialMeeting unlessall Trusteessignify their ability to attendin personat an earlier date. cANoN v-8-3. corporation Board of Trustees euorum. Not less than half of the elective Trusteespresent in personor by proxy, togetherwith the /< RegionaryBishop or his Deputy, shall constitutea Quorum for the transactionof business. CANON V-S-4. Corporation Board of Trustees Officers. The Board of Trusteesmay combine the Offices of Secretaryand Treasurerin one person whenever desirable.The Board may appoint any Elector of the Province to be Assistant Treasurer with duties as specifically assignedby the Board. Either the Treasureror the AssistantTreasurer (or both) may be requiredto post fidelity bond in a suitableamount at the chargesof the Province. CANON Y-E-s. Corporation Board of Trustees Action by Mail. The Corporation Board of Trustees shall be consideredto be permanentlyin sessionby mail or telegraph,and action taken by such meansshall have the samevalidity as action taken in a Meeting of suchBoard. CANON Y-8-6. Corporation Board of Trustees Yoting. Voting in the CorporationBoard of Trusteesshall be by majority vote of all members with the concurrenceof the Regionary Bishop or his Deputy. Non-concurrenceof the _Regionary Bishop or his Deputy with a majority of the elective Trusteesshall constitutea Veto. When the RegionaryBishop is representedby his Deputy, the RegionaryBishop may within two weeksrescind any veto on the part of his Deputy by giving notice thereof to all the membersof the Board by mail or telegram. CANON Y-8-7. Corporation Board of Trustees Use of Proxy. Any Elective Trusteemay designateanother Elective Trusteeto serveas his Proxy with full powers in the premises,in any regular or special Meeting of the Board of Trustees, provided however,that no membershall hold more than one such Proxy at any such meeting, nor shall any holder of such Proxy delegatethe sameto anothermember. CANON Vll-2-l.Parish and Mission Representatives- Election and Etigibility. Each Parish and Mission shall elect a Representativeto the Provincial Assembly (and Alternate Representative,if any) at such time, for such term and in such manner as shall be establishedin the By-Laws of such Parishor Mission. Such Representativesand
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