Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services Protecting Finland’s natural treasures 1 Natural Heritage Services brings well-being throughout Finland A close relationship with nature is an military use. Vallisaari will become an essential part of the Finnish identity. A attraction for tourists and local residents UBLIC country’s national parks constitute inter- P alongside the nearby World Heritage Site, E nationally important natural heritage R fortress of Suomenlinna. – places that we can be proud of, and 2013 was also a busy and productive show off to our visitors. Our parks have year for Natural Heritage Services in our been created both to conserve nature more established fields. We prepared and to benefit people, by providing reports for the Ministry of the Environ- amenities that promote health, enhance ment about prospects for setting up well-being and strengthen our respect new national parks. Hunters and fishers FFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE for nature and our links with nature. O have been able to use our webservice to purchase permits more easily than ever he increasing unfamiliarity of urban PHOTO: before. We have also expanded our work residents with nature, and particu- evaluating the ecological state of the T larly the gradual loss of a connec- The new Finnish Nature Centre Haltia was Baltic Sea, surveying extensive areas of tion with nature evident among children officially opened by the President of Finland the sea bed. Progress has also been made and young people in the Helsinki area, Sauli Niinistö and his wife Jenni Haukio. on major EU-funded projects promoting are worrying social trends. These trends natural habitat management, the protec- are already reflected in increasing mental The health benefits and well-being tion of peatlands, the conservation of the health problems and lifestyle-related ill- people can gain from nature have also endangered Saimaa ringed seal, and cross- nesses. We at Metsähallitus Natural Herit- been a key element of our other activities border co-operation with Russia. These age Services believe that the opening of over the last year. Two extensive projects EU-funded projects all benefit the local the new Finnish Nature Centre Haltia last have indicated promisingly that outdoor economy as well as nature. year represents a significant milestone activities in natural settings can signifi- As the social impact of our work in our efforts to promote environmental cantly help to improve the well-being of expands we look forward to the future education as well as nature conservation. groups such as immigrants and young with confidence and Haltia’s nature school has since been people facing the risk of marginalisation. enthusiasm. We feel full of activity. Visiting Haltia gives all Last year at Natural Heritage Services privileged to work in children a chance to experience Finland’s we also continued to expand our work an organisation that natural wonders. managing Finland’s cultural heritage. By enhances well-being With its award-winning unique wooden the end of the year we prepared to take across Finland. JARI KOSTET JARI architecture Haltia has filled a significant over the running of 29 significant cultural gap in the amenities available for tourism, sites and attractions, such as castle ruins, PHOTO: leisure activities and conferences in the from the National Board of Antiquities. At Helsinki region. At the same time Haltia the same time we have started to develop has attracted more clients and income for the islands of Vallisaari, off Helsinki, and the many enterprises offering activities in Örö, in the Archipelago Sea, for future Rauno Väisänen, Director, and around nearby Nuuksio National Park. visitors. These islands were formerly in Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services EDITORS: PÄIVI ROSQVIST, TIINA GRAHNTRANSLATION: FRAN WEAVERLAYOUT: MARIANNE KATAINENMETSÄHALLITUS, NATURAL HERITAGE SERVICESwww.METSA.FI www.OUTDOORS.FICOVER: HIIDENPORTTI NATIONAL PARK’S SCENIC ATTRACTIONS INCLUDE2 A RUggED GORGE AND BEAUTIFUL FOREST-FRINGED LAKES. PHOTO: JANI MUSTONEN / VASTAVALO.1 000 COPIESISBN 978-952-295-051-2 (PRINTED)978-952-295-052-9 (PDF)ERWEKO OY, HELSINKI 2014. Haltia represents the start of a new age for wood construction in Finland as the first major public building to be made totally out of solid-wood elements. PHOTO: METSÄHALLITUS / MIKA HUISMAN Haltia – a gateway to Finland’s natural treasures Visitors to the Finnish Nature Centre Until now there had been no major attrac- a restaurant, meeting facilities, a souvenir Haltia experience the best of Finland’s tion in the Helsinki area where visitors shop and nature school facilities. The natural scene from our windswept could learn about nature in Finland. centre is run by Metsähallitus Natural arctic fells to the depths of our famous Haltia’s Metropolitan Green Belt exhi- Heritage Services using funding from the lakes. Haltia was opened on 31st May bition features natural attractions within Ministry of the Environment. Activities 2013 in Espoo, on the fringes of Nuuksio easy reach of Helsinki. are organised and funded in partnership National Park. By the end of the year the The centre’s architecture complements with the local authorities from Espoo, centre had welcomed 95,000 visitors. this focus on nature. Haltia’s unique Helsinki, Vantaa, Kauniainen, Kirkkonummi wooden building, designed by Rainer and Vihti, as well as the training institute ore than half of the turnover of Mahlamäki, is worth a visit in itself. Green Solvalla Nedre. Finland’s tourism sector comes thinking is clearly evident in the building Haltia additionally aims to promote M from the Helsinki area, and design, which utilises renewable energy nature tourism throughout Finland, with more than half of Finland’s foreign visitors sources including solar energy and ambi- an emphasis on national parks and their come here because of Finland’s nature. ent heat from the ground. Haltia also has nearby resorts. 3 Studies show that even brief outdoor recreational activity can bring significant health benefits. Koli National Park offers splendid settings for a range of activities. PHOTO: METSÄHALLITUS / TÉA KARVINEN shared with the local authorities around Finland. The designs for the facilities we Encouraging healthy provide along hiking routes are freely available on our website. The national Fit for Life programme last year granted outdoor activities Natural Heritage Services an award for leading the way in enhancing recreational Getting people out enjoying activities facilities. in natural settings can significantly On a trip out into the forest Well-designed new facilities can attract enhance public health and well-being. In you’re affected by very basic people who have never really experienced 2013 Natural Heritage Services resolved things. Being free from hurry, natural settings before, as well as groups to intensify efforts to encourage and using a suitable level of physi- who will particularly bene fit from outdoor enable as many people as possible to cal effort and sharing experi- recreation. enjoy Finland’s natural amenities and ences with others can give In the Oulu region our OpenAir related services. people great peace of mind and project continued to systematically mental well-being. build up amenities for outdoor activities he facilities we provide at Finland’s Jari Korkalainen in re creation areas. The Air part of the MetsÄkartano Youth AND WilDerness Centre finest natural attractions provide a project (Activation, Interaction, Recrea- T good basis for developing outdoor tion) has devised ways for natural areas to recreation, as well as vital amenities for to nature tourism and well-being. They be used to promote occupational health, enterprises offering activities related also establish good practices that can be prevent marginalisation, and achieve 4 educational goals. The project’s Open section (Oulu Parks – Enjoying Nature) Recent findings indicate that from a public health viewpoint it has established a network of natural and would be particularly important and cost-effective to get the most recreation areas, and devised ways to inactive people to exercise more. There’s no need to make them do evaluate the health benefits people derive strenuous sports, but they do need to sit around less and improve from outdoor recreation. their condition by enjoying more everyday activity. This message – When we get people out into is good news for us who might find typical recommendations on natural settings we aim to create a healthy exercise too daunting. For your health – and the economy relaxed, pressure-free and motivating – it’s effective just to get out into the forest for a walk! atmosphere, explains project manager Raija Korpelainen, Professor OF Health EXercise, University OF Oulu Riikka Mansikkaviita. The project’s main partners include local municipalities, Oulu Deaconess service-providers including activity firms, settings can encourage youngsters to Institute and Oulu University. The project a rehabilitation institute, local authorities persevere with their studies. receives funding from the European Social and learning institutions. The project’s – Various small tasks helped the young Fund and the European Regional Develop- funds largely come from the European people to discover good things about ment Fund. Social Fund. themselves and others, says careers Moved by Nature has already activated guidance officer Tarja Rissanen of Savo Nature as a source of groups including trade school students, Vocational College, who applies adventure inspiration
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