Your Want Ad The Zip Code Is Easy To Placer- for Mountainside is Just Phone ©86-77QG 07092 An Official Newspaper For The Borough Of Mountainside VOL. 13 NO. Second Ciaii Patlag* PublUh.d Eosh Thundoy by Trumnr PuWllihing Corp. Subscription Rule 20 Cents Per Copy Paid « Meunlsiniid*, N,J, MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1971 3 N.~ Prsvid.ne* Read, Msuntoini.di, NJ, 07092 15 Y.ofiy Regional board names Hagedorn president Fact sheets Citizens fight give data on referendum referendum Mrs, Waldt elected * Formation^f an organization of Mountain- Interests of Mountllnside stoKlents and home- side reiidenti opposed to passage of the Re- owners, they said, *»•-,• •-,-•• gional Hl$i School referendum scheduled for "The organization • Is; not ah anti-education as new vice-president May 4 has been announced by H. Russ Car- group nor doe« It propose to be a taxpayers' The Regional High School DlsBPict Board of doni and former Mayor Frederick Wilhelms resistance committee. Bald Capdoiu andWil- , EdueaHorf elected Dr. FredHagedorn of Berke- ley Heights as its new president at the annual :jr. " : .•• •: • • helms. , . ' r ' :••• ,Cardoni and Wilhelms are serving as Inter- "Our purpose is to bring to the attention of organization meeting held last week at Jonathan im co-ehairniin of a jproup of citizens which Mountainside voters the unfairness and dls- Dayton Regional High School, Springfield, has examined the proposal and found it not crimination against Mountainside ftat is con- Although"there was no discussion of the $4,7 consistent with the short or long-range ben tained in this referendum which, if success- million expansion bond proposal to be present- ful, will remove Mountainside students from ed to the voters on a referendum in May, a Gov. Livingston High School in Berkeley board spokesman did distribute copies of a Heights, our home high sehosl since It was fact sheet providing backp-ound informaUon opened in 1960. on the referonAim. Library exhibit "The Regional Board o! Education promoted ' Dr, Hagedorn was named president In a four referenda for construction and land pur- secret, written billot, defeating Manuel Dlos chase at Gov. Livingston in Berkeley'Heights of Clark, lait year's president, six votes to three, of Greenaway on the promise and pledge that Gov, Livings- ton was for Mountainside, that me currant Mrs, Natalie Waldt of Springfieldwasnamed Board of Education would disavow these pledges vice-president, defeating Charles Scheuer- is morally wrong and a breach of falm with mann of Kenilworth, five to four. Following every Mountainside resident. the election, Dr, Minor C,K, Jones of Moan-; items contiriues tainside received approval for a moHoa to .-,", The display case injUe.'Ghildren's secdonnf. "It is unfortunate that Mountainside must make both votes official unanimous, the Mountainside Library has a display of adopt a posture opposed to the obvious needs riagedorn commented, "I hope that die next autbenUe Kate Greeoaway Items, lent by Mrs, of me high school district. But, we have been 10 monthi will provide better education for our R. W, Towing of Westfield, given no alternative by me Regional Board of kidi, I hope we can all work together for mat Education, The Board of Educatton has re- objective. Included Is a selection of small books, some buffed every pita and effort of Mountainside's SECOND FLOOR PLAN china and a number of colored illustrations elected fepresentitive, Dr, Minor QJC, Jones, Appointed for the coming yeir were Dr, from '• nursery rhymes. The latter" .are shown and many .citizens and borough officials, Warren Davis, superintendent of schools; Lew- is Fredericks, board secretary and asiistant • together wift an array of buttons depicUng the "This referendum must be defeated for tile superintendent; tvin johnstone, board, attor- '•Una scenee, , good and welfare of Mountainside so that an- ney, at an annual retainer of 14,000, and Kate Greenaway was born In London in 1846 other referendum, one mat is fair and equit- Frederick B. Stefany, auditor, at a retainer ind began her career by designing Valentine able to Mountainside, and meets the needs of of $5,000, and Christmas cuds and doing magazine all ether communities, can be presented. • * • Sketches. Later she did illustrations for books We believe there are alternatives to the present referenton tfntwlUacGomplishtiiigpurpQse," THE FACT SHEET on the referendum pre- «-• one of me most famous being "A Apple sented the following information: Cordon! and Wilhelms said, INTERMEDIATE We," • • * ' "We invite aU« Mountainside residents to FLOOP PLANS She became particularly well known for the attend a meeting next Thursday at 8 p.m. at "1. WHY THE REFERENDUM? - charm of her pictures, and often wrote her awn me Deerfield School, at which Urne aU who "The referendum would authorize the expan- v«rie to go'with her drawings. The exhibit wiU desire to join in tills effort can volunteer siort necessary for me school facilities to remain at the library for me month of April," their time, talent and/or money." catch up with me enrollment. The Regional AMICULTUML board started planning for expansion in?1967, •IftLO latuuuinmiiiiuuuuinniu'MiuluuniunumiuuiiuuiuuuiuuniuiuiuniiuiiiHninHiiunmtiHiHiiiumininiiuiiiiiiiiinnnmntiutiiinnuiiy when uiere were 3,014 smidentl. Enrollment NKW mu> HOUSE is now over 5.500 and is expected to approach 5,800 in 1973. Expansion referenda were de- feated ia 1968 and 1970, The needs anticipated ... mOFMr- Charles J. twin _ ! ~.m-1967-flrrreHiitieS T97rr~ ~'""" ~ ' Charles J. Irwin of Mountainside, Union County's assemblyman-at-large for the past •"2. WHAT IS THE Board of Education pro- four years, is beginning a new career. He posing? was recently appointed executive director "Expansion is proposed tor each of the four of the Office of Consumer Protection, a Regiqnal high schools. The board considers bureau in the Division of Law, by Gov. Wil- tile expansion plan to be a minimum one. It liam T. Cahlll. would cost_$4,730,000, Anticipated enrollment He commented, "I am really looking forward in 1976 determines the amount of expansion to the job. It's a real opportunity for me to planned for each school. The plan is based on make a contribution and still keep my hand me following student aisignments, with me on the law and continue having to deal with 1976 anHoipated enroUmehts shown in paren- people by informing them of problems. It tiieies after each school: Jonathan Dayton also is an opportunity for me to work with (1513) - students from Mountainside andSprlng- two men I respect highly, Attorney General fieldi Arthur L. Johnson (1,544) - smdents George F. Kugler Jr. and Gov. CahilL One from Clark; Gov, Livingston (1.429) - smdents of the deciding factors in my taking the job from Berkeley Heights; David Brearley(993)- was that 1 will work closely with them." students from Oarwood and .Kenilworth. Tte Union County Regional Newsletter, mailed to Irwtn explained how the new position will householdg throughout the Regional District, iy ' V— transaction," he said. It involves passing a will contain detailed floor plans of the pro- bill In the Assembly and getting official posed expansions at all four schools. Senate confirmation, he added. • • • He condnued^''A~bill^was lntrodiicedjhe^ erendum affect taxes? afternoon 1 resigned from the Assembly. _ "Hie coitof this referendum would be shared (This was April 5.) It had 49 sponsors, which by 6|ch taxpayer in me kepflffil-DlsVict-in — will give no problem to its being passed direct proportion to the value of Ms property. because' only 41 votes are needed. The bill Thft largest, effect on taxes would be in 1974, establishes the Division of Consumer Affairs of which I will be in charge." (Continued on poge 4) * • • CHARLES J. IRWIN FOUR EXISTING agencies will be absorbed by the Division of Consumer Affairs. They ore: The Bureau of Consumer Protection—This ^Matchmaker* is Musical program is the existing body that will be within the FIRST FLOOR PLAN division," he said. The Division of Securities—'This part Is dramar club play Sunday to conclude in charge of stock offerings and offerings to Thornton Wilder's play, "The Matehmak-. the public for investment," er," which was the basii for me Broadway The Division of Weights-and Measures— hit "Hello Dolly,", will be presented by the Pathways season "This regulates and makes sure the con- Gov. Livingston Regional High School drama sumer gets what he pays for. Inspectors go club as meir annual spring production In. Joseph Malfitano, Paul Aquino, RobertMar- into stores and make sure the consumer is tiri, James Scon and Paul Kueter will present Berkeley Heights on May 13 and 14. Curtain the final' concert of the Pathways In Music not getting short-changed." time will be 8U5. 1970.-71 series of chamber music programs on The Division of Professional Boards—"This, Heading the cast silected by director Nor- Sunday at 8 p.m. The concert will be held at is for each major profession. It licenses and mm Schnleder will be Nancy Parent portraying the Community Presbyterian Church/ peer controls the practice of performing jobs, such Mrs, Dolly Levi, the- matchmaker, Michael. - Path and Meetinghouse Lane, Mountainside. as doctors, nurses and lawyers." King is Horact Van Dergelder. with Sue SneU, •" '• • Chamber works by composers of North and as Irene MaUoy, Bruce Batten will play South America will bo performed. Joseph IRWIN ADDED, "The bill pulls all this Cornelius Hackl- Greg Brent, Barnaby Juck- err Bill O'Day, Malachi Stack, and Cindy , MaUitano, violinist, will play "SonataTFan- together which relates to protecting the pub- tasy No. 1," by Heitor Villa Lobos. Malfl- lic. It protects quality, quantity and services. Norris, Minnie Fay,, tano, originally from Newark, performed his The governor said mat when the bill is passed Omer members of the cast Include John- third Carnegie .Hall recital last, month.
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