INVENTORY OF SOIL & LAND RESOURCES MAPPING OF MEDAK DISTRICT OF TELANGANA STATE USING REMOTE SENSING TECHNIQUES ABSTRACT 1. Survey Area : Medak district, Telangana State 170 35’ and 180 4’ of North Latitude 2. Geographical Extent : and 770 26’ to 790 7’ East Longitude 3. Agro-climatic Region : Southern Plateau and Hills region-X 4. Total Geographical Area : 972030 ha Soil Resource Mapping (SRM) using Remote Sensing 5. Kind of Survey : Techniques (i) Survey of India Toposheets (scale 1:50,000) (ii) Geology Map (scale 1:2,50,000) of Geological 6. Base Maps : Survey of India (iii) Satellite Imagery (scale 1:50,000) of LISS-III (IRS-1D) 7. Scale of Mapping : 1:50,000 Scale 8. Period of Survey : December, 2013 and 22th Feb. to 27th March, 2014 i 9. Mapping unit wise soil association and their extent. S No. Mapping Units Soil Association AREA(Ha.) 1 ALb1a1 Arepalli - Jublee 27654 2 BAr5d1 Nagwar - Kankol 627 3 BAu4d1 Kankol –Nagwar -Singtam 8057 4 BAv2a1 Lingampalli - Halagiri 12207 5 BAv2a2 Kaveli - Halagiri 54246 6 BAv2d1 Kankol - Singtam 18102 7 BAv3d1 Singtam - Kankol 21131 8 BAw2a1 Khusnur 37289 9 DLu4d1 Pegudapalli 1209 10 GRn6c1 Bhimaram 10526 11 GRu4c1 Kurmapalli - Jillela 21070 12 GRu4d1 Jillela - Kurmapalli 6106 13 GRv2a1 Gundi - Gollapalli 109204 14 GRv2a2 Paidipalli - Saidapur 61818 15 GRv2a3 Pathipaka - Pragnapur 12533 16 GRv2a4 Thimmapur – Gollapalli - Gundi 85635 17 GRv2a5 Suraram - Thimmapur 54967 18 GRv2b1 Birur 14597 19 GRv2d1 Gajwel - Kistapur 72375 20 GRv2d2 Kistapur - Kondapalli 4810 21 GRv3a1 Thimmapur - Bollaram 9146 22 GRv3c1 Thotapalli - Kurmapalli 47719 23 GRv3d1 Maddimilla - Thimmapur 50925 24 GRw1a1 Isojipeta – Rajakkapalli - Manakondur 100138 25 LAr5d1 Guntepalli 15 26 LAu4d1 Ganeshpur 3357 27 LAv2a1 Govindpur - Kohir 11251 28 LAv2a2 Kohir - Mannapur 6435 29 LAv2d1 Digwal - Nallapalli 13727 30 LAv3c1 Shekapur - Chintalghat 2850 31 LAv3d1 Nallapalli - Digwal 16457 32 Reservoir 13436 33 River 9229 34 Tank 33566 35 ROC 1474 36 Hab. 18142 Grand Total 972030 ii 10. Distribution of the area under different landscapes/geology The district falls in five major landscape/geology classes, these are Alluvium, Basalt, Dolorite, Granite, and Laterite. Most of the area in Medak district comes under Granite landscape accounting 68.1 percent followed by basalt (15.6%), laterite (5.6%) and alluvium accounting 2.8 percent. The distribution of area under different geology/landscape of the district is depicted in the given table below. Area Area S No. Geology/Landscape (Ha) (%) 1 Alluvium 27654 2.8 2 Basalt 151659 15.6 3 Dolorite 1209 0.1 4 Granite 661569 68.1 5 Laterite 54092 5.6 6 Reservoir 13436 1.4 7 River 9229 0.9 8 Tank 33566 3.5 9 ROC 1474 0.2 10 Hab. 18142 1.9 Total 972030 100.0 11. Distribution of the area under different physiography classes The district comprises of following physiography listed below with their percentage of area with respect to the total area of the district. The major area is under upper pediplains occupying 6,80,135 ha accounting 69.97 percent, lower pediplain occupying 1,37,427 ha accounting 14.14 percent followed by pediments (4.09 percent), alluvial plains (2.84 percent) and hill side slopes (1.08 percent). Physiography Area Area S No. Classes (Ha) (%) 1 Alluvial Plain 27654 2.84 2 Hill Side slopes 10526 1.08 3 IsolatedHills/Hillocks 642 0.07 4 Pediment 39799 4.09 5 Upper Pediplain 680135 69.97 6 Lower Pediplain 137427 14.14 7 Reservoir 13436 1.4 8 River 9229 0.9 9 Tank 33566 3.5 10 ROC 1474 0.2 11 Hab. 18142 1.9 Total 972030 100.00 iii 13. Distribution of the area under different land use classes Majority of the area of the district is under agriculture followed by forest and open scrub. The percentage with area is depicted in the table below. S No. Land Use Classes Area(Ha) Area(%) 1 Agriculture 582523 59.9 2 Plantation 14597 1.5 3 Forest 82165 8.5 4 Open scrub 216898 22.3 5 Reservoir 13436 1.4 6 River 9229 0.9 7 Tank 33566 3.5 8 ROC 1474 0.2 9 Hab. 18142 1.9 Total 972030 100 14. Distribution of the area under different depth classes The soils of the district are mostly very deep soils followed by shallow to moderately deep and deep soils. The percentage along with the area is depicted in the table below. S No. Depth classes Area(Ha) Area(%) 1 Very Shallow 25141 2.59 2 Very Shallow to shallow 27176 2.80 3 Shallow 71609 7.37 Shallow to moderately 4 deep 356904 36.72 5 Moderately deep to deep 23458 2.41 6 Deep 28785 2.96 7 Deep to very deep 112789 11.60 8 Very deep 250321 25.75 9 Reservoir 13436 1.4 10 River 9229 0.9 11 Tank 33566 3.5 12 ROC 1474 0.2 13 Hab. 18142 1.9 Total 972030 100.00 15. Distribution of the area under different erosion classes The district is prone to severe erosion hazard for mere 4.27 percent with 50 percent under moderate erosion hazard and 22.78 percent under moderate to severe erosion. The percentage iv with area is depicted in the table below. S No.. Erosion Classes Area(ha) Area(%) 1 Slight erosion 137427 14.14 2 Slight to moderate erosion 9146 0.94 3 Moderate erosion 486589 50.06 4 Moderate to severe erosion 221471 22.78 5 Severe erosion 41550 4.27 6 Reservoir 13436 1.4 7 River 9229 0.9 8 Tank 33566 3.5 9 ROC 1474 0.2 10 Hab. 18142 1.9 Total 972030 100.00 SALIENT FEATURES: Agriculture is dominant land use in the district occupying 5,82,523 ha (59.9%) followed by open scrub area of 216898 ha (22.3%), forest 8.5 percent and plantation a mere 1.5 percent. Out of the total area, about 60 per cent area is suitable for cultivation and is classified as moderately good to good land with moderate limitations. As per the Land capability classification, LCC class II dominated accounting to 31.79 per cent followed by III- IV (23.50%) and III (16.04%). As per the Soil irrigation potential, 32.45 per cent area has moderate soil limitations for sustained use under irrigation; whereas 29.18 per cent lands that have severe soil limitations and 0.4 per cent lands under very severe soil limitation for sustained use under irrigation. As per the Land Irrigability Class, 27.6 per cent lands have severe limitations for sustained use under irrigation followed by 31.6 per cent lands have moderate limitations with 20.9 per cent lands are marginally suitable for sustained use under irrigation due to very severe limitation. Most of the area taxonomically classified under soil order Inceptisols followed by Entisols, Vertisols and Alfisols respectively. The area under shallow to moderately deep soils is 36.72 per cent followed by very deep soils is 25.75 percent of the total area of the district. v HOW TO USE SOIL RESOURCE MAPPING REPORT This report embodies the results of the Soil Resource Mapping of Medak district of Telangana state and furnishes information on the geographical setting of the state vis-à-vis location, extent, physiography, relief, drainage, climate, geology, natural vegetation, agriculture, land use and soils. The report contains information on interpretative grouping of soils and land resources which includes land capability classification providing suggestive management related guidelines; soil suitability groupings and crop recommendations which in turn provides a scientific database for horticulture, forest, forage and grassland development; water harvesting, water storage and water management. The soils of the area have also been differentiated as per soil characteristics based on Soil Taxonomy (USDA) to enable the users for scientific land use planning. Medak District spreads over an area of 972030 ha and is covered by twenty four Survey of India toposheets on 1:50,000 scale and the same have been used as reference maps for the survey. Satellite data (NRSC Imagery) has been used for image interpretation and soil mapping. In the report each soil mapping unit is marked by a symbol i.e. GRu4c1 (Granite Geology; pediment, 10-25 per cent slope; forest land use; soil series association. Each soil association is restricted to a maximum of three soil series found within concerned soil mapping unit. For the use of the soil resource mapping report, first user needs to locate the area of interest on the map and note down the soil mapping units. Permanent features such as road, stream, lakes and village habitation etc. shown on the map will help user to locate the area of interest on the map. For the detailed information on soil mapping unit in respect of soil series in the area of interest, its extent, present and proposed land uses reference may be made to chapter:- 4, 5 and Appendix-I and II. The symbols used in the soil mapping unit represents the five levels of mapping i.e. GRu4c1 may be referred as follows: vi GR Granite : Landscape u Pediment : Physiography 6 10-25 % Slope : Slope classes d Forest : Land use 1 Soil series association of Kurmapalli - Jillela Any comments and/or suggestions on the report are welcome. For any additional information and clarification, further correspondence or personal contact may be established with: The Chief soil Survey Officer, The Soil Survey Officer Soil and Land Use Survey of India Soil and Land Use Survey of India IARI Buildings, New Delhi 110 012 Mrida Sarvekshan Bhavan, Rajendranagar Phone: +91-11-25841263 / 25849486 Hyderabad-500030 Fax : +91-11-25843811 Tel.
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