A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Science of Computer Programming Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 USA Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] (Internet) WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/ 23 July 2021 Version 2.85 Title word cross-reference .NET [1085, 1074]. 0 [195, 291, 202, 572, 183, 515, 265, 155, 192, 231, 243, 514, 245, 1980, 295, 156, 151, 206, 1 + 118 [2359]. 10 [91]. $102.50 [267, 268]. 146, 203, 213, 289, 285, 286, 287, 219, 244, 11 [95]. 12 [101]. 13 [103]. 14 [107]. 15 [112]. 207, 246, 182, 229, 153, 321, 296, 217, 208, 16 [117]. 18 [125]. 19 [131]. 2 [43]. 20 [147]. 297, 193, 180, 298, 67, 204, 267, 268, 194, 21 [160]. 22 [178]. 23 [190]. 24 [242]. 3 [47]. 216, 320, 181, 317, 145, 214, 266, 269, 397, 3=2 [693]. $31.25 [320]. 4 [54]. 5 [61]. 6 [66]. 169, 574, 390, 215, 173, 1976, 227, 185, 575, + 2 7 [72]. $74.25 [318]. 8 [77]. [2065, 2428]. 226, 318, 270, 201, 288, 166, 205, 196, 284, 3 [466]. [1492]. 1 [944]. fun [1352]. SCR [1723]. 230, 247, 248, 249, 250, 524]. 0-06-042225-4 M jj [1894]. CSP B [1280]. ∆IC [879]. E3 [180]. 0-12-064460-6 [214]. 0-12-274060-2 [523]. j [1050, 1534]. k [1890, 2529]. λ [146]. [193]. 0-13-021999-1 [201]. 0-13-167080-8 µ [2579, 585]. n [1354]. π [716, 574]. πZ [185]. 0-13-199936-2 [265]. 0-13-204108-1 [1467]. Z [530]. [315]. 0-13-284027-8 [219]. 0-13-444910-X [284]. 0-13-484197-2 [202]. 0-13-536047-1 -calculus [2579, 716, 574, 146]. -driven [514]. 0-13-629031-0 [195]. 0-13-629122-8 [1507]. -functors [1894]. -induction [2529]. [246]. 0-13-640491-X [285]. 0-13-640509-6 -induction-based [1890]. -protocol [1354]. [286]. 0-13-640525-8 [287]. -selected [669]. 1 2 0-13-7248-0301-7 [194]. 0-13-728866-2 2565, 2610, 2605, 19, 514, 244, 218, 172, 267, [297]. 0-13-729773-4 [155]. 0-13-729905-2 574, 201, 288, 573]. 1-57586-098-8 [573]. [67]. 0-13-730334-3 [192]. 0-13-730409 1-85058-077-4 [218]. 1-85728-362-7 [516]. [227]. 0-13-820259-1 [244]. 0-13-823279-2 10th [20, 2256]. 11 [250]. 11th [2031]. '12 [217]. 0-13-850587-X [270]. 0-13-853581-7 [1759]. 12.95 [142]. 128.00 [179]. 12th [229]. 0-19-503691-3 [169]. 0-19-851973-7 [1809, 2426]. 13 [141]. 13-729104-3 [141]. [269]. 0-19-853757-1 [209]. 0-19-853757-3 15 [2421, 2460, 2508, 2486]. 15.95/$27.95 [209]. 0-19-853814-7 [298]. 0-19-859659-6 [201]. 18th [2383]. 19.50/$32.50 [214]. [213]. 0-19-859664-2 [228]. 0-19-859667-7 19.50/$34.50 [321]. 19.95 [516]. 1981/82 [228]. 0-201-17448-0 [250]. 0-201-17536-3 [19]. 1983 [48, 49]. 1984 [79]. 1995 [2622]. [204]. 0-201-17812-5 [296]. 0-201-17825-7 1st [21]. [247]. 0-201-18053-7 [248]. 0-201-18483-4 [208]. 0-201-19240-3 [166]. 0-201-41633-6 2 [230]. 0-201-41661-1 [288]. 0-201-54364-8 [202, 265, 243, 207, 182, 321, 217, 297, 193, 67, [320]. 0-205-10450-9 [183]. 0-262-02278-8 171, 268, 266, 397, 173, 226, 2057, 516, 192]. [196]. 0-262-08171-7 [205]. 0-262-15038-7 2.0 [1237, 2271]. 2003 [1025, 837]. [295]. 0-262-54058-4 [318]. 0-262-57074-2 2004/2005 [1254]. 2006 [1058]. 2007 [266]. 0-262-6-1058-2 [243]. [1259]. 2008 [1286]. 2009 [1373, 1346]. 201 0-273-02673-9 [206]. 0-3-540-18657-3 [143]. 201-14239-9 [143]. 2010 [216]. 0-387-97064-9 [291]. 0-444-87132-2 [1702, 1858, 1392]. 2011 [1504, 1941]. 2012 [268]. 0-444-87267-1 [267]. 0-471-84899-9 [1863, 1687, 1593, 1666, 2063, 1746, 1692]. [153]. 0-471-91201-8 [145]. 0-471-91282-4 2013 [1716, 2068, 1914, 1919, 1726, 1892]. [151]. 0-471-920274 [203]. 0-471-92139-4 2014 [2058, 2024, 1954, 1960, 2018]. 2015 [231]. 0-471-92741-4 [317]. 0-471-97646-6 [2143, 2239, 2156]. 2016 [572]. 0-521-26896-6 [146]. 0-521-31839-4 [2226, 2219, 2367, 2272]. 2017 [2283, 2391]. [146]. 0-521-33429-2 [182]. 0-521-34306-2 2019 [2398, 2393, 2535, 2582, 2562]. 2020 [173]. 0-521-34632-0 [181]. 0-521-39196-2 [2438, 2472, 2522, 2416, 2421, 2409, 2448, [321]. 0-521-42036-9 [390]. 0-521-43457-2 2460, 2466, 2433, 2443, 2516, 2495, 2508, [397]. 0-521-57651-2 [510]. 0-521-58388-8 2477, 2486]. 2021 [2557, 2594, 2538, 2531, [524]. 0-521-63107-6 [575]. 0-521-63124-6 2574, 2588, 2548, 2565, 2610, 2605]. 21st [521]. 0-521-64320-1 [574]. 0-56067-5 [2562]. 22nd [2535]. 23rd [1204, 2272, 1215]. [515]. 0-674-15626-9 [316]. 0-697-06841-2 24 [471]. 24.95 [152]. 24th [1436, 1360]. [226]. 0-7167-8198-0 [245]. 0-7167-8243-X 25th [1400]. 26.95 [170]. 26th [1416]. 2nd [396]. 0-7248-0274-6 [215]. 0-8176-3530-0 [516, 151, 145, 230, 35]. [319]. 0-86341-095-2 [156]. 0-86341-096-0 [156]. 0-86341-097-9 [156]. 0-86341-098-7 3 [141, 184, 192, 154, 299, 110, 172, 168, 204, [156]. 0-86380-086-6 [289]. 0-932633-10-2 171, 216, 1967, 271, 169, 730, 166]. [207]. 0-937073-05-9 [191]. 0-937073-06-7 3-540-13721-1 [172]. 3-540-17030-8 [154]. [191]. 0-937073-18-0 [249]. 0.17 [1081]. 3-540-18008-7 [168]. 3-540-18540-2 [171]. 0.y.z [2600]. '09 [1480, 1355]. 0x [1466]. 3-540-19577-7 [299]. 3-540-43447-X [730]. 3-540-51799-5 [271]. 3-540-96539-4 [184]. 1 [2398, 2393, 2438, 2472, 2522, 2416, 2409, 3-540-97061-4 [290]. 3-7643-3530-0 [319]. 2448, 2466, 2433, 2443, 2516, 2495, 2477, 32.50 [144]. 39 [587]. 3D [1139]. 3rd 2557, 2594, 2538, 2531, 2574, 2588, 2548, [2616, 2621, 1173, 2617]. 3 4 [184, 155, 231, 151, 218, 208, 180, 317, 318]. accumulations [372, 557, 1449]. achieve 40 [600]. 41 [610]. 42 [624]. 43 [633]. 4th [959]. Achieving [1915, 803, 1361]. Achilles [1525, 56, 2618]. [1059]. ACM [1204, 1436, 1687, 1215, 1360, 1400, 1416, 320, 2018]. ACME2012 [1814]. 5 [515, 1287, 296, 271]. 52.00/DM [319]. ACP [1273]. acquisition [336, 1012]. 5th [2620, 1143]. across [1170, 1847]. ACSR [615]. ACSR-VP [615]. action 6 [572, 146, 213, 289, 286, 214, 215, 575, 230]. [677, 1497, 1596, 1032, 1183, 2352, 903]. 60.75 [389]. 61131 [1967]. 61131-3 action-semantics [677]. actions [2584, 1967]. 6th [2097, 2276]. [339, 1587]. activated [863]. active [799, 461, 2379, 1352, 2290, 1491, 1247, 1720, 7 [299, 295, 156, 229, 168, 298, 194, 269, 205, 2564]. activities [1616, 2373]. activity 247, 248]. 730409 [227]. 75 [1292]. 7th [9]. [1937, 1517, 2581, 2500]. Actor [1210, 2308, 2418, 1987, 1822, 1545, 2194, 1547]. 8 [154, 287, 219, 246, 2481, 320, 145, 185, Actor-based [1210, 2308, 2418]. actors 196, 524, 573]. 83g [19]. 8th [2178]. [1823, 1821, 152]. actual [1310]. acyclic [200, 890, 695]. Ad [1190, 1986, 772]. Ada 9 [291, 183, 206, 153, 143, 390]. 9.95 [167]. [168, 53, 2592]. Adaptability '90 [2616, 2617]. 920274 [203]. '95 [2622]. [1984, 959, 1440, 1293]. adaptable 96d [471]. [1442, 2115, 1748]. Adaptation [2034, 1562, 1706, 570, 928, 897, 2297, 1381, AADL [1907, 1906]. Aaron [320]. AATT 2254, 1798, 803, 1304]. adapters [877]. [2265]. AbC [2544]. abduction [1296]. adapting [2405, 1850]. Adaptive absences [2361]. absolute [693]. Abstract [1388, 2452, 2132, 2570, 2524, 2462, 1471, [2404, 294, 1434, 2497, 703, 1392, 1685, 1457, 1857, 1704, 2034, 2236, 2310, 1011, 748, 1379, 139, 487, 844, 684, 954, 725, 2407, 952, 569, 469, 1012, 1774, 1879]. Adaptiveness 116, 2060, 571, 535, 2401, 446, 1718, 506, [2563]. add [773]. Adding [1826, 896]. 379, 548, 486, 369, 376, 842, 370, 581, 1208, Addison [296, 208, 204, 320, 143, 288, 166, 1686, 1944, 1945, 1478, 862, 949, 1483, 654, 230, 247, 248, 250]. Addison-Wesley 1673, 489, 1240, 784, 1694, 2062, 868, 1692]. [296, 208, 204, 320, 143, 288, 166, 230, 247, Abstracting [685, 2502]. Abstraction 248, 250]. Addison-Wesley/ACM [320]. [84, 1439, 352, 2604, 2163, 2306, 1255, 1651, adequacy [2506, 2604]. Adequate 2073, 1910, 1568, 194, 162, 2355, 1769, 1281, [59, 969, 1757]. adhesive [1895]. Adjoint 840, 144]. abstractions [1500]. administration [701, 753]. Adore [1077, 1648, 1725, 2235, 2131, 2295]. [1444]. AdSiF [2298]. Advanced abstractor [409]. ABZ [575, 1071, 774]. Advances [2497, 1692, 2058, 2226, 1392]. Academic [2283, 829, 2246, 2520, 1830, 1735, 2106]. [214, 1173]. Academics [1814]. adventure [1010]. advice [941]. AErlang Accelerating [2280]. acceleration [1685]. [2305]. affect [549]. affects [2012]. affine acceptors [223, 276]. Access [1907]. after [1038]. against [953, 1189]. [1319, 1478, 2370, 1565, 992, 1458]. Agda [2475]. age [316]. age-new [316]. Access-based [1478]. accesses [1208, 1851]. agenda [590]. agent [1426, 864, 1420, 2526, accessibility [1604]. accessible [2328]. 1479, 2425, 645, 1425, 1427, 1822, 1188, 2160, accessing [1713]. accommodates [789]. 2066, 826, 1234, 1309, 1006, 2298, 1423, 930]. 4 agent-based [2526, 1309].
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