ONLP FOR f\m fi - T i s ^ ' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY \ X \ STATISTICAL HAND-BOOK OF TIRAP DISTRICT ARUNACHAL PRADESH 1980 DISTRICT STATISTICAL OFFICE KHONSA 3(p 0 - S I F O R E W e H D I § @ (3 The District Statistical Hand Book of Tirap @ § District has been compiled under the all India Core Scheme @ (a of the Central Statistical Organisation with a view to @ @ presenting a comprehensiv'e picture of the district of @ @ Arunachal Pradesh and others in general and the District @ (B Administration in particular. @ It is a pleasure to say that Shri B.K, Ghosh, District Statistical Officer with the assistance of Shri S«B. Biswasj Inspector of Statistics, Shri S. Kena, Sub- Inspector of Statistics and Shri R* Debnath, Field Investi­ gator has been able to compile the District Statistical Handbook, 1979-80 with respect to Tirap District in such a short time with very limited rosources. The co-operation of the District Heads of all departments and particularly of the local administration had made this possible. The Statistical department of Arunachal Pradesh appreciates and acknowledges the efforts made by all of them to enable the District Statistical Officer to publish this Hand Book promptly. The Statistical tables that appear in the Hand Book of Arunachal Pradesh have provided the frame to prepare the tables of the District Statistical Hand Book' giving details upto the circle level whenever possible. When a new table is introduced in the Statistical Hand Book of Arunachal Pradesh, the details of the same upto the circle level will be provided automatically in the District Statistical Hand Book of the succeeding year. Any suggestion from the users for improvement of the District Statistical Hand Book will be gratefully received* Sd/- A.M . CHANDA Deputy Director, @ Directorate of Economics & Statistics @ Go'^^ernment of Arunachal Pradesh, @ Shlll3ng-7930Q1. @ @ (S) NIEPADC D00957 N; iional Instiruie of Educational Planning and AjBinistration 17-B,SriAurl5in&o M^r^.Ne-wDelbi-llOOif DOC. ...... Date.................. mayaiaxaxaj @ & @ @ INTRODUCTION ? @ 0 (a (a) @ TKn Statistical Hand-Book cf Tirap Dipti^iot @ 1979-80 wbicli is tho lourtGantl edit Isa iu serios of regu: -ar @ annual publication, Tho purpos j of tao Hand-Book is to (3) present in summary, the important S' atlsr.ical data on the 0 Developmental and other activities or the Districts It is prepared on the guide line of the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Government of Arunachal Pradesh and published by the Economics and Statisti­ cs Branch of the D istric t» Efforts are made to cover all the activities of development and o'cher sectors, ''^he data presented in tnis publication relate to the yea;.' ending 3 1st March I 98O unless othericLse mentionedo The sources of data aro also indicated in to the foot of each cable and this Branch does not accept any responsibility for any error if originated at the source« "We acknowledge with gratituoe the help and Co-operation extended by various Govern::ient Departments and other organisations of thi^ District ^0 publish the Eand-Book. I take this opportunj.ty to thank Harvashree S.B, Bis-was, Inspector of Staciscics, r^ena, • Inspector of Statistics, R. Debnath, Field Investigator cMukber :iee, LoD»G, vho -worked hard for this publication^ @ (B.K. Ghosh) § Dated Khonsa District StatistiCcf Officer, @ (3 the 22nd/May I 98I Tirap District, i) Khonsa. 0 I CONTENTS SaEli i o Z r I I I I IPlAlRlTlircIurLlA^RjSl I I I I I Z l s l g l io ____U _ _ L _________________________ _______________________________ I______ 3^ 0.1 Notipnal Map of Tirap District 1 0 .2 Tirap at a Glance 2-6 I . GENERAL 1.1 Administrative set-up of Tirap District showing Sub-Divisions and Circles as on 7 March I 98O I I , POPULATION (As per 1971 Census) II 0I Districtwise Area^Population with density of 8 population & sex r&tic of Arunachal Pradesh 11.2 Circlewise village, house S household in 9 Tirap District. 11.3 Literacy in Tirap District 10 11.^ Circlewise distribution of population of Tirap District accordingly to religion. 11 11.5 Tribewise distribution of population of Tirap and the area where inhabited 12 11.6 Age-groupwise sex ration in Tirap District & Schedule Tribe population 13 IIIo CLD4ATE 111.1 Annual Rainfall of different raingauge sta- 1^ tions in Tirap District during last five years. 111.2 Stationwise Monthly Rainfall of Tirap Dist- 1j rict during the year 1979 111.3 Average temperature at Khonsa(Monthwise) during last five years 16 IV. TRANSPORT & COMMUNICATION IV.1 Departmentwise No< of Govt, vehicles in 17 Tirap District as on 31 »3 -BO IV.2 Post Offices with and v-’ithout Telegraph . , I8 facilities in Tirap District as on 31 .3*80 ' V, ENGINEERrNG V.1 Circlewise length of Roads in Tirap District 19 as on 31 »3 -80 V.2 C.P.W.Divisionwise construction, improvement & maintenance of roads/tracks in Tirap 20 District during 1979-»80 V.3 C.P.W.Divisionwise expenditure on construc­ tion of building in Tirap District 20 during 1979-80 II. r . I '■ ■" ... ,2 ^ 1 : 1 .. VA Number of bridges oa roads in Tirap District 21 as on 31«3 .8o V.5 Graph showing expenditure on construction nf 22 Buildings in Tirap during last 10 years. VI. EIECTRICrrY V I .1 Names of Electrified places of Tirap District and their installed, capacity as on 3 1 *3.80 23-2h VI.2 Total installed capacity and the electricity 25 consumption in Tirap District during last five years V I.3 Expenditure on electrical fittings such as 25 wiring, fans etc. during last five years. V I .^ Division-wise electrical Revenue in Tirap during 25 last five years V I I . MElIGAu AND PUBLIC HEALTH V II. 1 Sub-Divisionwise distribution of Hospital/ 26 Health Unit in Tirap District as on 31.3»80 V II.2 Midical Units and Medical staff in Tirap District ^ 27 as on 31*3 »8o V II. 3 Mo. of authorised beds in Hospital/Health 28 Units of Tirap District as on 3*^ .3*80 V I I .^ Achievement of family planning programme in 29 Tirap District during last five years V II o 5 Achievement of National Smallpox Eradication 29 Programme in Tirap District during 1979-80 VII .6 Various diseases and patients treated in Tirap 30-31 District during 1979-80 V I I .7 • Age groupwise distribution of Malaria, cases in 32 Tirap District during 1979-80 VII .8 Statement showing details of spraying operation 32 in Tirap during 1979-80, V I I .9 Achievement of N.M.E.P. in Tirap District during 33 last five years. V I I . 10 Diagram showing No. of Medical Units/Medical 3^ staffs/Patients treated in Tirap V I I I . EDUC.i.TIGN V I I I . 1 Distribution of Educational Institutions in 35 Tirap District as cn 31-3.80 V I I I .2 Institutionwise nuEiber of students in different 36 Sub-Divisions of Tirap District as on 31*3.80 V I I I .3 Institutionwise' number of Teachers- in different 37 Sub-Divisions of Tirap District as on 31»3*80 VIII. Trained/Untrained Teachers in Tirap District 38 as on 31*3 .8o IT I, r i u _.r V IIIo 5 ' Students of Tlra^ DivStrict studying outside 39 Arunachal Pradesh during 19;79t80 VIII 06 ^ Glass,wise a.adt ^Bxwise distribution of students in Zducational Institutions of Tirap District as on .31 ^3-80 . , V V IIIo 7 Diagram showing No. of Educational Institutions/ Teachers/Studeuts in Tirap IX. AGRICULTURE IX .1 Statement showing the physical achievement under h-2 Normal Agriculture and C.D. Block in Tirap District during 1979-80 ........ ' IX .2 Sub-Divj.sionwise distribution of Agricultural Farms, Horticultural Nurseries and Peoples’ Horticultural k-2 .Garden in Tiicap as on 3n.H.8o I X .3 production of various crops pe-' Hectare in Tirap ^3 District during last four years IX .^ Distribution of Improved Agricultural Implements/ Machines in different Sub-Divisions of Tirap District as on 31c3«8o I X .5 Execution of Rural water supply Schemes in Tirap ^5 District through Rural Works Department during 1979-SO rx.6 Execution of Minor Irrigation project in Tirap ^6 District during 1979-80 }L MlldAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY X.1 Circlewise Veterinary Dispensary/Aid Centre in' ^7 Tirap District as on 31.3«80 X .2 Circlewise distribution of Livestock and Poultry Farms in Tirap District as on 31-3'8o X .3 Inventory of cattle owned in Tirap District as i+9 on 3 1 o3.80 x .^ Inventory of other Livestock and Poultry owned in 50 Tirap District as on 31-3-80 x-5 Inventory of Buffaloes in Tirap District as on 50 3 1 .3»80 X .6 Girclewise Animal/Bi^^s treated vaccinated & 51 castrated in Tirap District during 1979-80 X .7 _ Girclewise distribution of Livestock & Poultry on 52 Subsidy in Tirap District during 1979“80 XT. FISHERIEa X I . 1 Fifarqs nd v.ilia,ge, fish p dnds in Tirap. 53 District aa an V - Ill I ” I: I II I I I “ I I I Isi^I I I I I I I I I I II I I l3l X I I . PANCHAIAT RAJ & COMMUNITY DEVELiOPMENT XII .1 Anchal Samity/Gram Panchayat in Tirap District as 5^ on 3 1 .3-80 X I I . 2 Community Development Blocks in Tirap District as 55 on 3 1 .3.80 XII .3 Physical achievement of C.D.programme in Tirap ^6 District during 1979-80 X I I I .
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