SOSSOUTH CO. -mSTOHICAL. AfS:!v,. fflESHOLD, Sl.J. - X T H I S W E E K COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF O ne Section HOl-MOEL. MADISON MARI.BOHO. MATAWAN 1 6 P A G E S ..... AND MAIAWAN UDttOUGII 92nd YEAR — 38th W EEK -............... Mernbar .. _ E d i t o r i a l MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 23/1861' Now J m r y Prusi AssoclsUon Single Copy Ten Cent*... No Contribution To Plaques Presented Post 176 M em bers Registered Voter Cerem onies M ark O pening Of M atawan Creek Bridge < Number Increased Schools By Siegel All Area Towns No contribution to school con­ Show New Highs. struction to house pupils brought in by his projected 303-house devel- Record Rambler Sales Monmouth County’s swelling pop­ . opmcnt in the Maiawan Ave.-Aber- Rambler retail sales shot to a ulation has produced a record dcen Rd. area is to, be made by record high In the first 10-day per­ number of persons eligible'to vole Howard Siegel, Rariliin Township, iod of March. Roy Abernetliy, ex­ in the Apr. 18 primary election. ecutive vice president of American The figure, released by Mrs. Mory it was brought out at the public Motors Corporation, has announc­ hearing Monday before the Mala­ ed. Sales of 9103 units were the G. Ellis, deputy County commis­ yan Borough Planning Board on highest of any Mar. 1-10 period in sioner of registrations. Is 157,378. the 174 lots in the first three sec­ Rambler history, he said. The total H's an increase of nearly 13,000 tions of his subdivision, compares with 8852 sold in the like er ‘the total eligible for the'i960 period of last year, and represents r When a spectator demanded to maries. * —— =— ..... know about this; Edward W. Cur a 31.3 pqr cent jump over the G!I35 The total, '-however, falls 5000 rie. Matawan„ as attorney for Mr. sales in the first 10 days of Feb-, j : : Si^geJ, stated his .client only was ruary. rt of the-162,610 eligible--to vote. • required to conform wilh the sub­ ijAhist your’s election. Middletovvn j division and zoning ordinances of Triw'nship continues to 7- hold- the j i the borough and there was. nothing in them about a builder having to Township Sale Of iftd in registrations with -17^90] contribute to schools. Mr. Currie ible Voters, 2000 more thun "added .that it “would be illegal"- Land Nets $4650 Robert Ziegler, left, and Robert Smith, center, rccclvcd plaques e registered for (lie I960 p rf-! if any such provision were in the t on Thursday evening at the birthday party-held by American Legion: ^ies. ordinances. I Post 176, presented by Frank Anson, right, post commpndcr> The A complication was seen in this, Spirited Bidding Long BrancH,'wIt[rir7?n0~eliglble i Bora; Neptune with 10,868 and; "however, in that 10 lots of the new plaques were presented for .work accomplished for the local.Legion On Some Parcels "piiry Park with 8242 retain their t "SSttion of..the development arc lo­ Post; and .were inscribed, '"For Service nnd Devotion to Post 176.” Mr. Ziegler is a World. War 11 Veteran, a past post commander and jortu. third and fourth positions." - cated in Matawan Township. The At public auction Monday night, borough planning * board Monday presently is post finance officer.; Mr. Smith also Is a World^Wqr II Vitan Township, in seventh pluce the Matawan Township Committee Veteran; a past post commander, having served In (his position thccc lalil year,-m oved to-fIfth^wllh-6706 . accepted the map for sections 4, 5, sold to the highest bidders, a total times, and presently is house chairman. registered voters . air Increase of fl of the development for 129 lots in of 27 municipally-owned lots for Matawan Cfiiek Bridge, linking I h e Keyport Walter Estlow, Neptune, county commander, Installed the officers, I3&(? over tho JfroO fTgiire. Rari- first three cars (hut used the. reopened wprtn. Shown the section west of the Siano, $4650,. Spirited bidding from the tan moved ahead In registrations | business district wltlurcsldenilul arean ul Matkwnn above aro (left to rlgl^t), lly hchw urii, m u ll stnmi« tract, encompassing sections 1,’2,3. assisted by Vice Commander Victor Kelfey, Atlantic Highlands. Eugene lloor on two sales forced the price and Madison Townships to (he west, was reopened to «rd« conintlftee; Richard llutimu'l, pro-ildeot of th|ft The new sections were accepted Allen, county scrvico officer, also was a guest along with .qld timers over bo^h Ocean Township and Red ....... *'J~" * ‘ $950 higher thoin the original offers. traffic Friday afternoon, Thu spun, which In umlur. for classification only. But the ad­ James Martin, Edward Lucbcck, Russell Stetler, Morton O'Connor. Bank. t ^ Chamber; David Mntthews, Clllfwood, r.ocelvlnn his The largest sale, a bundle of 12 going extensive repairs, liud been closed for three ditional 10 lots will have to be sub­ Attending from McElvaine Schanck Post 22(8, Veterans of Fbfelgit Registration Figures • gift certlflL’iitei .1. Harold Hmulrlektion, cTialriniiit ut lots in the Cliffwood Beach section months to all traffic. The Koyport Chamhar of Com* the elirtmher's civic affu)r* conunlttee and Joljn J« pitted to the township planning Wars, Matpwan, were Howard Hooper, incoming commander, and Zane Here are the registration figures went to George C. Armstrong, Key­ merce presented gift certificates ta operator* of the Huloy, a director nt the chamber. • ;. board for approval as & major sub­ port, for $2600. His original offer Anson, senior vice commander.- ‘ . I . ' for the I960 and 1901 prim ary elec* -division.r - -Tnls -.--r will i_. confront» . the• of $1800 was challenged by~Nel* Mrs. Dorothy Rinear, president of the Ladies Auxiliary of Leglori ilops:~ Post 176/attended with her members and introduced the county- pres* MualcipalUr JMO 1981 «Wlenhur»l- " -S 3 1 tween Mr. Farrington and Philip, Idenfi~MrS. AhtrM anispKeyport.—Attendlng-wlth'Mr8,-Marus-waa--heiL AUanUi’ ASI o;u Taxpayer W ould Site To Vacate now in progress with William Lev- Blanda jr., attorney for Mr. Arm­ secretary, Mrs. Ann Rinear. ; . i m :« r |tt, Levittown, on a 1200-1500 homes 0 4 9 li»» strong, drove the price to $2600 be­ 107B t m ““ development - in southerly Mala­ fore Mr. FarrlngloirealledMtquits; 1223 im yan Township, has a_coniribution Another sale of five lots in the -m [l::- 87H0- of 24-room* or a larger" school by Cdnflab On New er auv- f—3t0S' Midtown Consent Agreem ent Cliffwood Beach section went to the - t3«a 1531 Mr. Levitt as an article of nego­ Sarelin Corp., Morgan, for $900. - 1153 tiation. ... The firm’s original offer of $750 Slav . According to Harold G Smith, allomey hmt ruled (Jih out »* ru- U asuinm (l\o lowniliip. ofdnluM SM ’ TKW Must Stick To Points In Ordinances for the five Jots also was driven MHS, Regional Snag In Court Madison Township Attorney', a ((ulrlng ono court lo Hlloil u de llm devulopi'm hnve eppiled' (nr, . ; On all matters brought up Mon­ m i . 3U55 jarge Madison Township taxpayer upward by Mr. Farrington's bid­ 424 • 4U (endant not lu di> nnmolhlKH «nolh- Mr, Sinllh iicliimwledited .tlwra day, . Arthur H. Friedman, chalr- ding. Garrison To Give Buyers Testify As MIS 4101 fi prepared lo go into court to seek would be contempt In dftfliinco uf man of the borough planning board, a m IIS1 a vacating of the consent agree* or courl would lie ardorlnn him In luch «n order, but that lit* Uw ; insisted persons addressing the Other Sales - "Report On New law Hostile Witnesses 1 7 M 1S01 ment of July 27, 11)51), by which dll, If Midtown ueli the order they Other sales were made to Joseph 1 I 7 J 1483 given Iho tnwmlilp riuTtt of ktipeat board adhere strictly to the points 4*M S04S Midtown Properties, Inc., were •nek Apr. M. The taxpayer wW nnd the fm-i of coiilwiipl would pot covered by the zoning and subdi­ Seloski, Cliffwood Beach, $300 for Harold J. Dolan, board preTident, A hectic session In municipal 70S 741 able to get a court order Sept, 9, be entalilUhed unlll hlnlmr oourU two lots in Wpodfields; Robert Jef­ salt 3417 lie did nnt have much doubt bill Vision ordinances of the borough. reported Monday that the Matawan court Monday preceded" the Im­ 3 1 H 8!^l» IftiD, directing final approval be lutd reafflrtm-il Ihe cui'rticlneiia (it . Councilman Edward E. Hyrnc ferson, Cliffwood, $200 for two lots tliut thu. Superior Court today Township Board of Education will position by Magistrate Jamos H. 277.1 JUM given maps for IHQO-houke Midtown any Superior Court rullnn In luvon : noted -the report on the 75 houses In Cliffwood Beach; Joseph Fedin 179 170 development 30 days, after tha prC' would rule to enforce in order |n- ol MldlOWl). • ; . Perth Amboy, $300 for two lots in meet in special session tonight to Martin, Matawan, of a fine of $50 Lfxif Branch '' 1 1 ,1 7 0 11,71)0 •u m l previously liv ono Of ll» own paid they were to be tied into the M analapan Twp, iion sentatlon of tho maps to (he plan­ Cliffwood Beach. go over building specifications for i m No- sooner hud Mr. Suvsrtn quit • existing sewers. He stated that he and $5 edits on Joseph J. Ganon, Manaaquun . 2 3 0 0 im ning board. The presentation was |u»tteca, tlie latu Durnurtl W, Vo­ tho muulclpiil hull Ihun Iho town- was sewer commissioner of the bor­ Also Mrs.
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