£;^^ Vol. 62—No. 36 SOUTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1944 Price Five Cents [TMHWI Contribution Envelope Collection More Than 6000 Xmas Parcels BY "THE STAFF" For U. S. 0. Weir Fund Tonight Sent Overseas From Local Office Despite the fact that the great- Tonight a delegation of Air The period of Christmas mail- than six thousand packages for est war in history is raging about Raid Wardens, Defense Police ing for overseas men and women the armed forces were handled at it, one little spot in an isolated and members of the ^omen's Council Gets in the -armed forces has ended, the local office, representing the English vilage attracts great at- Motor Corps will canvass the city and the local post office during greatest volume oi Parcel Post tention, because a stone, reputed- to. collect the contribution en- the time allotted for thisTnailing, business in the history -of-the •of*"" ly one under which the village velopes for the National U. S. O. Report On Billboard handled an unusually large num- flee during a like period. witch, burned 200 years ago is War Fund Drive, which were dis- ber of packages. The period was ouried, was disturbed by a Yankee tributed by local Boy and Girl Handling thi,s volume of mail Scouts last week. * originally set from September 15 naturally taxed the local service bulldozer widening the road for On Broadway to October 15, but the post office facilities to the limit, and Post- military purposes. — .John E. Mullane, chairman of department found it necessary to master Downs pointed out that" : Immediately the stone" was,the committee, has3nnouriced extend the time one day, to take moved, there were tales about i that arrangements have been Leonard Suggests Replace- except for the splendid coopera- ttrade for a ment Of Shade Trees care of the amount of business tion on the part of, the mailing huge stones being found at thet in collection for the fund with which it was confronted. door of the, nearby tavern, ducks'' local Churches Sunday, and he public, the work of speedily dis- and geese getting out "of their ' announced also that, members of Two matters, aftermath of the Discussing the situation at the patching the mail would have coops, and spooks visiting! homes the Red Cross Motor Corps will recent hurricane, constituted the local post office during this teen greatly impeded, because as at night, as weli as 'otherf mani- ! make a collection at the Empire major pointr of consideration in period, Postmaster Thomas E. he'pointed out, witA very Jew ex- festations. of the fact tliat the ' Theatre Sunday night. Arrange- a short session of the. Common TDowns declared that beginning ceptions, the packages were of spirits had been greatly disturbed ments have also been made for Council held Tuesday evening. September"" 15wto October 7, an regulation size; the weight and A lettef from Robert B. fihap- average of three hundred pack- tha contents were all within-the over the movintj of the stone special visits to_ local business ages daily were mailed to service- regulations, and "the packages The noted Irish expert on iep- nnns, and members of the comr man, State Supervisor of the Outdoor Advertising Tax Bureau, men and women, but, the rush were securely wrapped. rechauns and fairies, Dr," D G [mittee will deliver talks and make really began on October 7," and J. MacSweeney, investigated and "collections at local -factories for concerning his investigation of a "1 don't think it- possiblev from he fund complaint_ made by Mrs. James continued right up to closing time the number of packages,Reaving. - his report hinted that there was ; ^ - . 1Tr .. on Monday -evening. He esti- South Amboy Post Office? £fc"' no basis for the stories exceot i At a meeting of the committee MaloneyV of South "Broadway, "-"'• • ^~»4ieM^P«es4ay-ai«Srt-4&-City-Sa«T ern saw a chance to aid its Pro- lvIr- M^^ane announced that pre- comer of. Broadway .and Borden- October 7 to 16, inclusive, more Continued on Page 6 prietdr by srfvjri^"him some fr°=Tliminary reports made by work- town Avenue, to take the place oi advertising/ ' ' ^jers indicate that the drive will one blown down during the hurri- However, despite all invests - ' meet with a splendid response cane, was read. Final Registration Figures Show tions, there will be many on both here, and several industrial or- Mrs. Maloney in her complaint sides of the Atlantic who will ganizations in this vicinity have declared the new signboard, erect- choose to believe the snook promised substantial donations. I ed in a different position, ob- Increase of 752 Votes Here stories. i Among the contributions re- structed the view from her home. We have inherited from our an- ce/ved this .week was_ one from Mr. Chapman declared that he Final figures compiled by the cestors a fear of the supernatural We Titanium Pigment Company had visited the site personally, Middlesex County Board of Elec- and in his opinion the_bjllboard tions reveal that the present to- arid a childlike desiresee toto believe W $300 and one from the local fof Scouts lade Jrm of Charles Komar and Sons did not obstruct the view from tal registration is 4454 votes, an in fairies and the like. It is in the Maloney home; in fact, it was increase of' 752 over the registra- -our blood inherited from gen- for $150. his opinion that the relocation of tion for last year, which was H erations and generations of su- the board had improved the view 3,702. ^perstitious ancestors who be- from that point. He said he saw Jieved in such things, and even The largest district registra- the most intelligent people of to- Further Honors no reason why his department tion is in the first district of the day will find themselves wonder should ask_for the relocation of Fourth Ward where there are 823 ing if after ill, there may noc be the sign and he added that should voters signed.up. * Cooking tiyssi For Troop - some basis for these stories. Are Wen By a building be constructed on. this The registration for the First 91 Boys Is Started • • • lot, it would obstruct the view Ward totals 1,171, with 333 in the more than the present billboard. first district, 492 in the second Further plans for the Court of The boby-sox brigade continues Kvisl Beagte This letter brought forth com- district, and 346 in the third dis- JKonor to-be held on October 24 to clamor for Frank Sanatra, ment-from Council President Mc- trict. • were discussed at the meeting of ,t c,rjpaner,; who turns his audience into" swooners, and from older Former Mayor's Entry_' Ke,on, who pointed out that the In the Second Ward, the total Boy Scout Troop 91, Monday persons there come sneers and Again Won First Place Council was powerless to take registration is 883, with 368 in evening. - the old cry that has been voiced any action in the matter, since the first district, and 415 in the _ Present at the meeting was for generations, about the folly The prize beagle, "Delia's Trav- there was no local ordinance gov- second district. ., j Sergeant Andrew Peterson, of the of "the younger generation." eling Honey'Boy," of. the Shady erning the erection or location of The registration in the Third tJ. S. Army Signal Corps, also an Lawn Kennels of this city, owned billboards. He suggested that the Ward totals 1035, with 590 in the Assistant Scoutmaster of the" Regardless of how nonsensical by former Mayor IfYist, added members of the Council, with the first district and. 445 in, the sec-, Troop. He entertained the Scout* these adorations and hobbies of another to its list of ribbons, Sun- Mayor, make a survey of the city, ond district. ' '-'^ :' : '' with a technicolor movie whi<Jh" youth may be, the older genera- after which an ordinance be pre- he made of the activities at Camp tion should look upon them with day, when it took first prize in In the "Fourth Ward, the first a 13" combined competition, in pared regulating the erection of district registration is 823 and Dill during the recent summer en-* tolerance, for many of them are sign boards locally. campment. Several other educa- merely manifestations that the which there were 54 entries. the second district registration Is The trials were held under the Third Ward Councilman John 543, for a total registration in the tional, and entertaining pictures younger generation is healthy, were shown. normal, vigorous and human. auspices of the Garden State Leonard told the council that ward of 1,336, the largest ward Older people interested in stocks Beagle Club at Moorestown, N. J. many of the more than one hun- registration in the^city. The first meeting of the cook- and bonds, money-making, power, The prize winning local dog dred trees that fell before the -—. ^r-i— Continued on Page 6 glory or other things that are was handled by Charles Lolchle recent hurricane were ones in taken seriously by them probably of Old Bridge and Rheinhold which property owners took great seem just as nonsensical to the Dexheimer and Joseph Scully of pride, and he made the sugges- KHAKI WOOL younger generation, but they this city. tion that when the new budget Masonic Lodge ARRIVES FOR KNITTERS dbn't break out into a cold sweat is prepared, provision be .made over them. for an appropriation for the pur- It was announced yesterday by. VOLUNTEERING FOR chase and planting of shade trees Had Past Master's representatives of the South Am- _ Youth will always have its fads BLOOD BANK LAGS to be handled by the Shade Tree boy Red Cross chapter, that khafcl and fancies, regardless \ of how Commission.
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