Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, October 30, 2000 Volume 36ÐNumber 43 Pages 2529±2650 Contents Addresses and Remarks Addresses and RemarksÐContinued BudgetÐ2616, 2638 New YorkÐContinued Congressional candidate Donald Dunn, Representative Maurice Hinchey, reception receptionÐ2613 in KingstonÐ2582 Drunk driving standard, establishment of Westchester County Democratic Party nationalÐ2578 dinner in New RochelleÐ2595 Indiana North Carolina Gov. James B. Hunt, Jr., Hillary Clinton, reception in IndianapolisÐ tributeÐ2599 2545 People for the American Way receptionÐ Representative Julia Carson, rally in 2610 IndianapolisÐ2550 Radio addressÐ2549 Jordan-U.S. trade agreement, signingÐ2608 School construction and education, legislative Legislative agendaÐ2616, 2638 agendaÐ2603 Massachusetts, Democratic Senate Campaign Committee Bill Signings dinner in BostonÐ2541 Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Representative Martin Meehan, reception Treatment Act of 2000, statementÐ2607 in LowellÐ2534 New York Department of Transportation and Related Democratic Assembly Campaign Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001, Committee reception in New York CityÐ statementÐ2580 2623 Ryan White CARE Act Amendments of 2000, Departure for New York CityÐ2616 statementsÐ2531, 2532 Hillary Clinton Communications to Congress Birthday tribute in New York CityÐ2632 Brunch in Johnson CityÐ2555 Bipartisan tax cut legislation, lettersÐ2631, Dinner in HempsteadÐ2564 2636 Reception in Alexandria BayÐ2559 Colombia and neighboring countries, letter Reception in FlushingÐ2589 transmitting report on counterdrug Reception in New York CityÐ2569 assistanceÐ2635 Representative Gregory W. Meeks, Commerce, Justice, and State Departments reception in New York CityÐ2620 appropriations legislation, letterÐ2637 (Continued on the inside of the back cover.) Editor's Note: The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also available on the Inter- net on the GPO Access service at http://www.gpo.gov/nara/nara003.html. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, materials released by the White House during the preceding Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The week. charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- There are no restrictions on the republication of material lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under ments. ContentsÐContinued Communications to Federal Agencies Proclamations Waiver and Certification of Statutory National Day of Concern About Young People Provisions Regarding the Palestine and Gun ViolenceÐ2533 Liberation Organization, memorandumÐ United Nations DayÐ2607 2531 Statements by the President Executive Orders See also Bill Signings Amendment to Executive Order 13078, To Congressional action on Expand the Role of the National Task Foreign operations appropriations Force on Employment of Adults With legislationÐ2628 Disabilities To Include a Focus on YouthÐ ``Latino and Immigrant Fairness Act,'' need 2629 forÐ2627 Interagency Task Force on the Economic Homeownership rate, Nation's highestÐ2635 Development of the Central San Joaquin ValleyÐ2630 Irish Republican Army's decision on arms inspectionsÐ2627 Interviews With the News Media National Disability Mentoring DayÐ2627 Exchanges with reporters Older Americans Act, reauthorizationÐ2628, Rose GardenÐ2638 2635 South LawnÐ2616 School safety, 2000 annual reportÐ2634 Interview with Chris Bull of the AdvocateÐ Sudan, bombing of civiliansÐ2628 2572 Yugoslavia, Federal Republic of, admission Opinion-editorial for the Belfast Telegraph: into Stability PactÐ2634 ``Why the Good Friday Agreement Is Working''Ð2529 Supplementary Materials Acts approved by the PresidentÐ2648 Letters and Messages Checklist of White House press releasesÐ Diwali, messageÐ2629 2647 Digest of other White House Meetings With Foreign Leaders announcementsÐ2646 Jordan, King Abdullah IIÐ2608 Nominations submitted to the SenateÐ2647 Week Ending Friday, October 27, 2000 Opinion-Editorial for the Belfast of Northern Ireland voters. This Telegraph: ``Why the Good Friday expresses respect for British Agreement is Working'' sovereignty in Northern IrelandÐand October 19, 2000 also for the legitimate wish of Irish people to pursue a united Ireland. In his first Inaugural Address, President ÐSelf-government that is democratic, Abraham Lincoln called upon Americans to inclusive, and whose participants use heed ``the better angels of our nature'' to dis- exclusively peaceful means to suade them from embarking on a long and accomplish their aims. The main bloody civil war. institutions of government, an elected Just over two years ago, the leaders and Assembly and a power-sharing people of Northern Ireland summoned the Executive, contain safeguards for better angels of their nature to negotiate, protecting minority interests and for sign, and approve the Good Friday Agree- excluding those who use or support ment in a courageous bid to end nearly 30 violence. years of strife and agony. The Agreement re- ÐStrict protection of individual human flected more than the common humanity that and civil rights. On October 2, unites the people of Northern Ireland, no Northern Ireland and the United matter their faith. It reflected their self- Kingdom as a whole incorporated the interestÐtheir heartfelt conviction that the European Convention on Human sacrifices and compromises required for Rights into domestic law. The peace would be far easier to bear than the Northern Ireland Human Rights burden of more violence and bloodshed. Commission is now consulting on a George Mitchell said at the time that, as Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland. difficult as the Agreement was to negotiate, The people of Northern Ireland support implementing it would prove more difficult these principles. And for all of their disagree- stillÐand he was right. Two-and-one-half ments, so do Northern Ireland's politicians. years later, the Agreement is working, but The reason, I believe, is simple: Devolved it is straining under intense criticism. I know government based on the Stormont Assem- that many in the unionist community feel bly and Executive is working. Even politi- deeply uncomfortable with changes relating cians from parties professing to be ``anti- to security and have concerns that the right Agreement'' are participating actively, deliv- to express British identity is being attacked. ering their constituents democratic and ac- Nationalists and republicans have voiced countable regional government. For the first concerns of their own about prospects for full time in 30 years, Northern Ireland's politi- equality and implementation of all aspects of cians are producing their own budget and the Agreement. Programme for Government. I believe the Good Friday Agreement is This means that problems in the areas of fully capable of addressing these concerns. agriculture, health, the environment and Now is the time to reaffirm its core prin- education, to name a few, are now the re- ciples. sponsibility of local ministers who must an- ÐThe principle of consent: no decision swer to local voters. Some may be uncom- on changing the constitutional fortable with power-sharing, but most agree connection linking Northern Ireland that it is better than being powerless. And with the United Kingdom will be foreign investors are taking note of the pros- made without support from a majority pects opened up by these developmentsÐ 2529 2530 Oct. 20 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 2000 for example, the 900-job call centre that a allow independent inspectors to view arms Denver-based company recently announced dumps last June and to verify that the weap- will open in north Belfast. ons are not moved or used represented un- What's more, the Agreement has enabled precedented progress. The IRA also com- government ministers from Northern Ireland mitted itself to resume contacts with the and the Republic of Ireland to work together Independent International Commission on to benefit people throughout the island, by Decommissioning and to put weapons ``com- developing co-operation in such areas as pletely and verifiably beyond use'' in the con- trade, food safety and EU programmes. Ses- text of full implementation of the Agreement. sions of the North-South Ministerial Council Republican leaders say these commit- focus on concrete results rather than con- ments will be met. I welcome that, and look stitutional debate. forward to further, timely progress in this Change this profound is never easy. I ap- vital area. I urge loyalist paramilitaries to plaud the people of Northern Ireland for make similar undertakings, even as coura- working to set aside
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