Eastern Illinois University The Keep November 2005 11-4-2005 Daily Eastern News: November 04, 2005 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_nov Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: November 04, 2005" (2005). November. 4. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2005_nov/4 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2005 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in November by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPORTS + like Miller maktt Ellflm o01ehinc dtbat: page 12 RIDIY NOVEMBER 4 2005 Easttrn Illinois Universit:J> Charleston STUDENT FEES Students find out where fees go Bv CHats Esstc Faculty take their lectures STAFF REPORTIR into the realm of the iPod Students wishing to figure out exactly where meir ruition fees go bad that opportunity Thwsday night as BY CINDY TANNEY I ADMINISTRATION REPORTER representatives from nearly every depanmenr that receives such fees were present at a Student Fee Forum athleen Bower clips a small microphone wire to hdd in me Grand Ballroom of me Martin Lumer King Jr. University her shirr collar and slips an iPod in her front pant Union. The first fee brought up was me pocket before her 10 a.m. class. aCtivity fee, $25.50 per semester for srudents. By the end of the day, more than 100 students can stop, . Portions of me fee go ro Apportionment Board, which pro­ fust forward and replay her Eanh science lecrure. vides supplies, printing and salaries for derk and srudent workers on campus. Bower, an associate professor of geology, is one of eight But me bulk of me fee goes ro rhe UB, rhe campus entenainmenr board, instructors piloting "podcasts, this semester at Eastern. which showcases 35 aCtivities per semester, mree or four major concerts Wirh a 30-gig iPod, Bower digitally Peter Loewen, an associate profes­ per year and me shuttle bus service. caprures her lectures and, later, sor of music hisrory, is also experi­ 41We take it very seriously ro make uploads the content to rhe Internet. menting with podcasring in four of sure you get everything you can our of Soon after !his, her students may his classes. your money," Danid Nadler, vice download and listen to me audio, also "I jumped at the opportunity to use president of Student Affairs, said. known as a podcasr, onto a computer !his technology because I wanted to fill $77.95 per semester goes toward or iPod rhrough Weber or their a need among my students," he said. the athletic fee, which supplies the 22 insrruaor's personal Web sire. "I worry when (students) miss impor­ spores teams - rhe most of any omer "There are students who learn well tant leaures and men have tO catch up lllinois college - and other athletic when they see something, and rhere by talking to rheir classmates." areas mat "hdp. in a very direct way, are students who learn wdl when they Bryan Clark, a junior communica­ the student athletes," said Rich hear something." Bower said. tion srudies major, straps an iPod to a McDuffie, director ofarhlerics. The technology is valued at less than band on his arm so he can listen ro The price is very reasonable, espe­ $270, estimated Ryan Gibson. univer­ Garth Brooks and orher country cially considering what ISU and sity Webmasrer of the Cenrer for music artists while working our. SIUC pay- $172 and $113 respec­ Academic Technology Support. which tively. Both schools, interesongly pun:hased the iPocls last SUIIUllO'. SEE POOCASTING Pr\C OE ll enough. each have almost Mice rhe enrollment that Eastern does. PHOTO ILLUSTIUTION IY ERIC HILTNER/THEO'JLYEASTIRNN£\-VS The $75.90 health service fee pays for three physicians and nurse practi­ tioners, among orher thin~. S£E FEES PAG~ 9 Getting ready for the holidays Many of its clients have jobs bur have Link cards, which are a Food pantry geared do not make enough to provide the replacement for food swnps issued up for donations necessities for their families, such as by the state of Illinois. nutritious food and toiletries. The Link card works as a debit Bv KJusnN THOMPSON The food pantry will normally card and contains a certain amount ST"fF R£1'0RltR have more people come in during of money each month m buy food the holidays for food, and, in true items, she said. The card does not The holiday season is fun for holiday spirit, donations also cover items such as roilet paper. many, bur it also increases the increase by a large amount, said The food pantry keeps as much demands on local charities. Lynn Collins, director of the food toilet paper in stock as ir can. DANIEL WILliAMS/THE CWIY EASTIRN NE\'YS The Charleston Food Pantry is avail­ pantry. L,.a Colliaa, director of tile Charltstoe foocl Pantry, pits away douted food able ro serve anyone who noeds help. Collins said most clients also ~r£ PANTRY PAGE 9 ill tilt Hlemtlf of tilt f1nt Cltritttaa Clt1rolt, wheN the pantry is located. FIVE-DAY OUTLOOK TODAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 72 67 63 66 73 56 50 39 50 60 Partly cloudy Scattered T-storms Partly cloudy Partly cloudy Mostly sunny FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2005 CAMPUS BRIEFS TODAY'S EVENTS EASTERN NEWS Class c:redit The Daily Emem News is produc:ed by the UB bringing comedian Demoss All day l it is the deadline students of Eastern Illinois Unoversity. II is published dally Monday through Friday, to remove credit/no credi t in Charleston, Ill., duro ng fall and Sprong Mary Ann Demoss will perform in requests. semesters and twice wt>41kfy during the the 7th Street UndergroWld ar 9 p.m. Registration office summer term except during school vacations or examinations. Subscription price: SSO per Demoss has rea:ntly been seen on semeter, $30 for summer. $95 all year BET's "Comic View," "Monthly Hearing testing The DEN is a member of The Associated Press, Comedy Concert Series" and 12:30 p.m. I Ava ila ble for which Is entitled to exclusive use of all a rt icl~ infants through adults; appearing on this paper "Financially Embarrassed." She has been nominated for three DerroiL appointment available STAFF LIST Comedy Awards and StarS in Comcast's through Li nda IEorrooliN OtiD' ••••••• · --CHwunl.o "Comedy Jam." Demoss has also per­ Huddleston, 581-2712. OENeoclllgmail .com formed ar various comedy clubs, Second floor, Human MANAGING &KJ'Oil ••••••••• HJu.uy S£rru Services Building DENmanagongC!>gmail.com including All Jokes Aside, The Comedy NEws &KJ'Oil •••••• • ••••• KYLE Mol YtiUQI Casde, COCO's House of Comedy, . OENili!WSde<>kG'gmail.com The Comic Vibe and Chaplins. among Studay abroad AssocwE NEWS &KJ'Oil •••••• AMY SIMPsoN others. The event is a University Board­ 1 p.m. I Informational OENrwwsdeskOgmaol.com session. Basement, OPINioN PAGE &KJ'Oil ••••• .AAaoN 5aDu1z sponsored presentation. • . • . OENoponoonsC!'gmail.corn Lawson Hall AcnvrnEs EDfi"'OI •••••••• NKxx£ Ma.nEAD Flu shot clinics scheduled • . • • . • . .•.. DENa~tiv iti~Ogm ail.com The Benefits Offia: has scheduled Comedian "-slullON &KJ'Oil •••• SA1Wt WHmEY . • . • . ..• DENadminlstrationOgmail.com two B.u shor clinics from 9:30 ro 11 :30 9 p.m. I Mary Ann CnY EDfi"'OI .... .. ...... .,_ Mlu.al am. and 1 ro 3:30 p.m. Nov. 16 and Demoss. 7th Street ..•.... DENcitydeskOgmall.com from 9:30 to 11:30 am. Nov. 17 in the Underground CAMPus Bli10it • •• •••••• • MEGul ,._ east balf of the Marrin Lurher King Jr. .OENcampusOgrnail.corn SJU>EHr GOV. Bli10it • •• , •••••D AVID 1Ru. University Union Grand Ballroom. • • • . • . ..OE NstudentgovOgmall.com Appointments are not necessary. PHaro EDfi"'OI •••••••••• D- W~uuMs Current employees and annuirants may ... DENphotodeskOgmail.com receive ONLINE POLL Alloa.ln PHOro mnoa •••• CAaE Hows £n:c shoes. Spouses and depend­ • . • . .•.. DENpllotodesko gmail.com ents of current employees and annui­ Sf'OII'I'S Bli10it .............. DAN II88CX rants may receive the flu shot for $27 This week we asked our readers . • . .DENsporiSdeskOgmaol.com per person. Pneumonia shots are also "What sport will JOU be Al:roc:wiiPOim mnoa • M.lmaw SnvENs . • . DEN$flOrtsdeskOgmail.com available .frt:e to the employee and watchinc now that baseball "YIIIIQ Bli10it •••••••••••• Lullt4 Glamnt annuitant; rhcy are $30 for spouses and season is over?'' . • • . DENvergeogmatl.com dependents. Patients must present tbeir AssoaAn VBia BlfYOil •• llllwl O'M.w.IY stare heal.rh inswaru:e cud and employ­ ...... DENve<geOgmail.com ~ mnoa .............. MATT Wlus ee idenrificarion card. Annuitants must 61°/o 38 VOTES .• DENonlinedeskOgmall.corn present insurana: cards and two types AssoaAn ONUNE EDfi"'OI • • • fElSIC.\ Pau.o of identification. The healrh depan~ The Eastern football team ........•.... DENonlinedt!skOgmail.com because it is. undefeated in the ADvamiiNG- •• •• ••• 5AaAH Qaa. ment requests those receiving shots ~-, • •••• DAVID tl.utiY wear short sleeves or clothing that Ohio Valley Conference. NATIOfW. ADvamiiNG ••••• Klu.Y ftNNicAH allows easy access ro tbe upper ann · --- •••••••• IIEnY Mawrr where shots will be administered. AD D&ICN - ........ TOHY MeALEY 15°/o ClwluAn .umTAHT ••• • • llou.Y IIINIOIIN 9VOTE.S EDnolll.u. - •• • •• •• •••• JoE ClloiCJt llhldtnt carriealler jacket to olau ...... ................... .cfjj gOeiu.edu in the unusually warm November I don't watch sports. "'-'--.............. .. )OtwilltYAH ...,.ratum 11larsdiJ. Temperatum ........ ........ ......cfjmr10eiu.edu .,. upeottd to ,.... abOYt 10 ,._.-- • • • • ••• ••• TOM a-n MIJ'HIIIIflllllt ....... 13o/o I VOTES j ESSICA CANTAaElllfllif DAllY~ Na'VS Professional hockey or basketball. WTF? HAVE ASUGGESTI ON? If you have any suggestions or ideas for artid~ you would like to see in The DEN, How's this for a giving lover? The Eastern volleyball team feel free to contact us at 581-2812 or by e-mail because it is hosting the OVC DENeicOgmail.com.
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