’3,. Engineers’ [Fun To be in Session Thursday. lamb 29. The Technician Through Saturday Published Weekly by a. Scam. of N. 0. State College 0/ Agriculture and Engineering Vol. XII. No. 23 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. C., ~MARCH 25, 1932 OFFICE: HOLLADAY HALL OFFICE SEEKERS l::_l FAIR m mount ENGINEERS HOLD SPO TLIGHT _ TO BE NARROWED ' ‘AIR CELEBRAIIIIN AS SIXTH FAIR CELEBRA TION if IN TUESDA VOTE BY ARMY PILUTS GE TS UNDER WA Y NEXT WEEK _ Q Maior Herbert A. Dargue and Student Council and Publication Bombing Squadron to Visit Thursday Begins Three-day Cel- . Board Clash Over ‘lnde- I Finishing Touch I Raleigh Thursday I Reign Over Engineers’ Fair ebration With Parade, Ex- pendent’s Status A pattern for plates with the ARMY FLIERS TO REVIEW hibit and Dance inscription “Blue ‘Key Bulletin STATE CADET REGIMENT STUMP SPEAKING SLATED Board-Erect“ 1981” has been made GDRHAM LEADING EVENT FDR 6:45 MONDAY NIGHT in the college woodshop and will Eleven Bombers Under Major Dar- AS THIS YEAR’S ST. PAT be cast duringthe Fair and hung on gue, Noted Army Pilot, will _. No-tDark Horses in Presidential each side oi the bulletin board. Give Night Flying Exhibition at Thursday Engineering Faculty to Race; Council Favors Independ- J. C. Whiteharst is chairman of Local Airport; Two Planes will Review Regiment With' Parade ent in Race for Technician the committee. Henry Ricks, and Be Christened in Ceremony at and Maneuvers by Visiting Air Head; Drumwight Handed Wa- II. II. Catlin, M. E. ’31, who Is now Noon Thursday; Exhibition is Squadron Scheduled for Thurs- taugan Post; Terrence Becomes an instructor at Duke, were other Also Test of Night Flying Fa- day Night; Friday Visitors to Agromeck Business Manager; members oi the committee. Proies- cilities See the Engineering Exhibits; Y. M. C. A. Candidates Named; sor Boss Shumaker designed the DR. W. C. HDDICK Major Herbert A. Dargue, com- Grand Brawl Comes Saturday Stevens is Cheer iLeader plate and II.W. Barriuger made the Dean of the School of Engineering manding officer, and the personnel of pattern. Mechanical at State College. This picture is the squadron of eleven bombing planes Night Engineering made from a model by Prof. J. T. which is coming to Raleigh in con- By LOUIS II. WllasoN students will do the casting. Nelson and finished by W. L. Fabianic, nection with the Engineers' Fair will The engineers hold the spotlight of Publication Board and Three years were spent in the Ceramic Engineering fellow. The be honored by a special parade of the The College making of plans and working to- plaque will be displayed in the Ceramic State College R. O. T. C. battalion at campus. city and state attention on the Student Council, both recognized by ward the erection oi the board by Department during the Fair beginning noon March 31 at the College. The Thursday, Friday and Saturday with the Board of Trustees and vested with the Blue Key honorary fraternity. March 31. faculty of the Engineering School will the celebration of the Sixth Annual separate powers, last night met in also be in the reviewing stand. Engineers’ Fair. their first clash when the Council said Major Dargue led the Pan-American PIP/7M? GORl/IVM Maser. mas-Mr Thursday the engineering (nullity| i‘Yes" while the Board had said “No" flight through South America in 1927 will on the question of an independent can- Electrical Exhibit Shows and is recipient of the Distinguished “Saint Pat" Frank W. Gorham. president of the Engineers' Council. and re"view the parade of the R. O. T. C. didate for editor of The Technician. Flying Cross. his “Princess Pat." Mabel Sargeant. both of Raleigh, will reign jointly over regiment, along with a detachment of The primary elections are scheduled The bombers, ten from LangleyField the Engineers’ Fair which begins March 31 and continues for three days. Army fliers. Thursday night, begin- for Tuesday, March 29. Different Phases of Field and one from Bolling Field, will arrive These royalties will lead the figure in the "Grand Brawl” which climaxes ning at 7:15, engineers will parade Trustees vested power in the Publi- here about 10:30 on the morning of the celebrations. down town, followed by maneuvers at cation Board to determined whether an the 31st and at noon the fliers will re- independent can run for publications, Practical and Spectacular Dis- view the parade. the local airport by the visiting bomb- while the same body recognizes the plays will be Staged by In the afternoon at 8:30 one of the ing squadron. Council as the student governing body. stun/us EXHIBIT planes from Langley Field will be Mechanical Students Show Friday will see the entire engineer- When editors and business managers Students on Friday christened "City of Raleigh" and the ing school thrown open as one‘ large meet today at noon, their powers will plane from Bolling Field will be christ- exhibition, with student displays hold- be limited if the Council's ruling is PHOTO-ELECTRIC CELLS ened “State of North Carolina.” All Machines In Operation accepted. FURNISH NOVEL DISPLAY snowyww ARI The squadron will give a night flying ing the limelight of public attention. Article 12, “The Point System," sliced —_ exhibition at the airport at o’clock Saturday night the annual Engineers’ following the annual parade of the oLaboratory Equipment All to be Brawl will be given, with the engi- two publications' nominees and two Model Trams Light, Color Sorter Students Will Display Clay Pro- Engineers' elected Councilmen from the ballot and Counter Show Uses of Fair beginning at 7:30. The Operated or Displayed to neers hosts, in Frank Thompson Gyna- list when their grades failed to meet ducts and Manufacturing Time of the n 'has been BAPlAIN WATSON Visitors at Fair nasium. the required 75 per cent average set Electric “Eye” Processes Friday set at 9 o'clock in order to give time forth by the House of Student Govern- for the public to witness both events. _ The Fair is put on each year by the McCLUNG, JB. The night flying will be a tactical test Engineers' Council. the governing ment on March 10. The Council over- By 1!. A. Among the features of the ceramic of the facilities provided for this pur- in LEM STATE .. body of the engineering societies, com: ruled an unanimously passed resolu- Thirty different exhibits of both prac- students’ exhibit in the Engineers' Fair posed of tion by the Publication Board asking tical and novel uses of electricity will pose at the local airport. representatives from each on- that 70 be the scholarship standard for will be the largest and best‘display of Christening of the two planes is in Popular Military Instrdctor Or- gineering school. Frank Gorbam, as this year’s publications nominees, in be shown visitors next Friday at the art pottery ever produced in the- de- line with the policy of air defense re- Windtunnel, Aeroplanes, Aircraft president of the Engineers' Council, is view display prepared by electrical engi- partment: drawings of ceramic eqqu cently mapped out by the War De- dered to Fort Benning After Engines and Stroboscope St. Pat—the highest honor that can of the fact that “owing to the neering students in the Electrical En- partment under which the Bolling Field ‘ Six Years Here come to an engineering student. Other lateness of- the ruling the Board is gineering Building. ment and plants produced by the sen- planes are trained to assume war re- Other Features oflicers of the Council are C. C. Mor- not prepared to select candidates on The photo-electric cell, sometimes iors and graduate students and exam- sponsibilty in rison, vice president, and T. L. Hodges, the 75 basis." The resolution also the “Modern Aladdin's Lamp," ples of the any state along the At- Captain W. R. Watson, Infantry, U. In the exhibit of the Mechanical stipulated that it would follow the called principal ceramic products. lantic coast and so planes stationed S. Army, who has been an assistant secretary. Council’s ruling for all following elec- is the basis of several of the most In the laboratory students will at that post are being given names of Engineering students in Page Hall Invitations have been issued through- tions of business managers and editors. striking exhibits. Through this “elec- demonstrate the manufacture of art the states. while planes at Langley Professor of Military Science and Tac- next Friday every available piece of out the State and eighty outstanding An array of candidates for every tric eye" a model trafiic control sys- Field, trained to accept responsibility tics at N. C. State College for the past laboratory and shop apparatus high school students will be guests of tem has been set up which allows a pottery and other products and will in those states adjacent to Virginia, six years, has been relieved from duty will be the council during the Fair. The three student body ofiice will be heard in green light to shine on a model through operate a miniature plant demonstrat- are being named after the principal in operation and on display, ranging girls' colleges of Raleigh have been in- Pullen Hall Monday night at 0:46, street until a toy automobile ap- ing the manufacture of porcelain cities here by the War Department, effective from the actual operation of metal cast- vited to attend the celebrations. (Continued from page one) proaches the intersection, when the of the section. ‘ at the end of the present school year, ing furnaces. steam and internal com- light automatically changes to let the enameled steel.
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