Schedule Revised I Tenenbaum In UAP Race Jay Martin Tenenbamn '64 no- Litchfield Lounge, 50-110. All pe- WW Sells 350 Tickets, tified The Tech at 2:10 am Sun- titions must be turned in by 4:00 day morning of his intention to pm Friday, March 1. run for UAP. A resident of Sen- Election BRies Attempts To Avoid Deficit ior House, Mr. Tenenbaum is a The general rules of the elec- Course 6 major from New York tion are: To avert a possible $2000 deficit caused by poor ticket sales, City. (1) Each candidate is to leave Winter Weekend Committee is making several changes in the WW Ron Gilman '64 (ZBT) and his name, address, and telephone format. The revised schedule is as follows: John (Bill) Morris '64 (PDT) had number with the Inscomm sec- Thursday, February 21, 7:00 to 9:30, The MIT Coast-Guard bas- previously declared themselves retary in Litchfield Lounge. ketball game will feature half-time show. The faculty basketball candidates for tle office. (2) Petitions must contain the team, led by Dean Kenneth Wadleigh, will play the members of The Undergraduate Association valid signatures of 10 percent of Beaver Key. President each year receives a the eligible voters in the election. 10:00 to 1:00 The first WW event will be Bo Diddley's per- grant of $500 from Vannevar Bush Since signatures are often disal- formance in Rockwell Cage. '16, Honorary Chairman of the lowed, it is suggested that the Friday. February 22, 9:00 to 1:00: Si Zentner's orchestra will MIT Corporation. He also re- candidate exceed this number by play in Walker Memorial's Morss. Hall. Formal as well as semi- ceives a private Institute exten- at least twenty names. formal dress will be appropriate. Free punch will be served. Only sion and a free dorm room, if (3) No petition may be circu- complete WW tickets will be honored; no separate tickets for the desired. lated without a picture on the Zcntner performance are available. Class Offices first sheet. Petitions must be en- Saturday, February 23, 2:00 to 4:00: Jackie Washington will Thirteen other candidates have closed in a plastic cover when lead a folk-sing sponsored by the Dormitory Council. The event will be held in the Baker House Lounge, and only holders of com- announced that they will seek va- Marty Tenenbaum '64 turned in. rious class offices. (4) All petitions must contain plete WW tickets will be admitted free. For others, there will be Running for office in the Class sought by: Virgil Terry Chandler a statement attesting to the va- a $1.00 charge. of '64, are: Steve Glassman (Ba- (Burton) and Marshall L. Fisher lidity of the activities record. 3:30 to 5:30: Chi Phi fraternity, 32 Hereford Street, Boston, will host an IFC cocktail party, open to holders of ker), for president; Leonard (PGD), for president; Richard Only recognized MIT activities complete or par- Theran (Baker), for vice-presi- are allowed. tial tickets and to IFC members. Suit, tie, and date are required Schmalensee (PGD), dent; and Bruce Strauss (Baker), for vice- (5) Candidates are allowed one for this affair. for secretary-treasurer. president; and James A. Wolf poster per bulletin board. No 8:30 to 10:30: Dick Gregory will satirize the status of the Amer- (PGD), for secretary-treasurer. Offices in the Class of '65 are banners will be allowed. All "un- ican Negro in Kresge Auditorium. The Wellesley Widows will sing In the Class of '66, candidates usual" methods of campaigning during the intermission, 9:15 to 9:30. for office are: Thomas 0. Jones must be cleared with the Secre- 10:30 to 12:00 The Knights, from the Palace Hotel, will play Statements By (SC), for president; Hank Perritt tariat. dance music at Morss Hall. Seating will be by living groups. (SAE), Don Schwanz (PGD), and Since only 350 complete WW Gene Sherman (ZBT), for vice- tickets had been sold as of Sun- UAP Candidates president; and Ken Browning day night, many tickets are Still (SAE) and Jeff Trimmer (PGD). available. About 25 complete WW SeePage 3 for secretary-treasurer. tickets, at $12.50 apiece; 300 sep- See Page 3 Nomination petitions are avail- arate Bo Diddley admissions, at able from Betty Hendricks in ,~e>,;, A d ~$3.00 each; and 450 single tickets for Dick Gregory, at $3.25 each or $6.50 per couple, remain. Si Inscomm Passes Motion Zentner's show is sold out. Tickets may be bought at the WW booth in the Building 10 lob- To Regulate Entrepreneurs by today, at Litchfield Lounge to- morrow and Thursday, and at the By Ron Frashure quality, as well as that of setting X , , . door thereafter. Holders of re- ceiling prices, unless an exclusive . i ' The Institute Committee passed ceipts should get their tickets to- a motion to regulate the activities franchise is granted. day. Freshman Council of student entrepeneurs at its WW Committee listed expenses meting last Thursday. Inscomm Inscornm, in other action, de- as $5800 for entertainment, $500 first took up the question of stu- feated a motion stipulating "that for tickets, and $400 for decora- dent businesses ,last October, the Freshman Council be selected but tions. As of Sunday deferred a decision until now. on the basis of living group rep- night, ticket revenue was sufficient to cover The motion attempts to elimin- resentation." .r 1 ~..'=-,;~~= -. ~--.-4,~,~..-._ only $4700 of these expenses. ate "a present tack of uniformity Woody Bowman '63, UAP rec-.; : -*Eiiiiiiiiiii in the conditions under which omonended the defeat of the mo- To prevent the loss of $2000, these businesses are alloued to tion. He says that the freshman '-~ WW Committee has abandoned operate." sections, which are the present the Armory, moving Si Zentner and The Knights to Morss Hall Living Group Autonomy constitutent base of the Freshman Council, are "academically orient- and transferring Dick Gregory to The measure allows each living ed." Activities such as Field Day Kresge. This will cut decorating group aultonomy in regulating the rright be organized better with, , -- expenses from $2200 'to about $500. activity of entrepreneurs operat- representatives in each living. - ' - In addition, Gregory's perform- ing within it. The Inscomm regu- group, but the main purpose of : , ' . ance is being advertised in the latory group would be responsible the council is academic, contends "'' ' Boston papers and will be open for: - - to the public, Bowman. Vol. 83, No. 3 Cambridge, Mas y, Feb. 19, although MIT stu- 1) Preparing legislation for Ins- The Winter Weekend Committee s., Tuesday 1963 5c dents ,.,ill receive preferential comm in dealing with entrepre- Chairman, Bart Weitz '63, report- seating. neurs: ed that tickets for Dick Gregory's $249,000 Grcnt 2) 'Enforcing the legislation performance will be drawn from passed 'by Inscomm; living sales. The original projected Bowman Recommends 3) Investigating the offers of loss for the Weekend was about C e l D Ifferen i outside firms seeking agents on $4000. Modifications to reduce atior Studiedits For Activities; campus; losses cut this figure to about How do chickens get their 1 gnritzgoractivities; 4) Providing information for the ight on thhese causes. He has $2000. feathers? The National Science u benefit of the entrepreneur; and ised ultrasconic beams, highly fo- The MIT Intercollegiate Ccnfer- Foundation is spending $249,000 to ctussed, to s'eparate microsurgical- Cites Recent Editorial 5) Granting exclusive franchise ence Committee Chairman, Steve find out. to an entrepreneur if the absence y layers olf the embryonic cell. By Ron Frashure Kaufman '63, reported that re- That amount hs been granted Thus each of competition is in the best in- quests will be made to house layer may 'be studied "Real achievement in activi- and that amount has beEugeneBe,granted who ndividually. terest of the MIT community. fraternity presidents for hosting t c onductinreserg ties" would be encouraged if "es- in cell dif- Through such research with The responsibilities delegated by dtelegates to the upcoming confer-ferentiation. pecially well-qualified partici- This process - fun- cchicken eggs, Bell hopes to shed Inscomm specifically exclude that ence. Donations of space will be pants" were allowed unspecified damental but little-understood - iight on the entire process of cell of forbidding sale of goods or voluntary. The girls in the delega- decides what function an embryo s credit 'hours for their participa- services solely because of poor ;pecia'lizatioi n. tion, believes Woody Bowman '63, tions will 'be put up at Radcliffe. .,i ... t. ..-_ ._ _._.. ,He i r:r ,rvrimy an h i e rocu-reorh celtl wul nave nl Lt2e 1maiture ur- * I. %oCtog II"g tL11 HIS I-U'.S 'dl-C II UAP. ganism. on the eighth floor of Building 26. Bowman distributed a memo to ROTC Bell has been experimenting the Activities Council as its meet- Bill Before Congress with chicken embryos to find ing 'last Wednesday. He cited a What stimulation 'causes the origi- Over 200 Request recent editorial 'in The Tech, "Ac- Will Cut Program ToTwo Years nal egg cell, with its single nuc- tivities: Passe?" which read in By David Vanderwerf leus, to divide into billions of cells President's Report; part: "'It is only real campus Legislation due to be introduced with many diverse functions. achievement that seems to have in Congress this session may In the case of the chicken, the The Tech Credited any significance. MIere participa- make changes in the ROTC pro- feathers are formed from cells Over 200 copies of the Presi- tion does not." grams in American colleges, ac- in the epidermis of the embryo.
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