THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint .lvfary's OLUME 43: ISSUE 29 FRIDAY, OCTOBER3, 2008 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Reish, Schmidt talk with Trustees Officers Student leaders discuss developing concern about police over-targeting students explain tations Reish and Schmidt will Colfax Ave. and recent arrests cussion of the issue this year. arrests By AARON STEINER make to the committee during on football weekends in tail­ The first is the lack of other News Writer their term, the pair detailed gate areas. "hot-button issues," he said. what their administration has "[Some I students feel they Also, students hold conflicting Police: Students not fn their first presentation to already accomplished this arc over-targeted," Reish opinions about what was the Student Affairs Committee year and what they hope to do said. deemed acceptable "in a dif­ specifically targeted o f the ~J n i v e r sit y Board of in the months ahead. One concern is that because ferent time," he said, and Trustees, student body presi- Reish said that when asked there is a perceived emphasis what is accepted today ·dent Bob Reish and vice presi­ to present on the most press-· on underage alcohol con­ regarding alcohol enforce­ ByJENN METZ dent Grant Schmidt explained ing issue among the student sumption, some students ment. A third is the possibility News Editor the goals of their administra­ body, he and Schmidt saw believe there is less emphasis of an actual increase in inci­ tion and discussed what they only one outstanding issue. on student safety, he said. dents, Reish said. This season, almost 100 peo­ termed the current "hot-but­ Reish explained that there The issue leads to an exami­ One Trustee commented ple have been arrested on ton issue" at Notre Dame - have been numerous recent nation of the relationship that he understood the point three Notre Dame home foot­ developing concerns sur­ arrests related to underage between students and on about a conflict between what ball Saturdays. rounding student relations alcohol consumption on and campus and local police was accepted in the past and Most of the citations issued with police and security on off campus, including the 37 forces, Reish said. what is accepted today in were for alcohol-related and off campus. people arrested Sept. 21 at a Reish said there are three offenses and determining In the first of three presen- party on the 700-block of E. reasons for the increased dis- see TRUSTEES/page 8 which individuals to cite or arrest, out of the many people consuming alcohol on campus, depends on the circumstances ELECTION 2008 of the incident, police said. 'Inner' peace a goal in Saint Liam Dave Chapman, assistant director of Notre Dame Security Police (NDSP) said in ,· Students call By JENN METZ AND an e-mail, "if the officer has KAITLYNN RIELY probable cause to believe the News Writers person is intoxicated they may take action." debate a tie Running the News section He said NDSP officers of a daily paper, even a stu­ observe the behaviors of peo­ By LIZ O'DONNELL dent one, is a stressful job, so ple, both during the games News Writer when Dr. Wendy Settle of the and at tailgates, and if the University Counseling Center behavior is suspicious, an offi­ Students filled the Coleman­ sent an e-mail inviting us to cer "may speak with the per­ Morse Lounge on Thursday night use the Inner Resources son to gather more informa­ to watch the much-anticipated Room, we accepted, gladly. tion." Vice-Presidential Debate between We arrived at St. Liam Hall "Police only get involved if Republican Governor Sarah Palin on Thursday afternoon, 12 someone is thought to be in and Democratic Senator Joe Bidcn. hours after one of us had violation of the law, for exam­ The debate, held at the spent nine hours helping to ple public intoxication, disor­ Wa'>hington University in St. umis, put out Thursday's paper, and derly conduct, minor consum­ was the first and only debate in four hours before one of us ing alcohol, etc.," Chapman which the two candidates were would spend another nine said in the e-mail. "Generally, partaking. hours helping to put out police interact with these peo­ The candidates discussed a Friday's paper. ple away from the crowds." number of topics, which ran the We needed to de-stress. Chapman said police will gamut from domestic issues to for­ We'd tried other methods of videotape interactions eign policy. relaxation. Drinking a glass between officers and members The debate wa<; divided into five- of wine before bed, exercis- of the public "from time-to- Settle The Inner Resources Room makes de-stressing a posslblity for see DEBATE/page 10 students with features like soft lighting and a massage chair. see RELAX/ page 1 1 see ARRESTS/ page 9 ========================~ ===================================================================~ ELECTION 2008 Twins on the Hill Sisters support opposing candidates in primaries, then unite for Obama The twins worked on Capitol paths while they were working. By KAITLYNN RIELY Hill as part of the Notre Dame But at lunch, Donna and other Associate News Editor Washington Program during interns from Obama 's office the fall of 2007 - long before met with Diana and the Clinton Notre Dame seniors Diana the opening primary contests in interns. The first day, Donna and Donna Defino are planning Iowa and New Hampshire. said, they joked about rumors to vote for Democratic Sen. Donna worked for Obama's starting if people noticed the Barack Obama for president Senate office and Diana worked C!inton and Obama camps eat­ this fall. for Sen. Clinton's. ing together. The identical twins are in "People always said, 'Oh, you ·"We were just like, 'Watch, agreement - they support guys should switch offices one the next day the front page of Obama and they are confident day and see if anyone noticed.' the newspaper is going to be, he will win in November. But we never did that. I think "Hillary and Barack's interns But last fall and through the we'd be too nervous," Donna eat lunch together - trading primary season, the loyalties of said. top secret information." the Definos were split between Obama's oflice is in the Hart But the interns all ended up the two leading Democratic Senate Office Building, and being friends, the Definos said, Photo Courtesy of Donna Defino Diana Defino poses with Sen. nominees, Obama and Sen. Clinton's is in the Russell, so Donna Defino (bottom left) Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton. the Definos S(~ldom crossed see TWlNS/page 9 poses with Sen. Barack Obama. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Friday, October 3, 2008 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT SONG DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER AND WHY? What's in a name? Sometimes. I think the Office of Residence Life and Housing has a sense of humor. A friend once told me two boys Alexa Altman Allie Meyers Katie Putz Kim Burkhart Mickey Gruscinskl who lived in his hall had the last junior junior senior senior senior names Ying and Regina LeMans Yang. There Jenn Metz Le Mans LeMans Le Mans have been rumors of two ..Jason lvfraz's •HPretty Fly for ..Chris Brown's ...Raindrops •uBlue Hawaii' Brian Lee's liv- News Editor ·rm Yours' a White Guy' ing together as ·Forever' Keep Falling on because I have because it is because it's My Head. .,, the lyrics in my freshmen. , , because •took Now, two unrelated girls with the catchy. awesome. what I can do bathroom. " last name Metz are next-door neighbors. with my feet.' In perusing nytimes.com one morning early in the semester, I discovered an article published in 2007 that featured an interactive list of the 5,000 most-popular sur­ names in America. And by "discov­ ered," I mean I saw it on the Web site's list of most-read articles. Out of curiosity, I decided to IN BRIEF search my last name to see if it made the cut, though I had my doubts. I hadn't met that many The Student Activities Office Metzes before that weren't related will host Tom Deluca today in to me, and the few I did meet did Washington Hall at 9 p.m. to not even come close to the number hypnotize student volunteers in a of say, Smiths or Andersons I've 90 minute show. Doors open at come across. 8:30p.m. Much to my surprise, Metz ranked at number 1640, right after The College of Science is hav­ Ybarra and right before Root. I've ing a seminar on "Translation to never met a Ybarra or Root before. Treatment in Orbital Disease" The Metzes are on the rise - the in Debartolo Hall Room 210 at 2 ranking listed, based off the 2000 p.m. today. Dr. Louise A. Mawn, United States Census, marks a 36- a specialist from the Vanderbilt place jump from 1990. Eye Institute will be speaking. According to the list, you can find seven Metzes in every 100,000 Debartolo Performing Arts people. Center will be showing the movie Well, two out of one of those sets ''The Exiles" today at 6:30 p.m. of seven can be found not in every There will be a panel of Native 100,000 people, not even in every American students discussing thP 8,000 people, but in every 50 peo­ human right's issues in the film ple, namely the population of the immediately after the screening. fourth floor of Cavanaugh Hall. So, good one, Residence Life and The College of Arts and Letters Housing.
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